Britain >Midlands >


Collected date 18/12/05

Oxford station sign

Visiting a friend in Oxford gave me the opportunity to collect its station. The station building is modern:

Oxford station front

Inside the station building is bright:

Oxford concourse

A reminder of earlier days in the form of an old BR totem on the wall:

Oxford BR totem

Entrance to the platforms is controlled by barriers:

Oxford departures

The platform side of the station building, seen from over the tracks:

Oxford building rear

Platform 1, on the station building side, looking north:

Oxford platform 1

At the northern end of platform 1 is the bay platform 3:

Oxford platforms 1 and 3

Looking north from the end of platform 1. A steam train in the distance surprised me while I was taking this shot!

Oxford, looking north

Looking south from the same point. Platform 1 is to our right, platform 3 immediately to our left, and an unnumbered platform (for parcels?) further to the left:

Oxford, looking south

What looks like a luggage van sits forlornly to one side:

Oxford luggage van?

Platforms 1 and 2 are connected by a covered bridge. Although the murky glass blurred the shots a bit, the bridge did provide good views north:

Oxford bridge, looking north

And south:

Oxford bridge, looking south

Platform 2, looking north:

Platform 2 looking north

Platform 2 seen from platform 1:

Platform 2 from platform 1