From 0d07716fe78436ae6c9c324cabdd401c25e336af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 Message-Id: <> From: Mark Wooding Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 16:44:10 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Initial revision Organization: Straylight/Edgeware From: espen --- COPYING | 504 ++++++ README | 25 + clg.system | 81 + examples/3drings.xpm | 116 ++ examples/filesqueue.xpm | 98 ++ examples/modeller.xpm | 117 ++ examples/test.xpm | 92 + examples/testgtk.lisp | 3615 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ examples/testgtkrc | 146 ++ examples/testgtkrc2 | 21 + gdk/gdk-export.lisp | 6 + gdk/gdk-package.lisp | 7 + gdk/gdk.lisp | 550 ++++++ gdk/gdkenums.lisp | 558 ++++++ gdk/gdkglue.c | 38 + gdk/gdktypes.lisp | 199 +++ glib/gforeign.lisp | 694 ++++++++ glib/glib-export.lisp | 45 + glib/glib-package.lisp | 37 + glib/glib.lisp | 194 +++ glib/gobject.lisp | 104 ++ glib/gtype.lisp | 640 +++++++ glib/gutils.lisp | 85 + gtk/gtk-export.lisp | 8 + gtk/gtk-package.lisp | 15 + gtk/gtk.lisp | 3090 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ gtk/gtkcontainer.lisp | 182 ++ gtk/gtkenums.lisp | 582 +++++++ gtk/gtkglue.c | 741 ++++++++ gtk/gtkobject.lisp | 534 ++++++ gtk/gtktypes.lisp | 1066 ++++++++++++ gtk/gtkwidget.lisp | 393 +++++ hello-world.lisp | 15 + tools/autoexport.lisp | 115 ++ tools/config.lisp | 16 + tools/ | 245 +++ tools/sharedlib.lisp | 17 + 37 files changed, 14991 insertions(+) create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 clg.system create mode 100644 examples/3drings.xpm create mode 100644 examples/filesqueue.xpm create mode 100644 examples/modeller.xpm create mode 100644 examples/test.xpm create mode 100644 examples/testgtk.lisp create mode 100644 examples/testgtkrc create mode 100644 examples/testgtkrc2 create mode 100644 gdk/gdk-export.lisp create mode 100644 gdk/gdk-package.lisp create mode 100644 gdk/gdk.lisp create mode 100644 gdk/gdkenums.lisp create mode 100644 gdk/gdkglue.c create mode 100644 gdk/gdktypes.lisp create mode 100644 glib/gforeign.lisp create mode 100644 glib/glib-export.lisp create mode 100644 glib/glib-package.lisp create mode 100644 glib/glib.lisp create mode 100644 glib/gobject.lisp create mode 100644 glib/gtype.lisp create mode 100644 glib/gutils.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtk-export.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtk-package.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtk.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtkcontainer.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtkenums.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtkglue.c create mode 100644 gtk/gtkobject.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtktypes.lisp create mode 100644 gtk/gtkwidget.lisp create mode 100644 hello-world.lisp create mode 100644 tools/autoexport.lisp create mode 100644 tools/config.lisp create mode 100644 tools/ create mode 100644 tools/sharedlib.lisp diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..223ede7 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! + + diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64e0564 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +This package contains Common Lisp bindings to GTK+ v2.0. It currently +works with only CMUCL, but ports to other CL implementations may be +added later. + + +New versions +------------ + +The most recent version of this package can be found at: + + + +Build instructions +------------------ + +1. When building for CMUCL, first obtain a matching binary and source + tree (the only source file you will actually need is lisp.h, which + have to be copied or linked to your CMUCL_LIB directory). On ELF + systems you may also have to rebuild lisp with -rdynamic added to + OS_LINK_FLAGS. + +2. + + + diff --git a/clg.system b/clg.system new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53d5df3 --- /dev/null +++ b/clg.system @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*- + +(setf + (logical-pathname-translations "clg") + '(("**;*.*.*" "/home/espen/src/clg/**/*.*.*"))) +(setq mk::*cmu-errors-to-file* nil) + +(load "clg:tools;config") +(load "clg:tools;sharedlib") + +(import 'alien:load-shared-library) + +(eval + `(mk:defsystem clg + :source-pathname "clg:" + :binary-pathname "clg:" + :components + ((:module tools + :components ("autoexport")) + (:module glib + :initially-do + (progn + (load-shared-library "") + (load-shared-library "" :init "g_type_init")) + :components + ((:file "glib-package") + (:file "gutils" :depends-on ("glib-package")) + (:file "gforeign" :depends-on ("gutils")) + (:file "glib" :depends-on ("gforeign")) + (:file "gtype" :depends-on ("glib")) + (:file "gobject" :depends-on ("gtype")) + (:file "glib-export" :depends-on ("gutils" "glib" "gtype" "gobject"))) + :depends-on (tools)) + (:file "gdkglue" + :source-pathname "gdk;" + :binary-pathname "gdk;" + :initially-do + (progn + (load-shared-library "") + (load-shared-library "") + ;; Initializing of gdk types is done by gtk, so we + ;; have to load an initialize it at this point + (load-shared-library + "" + :init "gtk_init" + :prototype '(function + c-call:void + alien:system-area-pointer + alien:system-area-pointer) + :initargs (list (system:int-sap 0) (system:int-sap 0)))) + :language :c + :compiler-options (:cflags ,(configure-cflags "gtk-config-2.0") + :optimize 2)) + (:module gdk + :components + ((:file "gdk-package") + (:file "gdk-export" :depends-on ("gdkenums" "gdktypes" "gdk")) + (:file "gdkenums" :depends-on ("gdk-package")) + (:file "gdktypes" :depends-on ("gdkenums")) + (:file "gdk" :depends-on ("gdktypes"))) + :depends-on (glib "gdkglue")) + (:file "gtkglue" + :source-pathname "gtk;" + :binary-pathname "gtk;" + :language :c + :compiler-options (:cflags ,(configure-cflags "gtk-config-2.0") + :optimize 2 + :definitions (#+cmu CMUCL) + :include-paths ("/usr/lib/cmucl"))) + (:module gtk + :components + ((:file "gtk-package") + (:file "gtk-export" :depends-on ("gtkenums" "gtktypes" "gtk")) + (:file "gtkobject" :depends-on ("gtk-package")) + (:file "gtkenums" :depends-on ("gtk-package")) + (:file "gtktypes" :depends-on ("gtkenums" "gtkobject")) + (:file "gtkwidget" :depends-on ("gtktypes")) + (:file "gtkcontainer" :depends-on ("gtktypes")) + (:file "gtk" :depends-on ("gtkcontainer"))) + :depends-on (glib gdk "gtkglue"))))) + diff --git a/examples/3drings.xpm b/examples/3drings.xpm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ca75da --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/3drings.xpm @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char * DRings_xpm[] = { +"48 48 65 1", +" c None", +". c #104010404103", +"X c #1040208130C2", +"o c #104014515144", +"O c #000010402081", +"+ c #1040104030C2", +"@ c #208120815144", +"# c #28A241035965", +"$ c #30C230C26185", +"% c #208130C24103", +"& c #104010402081", +"* c #104000002081", +"= c #000010401040", +"- c #492441036185", +"; c #596559659E79", +": c #30C220815144", +"> c #0820186128A2", +", c #000000001040", +"< c #2081104030C2", +"1 c #514459659658", +"2 c #514455556185", +"3 c #104000001040", +"4 c #000008200000", +"5 c #618569A6AEBA", +"6 c #618569A69658", +"7 c #410345148E38", +"8 c #104020814103", +"9 c #79E782079658", +"0 c #208120814103", +"q c #596571C69E79", +"w c #4103514471C6", +"e c #2081208130C2", +"r c #6185618571C6", +"t c #28A228A25965", +"y c #596561858617", +"u c #96589E79BEFB", +"i c #28A230C271C6", +"p c #38E345145144", +"a c #79E78207A699", +"s c #30C2492469A6", +"d c #410330C25965", +"f c #410351446185", +"g c #AEBAAAAAD75C", +"h c #38E338E34103", +"j c #EFBEEBADEFBE", +"k c #208130C25144", +"l c #9658A289DF7D", +"z c #208110404103", +"x c #28A228A26185", +"c c #8E388A28BEFB", +"v c #208118612081", +"b c #38E3451479E7", +"n c #4924618579E7", +"m c #86178617B6DA", +"M c #30C220814103", +"N c #104030C25144", +"B c #4103410371C6", +"V c #86178A28D75C", +"C c #DF7DDB6CE79D", +"Z c #BEFBC30BD75C", +"A c #410330C271C6", +"S c #30C228A230C2", +"D c #082008201861", +"F c #186130C238E3", +"G c #0000208130C2", +" .Xo ", +" O+O@#$% ", +" &*=+X-;: ", +" >&=,=<11#2 ", +" +O34,X567& ", +" 8X+=,90q9w. 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", +" XdyB%z *X<%@+ ", +" &k$b0X+=8X08o ", +" &e:e+=*X.X+& ", +" +X.O+X0O.=, ", +" +>&+0>3&* ", +" &X0k+O, ", +" >v,3 ", +" "}; diff --git a/examples/filesqueue.xpm b/examples/filesqueue.xpm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..586d27e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/filesqueue.xpm @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char * FilesQueue_xpm[] = { +"44 31 64 1", +" c None", +". c #E79DE38DDF7D", +"X c #CF3CC71BCF3C", +"o c #71C675D671C6", +"O c #B6DAB2CAB6DA", +"+ c #CF3CD34CCF3C", +"@ c #DF7DE38DE79D", +"# c #FFFFFBEEFFFF", +"$ c #EFBEEFBEEFBE", +"% c #DF7DDB6CDF7D", +"& c #BEFBBAEAC71B", +"* c #BEFBBAEABEFB", +"= c #BEFBC30BC71B", +"- c #71C66DB671C6", +"; c #D75CD34CD75C", +": c #9E799A699E79", +"> c #E79DE38DE79D", +", c #CF3CCB2BC71B", +"< c #B6DAB2CABEFB", +"1 c #BEFBBAEAB6DA", +"2 c #B6DAB6DAB6DA", +"3 c #618561856185", +"4 c #C71BBAEABEFB", +"5 c #AEBAAAAAAEBA", +"6 c #965892488E38", +"7 c #A699A699A699", +"8 c #38E338E338E3", +"9 c #F7DEF7DEF7DE", +"0 c #E79DEFBEEFBE", +"q c #DF7DE38DDF7D", +"w c #C71BC71BC71B", +"e c #C71BC30BBEFB", +"r c #BEFBC30BBEFB", +"t c #B6DAAAAAAEBA", +"y c #410345144103", +"u c #D75CDB6CD75C", +"i c #C71BCB2BC71B", +"p c #BEFBCB2BBEFB", +"a c #9E79A289A699", +"s c #86178E388E38", +"d c #CF3CCF3CD75C", +"f c #CF3CD75CCF3C", +"g c #C71BC30BCF3C", +"h c #28A22CB228A2", +"j c #000000000000", +"k c #D75CD34CDF7D", +"l c #10400C300820", +"z c #E79DEBADEFBE", +"x c #DF7DDB6CD75C", +"c c #514459655965", +"v c #8617861779E7", +"b c #DF7DD34CD75C", +"n c #CF3CCB2BCF3C", +"m c #618555555965", +"M c #861786178617", +"N c #30C234D330C2", +"B c #EFBEEBADE79D", +"V c #DF7DDB6CE79D", +"C c #D75CE38DD75C", +"Z c #514449245144", +"A c #186120812081", +"S c #79E77DF779E7", +"D c #6185659569A6", +"F c #9E7992489E79", +" .XoOX+ ", +" @#$%&*=-o;: ", +" @>,=O<12*&:-<3X ", +" >%&1*4*2*OO**56758790 ", +" 9qX+we=r*&e<<<251t5555yu9 ", +" $qu++;ipi=p*=p**2tOOO27a5s<- ", +" #9udfXi;,gi&**4**4r*Ot5t55tehj ", +" 0qku+u;+d,gg=*=r*&**&<255t<*yl1 ", +" $$zq@%xk%uf;,w,i=i=e**r=12tO1=8cvj ", +" $@%>.