Bug#1038903: initscripts: orphan-sysvinit-scripts needs to be a prerequisite, not optional.

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Fri Jun 23 22:13:50 BST 2023

On Fri, 23 Jun 2023, Matthew Vernon wrote:

>> Nothing for orphan-sysvinit-scripts, which *really* surprises me,
>> as I’m certain we discussed this earlier.
> You may be remembering bullseye? After quite a lot of wrangling, we got a short
> note added to the release notes[0] and installation guide[1] both of which
> basically pointed to the wiki[2].

Might be. But maybe we should figure out a text to state that o-s-s
is now really needed for some packages, perhaps enumerate those that
have it in bookworm and hint at that there are more coming in trixie,
then try to get that added to the release notes while not too many
people have already updated.

> I don't recall any discussion about bookworm release notes; I think if you'd
> have asked me I would have said that Recommends: should be enough for most
> cases!

I think these are orthogonal; Recommends definitely fully suffices
on the package level, but docs are usually still helpful (plus we
can tell people to just RTFM ☻☺).

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