Maranello - the F1 soap opera

Episode Six - All Three Parts in One!


Scene 1 - A room in an exclusive private clinic on the outskirts of Barcelona, Spain.

A small, wan figure - JACQUES - lies motionless in the bed, apparently unconscious, with monitors and drips all around him. Suddenly the door opens quietly and a tall, slender woman with long dark hair streaked scarlet, clad in a crop top, tracksuit trousers and stacked trainers, creeps in.

Through the opened door, we see beefy security guards outside. Suddenly, she knocks a vase of pale lilies over and with the resounding clatter, JACQUES opens his eyes.

SPORTY: Oh, bollocks.
JV: What are you doing here? Am I dead? Are you one of the angels?
SPORTY: Hahahahaha, that'd be the fookin' day! No chuck, yer not dead. Yer just in the hozzie. I just came to see you, like.
JV: That's very nice of you. Um, thanks.
SPORTY: (conspiratorially) Y'see, a few of us are a bit worried about yer like.
JV: I don't think anyone is really worried about me except the boss. And he's only protecting his investment.
SPORTY: Oh, don't talk crap. (She slaps his shoulder hardin a matey fashion).

(JV looks surprised - clearly nobody has addressed him like this in a long time.)

JV: So who's 'we' then?
SPORTY: Oh, just me, George, Geri, a few others like. We're a bit worried. Too many of us flakin' out under the pressure, like.
JV: I can relate to that.
SPORTY: All these fookin' journalists tryin' to make yer out to be some kind of weirdo. George got fooked off with them in the end, that's why he went to that cruisin' park. He knew damn well the fookin' media would get 'im, but 'e'd 'ad enough like.
JV: Really?
SPORTY: Yer not weird, yer not strange, yer perfectly normal. So get on with yer fookin' life, right? If I can do it, you can do it. Yer already got the 'air right, what else do you need to know?
JV: (visibly brightening) So if I promise to eat my hospital food, will you give me tickets to your gig in Montreal?
SPORTY: (guffawing incredibly loudly) That's more like it mate! Go 'ead, yer got in it yer after all!
JV: So how many of us are there?
SPORTY: (conspiratorial wink) Just come backstage after Montreal and I'll make sure yer get to know everybody.
JV: I can't thank you enough. Life seems worth living again all of a sudden.
SPORTY: (leans closer) I 'ave to rush off now, love, but before I go, 'ere's a present for yer. To remind yer of us like.

(She pins a tiny purple triangle brooch on to the lapel of his pyjamas.)

SPORTY: Now get on, get out there, and show everyone wot yer made of. Ignore the fookin' press.
JV: I will. Thank you!
SPORTY: All right then chuck. Gotta go drop in on Julia Roberts on me way 'ome. You know 'ow it is.

(SPORTY dashes out, and a suddenly perky JACQUES reaches for the phone.)

JV: Craig? Hi. Yes, much better, thanks. Look, how soon can you get someone round here with my gear? I've got a world championship to defend here.

(We can hear the sigh of relief even from the other end of the phone. He's back!)

Scene 2 - An office in the English factory of a well-known UK auto racing team.

A small group of people are clustered on one side of the desk, behind which sits THE BIG GUV'NOR. BERNIE'S DAUGHTER, BERNIE and HEINZ, the others, are clearly all rather overwrought. Even Daffy Duck's bill seems to be drooping.

GUV: So is all this true? You're saying that my driver took advantage of your daughter, and now she's pregnant?
BERNIE: That's exactly what I'm saying. Princess, I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I promised you I'd sort it out and I will.
BBD: (sobbing) I'm so sorry, Daddy. He promised me the world, and I was young and foolish enough to believe him. I didn't realise he was just out for.. you know, and didn't really care about me.
BERNIE: (comforting her) It's all right, Princess. He won't get away with treating you like this.
HEINZ: That's not true! It was you who seduced me!
BBD: See? He's still lying, even now! How can he stand there looking at me and say this!
GUV: Right, calm down everybody!

(They subside, shamefaced. There is silence except for BBD's faint sobs.)

GUV: Bernie, of course we want to resolve this situation quickly. But I have to say, the Heinz-Harald you and your daughter describe doesn't bear much resemblance to the Heinz-Harald who has worked for me for two years.
BERNIE: Maybe so, but then you're not an attractive, vulnerable young girl, are you?
GUV: Indeed.
BERNIE: You've got to do something about this. Men like him are a menace. I can't rest easy like this, knowing my beautiful, innocent young daughter is at the mercy of every Lothario in the pitlane. She's had quite a sheltered upbringing, haven't you, Princess? She's not equipped to withstand some of the smooth routines these buggers come out with.
GUV: So what's your suggestion?
BERNIE: Get rid of him.
HEINZ: (anguished) No! Darling, tell them it wasn't like this!