%.%%%xbkx,w+ni,wwrwe*4*1=;8mMNj ", +" zz@Bz>>>V%%%C+u;;dfnnfwggi&=&X+yZsNll ", +" af#9@B0>q>qqq>xk.;;;kfX+XnXw=g,fycMhhN5 ", +" al5#9$$>qzBV.%x%%b;x+fnf+,X,iiqym6NAo-j ", +" #roS%#$zz>>V%%xkk%f;;+df,XnwnVZD:8AS-j* ", +" D-9Oy*9$Bz>q%qx%%u;x;;dknX+d>Zm:hhSDjr ", +" a3o+>S3z#90@@z.%>qCC%uu;ff%@Zm:NhMoj= ", +" wlvvo#:3599$>B>q>%%%%+f;fk$ymaalMvjr ", +" 0.a--S49mct9$z@.qkkqC;xu%@Zm5AlvSj* ", +" ohu%3:Z:9@y609q@@>..>Cx>$Zm5NhMvjr ", +" -j797Zv5705y=#$0>>V.%>#Z378AMMj* ", +" Zj9Xo-McBXDv%90.%%#9cc78AsMj* ", +" 8hM#M-DSF96cvz0>z#c35Nhs6j1 ", +" jl9#o63vx#-D###mmt8N66j* ", +" 5jc@fZF3o%+ZFDm<8A6FjO ", +" :j50sSay<$ss2Nh:FjO ", +" 6880&SDMF.rNNFFj1 ", +" 8jr#:SFScA6ajO ", +" Alr$DSysajO ", +" >jy#51:jO ", +" %Dy*gjO ", +" alla "}; diff --git a/examples/modeller.xpm b/examples/modeller.xpm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62e27f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/modeller.xpm @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char * InterfaceModeller_app_2_Tile_xpm[] = { +"48 48 66 1", +" c None", +". c #86174D344103", +"X c #69A651445144", +"o c #8617410330C2", +"O c #69A6410338E3", +"+ c #30C218611861", +"@ c #AEBA6DB66185", +"# c #71C638E328A2", +"$ c #69A634D328A2", +"% c #30C228A228A2", +"& c #79E73CF330C2", +"* c #BEFB9E799E79", +"= c #8E3869A66185", +"- c #514424921861", +"; c #A699A289B6DA", +": c #A6999E79A699", +"> c #71C65D756185", +", c #9E799A69A699", +"< c #8E3882078E38", +"1 c #861779E78617", +"2 c #A6999A69AEBA", +"3 c #8E388A289658", +"4 c #71C675D679E7", +"5 c #96588A289E79", +"6 c #30C230C238E3", +"7 c #C71BC71BC71B", +"8 c #9E79A289AEBA", +"9 c #AEBAAAAABEFB", +"0 c #96589248A699", +"q c #A699AAAAB6DA", +"w c #AEBAAAAAB6DA", +"e c #D75CD34CD75C", +"r c #EFBEE79DEFBE", +"t c #BEFBB6DABEFB", +"y c #B6DABAEAC71B", +"u c #AEBAAEBAB6DA", +"i c #E79DDB6CDF7D", +"p c #96588E389658", +"a c #596559656185", +"s c #AEBA8E388E38", +"d c #CF3CCB2BCF3C", +"f c #9E799A699E79", +"g c #86177DF78E38", +"h c #69A6659571C6", +"j c #AEBAAEBABEFB", +"k c #96589E799E79", +"l c #B6DAA699A699", +"z c #E79DC71BC71B", +"x c #B6DAB6DAB6DA", +"c c #861786179658", +"v c #B6DAB2CABEFB", +"b c #BEFBAAAAAEBA", +"n c #C71BBEFBC71B", +"m c #514441034103", +"M c #41033CF34103", +"N c #492428A228A2", +"B c #AEBAA289B6DA", +"V c #618530C22081", +"C c #69A630C228A2", +"Z c #69A630C22081", +"A c #596528A22081", +"S c #492428A22081", +"D c #618528A22081", +"F c #596520811861", +"G c #69A628A22081", +"H c #FFFF14514103", +" .X ", +" .oO+ ", +" @.o#++ ", +" @.o$%+ ", +" @.&#++ ", +" @.o#++ ", +" @.o$++ ", +" @.&#++ ", +" .O#++ ", +" *=-$++ ", +" ;:>+++ ", +" ;,<1% ", +" 2,34 ", +" 2;,51 ", +" 2,,,,6 ", +" 7777 28888,6 ", +" 77777777 2829,,,06 ", +" 9qwwe7rrrrr77rr 828,9tyt,6 ", +" uuwriirrieiiieii77pa< 82,8,,,8,06 ", +" s=1ttiieeeeded77eufgh>j,8,8,k,0,6 ", +" =@lzieeeeee77eeex:fpcg4>9,,,,qjv6 ", +" =O=blt7eeee7deenw:ffpmV##&&O$mX ", +" =O&&o....zrrieieuxunx7txx:nnfwpMmVZ#$ZZZVVN ", +" =O&oooo.*rrde77ewxnxxtnw:f4M%M%+NA#$Z$ZZVmN> ", +" =Oo&ooo@iree7inxn7nnuuff4h%M>m%S-AZ$CCZDZmSX ", +" =O&o.o.@rrn7eulun7xxuwp4mm6ahM%--AZCCZDDDANX ", +" =Ooooo.*rixenuwwn7nxupph%M>>h6mAADVVZVVDDANX ", +" =O&o.o.zrexwwnwuxxnughX%mahhmMN-AZCCVVDDAAN> ", +" *XOoo.*iin7n777xxxtphaM+ama>MSNFVCZZVVDAAAS> ", +" 1O..izewxux7nuuux4%++%hha>%N-DDCZZVDAAAASX ", +" 1.=ituu:uButnxxuX%>hh>M%++NADZZZVDADAA--X ", +" :e7f::lnn7*ppnx6ahm6++mNN-ADCZVDDAAAA-SX ", +" 7nupp:wxxg%MMau6%++NmmmADADVVVVVDAA---NX ", +" 7uBgh1wwxg6h>m%:MmmVNAVDZVZCVZZDAAAAF-S+X ", +" nfgaM%pnwhX6%mXb6$DVVZC$C#C$ZZDVAAA---+NX ", +" 27a%MaM47:mN.OoolmODGZ####$$ZZVDDA-----SSX ", +" 2gmg paMa HX.@@@oZ$###$$CZVDDAAAA---SS+X ", +" 43 p=&@@&&$##$CCCVVVAAA--+S+S+%X ", +" k =o@.##$VVmmmNNNSSSSSS%XXXX ", +" s>OSSNmN>>aaa177777 "}; diff --git a/examples/test.xpm b/examples/test.xpm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b0d2ef --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/test.xpm @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char *openfile[] = { +/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */ +" 20 19 66 2", +/* colors */ +".. c None", +".# c #000000", +".a c #dfdfdf", +".b c #7f7f7f", +".c c #006f6f", +".d c #00efef", +".e c #009f9f", +".f c #004040", +".g c #00bfbf", +".h c #ff0000", +".i c #ffffff", +".j c #7f0000", +".k c #007070", +".l c #00ffff", +".m c #00a0a0", +".n c #004f4f", +".o c #00cfcf", +".p c #8f8f8f", +".q c #6f6f6f", +".r c #a0a0a0", +".s c #7f7f00", +".t c #007f7f", +".u c #5f5f5f", +".v c #707070", +".w c #00f0f0", +".x c #009090", +".y c #ffff00", +".z c #0000ff", +".A c #00afaf", +".B c #00d0d0", +".C c #00dfdf", +".D c #005f5f", +".E c #00b0b0", +".F c #001010", +".G c #00c0c0", +".H c #000f0f", +".I c #00007f", +".J c #005050", +".K c #002f2f", +".L c #dfcfcf", +".M c #dfd0d0", +".N c #006060", +".O c #00e0e0", +".P c #00ff00", +".Q c #002020", +".R c #dfc0c0", +".S c #008080", +".T c #001f1f", +".U c #003f3f", +".V c #007f00", +".W c #00000f", +".X c #000010", +".Y c #00001f", +".Z c #000020", +".0 c #00002f", +".1 c #000030", +".2 c #00003f", +".3 c #000040", +".4 c #00004f", +".5 c #000050", +".6 c #00005f", +".7 c #000060", +".8 c #00006f", +".9 c #000070", +"#. c #7f7f80", +"## c #9f9f9f", +/* pixels */ +"........................................", +"........................................", +"........................................", +".......................#.#.#............", +".....................#.......#...#......", +"...............................#.#......", +".......#.#.#.................#.#.#......", +".....#.y.i.y.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..............", +".....#.i.y.i.y.i.y.i.y.i.#..............", +".....#.y.i.y.i.y.i.y.i.y.#..............", +".....#.i.y.i.y.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#....", +".....#.y.i.y.#.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.#......", +".....#.i.y.#.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.#........", +".....#.y.#.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.#..........", +".....#.#.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.#............", +".....#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#..............", +"........................................", +"........................................", +"........................................" +}; diff --git a/examples/testgtk.lisp b/examples/testgtk.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5193872 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/testgtk.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,3615 @@ +;; Common Lisp bindings for GTK+ v2.0 +;; Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Espen S. Johnsen +;; +;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +;; +;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +;; Lesser General Public License for more details. +;; +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +;; $Id: testgtk.lisp,v 1.1 2000/08/14 16:44:26 espen Exp $ + + +(use-package "GTK") + +(defmacro define-test-window (name title &body body) + `(let ((window nil)) + (defun ,name () + (unless window + (setq window (window-new :toplevel)) + (signal-connect + window 'destroy #'(lambda () (widget-destroyed window))) + (setf (window-title window) ,title) + (setf (container-border-width window) 0) + ,@body) + + (if (not (widget-visible-p window)) + (widget-show-all window) + (widget-destroy window))))) + + +(defmacro define-test-dialog (name title &body body) + `(let ((window nil)) + (defun ,name () + (unless window + (setq window (dialog-new)) + (signal-connect + window 'destroy #'(lambda () (widget-destroyed window))) + (setf (window-title window) ,title) + (setf (container-border-width window) 0) + (let ((main-box (vbox-new nil 0)) + (action-area (dialog-action-area window))) + (box-pack-start (dialog-vbox window) main-box t t 0) + ,@body)) + + (if (not (widget-visible-p window)) + (widget-show-all window) + (widget-destroy window))))) + + +(defmacro define-standard-dialog (name title &body body) + `(define-test-dialog ,name ,title + (let ((close-button (button-new "close"))) + (signal-connect close-button 'clicked #'widget-destroy :object window) + (setf (widget-can-default-p close-button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area close-button t t 0) + (widget-grab-default close-button) + ,@body))) + + +(defun build-option-menu (items history) + (let ((option-menu (option-menu-new)) + (menu (menu-new))) + (labels ((create-menu (items i group) + (when items + (let* ((item (first items)) + (menu-item (radio-menu-item-new group (first item)))) + (signal-connect + menu-item 'activate + #'(lambda () + (when (widget-mapped-p menu-item) + (funcall (second item))))) + + (menu-append menu menu-item) + (when (= i history) + (setf (check-menu-item-active-p menu-item) t)) + (widget-show menu-item) + (create-menu + (rest items) (1+ i) (radio-menu-item-group menu-item)))))) + (create-menu items 0 nil)) + (setf (option-menu-menu option-menu) menu) + (setf (option-menu-history option-menu) history) + option-menu)) + + + +;;; Pixmaps used in some of the tests + +(defvar gtk-mini-xpm + '("15 20 17 1" + " c None" + ". c #14121F" + "+ c #278828" + "@ c #9B3334" + "# c #284C72" + "$ c #24692A" + "% c #69282E" + "& c #37C539" + "* c #1D2F4D" + "= c #6D7076" + "- c #7D8482" + "; c #E24A49" + "> c #515357" + ", c #9B9C9B" + "' c #2FA232" + ") c #3CE23D" + "! c #3B6CCB" + " " + " ***> " + " >.*!!!* " + " ***....#*= " + " *!*.!!!**!!# " + " .!!#*!#*!!!!# " + " @%#!.##.*!!$& " + " @;%*!*.#!#')) " + " @;;@%!!*$&)'' " + " @%.%@%$'&)$+' " + " @;...@$'*'*)+ " + " @;%..@$+*.')$ " + " @;%%;;$+..$)# " + " @;%%;@$$$'.$# " + " %;@@;;$$+))&* " + " %;;;@+$&)&* " + " %;;@'))+> " + " %;@'&# " + " >%$$ " + " >= ")) + +(defvar book-closed-xpm + '("16 16 6 1" + " c None s None" + ". c black" + "X c red" + "o c yellow" + "O c #808080" + "# c white" + " " + " .. " + " ..XX. " + " ..XXXXX. " + " ..XXXXXXXX. " + ".ooXXXXXXXXX. " + "..ooXXXXXXXXX. " + ".X.ooXXXXXXXXX. " + ".XX.ooXXXXXX.. " + " .XX.ooXXX..#O " + " .XX.oo..##OO. " + " .XX..##OO.. " + " .X.