chiark / gitweb /
descriptionWrapping around the EFF LetsEncrypt client.
ownerMark Wooding
last changeSat, 2 Oct 2021 10:39:05 +0000 (11:39 +0100)
2021-10-02 Mark Woodingbin/make-cert, bin/fix-cert-chain: Hack certificate... master
2020-03-04 Mark Set contact email address.
2018-06-26 Mark Woodingbin/setup: Fix now that we use `dehydrated'.
2017-09-22 Mark WoodingInhibit IPv6, in an attempt to prevent `urn:acme:error...
2017-07-12 Mark WoodingSwitch to running dehydrated.
2017-07-12 Mark Woodingbin/reissue: Fix swallowing of nonzero exit status.
2016-02-23 Mark Woodingbin/: Fix preamble to handle invocation through a symlink.
2016-02-23 Mark Woodingbin/reissue: New script to reissue certificates before...
2015-12-22 Mark Woodingbin/setup: Install the necessary Debian packages.
2015-12-22 Mark Woodingbin/make-cert, le-root.cert: Actually make certificates.
2015-12-22 Mark Woodinglib/ Sanitize the tag when making a temporary...
2015-12-22 Mark Woodingbin/setup: The `cert' directory doesn't need to be...
2015-12-22 Mark Woodinglib/, bin/make-cert: Fix usage message handling.
2015-12-22 Mark Woodingmove more config into the script
2015-12-21 Mark WoodingEarly commit for testing elsewhere.
3 years ago master