(BBD averts her eyes in guilt.)

HEINZ: (appealing to THE GUV'NOR) Sir, you know I could never do anything like this! I'm just an ordinary man who likes to drive cars and watch the television after work! I'm saving for a new house for my mum and dad! I didn't seduce anyone!
BERNIE: Is it not bad enough that you've done what you have done? It only makes it worse to hear you malign my daughter's reputation even further, now that you've been caught.
HEINZ: (sadly) I thought you really liked me.
BBD: (sobs and mumbles something incoherent).
GUV: What are our options here?
BERNIE: I'd like him out of Formula One altogether, but we could maybe compromise and do a deal with Tom or Giancarlo. I mean, that would give you space for Alex, wouldn't it? So it could work in your favour.
GUV: (dryly) And if I decide I want to do my own hiring and firing?
HEINZ: (pipes up) I thought you said we would all have to wait for Jacques to sort himself out first?
GUV: (grimly) In theory. In theory.
BERNIE: If you're not prepared to co-operate, I'm afraid I'll have to insist on a very quick marriage. I'll make all the arrangements.

(It's hard to decide if BBD's or HEINZ's groan is louder as he says this.)

GUV: OK, we've got all the options then. We'll get back to you by the end of the week.
BERNIE: You'd better make it a bit faster than that. My poor darling is exhausted with the strain of it all, and I don't want her suffering any more than she has to.
GUV: I'll fax you by the end of the day tomorrow. We've got some talking to do here.
BERNIE: Great.

(As they are leaving the office, BERNIE'S mobile rings.)

BERNIE: Uh-huh? She's done what? Right in front of all the Ferrari mechanics? Oh God. Is Fisico there too? Oh, wonderful. Look, I'll be right there. My plane should get there in a couple of hours. Yeah, thanks - no, s'ok. Bye.
BBD: Mummy did mention she was going over to the Ferrari test at Silverstone, Daddy.
BERNIE: I'll take care of it. Meanwhile, young lady, I don't want to hear another peep out of you until we get to England! I might have bawled out Heinz for you, but don't think I'm completely blind. I rather think we'll have to see about another school for you. Maybe in Italy this time.
BBD: Daddy, no! I hate Italian men!
BERNIE: I wish your mother did, too.

(They climb into a waiting limousine, en route for the nearest private airport.)

Scene 3 - The pit lane at Silverstone circuit.

It's qualifying day and the stands opposite are full of cheering people in Damon Hill t-shirts and caps. In the garage of another well-known auto racing team, spirits are equally high.

THE BIG GUV'NOR is talking to a tall elderly man with a
rather military bearing and a good head of white hair.
THE GUV is holding a small silver object.

GUV: you reckon that when he pushes the top on the
fountain pen in his overalls pocket, we'll get an
extra turbo boost on the engine?  Enough to get us
up the grid a bit?

Q: As long as he doesn't crash the bally car and ruin
everything.  (He shakes his head) My other clients
are always doing that.

GUV: I'll have a word with him about it.  

(He moves away, then stops.)

GUV:	Are you sure he's got the turbo pen and not the nerve gas pen?

Q: (testily) Yes, yes, I'm sure, of course I'm bally well sure.

GUV: Thanks again.  I'm sure this will help.

Q: Jolly good, jolly good.  Good show all round this weekend, I hope.  
Although I must go and have a word with that Damon Hill chappie too.  
Apparently he wants something done with his new private plane.

(Q saunters out of the garage, erect of stance and dignified of
bearing.  As he exits, JACQUES saunters in, perky to the tips
of his red-and-white dyed hair.)

GUV: What the bloody hell have you done to your bloody hair this time?

JV: It's meant to be the Canadian flag.  Isn't it obvious?  The points of 
the maple leaf go here and here.... (he points).

GUV: *mutters* Here, I've got that new equipment you've been moaning about 
for so long.

JV: Hurrah!

GUV: What the hell are you so happy about?

(We move down to the next-door garage where there is much more tension.)

MICHAEL is talking animated to BERNIE, with BBD standing sulkily in the 

BERNIE: Look, I'm really sorry, OK?  I'll make it up to you.

MS: I wouldn't have minded so much if it hadn't been in front of all my 

BERNIE: She really does need some help.  It's my fault I suppose.  I'm so 
busy, and I find it difficult to give her the attention she needs.
Maybe she should go to a drying out clinic in Switzerland or 

MS: She could have killed me with that champagne bottle.

BERNIE: Everything'll work out all right.  I'll have a word with a few 
people, see what I can come up with.

MS: You'd better.  I've had it with this whole situation. My wife is 
starting to ask questions.  So if you don't take care of it, I will.  

(He turns on his heel and disappears into the garage.)

BBD: Daddy, is it OK if I go and get a hamburger?