#OO.. " + " ..O.. " + " .. " + " ")) + +(defvar mini-page-xpm + '("16 16 4 1" + " c None s None" + ". c black" + "X c white" + "o c #808080" + " " + " ....... " + " .XXXXX.. " + " .XoooX.X. " + " .XXXXX.... " + " .XooooXoo.o " + " .XXXXXXXX.o " + " .XooooooX.o " + " .XXXXXXXX.o " + " .XooooooX.o " + " .XXXXXXXX.o " + " .XooooooX.o " + " .XXXXXXXX.o " + " ..........o " + " oooooooooo " + " ")) + +(defvar book-open-xpm + '("16 16 4 1" + " c None s None" + ". c black" + "X c #808080" + "o c white" + " " + " .. " + " .Xo. ... " + " .Xoo. ..oo. " + " .Xooo.Xooo... " + " .Xooo.oooo.X. " + " .Xooo.Xooo.X. " + " .Xooo.oooo.X. " + " .Xooo.Xooo.X. " + " .Xooo.oooo.X. " + " .Xoo.Xoo..X. " + " .Xo.o..ooX. " + " .X..XXXXX. " + " ..X....... " + " .. " + " ")) + + + +;;; Button box + +(defun create-bbox (class title spacing child-w child-h layout) + (let* ((frame (make-instance 'frame :title title)) + (bbox (make-instance 'class + :border-width 5 + :layout layout + :spacing spacing + :childrent + (list + (make-instance 'button :label "OK") + (make-instance 'button :label "Cancel") + (make-instance 'button :label "Help")) + :parent frame))) + (setf (button-box-child-size bbox) (vector child-w child-h)) + frame)) + + +(define-test-window create-button-box "Button Boxes" + (setf (container-border-width window) 10) + (let ((main-box (vbox-new nil 0))) + (let ((frame (frame-new "Horizontal Button Boxes")) + (box (vbox-new nil 0))) + (container-add window main-box) + (box-pack-start main-box frame t t 10) + (setf (container-border-width box) 10) + (container-add frame box) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'hbutton-box-new "Spread" 40 85 20 :spread) t t 0) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'hbutton-box-new "Edge" 40 85 20 :edge) t t 0) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'hbutton-box-new "Start" 40 85 20 :start) t t 0) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'hbutton-box-new "End" 40 85 20 :end) t t 0)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Vertical Button Boxes")) + (box (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start main-box frame t t 10) + (setf (container-border-width box) 10) + (container-add frame box) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'vbutton-box-new "Spread" 30 85 20 :spread) t t 5) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'vbutton-box-new "Edge" 30 85 20 :edge) t t 5) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'vbutton-box-new "Start" 30 85 20 :start) t t 5) + (box-pack-start + box (create-bbox #'vbutton-box-new "End" 30 85 20 :end) t t 5)))) + + + +(define-standard-dialog create-buttons "Buttons" + (let ((table (table-new 3 3 nil)) + (buttons `((,(button-new "button1") 0 1 0 1) + (,(button-new "button2") 1 2 1 2) + (,(button-new "button3") 2 3 2 3) + (,(button-new "button4") 0 1 2 3) + (,(button-new "button5") 2 3 0 1) + (,(button-new "button6") 1 2 2 3) + (,(button-new "button7") 1 2 0 1) + (,(button-new "button8") 2 3 1 2) + (,(button-new "button9") 0 1 1 2)))) + (setf (table-row-spacings table) 5) + (setf (table-column-spacings table) 5) + (setf (container-border-width table) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box table t t 0) + (do ((tmp buttons (rest tmp))) + ((endp tmp)) + (let ((button (first tmp)) + (widget (or (first (second tmp)) + (first (first buttons))))) + (signal-connect (first button) 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (if (widget-visible-p widget) + (widget-hide widget) + (widget-show widget)))) + (apply #'table-attach table button))))) + + +;; Calenadar + +(define-standard-dialog create-calendar "Calendar" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box (calendar-new) t t 0)) + + + +;;; Check buttons + +(define-standard-dialog create-check-buttons "GtkCheckButton" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box (check-button-new "button1") t t 0) + (box-pack-start main-box (check-button-new "button2") t t 0) + (box-pack-start main-box (check-button-new "button3") t t 0)) + + + +;;; CList + +(let ((style1 nil) + (style2 nil) + (style3 nil)) + (defun insert-row-clist (clist) + (let* ((text '("This" "is" "an" "inserted" "row" + "This" "is" "an" "inserted" "row" + "This" "is" "an" "inserted" "row" + "This" "is" "an" "inserted" "row")) + (row + (if (clist-focus-row clist) + (clist-insert clist (clist-focus-row clist) text) + (clist-prepend clist text)))) + + (unless style1 + (let ((color1 '#(0 56000 0)) + (color2 '#(32000 0 56000))) + (setq style1 (style-copy (widget-style clist))) + (setf + (style-base style1 :normal) color1 + (style-base style1 :selected) color2) + + (setq style2 (style-copy (widget-style clist))) + (setf + (style-fg style2 :normal) color1 + (style-fg style2 :selected) color2) + + (setq style3 (style-copy (widget-style clist))) + (setf + (style-fg style3 :normal) color1 + (style-base style3 :normal) color2 + (style-font style3) "-*-courier-medium-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"))) + + (setf (clist-cell-style clist row 3) style1) + (setf (clist-cell-style clist row 4) style2) + (setf (clist-cell-style clist row 0) style3)))) + + +(define-standard-dialog create-clist "clist" + (let* ((titles '("auto resize" "not resizeable" "max width 100" + "min width 50" "hide column" "Title 5" "Title 6" + "Title 7" "Title 8" "Title 9" "Title 10" + "Title 11" "Title 12" "Title 13" "Title 14" + "Title 15" "Title 16" "Title 17" "Title 18" + "Title 19")) + (clist (clist-new titles)) + (scrolled-window (scrolled-window-new nil nil))) + + (setf (container-border-width scrolled-window) 5) + (setf (scrolled-window-scrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :automatic) + (container-add scrolled-window clist) + + (signal-connect + clist 'click-column + #'(lambda (column) + (cond + ((= column 4) + (setf (clist-column-visible-p clist column) nil)) + ((= column (clist-sort-column clist)) + (if (eq (clist-sort-type clist) :ascending) + (setf (clist-sort-type clist) :descending) + (setf (clist-sort-type clist) :ascending))) + (t + (setf (clist-sort-column clist) column))) + (clist-sort clist))) + + (let ((box2 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 nil nil 0) + + (let ((button (button-new "Insert Row"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked #'insert-row-clist :object clist)) + + (let ((button (button-new "Add 1,000 Rows With Pixmaps"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (multiple-value-bind (pixmap mask) + (gdk:pixmap-create gtk-mini-xpm) + (let ((texts (do ((i 4 (1+ i)) + (texts '(nil "Center" "Right"))) + ((= i (length titles)) (reverse texts)) + (push (format nil "Column ~D" i) texts)))) + (clist-freeze clist) + (dotimes (i 1000) + (let ((row + (clist-append + clist + (cons (format nil "CListRow ~D" (random 1000)) + texts)))) + (clist-set-cell-pixtext + clist row 3 "gtk+" 5 (list pixmap mask)))) + (clist-thaw clist)))))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Add 10,000 Rows"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((texts (do ((i 3 (1+ i)) + (texts '("Center" "Right"))) + ((= i (length titles)) (reverse texts)) + (push (format nil "Column ~D" i) texts)))) + (clist-freeze clist) + (dotimes (i 10000) + (clist-append + clist (cons (format nil "CListRow ~D" (random 1000)) texts))) + (clist-thaw clist)))))) + + + (let ((box2 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 nil nil 0) + + (let ((button (button-new "Clear List"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (clist-clear clist)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Remove Selection"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (clist-freeze clist) + (let ((selection-mode (clist-selection-mode clist))) + (labels ((remove-selection () + (let ((selection (clist-selection clist))) + (when selection + (clist-remove clist (first selection)) + (unless (eq selection-mode :browse) + (remove-selection)))))) + (remove-selection)) + + (when (and + (eq selection-mode :extended) + (not (clist-selection clist)) + (clist-focus-row clist)) + (clist-select-row clist (clist-focus-row clist)))) + (clist-thaw clist)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Undo Selection"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked #'clist-undo-selection :object clist)) + + (let ((button (button-new "Warning Test"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'(lambda ())))) + + + (let ((box2 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 nil nil 0) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Show Title Buttons"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (if (toggle-button-active-p button) + (clist-column-titles-show clist) + (clist-column-titles-hide clist)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p button) t)) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Reorderable"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button nil t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf + (clist-reorderable-p clist) (toggle-button-active-p button)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p button) t)) + + (box-pack-start box2 (label-new "Selection Mode : ") nil t 0) + (let ((option-menu + (build-option-menu + `(("Single" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (clist-selection-mode clist) :single))) + ("Browse" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (clist-selection-mode clist) :browse))) + ("Multiple" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (clist-selection-mode clist) :multiple))) + ("Extended" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (clist-selection-mode clist) :extended)))) + 3))) + (box-pack-start box2 option-menu nil t 0))) + + (box-pack-start main-box scrolled-window t t 0) + (setf (clist-row-height clist) 18) + (setf (widget-height clist) 300) + + (dotimes (i (length titles)) + (setf (clist-column-width clist i) 80)) + + (setf (clist-column-auto-resize-p clist 0) t) + (setf (clist-column-resizeable-p clist 1) nil) + (setf (clist-column-max-width clist 2) 100) + (setf (clist-column-min-width clist 3) 50) + (setf (clist-selection-mode clist) :extended) + (setf (clist-column-justification clist 1) :right) + (setf (clist-column-justification