get rid of journal on systemd-using systems?

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Tue Jun 20 21:05:17 BST 2023

Ciao Lorenzo,

>I think mask + disable + stop the journald service, and unmaks + enable
>+start your syslog daemon should do it. But then there is an issue:

what commands exactly would one use for this?

I guess someone’ll have to fire up a VM to test this…

>if I recall correctly journald catches stdout from services, so you may
>loose some output from systemd itself and you loose all logs from a
>service if it's called with an option to log to stdout.

Last time I looked into udev spewing the kernel log full with
its stuff, I encountered a generic-ish logging layer in systemd
which seems to test for presence of journald and depending on
that uses journald-with-klog-fallback or syslog-with-klog-fallback
(udev is started too early for syslog, and it’s not restarted in
rc2, so it goes to klog), so that might even work. I don’t know.

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