> Wimp.!Summary Instructions ------------ The documents in this directory have been formatted using a text editor, rather than a word processor. Please think carefully before needlessly printing them out - they can be read just as easily on the screen, and the easiest way to find things is to use Twin's FIND command, rather than scanning up and down bits of paper. Come on, you guys - whatever happened to the paperless office! List of Wimp documents ---------------------- Wimp.Colours ; mode-independent bits Wimp.Desktop ; how the Desktop module works Wimp.Drag Wimp.Errors Wimp.Guidelines Wimp.IconBar Wimp.Icons Wimp.Install ; how to install an application Wimp.Menus Wimp.Messages Wimp.Misc Wimp.Obey ; *command files Wimp.Pointer ; programming the mouse pointer Wimp.SprExtend ; included here for convenience Wimp.Sprites Wimp.Switcher Wimp.Text ; plus keyboard handling & escape Wimp.Colours ------------ Wimp_SetMode Wimp_SetPalette Wimp_ReadPalette Wimp_ReadPixTrans Wimp_SetCaretPosition Wimp_SetColour Wimp_TextColour Wimp_SetFontColours Wimp_PlotIcon *Configure WimpMode *WimpPalette Wimp.Desktop ------------ Wimp_Initialise Wimp_CloseDown Service_WimpCloseDown Wimp_StartTask *Desktop Service_StartWimp Service_StartedWimp Wimp_Poll: reason code 18 (message) action 0 (global closedown) Wimp.Drag --------- Wimp_DragBox (new reason codes) *Configure WimpFlags Wimp.Errors ----------- Wimp_ReportError UpCall handling Service_WimpReportError Wimp.Guidelines --------------- Miscellaneous advice SWI calls in wrong context Invalid access to other tasks' windows Wimp.IconBar ------------ Wimp_CreateIcon (window handle = -1 or -2) Wimp_DeleteIcon Wimp_SetIconState Wimp_GetIconState Wimp_GetPointerInfo Wimp_Poll: reason code 6 (Mouse_Click) Wimp.Icons ---------- system icons scrollable icons validation strings sprite + text icons button type 9 button type 11 inverting sprites Wimp.Install ------------ *Obey (see also Wimp.Obey) *WimpSlot Wimp.Menus ---------- Wimp_CreateMenu Wimp_CreateSubMenu Wimp_Poll: reason code 9 (Menu_Selection) Wimp_Poll: reason code 17 (Menu_Warning message) Wimp.Messages ------------- Wimp_SendMessage Wimp_Poll: reason codes 17,18,19 Wimp_TransferBlock Wimp.Misc --------- Wimp_BlockCopy Wimp_GetWindowOutline Wimp_PollIdle Wimp_CommandWindow Wimp_ReadSysInfo window flags bit 10 ==> don't use colour translation table window flags bit 11 ==> don't open any other windows below this one window flags bit 12 ==> grab 'hot keys' (see Wimp_ProcessKey) window areaCBptr =1 ==> use common sprite area window bounds changed to cover whole screen window min x,y can be supplied Service_MouseTrap provided for mouse-exec utilities Wimp.Obey --------- *Obey Wimp.Pointer ------------ *Pointer Wimp_SetPointerShape Wimp_SpriteOp (36 = SetPointerShape) Wimp.SprExtend -------------- OS_SpriteOp codes 35,36, 50,51,52,53, 60,61 SpriteReason_AppendSprite SpriteReason_SetPointerShape SpriteReason_PlotMaskScaled SpriteReason_PaintCharScaled SpriteReason_PutSpriteScaled SpriteReason_PutSpriteGreyScaled SpriteReason_SwitchOutputToSprite SpriteReason_SwitchOutputToMask OS_ReadVduBlockSize Wimp.Sprites ------------ Wimp_SpriteOp Wimp_BaseOfSprites *IconSprites window areaCBptr = 1 ==> use common sprite area icon areaCBptr = 1 ==> use common sprite area Wimp.Switcher ------------- memory management Wimp_SlotSize interactive slot resizing Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory Wimp.Text --------- Wimp_ProcessKey Wimp_Poll: reason code 11 (Lose_Caret) Wimp_Poll: reason code 12 (Gain_Caret) Wimp_SetCaretPosition system font size escape handling