clist 2) :center) + + (let ((style (style-new)) + (texts (do ((i 3 (1+ i)) + (texts '("Center" "Right"))) + ((= i (length titles)) (reverse texts)) + (push (format nil "Column ~D" i) texts)))) + (setf + (style-font style) "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*" + (style-fg style :normal) '#(56000 0 0) + (style-base style :normal) '#(0 56000 32000)) + + (dotimes (i 10) + (clist-append clist (cons (format nil "CListRow ~D" i) texts)) + (if (= (mod i 4) 2) + (setf (clist-row-style clist i) style) + (setf (clist-cell-style clist i (mod i 4)) style)))))) + + + +;;; Color selection + +(let ((color-dialog nil)) + (defun create-color-selection () + (unless color-dialog + (setq color-dialog + (color-selection-dialog-new "color selection dialog")) + + (setf (window-position color-dialog) :mouse) + (signal-connect + color-dialog 'destroy #'(lambda () (widget-destroyed color-dialog))) + + (let ((colorsel (color-selection-dialog-colorsel color-dialog))) + (setf (color-selection-use-opacity-p colorsel) t) + (setf (color-selection-policy colorsel) :continuous) + +; (signal-connect colorsel 'color-changed #'(lambda () nil)) + + (let ((button (color-selection-dialog-ok-button color-dialog))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((color (color-selection-color colorsel))) + (format t "Selected color: ~A~%" color) + (setf (color-selection-color colorsel) color)))))) + + (let ((button (color-selection-dialog-cancel-button color-dialog))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked #'widget-destroy :object color-dialog))) + + (if (not (widget-visible-p color-dialog)) + (widget-show-all color-dialog) + (widget-destroy color-dialog)))) + + + +;;; CTree + +(let ((total-pages 0) + (total-books 0) + (status-labels) + (style1) + (style2) + (pixmap1) + (pixmap2) + (pixmap3)) + + (defun after-press (ctree &rest data) + (declare (ignore data)) + (setf + (label-text (svref status-labels 0)) + (format nil "~D" total-books)) + (setf + (label-text (svref status-labels 1)) + (format nil "~D" total-pages)) + (setf + (label-text (svref status-labels 2)) + (format nil "~D" (length (clist-selection ctree)))) + (setf + (label-text (svref status-labels 3)) + (format nil "~D" (clist-n-rows ctree))) + nil) + + (defun build-recursive (ctree parent current-depth depth books pages) + (let ((sibling nil)) + (do ((i (+ pages books) (1- i))) + ((= i books)) + (declare (fixnum i)) + (incf total-pages) + (setq + sibling + (ctree-insert-node + ctree parent sibling + (list + (format nil "Page ~D" (random 100)) + (format nil "Item ~D-~D" current-depth i)) + 5 :pixmap pixmap3 :leaf t)) + (when (and parent (eq (ctree-line-style ctree) :tabbed)) + (setf + (ctree-row-style ctree sibling) + (ctree-row-style ctree parent)))) + + (unless (= current-depth depth) + (do ((i books (1- i))) + ((zerop i)) + (incf total-books) + (setq + sibling + (ctree-insert-node + ctree parent sibling + (list + (format nil "Book ~D" (random 100)) + (format nil "Item ~D-~D" current-depth i)) + 5 :closed pixmap1 :opened pixmap2)) + + (let ((style (style-new)) + (color (case (mod current-depth 3) + (0 (vector + (* 10000 (mod current-depth 6)) + 0 + (- 65535 (mod (* i 10000) 65535)))) + (1 (vector + (* 10000 (mod current-depth 6)) + (- 65535 (mod (* i 10000) 65535)) + 0)) + (t (vector + (- 65535 (mod (* i 10000) 65535)) + 0 + (* 10000 (mod current-depth 6))))))) + (setf (style-base style :normal) color) + (ctree-set-node-data ctree sibling style #'style-unref) + + (when (eq (ctree-line-style ctree) :tabbed) + (setf (ctree-row-style ctree sibling) style))) + + (build-recursive + ctree sibling (1+ current-depth) depth books pages))))) + + (defun rebuild-tree (ctree depth books pages) + (let ((n (* (/ (1- (expt books depth)) (1- books)) (1+ pages)))) + (if (> n 10000) + (format t "~D total items? Try less~%" n) + (progn + (clist-freeze ctree) + (clist-clear ctree) + (setq total-books 1) + (setq total-pages 0) + (let ((parent + (ctree-insert-node + ctree nil nil '("Root") 5 + :closed pixmap1 :opened pixmap2 :expanded t)) + (style (style-new))) + (setf (style-base style :normal) '#(0 45000 55000)) + (ctree-set-node-data ctree parent style #'style-unref) + + (when (eq (ctree-line-style ctree) :tabbed) + (setf (ctree-row-style ctree parent) style)) + + (build-recursive ctree parent 1 depth books pages) + (clist-thaw ctree) + (after-press ctree)))))) + + (let ((export-window) + (export-ctree)) + (defun export-tree (ctree) + (unless export-window + (setq export-window (window-new :toplevel)) + (signal-connect + export-window 'destroy + #'(lambda () + (widget-destroyed export-window))) + + (setf (window-title export-window) "Exported ctree") + (setf (container-border-width export-window) 5) + + (let ((vbox (vbox-new nil 0))) + (container-add export-window vbox) + + (let ((button (button-new "Close"))) + (box-pack-end vbox button nil t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked #'widget-destroy :object export-window)) + + (box-pack-end vbox (hseparator-new) nil t 10) + + (setq export-ctree (ctree-new '("Tree" "Info"))) + (setf (ctree-line-style export-ctree) :dotted) + + (let ((scrolled-window (scrolled-window-new))) + (container-add scrolled-window export-ctree) + (setf + (scrolled-window-scrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :automatic) + (box-pack vbox scrolled-window) + (setf (clist-selection-mode export-ctree) :extended) + (setf (clist-column-width export-ctree 0) 200) + (setf (clist-column-width export-ctree 1) 200) + (setf (widget-width export-ctree) 300) + (setf (widget-height export-ctree) 200)))) + + (unless (widget-visible-p export-window) + (widget-show-all export-window)) + + (clist-clear export-ctree) + (let ((node (ctree-nth-node ctree (clist-focus-row ctree)))) + (when node + (let ((tree-list + (list (ctree-map-to-list ctree node #'(lambda (node) node))))) + (ctree-insert-from-list + export-ctree nil tree-list + #'(lambda (export-ctree-node ctree-node) + (multiple-value-bind + (text spacing pixmap-closed bitmap-closed pixmap-opened + bitmap-opened leaf expanded) + (ctree-node-info ctree ctree-node) + (ctree-set-node-info + export-ctree export-ctree-node text spacing + :closed (list pixmap-closed bitmap-closed) + :opened (list pixmap-opened bitmap-opened) + :leaf leaf :expanded expanded)) + (unless (eq (ctree-cell-type ctree ctree-node 1) :empty) + (setf + (ctree-cell-text export-ctree export-ctree-node 1) + (ctree-cell-text ctree ctree-node 1)))))))))) + + + (define-test-window create-ctree "CTree" + (let ((vbox (vbox-new nil 0)) + (ctree (ctree-new '("Tree" "Info")))) + + (container-add window vbox) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width hbox) 5) + (box-pack-start vbox hbox nil t 0) + + (let ((spin1 (spin-button-new (adjustment-new 4 1 10 1 5 0) 0 0)) + (spin2 (spin-button-new (adjustment-new 3 1 20 1 5 0) 0 0)) + (spin3 (spin-button-new (adjustment-new 5 1 20 1 5 0) 0 0))) + + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Depth :") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox spin1 nil t 5) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Books :") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox spin2 nil t 5) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Pages :") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox spin3 nil t 5) + + (let ((button (button-new "Rebuild Tree"))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((depth (spin-button-value-as-int spin1)) + (books (spin-button-value-as-int spin2)) + (pages (spin-button-value-as-int spin3))) + (rebuild-tree ctree depth books pages)))))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Close"))) + (box-pack-end hbox button t t 0) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'widget-destroy :object window))) + + (let ((scrolled-window (scrolled-window-new))) + (setf (container-border-width scrolled-window) 5) + (setf (scrolled-window-hscrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :automatic) + (setf (scrolled-window-vscrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :always) + (box-pack-start vbox scrolled-window t t 0) + + (container-add scrolled-window ctree) + (setf (clist-column-auto-resize-p ctree 0) t) + (setf (clist-column-width ctree 1) 200) + (setf (clist-selection-mode ctree) :extended) + (setf (ctree-line-style ctree) :dotted)) + + (signal-connect + ctree 'click-column + #'(lambda (column) + (cond + ((/= column (clist-sort-column ctree)) + (setf (clist-sort-column ctree) column)) + ((eq (clist-sort-type ctree) :ascending) + (setf (clist-sort-type ctree) :descending)) + (t (setf (clist-sort-type ctree) :ascending))) + (ctree-sort-recursive ctree))) + + (signal-connect + ctree 'button-press-event #'after-press :object t :after t) + (signal-connect + ctree 'button-release-event #'after-press :object t :after t) + (signal-connect + ctree 'tree-move #'after-press :object t :after t) + (signal-connect + ctree 'end-selection #'after-press :object t :after t) + (signal-connect + ctree 'toggle-focus-row #'after-press :object t :after t) + (signal-connect + ctree 'select-all #'after-press :object t :after t) + (signal-connect + ctree 'unselect-all #'after-press :object t :after t) + (signal-connect + ctree 'scroll-vertical #'after-press :object t :after t) + + (let ((bbox (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width bbox) 5) + (box-pack-start vbox bbox nil t 0) + + (let ((mbox (vbox-new t 5))) + (box-pack bbox mbox :expand nil) + (box-pack mbox (label-new "Row Height :") :expand nil :fill nil) + (box-pack mbox (label-new "Indent :") :expand nil :fill nil) + (box-pack mbox (label-new "Spacing :") :expand nil :fill nil)) + + (let ((mbox (vbox-new t 5))) + (box-pack bbox mbox :expand nil) + + (let* ((adjustment (adjustment-new 20 12 100 1 10 0)) + (spinner (spin-button-new adjustment 0 0))) + (box-pack mbox spinner :expand nil :fill nil :padding 5) + (flet ((set-row-height () + (setf + (clist-row-height ctree) + (spin-button-value-as-int spinner)))) + (signal-connect adjustment 'value-changed #'set-row-height) + (set-row-height))) + + (let* ((adjustment (adjustment-new 20 0 60 1 10 0)) + (spinner (spin-button-new adjustment 0 0))) + (box-pack mbox