BERNIE: (distractedly) Yes, Princess, whatever, whatever.  Get me a hot 
dog or something while you're at it.

(BBD sneaks through the crowds of staff into the next-door garage, where 
JACQUES is chatting happily with his mechanics and fiddling with a silver 
fountain pen, while HEINZ sits disconsolately at the back, alone.)

BBD: Pssst!  Heinz!

HEINZ: Go away!  

BBD: I have to explain!

HEINZ: You've ruined my career.  The Guv says I have to go and drive for 
Minardi next season. Why did you do it?

BBD: I'm sorry, Heinz.  I really am.  It wasn't - look, I can - oh, I 
really need to sort this out - let's go somewhere and chat - are you 
free - 

(Suddenly JACQUES sees BBD standing there and saunters over.)

JV: Hey, babe, how's it going?  Like the hair?

BBD: (meltingly) It's lovely.  Really, really suits you.  You're looking 
great this weekend.

JV: I feel like a new man. Maybe I'll find one this weekend!  
Hey, why don't you come and have a coffee with me and the lads.  
We're celebrating our new secret weapon!

BBD:	Love to.

(She links arms with JACQUES and gives him a million-watt smile, straight 
between the eyes.  HEINZ, meanwhile, sobs quietly in the corner, forgotten.)

JV: Let's just go and say hi to David and Mika.


(They run down the pit lane to the next garage along and tap on
the door of the black-liveried motorhome.)

JV: Hey guys!  Look who I found!

MH: That hair... you'd better be careful.

DC: Have you got anything to, you know, relax me?  I'm feeling
a bit tense today for some reason.

JV: Careful?

MH: It's exactly the pattern of the secret signal to the
Mothership of the Third Triludan Axis.

JV: I think he's already been relaxing by the sounds of it.
Anyway, no, sorry.  I've turned over a new leaf - no more
drug-taking, lots of hard training, lots more support for
the team.

DC: Oh, great.

BBD: *I* think he's done wonderfully well this season.

DC: Trying to put your price up, are you?  I've seen your
mate Craig hanging around with a pocket calculator and
a mobile phone.  Where exactly does he come from, again?

JV: Tell me about it.  He managed to embarrass the hell
out of me on British TV last week.  I'm going to have
to talk to him or he's really going to fuck my plans up.

MH: Maybe he comes from the *second* Triludan Axis.

DC: I need coffee.

(He walks to the back of the motorhome and pours
himself a cup.  No, we're not going to repeat the 
piss-poor refuelling joke this week.)

MH: We'd better get ready.

JV: See you guys later.

DC: Sure, are you going to the Jordan piss-up later?

JV: I meant on the track.

(DC and MH chuckle.)

JV: Wait and see!

(He and BBD exit.  Suddenly, as they run back up the pitlane,
there is an almighty thunderclap and the heavens open.)

JV: Oh, shit!

BBD: Thhat's going to spoil your qualifying run, isn't it?
Daddy was just telling Jean and Ross the other day that...

JV: Sod the car!  This dye isn't exactly waterproofed!

(They run for cover.  As they duck into the garage,
a Stewart comes screaming past to take the first run
of the qualifying session.  Alas, a mummy duck and her
seven little baby ducklings, crossing the pitlane
sedately, are mown down by the evil machine.)

BBD: It's going to be an odd sort of day.

JV: For sure.

Scene 4 - The stewards' office at Silverstone circuit on race day.

Bernie and three other ageing white men are standing around drinking champagne and occasionally glancing out of the window to the track below. STEWARD 1: Who's that again in the red car? BERNIE: Not sure. More Moet, old chap? Suddenly a breathless young man clutching a clipboard and walkie-talkie runs into the room. MARSHAL: Sir! Sir! BERNIE: (annoyed) What is it? MARSHAL: Had a report of a violation of Rule 8(c) revision 5.43 part 6 subsection d clause 5! (This joke is copyright 'Yes, Minister' and reproduced here without permission). On Lap 43! STEWARD1: Remind me. (clicks fingers). MARSHAL: Car Number 3 ran over a mummy duck and her ten ducklings, sir. On lap 43. It's his second offence this weekend. BERNIE: Stop-go penalty, gentlemen? STEWARD3: I say! Black flag the murdering bounder! (He makes a bravura gesture and wobbles around a bit, clearly rather squiffy on the free Moet, then falls over and is ignored by the others.) MARSHAL: Yessir! Rightawaysir! BERNIE: Hang on, hang on. Get the press release done, *then* black flag the bastard. Saves time and energy later. *My* time and energy, that is. MARSHAL: I say, old thing, won't that rather bugger up the race? BERNIE: Depends on your point of view. (urbanely) Of course, it's your decision. Another glass? STEWARD2: Don't mind if I do. BERNIE: After all, we already have the safety car out. If we're not careful, we'll clash with the World Cup final. And I do have some meetings with the cable TV people next week, so... but it's your decision. MARSHAL: Sir? What shall I do? STEWARD3: Black flag! I say! Black flag the man! BERNIE: Better not black flag him after all. After all, nobody really saw him do it in this rain, and we'll have hell to pay if some of the others catch on. STEWARD2: Typical bloody English weather, eh chaps! (They all harrumph and bray with laughter for a bit.) STEWARD1: So, chaps, are we agreed? Ten second stop-go? No black flag? BERNIE: If you gentlemen insist. You're the boss. MARSHAL: Yessir! (He runs out.) BERNIE: So as I was saying, I'll arrange some preferential stock options for you ahead of time...

