Britain >South West >Bere Alston Calstock Bere Ferrers

Bere Alston

Collected date 27/05/05

Bere Alston sign

At Bere Alston the train to or from Gunnislake reverses to continue its journey: a relic of the days when the station was a junction between the LSWR main line eastwards to Tavistock and Okehampton and the branch to Gunnislake and Callington.

Looking east along the platform towards the end of the line. On the left is a disused signal box:

Bere Alston looking east

Looking westwards from the same point. On the right is the disused island platform with shelter:

Bere Alston looking west

Workmen were busy around the side when we visited. and even the end of the line buffer looks somewhat temporary:

Bere Alston buffer

The station building is in stone with a wooden canopy:

Bere Alston building Bere Alston building

Under the canopy, revealing the spandrels:

Bere Alston canopy

The works on the platform reveal the bases of the pillars which support the canopy:

Bere Alston works reveal pillar

The rear of the station building:

Bere Alston rear