spinner :expand nil :fill nil :padding 5) + (flet ((set-indent () + (setf + (ctree-indent ctree) + (spin-button-value-as-int spinner)))) + (signal-connect adjustment 'value-changed #'set-indent) + (set-indent))) + + (let* ((adjustment (adjustment-new 5 0 60 1 10 0)) + (spinner (spin-button-new adjustment 0 0))) + (box-pack mbox spinner :expand nil :fill nil :padding 5) + (flet ((set-spacing () + (setf + (ctree-spacing ctree) + (spin-button-value-as-int spinner)))) + (signal-connect adjustment 'value-changed #'set-spacing) + (set-spacing)))) + + + (let ((mbox (vbox-new t 5))) + (box-pack bbox mbox :expand nil) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack mbox hbox :expand nil :fill nil) + + (let ((button (button-new "Expand All"))) + (box-pack hbox button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (ctree-expand-recursive ctree nil) + (after-press ctree)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Collapse All"))) + (box-pack hbox button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (ctree-collapse-recursive ctree nil) + (after-press ctree)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Change Style"))) + (box-pack hbox button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((node (ctree-nth-node + ctree (or (clist-focus-row ctree) 0)))) + (when node + (unless style1 + (let ((color1 '#(0 56000 0)) + (color2 '#(32000 0 56000))) + (setq style1 (style-new)) + (setf (style-base style1 :normal) color1) + (setf (style-fg style1 :selected) color2) + + (setq style2 (style-new)) + (setf (style-base style2 :selected) color2) + (setf (style-base style2 :normal) color2) + (setf (style-fg style2 :normal) color1) + (setf + (style-font style2) + "-*-courier-medium-*-*-*-*-300-*-*-*-*-*-*"))) + (setf (ctree-cell-style ctree node 1) style1) + (setf (ctree-cell-style ctree node 0) style2) + + (when (ctree-node-child node) + (setf + (ctree-row-style ctree (ctree-node-child node)) + style2))))))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Export Tree"))) + (box-pack hbox button) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'export-tree :object ctree))) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack mbox hbox :expand nil :fill nil) + + (let ((button (button-new "Select All"))) + (box-pack hbox button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (ctree-select-recursive ctree nil) + (after-press ctree)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Unselect All"))) + (box-pack hbox button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (ctree-unselect-recursive ctree nil) + (after-press ctree)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Remove Selection"))) + (box-pack hbox button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (clist-freeze ctree) + (let ((selection-mode (clist-selection-mode ctree))) + (labels + ((remove-selection () + (let ((node (first (ctree-selection ctree)))) + (when node + + (ctree-apply-post-recursive + ctree node + #'(lambda (node) + (if (ctree-node-leaf-p node) + (decf total-pages) + (decf total-books)))) + + (ctree-remove-node ctree node) + (unless (eq selection-mode :browse) + (remove-selection)))))) + (remove-selection)) + + (when (and + (eq selection-mode :extended) + (not (clist-selection ctree)) + (clist-focus-row ctree)) + (ctree-select + ctree + (ctree-nth-node ctree (clist-focus-row ctree))))) + (clist-thaw ctree) + (after-press ctree)))) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Reorderable"))) + (box-pack hbox button :expand nil) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf + (clist-reorderable-p ctree) + (toggle-button-active-p button)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p button) t))) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack mbox hbox :expand nil :fill nil) + + (flet + ((set-line-style (line-style) + (let ((current-line-style (ctree-line-style ctree))) + (when (or + (and + (eq current-line-style :tabbed) + (not (eq line-style :tabbed))) + (and + (not (eq current-line-style :tabbed)) + (eq line-style :tabbed))) + (ctree-apply-pre-recursive + ctree nil + #'(lambda (node) + (let + ((style + (cond + ((eq (ctree-line-style ctree) :tabbed) nil) + ((not (ctree-node-leaf-p node)) + (ctree-node-data ctree node)) + ((ctree-node-parent node) + (ctree-node-data + ctree (ctree-node-parent node)))))) + (setf (ctree-row-style ctree node) style)))) + (setf (ctree-line-style ctree) line-style))))) + + (let ((option-menu + (build-option-menu + `(("No lines" ,#'(lambda () (set-line-style :none))) + ("Solid" ,#'(lambda () (set-line-style :solid))) + ("Dotted" ,#'(lambda () (set-line-style :dotted))) + ("Tabbed" ,#'(lambda () (set-line-style :tabbed)))) + 2))) + (box-pack hbox option-menu :expand nil))) + + (let ((option-menu + (build-option-menu + `(("None" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (ctree-expander-style ctree) :none))) + ("Square" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (ctree-expander-style ctree) :square))) + ("Triangle" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (ctree-expander-style ctree) :triangle))) + ("Circular" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (ctree-expander-style ctree) :circular)))) + 1))) + (box-pack hbox option-menu :expand nil)) + + (let ((option-menu + (build-option-menu + `(("Left" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf + (clist-column-justification ctree 0) :left))) + ("Right" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf + (clist-column-justification ctree 0) :right)))) + 0))) + (box-pack hbox option-menu :expand nil)) + + (flet ((set-sel-mode (mode) + (setf (clist-selection-mode ctree) mode) + (after-press ctree))) + (let ((option-menu + (build-option-menu + `(("Single" ,#'(lambda () (set-sel-mode :single))) + ("Browse" ,#'(lambda () (set-sel-mode :browse))) + ("Multiple" ,#'(lambda () (set-sel-mode :multiple))) + ("Extended" ,#'(lambda () (set-sel-mode :extended)))) + 3))) + (box-pack hbox option-menu :expand nil)))))) + + (let ((frame (frame-new))) + (setf (container-border-width frame) 0) + (setf (frame-shadow-type frame) :out) + (box-pack vbox frame :expand nil) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new t 2))) + (setf (container-border-width hbox) 2) + (container-add frame hbox) + + (setq + status-labels + (map 'vector + #'(lambda (text) + (let ((frame (frame-new)) + (hbox2 (hbox-new nil 0))) + (setf (frame-shadow-type frame) :in) + (box-pack hbox frame :expand nil) + (setf (container-border-width hbox2) 2) + (container-add frame hbox2) + (box-pack hbox2 (label-new text) :expand nil) + (let ((label (label-new ""))) + (box-pack-end hbox2 label nil t 5) + label))) + '("Books :" "Pages :" "Selected :" "Visible :"))))) + + (widget-realize window) + (let ((gdk:window (widget-window window))) + (setq pixmap1 (multiple-value-list + (gdk:pixmap-create book-closed-xpm :window gdk:window))) + (setq pixmap2 (multiple-value-list + (gdk:pixmap-create book-open-xpm :window gdk:window))) + (setq pixmap3 (multiple-value-list + (gdk:pixmap-create mini-page-xpm :window gdk:window)))) + (setf (widget-height ctree) 300) + + (rebuild-tree ctree 4 3 5)))) + + + +;;; Cursors + +(defun clamp (n min-val max-val) + (declare (number n min-val max-val)) + (max (min n max-val) min-val)) + +(defun set-cursor (spinner drawing-area label) + (let ((cursor + (gforeign:int-enum + (logand (clamp (spin-button-value-as-int spinner) 0 152) #xFE) + 'gdk:cursor-type))) + (setf (label-text label) (string-downcase (symbol-name cursor))) + (setf (widget-cursor drawing-area) cursor))) + + +(define-standard-dialog create-cursors "Cursors" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 5) + (let* ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0)) + (label (label-new "Cursor Value : ")) + (adj (adjustment-new 0 0 152 2 10 0)) + (spinner (spin-button-new adj 0 0))) + (setf (container-border-width hbox) 5) + (box-pack-start main-box hbox nil t 0) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack-start hbox label nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox spinner t t 0) + + (let ((frame (make-frame + :shadow-type :etched-in + :label-xalign 0.5 + :label "Cursor Area" + :border-width 10 + :parent main-box + :visible t)) + (drawing-area (drawing-area-new))) + (setf (widget-width drawing-area) 80) + (setf (widget-height drawing-area) 80) + (container-add frame drawing-area) + (signal-connect + drawing-area 'expose-event + #'(lambda (event) + (declare (ignore event)) + (multiple-value-bind (width height) + (drawing-area-size drawing-area) + (let* ((drawable (widget-window drawing-area)) + (style (widget-style drawing-area)) + (white-gc (style-get-gc style :white)) + (gray-gc (style-get-gc style :background :normal)) + (black-gc (style-get-gc style :black))) + (gdk:draw-rectangle + drawable white-gc t 0 0 width (floor height 2)) + (gdk:draw-rectangle + drawable black-gc t 0 (floor height 2) width (floor height 2)) + (gdk:draw-rectangle + drawable gray-gc t (floor width 3) (floor height 3) + (floor width 3) (floor height 3)))) + t)) + (setf (widget-events drawing-area) '(:exposure :button-press)) + (signal-connect + drawing-area 'button-press-event + #'(lambda (event) + (when (and + (eq (gdk:event-type event) :button-press) + (or + (= (gdk:event-button event) 1) + (= (gdk:event-button event) 3))) + (spin-button-spin + spinner + (if (= (gdk:event-button event) 1) + :step-forward + :step-backward) + 0) + t))) + (widget-show drawing-area) + + (let ((label (make-label + :visible t + :label "XXX" + :parent main-box))) + (setf (box-child-expand-p #|main-box|# label) nil) + (signal-connect + spinner 'changed + #'(lambda () + (set-cursor spinner drawing-area label))) + + (widget-realize drawing-area) + (set-cursor spinner drawing-area label))))) + + + +;;; Dialog + +(define-test-dialog create-dialog "Dialog" + (setf (widget-width window) 200) + (setf (widget-height window) 110) + + (let ((button (button-new "OK"))) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'(lambda () (widget-destroy window))) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area button t t 0) + (widget-grab-default button) + (widget-show button)) + + (let ((button (button-new "Toggle")) + (label nil)) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (if (not label) + (progn + (setq label (label-new "Dialog Test")) + (signal-connect label 'destroy #'widget-destroy :object label) + (setf (misc-xpad label) 10) + (setf (misc-ypad label) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box label t t 0) + (widget-show label)) + (progn + (widget-destroy label) + (setq label nil))))) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area button t t 0) + (widget-grab-default button) + (widget-show button))) + + + +;; Entry + +(define-standard-dialog create-entry "Entry" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 10) + (let ((entry (make-instance 'entry + :test "hello world" + :visible t + :parent (list main-box :fill t :expand t)))) + (entry-select-region entry 0 5) + + (let ((combo (make-instance 'combo + :visible t + :parent (list main-box :expand t :fill t)))) + (setf + (combo-popdown-strings combo) + '("item0" + "item1 item1" + "item2 item2 item2" + "item3 item3 item3 item3" + "item4 item4 item4 item4 item4" + "item5 item5 item5 item5 item5 item5" + "item6 item6 item6 item6 item6" + "item7 item7 item7 item7" + "item8 item8 item8" + "item9 item9")) + (editable-select-region entry 0 5)) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Editable"))) + (box-pack-start main-box check-button nil t 0) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (setf + (editable-editable-p entry) + (toggle-button-active-p check-button)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) t) + (widget-show check-button)) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Visible"))) + (box-pack-start main-box check-button nil t 0) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (setf + (entry-visible-p entry) + (toggle-button-active-p check-button)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) t) + (widget-show check-button)) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Sensitive"))) + (box-pack-start main-box check-button nil t 0) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (setf + (widget-sensitive-p entry) + (toggle-button-active-p check-button)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) t) + (widget-show check-button)))) + + + +;; File selecetion dialog + +(let ((filesel nil)) + (defun create-file-selection () + (unless filesel + (setq filesel (file-selection-new "file selection dialog")) + (file-selection-hide-fileop-buttons filesel) + (setf (window-position filesel) :mouse) + (signal-connect + filesel 'destroy #'(lambda () (widget-destroyed filesel))) + (signal-connect + (file-selection-ok-button filesel) 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (format + t "Selected file: ~A~%" (file-selection-filename filesel)) + (widget-destroy filesel))) + (signal-connect + (file-selection-cancel-button filesel) 'clicked + #'widget-destroy :object filesel) + + (let ((button (button-new "Hide Fileops"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'file-selection-hide-fileop-buttons :object filesel) + (box-pack-start (file-selection-action-area filesel) button nil nil 0) + (widget-show button)) + + (let ((button (button-new "Show Fileops"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'file-selection-show-fileop-buttons :object filesel) + (box-pack-start (file-selection-action-area filesel) button nil nil 0) + (widget-show button))) + + (if (not (widget-visible-p filesel)) + (widget-show-all filesel) + (widget-destroy filesel)))) + + + +;;; Handle box + +(defun create-handle-box-toolbar () + (let ((toolbar (toolbar-new :horizontal :both))) + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Horizontal" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Horizontal toolbar layout" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-orientation toolbar) :horizontal))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Vertical" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Vertical toolbar layout" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-orientation toolbar) :vertical))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Icons" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Only show toolbar icons" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-style toolbar) :icons))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Text" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Only show toolbar text" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-style toolbar) :text))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Both" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Show toolbar icons and text" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-style toolbar) :both))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Small" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Use small spaces" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-space-size toolbar) 5))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Big" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Use big spaces" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-space-size toolbar) 10))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Enable" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Enable tooltips" + :callback #'(lambda () (toolbar-enable-tooltips toolbar))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Disable" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Disable tooltips" + :callback #'(lambda () (toolbar-disable-tooltips toolbar))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Borders" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Show borders" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-relief toolbar) :normal))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Borderless" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Hide borders" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-relief toolbar) :none))) + + toolbar)) + + +(defun handle-box-child-signal (handle-box child action) + (format t "~S: child ~S ~A~%" handle-box child action)) + + +(define-test-window create-handle-box "Handle Box Test" + (setf (window-allow-grow-p window) t) + (setf (window-allow-shrink-p window) t) + (setf (window-auto-shrink-p window) nil) + (setf (container-border-width window) 20) + (let ((vbox (vbox-new nil 0))) + (container-add window vbox) + + (container-add vbox (label-new "Above")) + (container-add vbox (hseparator-new)) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 10))) + (container-add vbox hbox) + + (let ((handle-box (handle-box-new))) + (box-pack-start hbox handle-box nil nil 0) + (signal-connect + handle-box 'child-attached + #'(lambda (child) + (handle-box-child-signal handle-box child "attached"))) + (signal-connect + handle-box 'child-detached + #'(lambda (child) + (handle-box-child-signal handle-box child "detached"))) + (container-add handle-box (create-handle-box-toolbar))) + + (let ((handle-box (handle-box-new))) + (box-pack-start hbox handle-box nil nil 0) + (signal-connect + handle-box 'child-attached + #'(lambda (child) + (handle-box-child-signal handle-box child "attached"))) + (signal-connect + handle-box 'child-detached + #'(lambda (child) + (handle-box-child-signal handle-box child "detached"))) + + (let ((handle-box2 (handle-box-new))) + (container-add handle-box handle-box2) + (signal-connect + handle-box2 'child-attached + #'(lambda (child) + (handle-box-child-signal handle-box child "attached"))) + (signal-connect + handle-box2 'child-detached + #'(lambda (child) + (handle-box-child-signal handle-box child "detached"))) + (container-add handle-box2 (label-new "Foo!"))))) + + (container-add vbox (hseparator-new)) + (container-add vbox (label-new "Below")))) + + + +;;; Labels + +(define-test-window create-labels "Labels" + (setf (container-border-width window) 5) + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 5))) + (container-add window hbox) + (let ((vbox (vbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack-start hbox vbox nil nil 0) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Normal Label"))) + (container-add frame (label-new "This is a Normal label")) + (box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Multi-line Label"))) + (container-add frame (label-new +"This is a Multi-line label. +Second line +Third line")) + (box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Left Justified Label")) + (label (label-new +"This is a Left-Justified +Multi-line. +Third line"))) + (setf (label-justify label) :left) + (container-add frame label) + (box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Right Justified Label")) + (label (label-new +"This is a Right-Justified +Multi-line. +Third line"))) + (setf (label-justify label) :right) + (container-add frame label) + (box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0))) + + (let ((vbox (vbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack-start hbox vbox nil nil 0) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Line wrapped label")) + (label (label-new +"This is an example of a line-wrapped label. It should not be taking up the entire width allocated to it, but automatically wraps the words to fit. The time has come, for all good men, to come to the aid of their party. The sixth sheik's six sheep's sick. + It supports multiple paragraphs correctly, and correctly adds many extra spaces. "))) + (setf (label-wrap-p label) t) + (container-add frame label) + (box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Filled, wrapped label")) + (label (label-new +"This is an example of a line-wrapped, filled label. It should be taking up the entire width allocated to it. Here is a seneance to prove my point. Here is another sentence. Here comes the sun, do de do de do. + This is a new paragraph. + This is another newer, longer, better paragraph. It is coming to an end, unfortunately."))) + (setf (label-justify label) :fill) + (setf (label-wrap-p label) t) + (container-add frame label) + (box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Underlined label")) + (label (label-new +"This label is underlined! +This one is underlined in ÆüËܸì¤ÎÆþÍÑquite a funky fashion"))) + (setf (label-justify label) :left) + (setf (label-pattern