chiark / gitweb /
descriptionSymbiosisware for maintaining the DVD database.
ownerMark Wooding
last changeFri, 7 Jun 2024 22:22:15 +0000 (23:22 +0100)
2024-06-07 Mark Woodingtrack-boxing-progress: Script I used to track the boxin... master
2024-06-07 Mark Woodingcycle: Report the diff the other way round.
2024-05-28 Mark Woodingcycle: Print a diff of the changes, if there are any.
2024-05-19 Mark Woodingreport: Don't try to mix unknown discs into the primary...
2024-05-19 Mark Woodingreport: Delete the machinery for pruning complete disc...
2024-05-14 Mark Woodingupdate: Actually update the last entry in the file.
2024-05-14 Mark Woodingreport: Sort more sensibly.
2024-05-14 Mark Woodingreport: Sort primarily by box.
2024-05-14 Mark Woodingcreate-v4, report, update: Keep track of which box...
2024-05-13 Mark Woodingupdate: Allow `;' comments.
2023-06-24 Mark Woodingpldb (list): Add `-w' option to show a window around...
2023-06-24 Mark Woodingpldb (list): Allow multiple ranges.
2023-05-16 Mark Woodingpldb: Correct the usage for the `list' command.
2023-02-11 Mark Woodingpldb: Remove a list when incrementing or decrementing...
2023-02-11 Mark Woodingpldb: Force the database name.
2022-05-29 Mark Woodingpldb: Use more sensible `-=' and `+=' syntax for relati...
4 months ago master