Curriculum Vitae Name: Jonathan David Amery. Date of Birth: 10th October 1977. Marital Status: Single. Address: 6, Scarsdale Close, Greenend Road, CAMBRIDGE. CB4 1SL. Telephone: (01223) 424983 Mobile: (07866) 777503 E-Mail Address: Employment: November 1999 - Present Day: Software Engineer at Petrologic Limited. This mainly involved maintaining the Petrologic Oil Data format manipulation utilities. It was about equal parts fixing bugs in existing utilities and writing new ones from the ground up. The utilities are mainly written in C with GNU/Linux as the main development environment. July 1997, 1998 & 1999: AQA NEAB Temporary Clerical Assistant This was a simple clerical job, ensuring that Examiners had followed the correct procedures with each candidates' scripts, and had not made any elementary errors of arithmetic. Work Experience: Summer 1994: William Sessions (Finance). Computing Experience: Systems: Unix (including Solaris, Linux) 5 years (With some sysadmin experience) Microsoft Windows/DOS 7 years Apple MacOS 5 years Acorn RiscOS 12 years Software: Basic familiarity with most office administration tools, some experience of graphic design programmes. Extensive experience of most varieties of Internet tool and protocols. Programming: C, Java/JavaScript, Modula-3, ML, Bourne shell Languages: BASIC (particularly BBC BASIC V), some C++, Simple Perl, Assembly (particularly ARM and Z80). Education (11+): Bootham School, York. YO30 7BU. GCSE: Two A*, six A and two B. A-level: Grade A in Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry and General Studies. (18+): BA(Hons) in Mathematics from Cambridge University (Trinity Hall, Cambridge. CB2 1TJ) Special Achievements: Scholarship and Bursary in Maths at Bootham School. Three programs published in Acorn User (Feb, Mar 1996, Jan 1997). Positions of Responsibility: School Prefect. Captain School Chess Team 95/96. Chess/Bridge House Captain. Computer Room "Curator". Cambridge Student Methodist Society: Held the posts of Treasurer, Catering and President at times between Jan 1997 and Mar 2001 Cambridge University Diplomacy Society (Board Game): Secretary Oct 1998 - Jul 2001. Cambridge University Science-Fiction Society: Treasurer Oct 2000 - Jul 2001. Interests and Activities: Backgammon, Bridge, Chess, Computing, Diplomacy (Board Game), Nomic, Reading, RPGs, Wargaming. Addresses of previous employers: Petrologic Limited, St. John's Innovation Centre, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WS AQA NEAB (Harrogate) Springfield House, HARROGATE Referees: Mr Louis Vermeulen Dr T W Korner, 226 Bromham Road Trinity Hall, Bedford Trinity Lane, MK40 4AA CB2 1TJ. (Previous Employer) (Director of Studies)