label) "_________________________ _ _________ _ _____ _ __ __ ___ ____ _____") + (container-add frame label) + (box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0))))) + + + +;;; Layout + +(defun layout-expose-handler (layout event) + (multiple-value-bind (x-offset y-offset) + (layout-offset layout) + (declare (fixnum x-offset y-offset)) + (multiple-value-bind (area-x area-y area-width area-height) + (gdk:event-area event) + (declare (fixnum area-x area-y area-width area-height)) + (let ((imin (truncate (+ x-offset area-x) 10)) + (imax (truncate (+ x-offset area-x area-width 9) 10)) + (jmin (truncate (+ y-offset area-y) 10)) + (jmax (truncate (+ y-offset area-y area-height 9) 10))) + (declare (fixnum imin imax jmin jmax)) + (gdk:window-clear-area + (widget-window layout) area-x area-y area-width area-height) + + (let ((window (layout-bin-window layout)) + (gc (style-get-gc (widget-style layout) :black))) + (do ((i imin (1+ i))) + ((= i imax)) + (declare (fixnum i)) + (do ((j jmin (1+ j))) + ((= j jmax)) + (declare (fixnum j)) + (unless (zerop (mod (+ i j) 2)) + (gdk:draw-rectangle + window gc t + (- (* 10 i) x-offset) (- (* 10 j) y-offset) + (1+ (mod i 10)) (1+ (mod j 10)))))))))) + t) + + +(define-test-window create-layout "Layout" + (setf (widget-width window) 200) + (setf (widget-height window) 200) + (let ((scrolled (scrolled-window-new)) + (layout (layout-new))) + (container-add window scrolled) + (container-add scrolled layout) + (setf (adjustment-step-increment (layout-hadjustment layout)) 10.0) + (setf (adjustment-step-increment (layout-vadjustment layout)) 10.0) + (setf (widget-events layout) '(:exposure)) + (signal-connect layout 'expose-event #'layout-expose-handler :object t) + (setf (layout-size layout) '#(1600 128000)) + + (dotimes (i 16) + (dotimes (j 16) + (let* ((text (format nil "Button ~D, ~D" i j)) + (button (if (not (zerop (mod (+ i j) 2))) + (button-new text) + (label-new text)))) + (layout-put layout button (* j 100) (* i 100))))) + + (do ((i 16 (1+ i))) + ((= i 1280)) + (declare (fixnum i)) + (let* ((text (format nil "Button ~D, ~D" i 0)) + (button (if (not (zerop (mod i 2))) + (button-new text) + (label-new text)))) + (layout-put layout button 0 (* i 100)))))) + + + +;;; List + +(define-standard-dialog create-list "List" + (let ((scrolled-window (scrolled-window-new)) + (list (list-new))) + (setf (container-border-width scrolled-window) 5) + (setf (scrolled-window-scrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :automatic) + (box-pack-start main-box scrolled-window t t 0) + (setf (widget-height scrolled-window) 300) + + (setf (list-selection-mode list) :extended) + (scrolled-window-add-with-viewport scrolled-window list) + (setf + (container-focus-vadjustment list) + (scrolled-window-vadjustment scrolled-window)) + (setf + (container-focus-hadjustment list) + (scrolled-window-hadjustment scrolled-window)) + + (with-open-file (file "cl-gtk:src;gtktypes.lisp") + (labels ((read-file () + (let ((line (read-line file nil nil))) + (when line + (container-add list (list-item-new line)) + (read-file))))) + (read-file))) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new t 5))) + (setf (container-border-width hbox) 5) + (box-pack-start main-box hbox nil t 0) + + (let ((button (button-new "Insert Row")) + (i 0)) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((item + (list-item-new (format nil "added item ~A" (incf i))))) + (widget-show item) + (container-add list item))))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Clear List"))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked #'(lambda () (list-clear-items list 0 -1)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Remove Selection"))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((selection (list-selection list))) + (if (eq (list-selection-mode list) :extended) + (let ((item (or + (container-focus-child list) + (first selection)))) + (when item + (let* ((children (container-children list)) + (sel-row + (or + (find-if + #'(lambda (item) + (eq (widget-state item) :selected)) + (member item children)) + (find-if + #'(lambda (item) + (eq (widget-state item) :selected)) + (member item (reverse children)))))) + (list-remove-items list selection) + (when sel-row + (list-select-child list sel-row))))) + (list-remove-items list selection))))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 0))) + + (let ((cbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start main-box cbox nil t 0) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 5)) + (option-menu + (build-option-menu + `(("Single" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (list-selection-mode list) :single))) + ("Browse" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (list-selection-mode list) :browse))) + ("Multiple" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (list-selection-mode list) :multiple))) + ("Extended" + ,#'(lambda () (setf (list-selection-mode list) :extended)))) + 3))) + + (setf (container-border-width hbox) 5) + (box-pack-start cbox hbox t nil 0) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Selection Mode :") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox option-menu nil t 0))))) + + + +;; Menus + +(defun create-menu (depth tearoff) + (unless (zerop depth) + (let ((menu (menu-new))) + (when tearoff + (let ((menuitem (tearoff-menu-item-new))) + (menu-append menu menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem) + )) + (let ((group nil)) + (dotimes (i 5) + (let ((menuitem + (radio-menu-item-new + group (format nil "item ~2D - ~D" depth (1+ i))))) + (setq group (radio-menu-item-group menuitem)) ; ough! + (unless (zerop (mod depth 2)) + (setf (check-menu-item-toggle-indicator-p menuitem) t)) + (menu-append menu menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem) + (when (= i 3) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p menuitem) nil)) + (setf (menu-item-submenu menuitem) (create-menu (1- depth) t))))) + menu))) + + +(define-standard-dialog create-menus "Menus" + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 0) + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 0) + (widget-show main-box) + (let ((accel-group (accel-group-new)) + (menubar (menu-bar-new))) + (accel-group-attach accel-group window) + (box-pack-start main-box menubar nil t 0) + (widget-show menubar) + + (let ((menuitem (menu-item-new (format nil "test~%line2")))) + (setf (menu-item-submenu menuitem) (create-menu 2 t)) + (menu-bar-append menubar menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem)) + + (let ((menuitem (menu-item-new "foo"))) + (setf (menu-item-submenu menuitem) (create-menu 3 t)) + (menu-bar-append menubar menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem)) + + (let ((menuitem (menu-item-new "bar"))) + (setf (menu-item-submenu menuitem) (create-menu 4 t)) + (menu-item-right-justify menuitem) + (menu-bar-append menubar menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem)) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 10)) + (menu (create-menu 1 nil))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 t t 0) + (widget-show box2) + + (setf (menu-accel-group menu) accel-group) + + (let ((menuitem (check-menu-item-new "Accelerate Me"))) + (menu-append menu menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem) + (widget-add-accelerator + menuitem 'activate accel-group "F1" 0 '(:visible :signal-visible))) + + (let ((menuitem (check-menu-item-new "Accelerator Locked"))) + (menu-append menu menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem) + (widget-add-accelerator + menuitem 'activate accel-group "F2" 0 '(:visible :locked))) + + (let ((menuitem (check-menu-item-new "Accelerator Frozen"))) + (menu-append menu menuitem) + (widget-show menuitem) + (widget-add-accelerator + menuitem 'activate accel-group "F2" 0 '(:visible)) + (widget-add-accelerator + menuitem 'activate accel-group "F3" 0 '(:visible)) + (widget-lock-accelerators menuitem)) + + (let ((optionmenu (option-menu-new))) + (setf (option-menu-menu optionmenu) menu) + (setf (option-menu-history optionmenu) 3) + (box-pack-start box2 optionmenu t t 0) + (widget-show optionmenu))))) + + +;;; Notebook + +(define-standard-dialog create-notebook "Notebook" + (multiple-value-bind (book-open book-open-mask) + (gdk:pixmap-create book-open-xpm) + (multiple-value-bind (book-closed book-closed-mask) + (gdk:pixmap-create book-closed-xpm) + + (labels + ((create-pages (notebook i end) + (when (<= i end) + (let* ((title (format nil "Page ~D" i)) + (child (frame-new title)) + (vbox (vbox-new t 0)) + (hbox (hbox-new t 0))) + (setf (container-border-width child) 10) + (setf (container-border-width vbox) 10) + (container-add child vbox) + (box-pack-start vbox hbox nil t 5) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Fill Tab"))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 5) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p button) t) + (signal-connect + button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (multiple-value-bind (expand fill pack-type) + (notebook-query-tab-label-packing notebook child) + (declare (ignore fill)) + (notebook-set-tab-label-packing + notebook child expand + (toggle-button-active-p button) pack-type))))) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Expand Tab"))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 5) + (signal-connect + button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (multiple-value-bind (expand fill pack-type) + (notebook-query-tab-label-packing notebook child) + (declare (ignore expand)) + (notebook-set-tab-label-packing + notebook child (toggle-button-active-p button) + fill pack-type))))) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Pack end"))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 5) + (signal-connect + button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (multiple-value-bind (expand fill pack-type) + (notebook-query-tab-label-packing notebook child) + (declare (ignore pack-type)) + (notebook-set-tab-label-packing + notebook child expand fill + (if (toggle-button-active-p button) + :end + :start)))))) + + (let ((button (button-new "Hide Page"))) + (box-pack-start