@stdhead{help} @stdmenu{help}



All screens in the DisOrder web interface have a set of hyperlinks at the top. You can use these to visit the various screens described below. Note that if you are not logged in some of these will be greyed out. The link for the currently active screen is highlighted.


This screen displays the currently playing track (if there is one) and lists all the tracks in the queue (the track that will be played soonest being listed first.) Where possible, estimated start times are given.

Each track has a @label{playing.remove} button next to it. For the currently playing track this can be used to stop playing the track before it has finished; this is called “scratching”. For a track in the queue it removes the track from the queue.

If you are not logged in, or if your user has limited rights, you may only be able to scratch or remove certain tracks (for instance, those you picked yourself).

Artist and album names are hyperlinks to the relevant locations in the Choose screen (see below).


This screen is almost identical to Playing except that it includes extra management features.

At the top of the screen are the following controls:

Below this is the same table of current and queued tracks as for the main playing screen, but with extra buttons for managing the queue. The @label{playing.up} and @label{playing.down} buttons on each track move that track around in the queue. Similarly the @label{playing.upall} and @label{playing.downall} buttons move each track to the head or tail of the queue.

If you are not logged in, or if your user has limited rights, you may only be able to move certain tracks (for instance, those you picked yourself), and may not be able to adjust the volume, random play setting, etc.


This screen displays recently played tracks, most recent first. The @label{choose.prefs} button can be used to edit the details for a track; see Editing Preferences below.

The number of tracks remembered is controlled by the server configuration. See the history option in disorder_config(5) for more details.


This screen displays tracks recently added to the database, most recent first. The @label{choose.prefs} button can be used to edit the details for a track; see Editing Preferences below, and clicking on the track title will add it to the queue.

The time tracks are remembered for is controlled by the server configuration. See the noticed_history option in disorder_config(5) for more details.


This screen allows you to choose a track to be played, by navigating through the directory structure of the tracks filesystem. The following buttons appear:

@label{choose.prefs} This button can be used to edit the details for a track; see Editing Preferences below.
@label{choose.playall} This button plays all the tracks in a directory, in order. This is used to efficiently play a whole album.

This screen has two forms: choose, which give you all the top-level directories at once, and choosealpha, which breaks them down by initial letter.

This screen will may not be available if you are not logged in or if your user has limited rights.

Editing Preferences

This screen, reached from Choose or Recent, is used to edit a track's preferences. Note that if you are not logged in, or your user has limited rights, you may not be able to edit track preferences.

The form can be used to edit artist, album and title fields for the track as displayed; or to set the tags or weight for a track; or to enable or disable random play for the track.

Tags are separated by commas and can contain any other printing characters (including spaces). Leading and trailing spaces are not significant.

Weights determine how likely a track is to be picked at random. Tracks with higher weights are more likely to be picked. The default weight is 90000 and the maximum is 2147483647.

By default, any track can be picked for random play. The check box at the bottom can be used to selectivel enable or disable it for individual tracks.


TODO search is folded into choose now

This screen allows you to search for keywords in track names. If you specify more than one keyword then only tracks containing all of them are listed. Results are grouped by artist, album and title.

It is possible to limit results to tracks with a particular tag, by using tag:TAG among the search terms.

Some keywords, known as “stopwords”, are excluded from the search, and will never match. See the stopword option in disorder_config(5) for further details about this.

This screen will may not be available if you are not logged in or if your user has limited rights.


This screen has two different versions.

1. When no user is logged in, it has a login form and a registration form. If you do not have a username and password, fill in and submit the registration form. You will be emailed an email with a confirmation URL that you must visit. Only after visiting this URL will your login become active.

Once you have a username and password, you can use the login form to authenticate yourself to the web interface. Note that this is your primary DisOrder password, which (in old installations) may differ from your original web password.

2. When you are logged in, this screen instead has a form to change your email address or password, and a logout button.


If you cannot play a track, or it does not appear in the database even after a rescan, check the following things:

The user the server runs as is determined by the user directive in the configuration file. The README recommends using jukebox for this purpose but it could be different locally.

Man Pages

disorder_config(5) - configuration

disorder_templates(5) - template language

disorder(1) - command line client

disobedience(1) - GTK+ client

disorderd(8) - server

disorder-dump(8) - dump/restore preferences database

disorder(3) - C API

disorder_protocol(5) - DisOrder control protocol

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