Authoritate source of sulogin(8)

Jesse Smith jessefrgsmith at
Fri Jan 11 19:33:52 GMT 2019

> Jesse, what is your position on this matter? Should versions, bundled
> with util-linux and sysvinit be considered forks, or maybe version in
> sysvinit could be dropped?
> I find current situation quite confusing. Unlike situation with busybox
> and coreutils, I do not see ideological reasons to not perform some kind
> of unification.

I don't want to drop sulogin from upstream because it's possible other
distros apart from Debian still use it. I will take a look at the
util-linux package's version. If they are close to the same, I can
remerge their version into sysvinit and distributions can use whichever
copy they like.

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