As the feast ground to a halt, somewhat more subdued than in previous years, Professor McGonagall returned to her feet and waited for the Hall to become silent. "I have slightly more of the start-of-term notices than usual, so I'll try and keep them short. "Students should, as always, note that the Forest is out of bounds to all students, except as requested by a member of the Staff. "The caretaker, Mr Filch, has once again asked that you be reminded that all magic is prohibited between classes in the corridors, and that a complete list of prohibited things is available on the door to his office. "Quidditch tryouts are scheduled for the beginning of the first week of term, and anyone interested should consult their head of house. "Finally, there are a number of changes in the Staff this year. I have been Chosen to replace Professor Dumbledore as Head of the school. Professor Granger will be taking up my old responibility as Head of Gryffindor House, and will be teaching Transfiguration. "Professor Snape has made a full recovery, and will be resuming his position as the Head of Slytherin House. He has however agreed to take up the role of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Potions will be taught by Professor Malfoy. "NEWTs students shouldn't worry, however, as both Professor Snape and myself will complete their tuition in the appropriate subjects so that you don't have to worry about a needless change in tuition style. "Finally, Firenze has once again agreed to teach Divination, however starting with this year we will be phasing this subject out to replace it with a course on Politics, Ethics and Species Relations. This term there will be a series of lectures open to all students, the first of which will be given by Professor Lupin on Wednesday.