Britain >Merseyside >St Michaels Brunswick Aigburth

St Michaels

Collected date 02/07/13

St Michaels sign

St Michael's station lies on the Merseyrail Northern Line, to the southeast of Liverpool itself.

The front of the station building:

St Michaels front St Michales front

A small gate to the right of the station building bars some steps to platform level:

St Michaels side gate

The rear of the station building, dominated by the two 1980s-era ramps leading up to street level:

St Michaels rear

One of the metal hooped archways over the ramp to platform 2:

St Michaels arch

Presumably for drainage, a small plughole in one of the steps:

St Michaels plughole

From platform 2, some old steps lead up to a bricked up doorway in the station building:

St Michaels platform 2 old

On platform 2, looking west at the modern shelter:

St Michaels platform 2 shelter

Further along platform 2 are some flowers:

St Michaels platform 2 flowers

From the western end of platform 2 looking west along the line:

St Michaels looking west

Under the ramp on the platform 1 side is a shelter, and the old steps to street level are still there, leading up to behind the locked gate:

St Michaels platform 1 shelter