Desktop/login and network managers that 100% don't depend on systemd ?

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Sun Jun 25 23:01:03 BST 2023

On Sun, 25 Jun 2023, The Wanderer wrote:

>I'd prefer to avoid the entire logind complex(?), but as long as
>packages I want are going to depend on polkit which is going to insist
>on having a logind available, I don't have much choice in the matter.

You do. I have a metapackage that just Provides logind but is
otherwise empty and is just to fulfil that kind of dependencies.
Of course, should you actually rely on logind functionality, all
hell will break loose, but…

On my systems, libpolkit-qt5-1-1 depends on it, which is needed
for systemsettings, okular and kde-spectacle, the latter two I
actually use, and policykit-1 via libvirt-daemon-system for some
reason‽ Anyway, everything works like that for me. (An old system
even has kdm, which works without that as well.)

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