+DisOrder on OS X
+The server builds on OS X. However the kernel panics when I run it
+(kernel 8.10.1). Until Apple can provide a stable operating system,
+it is not recommended that you run the server on this platform.
+Things you will need to do:
+Make sure that ~jukebox/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ (or whatever)
+exists and is writable by the jukebox user.
+ mkdir -p ~jukebox/Library/Logs/CrashReporter
+ chown -R jukebox:jukebox ~jukebox/Library
+Install server/uk.org.greenend.rjk.disorder.plist into
+/Library/LaunchDaemons. Having done this reload the contents:
+ sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons
+Note that the RunAtLoad key has been deliberately commented out, if
+you want to start the server at boot time you must edit this. Given
+that at the time of writing this risks causing boot-time kernel
+panics, only do this if you are feeling brave.
+To start the server:
+ sudo launchctl start uk.org.greenend.rjk.disorder