
Otter is mostly written in Rust. The web UI frontend is written in Typescript. The shape libraries are SVGs and need SVG manipulation libraries. The main documentation is done with Sphinx.

You will need at least 6G of disk space, or more, and a good internet connection. Your computer will be compiling a lot of code.

These instructions were once tested on Debian 11 “bullseye” and Debian 10 “buster”. Otter won’t build on Debian 9 “stretch” because the Typescript compiler (tsc) is too old. tsc 3.3.3333 is known to work. Ubuntu 20.04LTS “focal” should work.


  1. Install the packaged build dependencies:

    sudo apt install build-essential cpio git curl zip        \
                     pkg-config libssl-dev                    \
                     node-typescript inkscape                 \
                     netpbm imagemagick libtoml-parser-perl   \
                     potrace libxml-libxml-perl               \
                     python3-sphinx python3-recommonmark

    And for running the tests (make check) you will need:

    sudo apt install bubblewrap xvfb moreutils firefox-esr
  2. Install Rust. This is most easily done with rustup:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    and then follow the instructions about your PATH. If this rune alarms you, see below about Rust privsep.

Otter is known to work with Rust 1.59. Probably, many earlier versions well work. Current versions of the dependencies quoted in Cargo.toml will work, but the minimum versions may be optimistic - newer versions may be needed than are declared.
  1. Add the WASM Rust target:

    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
    rustup component add miri # for the tests

    If you just want to run the otter cli client over ssh to an existing server, or edit and preview the shape libraries (ie the piece shapes) you can stop here.

  2. For the tests, install the webdriver binary from Mozilla. Visit

    and just dump the resulting geckodriver binary on your PATH.

  3. The tests also use Nightly Rust because we use Miri to test the small amount of unsafe in the Otter codebase:

    rustup toolchain add nightly
    rustup +nightly component add miri

Full build

git clone
cd otter
make -j8 all bundled-sources && echo it worked

Expect to see it worked at the end. If you don’t see that, it failed, and the error message is buried in the scrollback.

Build just the command line game management client otter

cargo build -p otter-cli

and then copy target/debug/otter onto your path.

Alternatively, you can let cargo directly install and download the latest released version:

cargo install otter-cli

Build just the shape library preview

make -j8 shapelib

And then open ./templates/shapelib.html in your browser

curl|bash-ware; privsep

If you are not the kind of person to worry about computer security - especially your software supply chains - you can skip this part.

If you follow the above instructions, you will have downloaded and executed - and, therefore, trusted:

  • Various Debian packages - safe
  • Rustup (the Rust downloader/installer) - this is pretty safe
  • Rust itself - again, pretty safe
  • Otter itself - well, I wrote this; up to you.
  • 475 transitive dependencies of otter (from
  • a geckodriver binary directly from mozilla

You will have trusted the integrity of the following:

  • The Debian archive (via its apt keyring) (very good)
  • Rustup’s and Rust’s TLS keyholders (good, I think)
  • The HTTP TLS cabal (sigh)
  • github (pretty good in practice)
  • whatever mozilla do to make binaries, in particular geckodriver
  • (extremely poor traceability)
  • the project management of hundreds of random libraries

If this makes you uncomfortable, as it should, you may wish to consider running everything in a separate shell account, or a VM or container of some kind.

(I have a not-properly-released tool called “nailing-cargo” which makes it possible to do most things in my main account but run the Rust stuff in a separate less-privileged account. There is support for this in the Makefile. But if you want to run everything in the lesser account, you don’t need to bother with that.)


The many dependencies of Otter

These are partly because actix is a large piece of software with much functionality. But also because I favoured my own programming convenience and in some cases was experimenting with different approaches. In practice, it seems to me that once I’m using Actix and WASM and resvg and so on, there is not that much to be gained by trying to prune the dependencies of the otter package itself.

geckodriver (for the automated in-browser tests)

This is done with a protocol called “WebDriver” which is a cross-browser way to puppet a browser. There is a thing called “geckodriver” which converts that to a firefox-specific protocol for the same purpose, called “Marionette”. (In practice all this seems to have lots of bugs and misfeatures.)

AFAICT the usual approach for using geckodriver is to have it bind to a fixed TCP port accessible to all local programs. My wrapper tooling arranges to run this in an ephemeral $HOME and a private network namespace.

AFAICT the only practical way to get geckodriver is to download the binary from Mozilla.