Scene 5 - The garage of a well-known auto racing team, Silverstone circuit. (RON DENNIS stands staring at a telemetry printout, flanked by black-clad heavies. MR OMURA of a well-known tyre company stands next to them.) RON: (quiet menace) Tell me again what happened to the third set of wet tyres. The tyres I need. The tyres I need *right* *now*. OMURA: Ronald-san, I am so sorry, the man responsible will be sent back to the factory, he is shamed... RON: I'm not interested in your personnel strategy. I want my tyres. Now. OMURA: That may be difficult, Ronald-san. I am so - RON: So you're trying to tell me that Mika stole the wet tyres? OMURA: Yes, Ronald-san. Apparently our new, super-absorbent high-grip tyre compound which we use on the wets is also strikingly similar to a rare plant which grows where he comes from. RON: They have rubber plants in Finland? OMURA: He did not mention Finland, Ronald-san. Something more like....Truland? Triluand? Thailand? Is Mika Thai? I did not think he was - RON: He'll be thai-dyed when he gets back here later. OMURA: Anyway, Ronald-san, we have plenty of intermediates for David. Unfortunately, Mika took all the wet tyres and - I am sorry to have to tell you this, Ronald-san - but he cut them up and made some kind of body suit out of them. My employee did not stop him - RON: Why the hell did he do a thing like that? OMURA: He muttered something about 'the secret ingredient' and 'going home' and 'need a suit for the journey through the transworld spherical axis.' I am not sure what he meant. I am sorry, I must have misheard what he said. (conspiratorially) I think, Ronald-san, that he is under a lot of pressure right now. RON: I agree. In the meantime, we'd better get those inters out for David. (shouts) Lads! Pit board! David in next lap!

Scene 6 - The garage of a well-known auto racing team, Silverstone circuit. It's 3.15pm. JEAN: Next lap, I think. MECHANIC: Si, signor. (Suddenly there is a commotion as a fur-coated woman comes rushing in.) BERNIE'S WIFE: When is he coming in! I must give him a message! JEAN: Senora, this is not the time, I beseech you. BW: Shut up, you fool. You know nothing of love, of desire, of promises made and broken! JEAN: You must leave, Senora Ecclestone. BW: Never! Oh, never! I'm going to get him back into this pit whether you like it or not! (She produces a gun with a flourish from her Gucci purse. Everyone stands there looking horrified.) BW: Now, aha, maybe now you will listen to me, hmm? Get on that radio now! JEAN: But Senora, the radio does not work. BW: I don't believe you! JEAN: Truly, Senora! If you put the gun down, I will let you try for yourself. BW: Such an obvious ploy - typical of a man like you. Michael, Michael is a real man. He would never stoop so low as this. JEAN: That's what we all thought, too. BW: Enough! (She fires a warning shot in the air. A duck comes crashing down into the middle of the pitlane and is decapitated by a Benetton.) JEAN: Jesus Christ! Someone get the stewards! MECHANIC: You are kidding, right? Why would I get the stewards for a thing like this? JEAN: They're in charge. MECHANIC: (shrugging in Continental fashion) OK, you want the bloke in charge, you should say so. I find him for you. He is running the hamburger stall down before Club, but he will come here if I ask. (Just then, the small MARSHAL from earlier runs in to the garage). MARSHAL: For you, gentlemen! Have a nice day! JEAN: Not now! (He throws the piece of paper away and it sits sadly in the gutter, soon drenched in rain and illegible.) BW: Get on with it! Don't make me shoot someone! MECHANIC: Bella, bellissima Signora, why are you scaring us all like this? We have already seen how good a shot you are with a champagne bottle. We do not wish to see you with a real gun! JEAN: I'm not letting you anywhere near Michael with that gun, Senora. BW: (weeping) Even in this, I am a failure. MECHANIC: (gently) Give me the gun, Senora. BW: Never! (Just then, a red car enters the pitlane.) BW: Now! Now is my chance to gain my revenge! (There is a shot.) (Theme music fades in.)

What will happen in the dazzlingly damp qualifying session? Will Mika's relatives return to Earth to reclaim their favourite son? How long will JV's good humour last? Find out, etc., etc., & co...

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