Response to active removal of initscripts

Matthew Vernon matthew at
Wed Jul 29 11:21:53 BST 2020

On 29/07/2020 08:07, Trek wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jul 2020 20:54:09,
> Tito wrote:
>> I would suggest creating a initscritps-extras package, where all
>> the orphaned init-scripts (and more..) could be collected with
>> eventually needed support files (like those in /etc/default/).
> I think this is the right way to handle the hostile behavior of some
> maintainer: there is no need to wait third-party decisions and it's
> always possible to move back the init script to the original packet

I disagree - the natural place to have init scripts (for any init 
system) for a particular package are in that package itself, not 
elsewhere. That's how we package .desktop files, menu entries, ... in 



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