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[innduct.git] / README.states
3 OVERALL STATES, defining interaction with innd:
5                                                                 START
6                                                                   |
7      ,-->--.                                                 check F, D
8      |     |                                                      |
9      |     |                                                      |
10      |     |  <----------------<---------------------------------'|
11      |     |                                       F exists       |
12      |     |                                       D ENOENT       |
13      |     |  duct opens F                                        |
14      |     V                                                      |
15      |  Normal                                                    |
16      |   F: innd writing, duct reading                            |
17      |   D: ENOENT                                                |
18      |     |                                                      |
19      |     |  duct decides time to flush                          |
20      |     |  duct makes hardlink                                 |
21      |     |                                                      |
22      |     V                            <------------------------'|
23      |  Hardlinked                                  F==D          |
24      |   F == D: innd writing, duct reading         both exist    |
25      ^     |                                                      |
26      |     |  duct unlinks F                                      |
27      |     |                        <-----------<-------------<--'|
28      |     |                           open D         F ENOENT    |
29      |     |                           if exists                  |
30      |     |                                                      |
31      |     V                        <---------------------.       |
32      |  Moved                                             |       |
33      |   F: ENOENT                                        |       |
34      |   D: innd writing, duct reading; or ENOENT         |       |
35      |     |                                              |       |
36      |     |  duct requests flush of feed                 |       |
37      |     |   (others can too, harmlessly)               |       |
38      |     V                                              |       |
39      |  Flushing                                          |       |
40      |   F: ENOENT                                        |       |
41      |   D: innd flushing, duct; or ENOENT                |       |
42      |     |                                              |       |
43      |     |   inndcomm flush fails                       |       |
44      |     |`-------------------------->------------------'       |
45      |     |                                                      |
46      |     |   inndcomm reports no such site                      |
47      |     |`---------------------------------------------------- | -.
48      |     |                                                      |  |
49      |     |  innd finishes writing D, creates F                  |  |
50      |     |  inndcomm reports flush successful                   |  |
51      |     |                                                      |  |
52      |     V                                                      |  |
53      |  Separated                                <----------------'  |
54      |   F: innd writing                            F!=D             /
55      |   D: duct reading; or ENOENT                  both exist     /
56      |     |                                                       /
57      |     |  duct gets to the end of D                           /
58      |     |  duct opens F too                                   /
59      |     V                                                    /
60      |  Finishing                                              /
61      |   F: innd writing, duct reading                        |
62      |   D: duct finishing                                    V
63      |     |                                            Dropping
64      |     |  duct finishes processing D                 F: ENOENT
65      |     V  duct unlinks D                             D: duct reading
66      |     |                                                  |
67      `--<--'                                                  | duct finishes
68                                                               |  processing D
69                                                               | duct unlinks D
70                                                               | duct exits
71                                                               V
72                                                         Dropped
73                                                          F: ENOENT
74                                                          D: ENOENT
75                                                          duct not running
77    "duct reading" means innduct is reading the file but also
78    overwriting processed tokens.
80 \f
82 We implement this as follows:
84             .=======.
85             ||START||
86             `======='
87                 |
88                 | open F
89                 |
90                 |    F ENOENT
91                 |`---------------------------------------------------.
92       F OPEN OK |                                                    |
93                 |`---------------- - - -                             |
94        D ENOENT |       D EXISTS   see OVERALL STATES diagram        |
95                 |                  for full startup logic            |
96      ,--------->|                                                    |
97      |          V                                                    |
98      |     ============                                       try to |
99      |      NORMAL                                            open D |
100      |     [Normal]                                                  |
101      |      main F tail                                              |
102      |     ============                                              V
103      |          |                                                    |
104      |          | F IS SO BIG WE SHOULD FLUSH, OR TIMEOUT            |
105      ^          | hardlink F to D                                    |
106      |     [Hardlinked]                                              |
107      |          | unlink F                                           |
108      |          | our handle onto F is now onto D                    |
109      |     [Moved]                                                   |
110      |          |                                                    |
111      |          |<-------------------<---------------------<---------+
112      |          |                                                    |
113      |          | spawn inndcomm flush                               |
114      |          V                                                    |
115      |     ==================                                        |
116      |      FLUSHING[-ABSENT]                                        |
117      |     [Flushing]                                                |
118      |     main D tail/none                                          |
119      |     ==================                                        |
120      |          |                                                    |
121      |          |   INNDCOMM FLUSH FAILS                             ^
122      |          |`----------------------->----------.                |
123      |          |                                   |                |
124      |          |   NO SUCH SITE                    V                |
125      ^          |`--------------->----.         ==================== |
126      |          |                      \        FLUSHFAILED[-ABSENT] |
127      |          |                       \         [Moved]            |
128      |          | FLUSH OK               \       main D tail/none    |
129      |          | open F                  \     ==================== |
130      |          |                          \        |                |
131      |          |                           \       | TIME TO RETRY  |
132      |          |`------->----.     ,---<---'\      `----------------'
133      |          |    D NONE   |     | D NONE  `----.
134      |          V             |     |              V
135      |     =============      V     V             ============
136      |      SEPARATED-1       |     |              DROPPING-1
137      |      flsh->rd!=0       |     |              flsh->rd!=0
138      |     [Separated]        |     |             [Dropping]
139      |      main F idle       |     |              main none
140      |      flsh D tail       |     |              flsh D tail
141      |     =============      |     |             ============
142      |          |             |     | install       |
143      ^          | EOF ON D    |     |  defer        | EOF ON D
144      |          V             |     |               V
145      |     ===============    |     |             ===============
146      |      SEPARATED-2       |     |              DROPPING-2
147      |      flsh->rd==0       |     V              flsh->rd==0
148      |     [Finishing]        |     |             [Dropping]
149      |      main F tail       |     `.             main none
150      |      flsh D closed     |       `.           flsh D closed
151      |     ===============    V         `.        ===============
152      |          |                         `.          |
153      |          | ALL D PROCESSED           `.        | ALL D PROCESSED
154      |          V install defer as backlog    `.      | install defer
155      ^          | close D                       `.    | close D
156      |          | unlink D                        `.  | unlink D
157      |          |                                  |  |
158      |          |                                  V  V
159      `----------'                               ==============
160                                                  DROPPED
161                                                 [Dropped]
162                                                  main none
163                                                  flsh none
164                                                  some backlog
165                                                 ==============
166                                                       |
167                                                       | ALL BACKLOG DONE
168                                                       |
169                                                       | unlink lock
170                                                       | exit
171                                                       V
172                                                   ==========
173                                                    (ESRCH)
174                                                   [Droppped]
175                                                   ==========
178 rune for printing diagrams:
179   a2ps -R -B -ops README.states