status of policykit for elogind

Andreas Messer andi at
Fri Jan 25 11:47:04 GMT 2019

Hi Mark,

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 07:04:24PM +0000, Mark Hindley wrote:
> My reading of this is that there is unlikely to be a support for this in
> Buster. There is elogind compile support (but the packaging still needs to be
> resolved) in polkit 0.115 which is in experimental. 

I missed that point, thanks for the hint. However, as far as I know,
Debian Buster has already started freeze and current polkit version in
buster is 0.105. I'm not really familiar with the whole packaging workflow
but will polkit 0.115 be able to end up in buster at all?

I mean, if it wont make it, Devuan/beowulf might come with a much
newer polkit than Debian/buster. I have no idea, if that 
would be a problem?

> [...] 
> I am working on polkit for Beowulf/Ceres at the moment. And have updated
> packages nearly ready.

Nice. No hurry anyway, just for myself to know that I'm not required
to spend more time on this at the moment.


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