vbox button nil nil 5) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked #'(lambda () (widget-hide child)))) + + (widget-show-all child) + + (let ((label-box (hbox-new nil 0)) + (menu-box (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start + label-box (pixmap-new (list book-closed book-closed-mask)) + nil t 0) + (box-pack-start label-box (label-new title) nil t 0) + (widget-show-all label-box) + (box-pack-start + menu-box (pixmap-new (list book-closed book-closed-mask)) + nil t 0) + (box-pack-start menu-box (label-new title) nil t 0) + (widget-show-all menu-box) + (notebook-append-page notebook child label-box menu-box))) + + (create-pages notebook (1+ i) end)))) + + + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 0) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 0) + + (let ((notebook (notebook-new))) + (signal-connect + notebook 'switch-page + #'(lambda (pointer page) + (declare (ignore pointer)) + (let ((old-page (notebook-current-page-num notebook))) + (unless (eq page old-page) + (setf + (pixmap-pixmap + (first + (container-children + (notebook-tab-label notebook page)))) + (list book-open book-open-mask)) + (setf + (pixmap-pixmap + (first + (container-children + (notebook-menu-label notebook page)))) + (list book-open book-open-mask)) + + (when old-page + (setf + (pixmap-pixmap + (first + (container-children + (notebook-tab-label notebook old-page)))) + (list book-closed book-closed-mask)) + (setf + (pixmap-pixmap + (first + (container-children + (notebook-menu-label notebook old-page)))) + (list book-closed book-closed-mask))))))) + + (setf (notebook-tab-pos notebook) :top) + (box-pack-start main-box notebook t t 0) + (setf (container-border-width notebook) 10) + + (widget-realize notebook) + (create-pages notebook 1 5) + + (box-pack-start main-box (hseparator-new) nil t 10) + + (let ((box2 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 nil t 0) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "popup menu"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t nil 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (if (toggle-button-active-p button) + (notebook-popup-enable notebook) + (notebook-popup-disable notebook))))) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "homogeneous tabs"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t nil 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf + (notebook-homogeneous-p notebook) + (toggle-button-active-p button)))))) + + (let ((box2 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 nil t 0) + + (box-pack-start box2 (label-new "Notebook Style : ") nil t 0) + + (let* ((scrollable-p nil) + (option-menu + (build-option-menu + `(("Standard" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (notebook-show-tabs-p notebook) t) + (when scrollable-p + (setq scrollable-p nil) + (setf (notebook-scrollable-p notebook) nil) + (dotimes (n 10) + (notebook-remove-page notebook 5))))) + ("No tabs" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (notebook-show-tabs-p notebook) nil) + (when scrollable-p + (setq scrollable-p nil) + (setf (notebook-scrollable-p notebook) nil) + (dotimes (n 10) + (notebook-remove-page notebook 5))))) + ("Scrollable" + ,#'(lambda () + (unless scrollable-p + (setq scrollable-p t) + (setf (notebook-show-tabs-p notebook) t) + (setf (notebook-scrollable-p notebook) t) + (create-pages notebook 6 15))))) + 0))) + (box-pack-start box2 option-menu nil t 0)) + + (let ((button (button-new "Show all Pages"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button nil t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (container-foreach notebook #'widget-show))))) + + (let ((box2 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 nil t 0) + + (let ((button (button-new "prev"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (notebook-prev-page notebook)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "next"))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (notebook-next-page notebook)))) + + (let ((button (button-new "rotate")) + (tab-pos 2)) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setq tab-pos (mod (1+ tab-pos) 4)) + (setf (notebook-tab-pos notebook) tab-pos)))))))))) + + + +;;; Panes + +(defun toggle-resize (child) + (let* ((paned (widget-parent child)) + (is-child1-p (eq child (paned-child1 paned)))) + (multiple-value-bind (child resize shrink) + (if is-child1-p + (paned-child1 paned) + (paned-child2 paned)) + (widget-ref child) + (container-remove paned child) + (if is-child1-p + (paned-pack1 paned child (not resize) shrink) + (paned-pack2 paned child (not resize) shrink)) + (widget-unref child)))) + +(defun toggle-shrink (child) + (let* ((paned (widget-parent child)) + (is-child1-p (eq child (paned-child1 paned)))) + (multiple-value-bind (child resize shrink) + (if is-child1-p + (paned-child1 paned) + (paned-child2 paned)) + (widget-ref child) + (container-remove paned child) + (if is-child1-p + (paned-pack1 paned child resize (not shrink)) + (paned-pack2 paned child resize (not shrink))) + (widget-unref child)))) + +(defun create-pane-options (paned frame-label label1 label2) + (let ((frame (frame-new frame-label)) + (table (table-new 3 2 t))) + (setf (container-border-width frame) 4) + (container-add frame table) + + (table-attach table (label-new label1) 0 1 0 1) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Resize"))) + (table-attach table check-button 0 1 1 2) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled #'toggle-resize :object (paned-child1 paned))) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Shrink"))) + (table-attach table check-button 0 1 2 3) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) t) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled #'toggle-shrink :object (paned-child1 paned))) + + (table-attach table (label-new label2) 1 2 0 1) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Resize"))) + (table-attach table check-button 1 2 1 2) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) t) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled #'toggle-resize :object (paned-child2 paned))) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Shrink"))) + (table-attach table check-button 1 2 2 3) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) t) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled #'toggle-shrink :object (paned-child2 paned))) + + frame)) + +(define-test-window create-panes "Panes" + (let ((vbox (vbox-new nil 0)) + (vpaned (vpaned-new)) + (hpaned (hpaned-new))) + (container-add window vbox) + (box-pack-start vbox vpaned t t 0) + (setf (container-border-width vpaned) 5) + + (paned-add1 vpaned hpaned) + + (let ((frame (frame-new nil))) + (setf (frame-shadow-type frame) :in) + (setf (widget-width frame) 60) + (setf (widget-height frame) 60) + (paned-add1 hpaned frame) + (container-add frame (button-new "Hi there"))) + + (let ((frame (frame-new nil))) + (setf (frame-shadow-type frame) :in) + (setf (widget-width frame) 80) + (setf (widget-height frame) 60) + (paned-add2 hpaned frame)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new nil))) + (setf (frame-shadow-type frame) :in) + (setf (widget-width frame) 80) + (setf (widget-height frame) 60) + (paned-add2 vpaned frame)) + + ;; Now create toggle buttons to control sizing + + (box-pack-start + vbox (create-pane-options hpaned "Horizontal" "Left" "Right") nil nil 0) + + (box-pack-start + vbox (create-pane-options vpaned "Vertical" "Top" "Bottom") nil nil 0))) + + + +;;; Pixmap + +(define-standard-dialog create-pixmap "Pixmap" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (let* ((button (button-new)) + (hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start main-box button nil nil 0) + (container-add button hbox) + (setf (container-border-width hbox) 2) + (container-add hbox (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm")) + (container-add hbox (label-new "Pixmap test")))) + + + +;;; Progress bar + +(define-standard-dialog create-progress-bar "Progress bar" + (setf (window-allow-grow-p window) nil) + (setf (window-allow-shrink-p window) nil) + (setf (window-auto-shrink-p window) t) + + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + + (let* ((pbar-adj (adjustment-new 0 1 300 0 0 0)) + (pbar (progress-bar-new pbar-adj)) + (user-label (label-new ""))) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Progress")) + (vbox (vbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack-start main-box frame nil t 0) + (container-add frame vbox) + + (let ((timer (timeout-add + 100 + #'(lambda () + (let* ((value (adjustment-value pbar-adj)) + (new-value + (if (= value (adjustment-upper pbar-adj)) + (adjustment-lower pbar-adj) + (1+ value)))) + (setf (progress-value pbar) new-value)) + t)))) + (signal-connect window 'destroy #'(lambda () (timeout-remove timer)))) + + (signal-connect + pbar-adj 'value-changed + #'(lambda () + (setf + (label-text user-label) + (if (progress-activity-mode-p pbar) + "???" + (format nil "~D" (round (* 100 (progress-percentage pbar)))))))) + + (setf (progress-format-string pbar) "%v from [%l,%u] (=%p%%)") + + (let ((align (alignment-new 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0))) + (box-pack-start vbox align nil nil 0) + (container-add align pbar)) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Label updated by user :") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox user-label nil t 0) + + (let ((align (alignment-new 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0))) + (box-pack-start vbox align nil nil 5) + (container-add align hbox)))) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Options")) + (vbox (vbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack-start main-box frame nil t 0) + (container-add frame vbox) + + (let ((table (table-new 7 2 nil))) + (box-pack-start vbox table nil t 0) + + (let ((label (label-new "Orientation :"))) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0.0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (table-attach table label 0 1 0 1 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start + hbox + (build-option-menu + `(("Left-Right" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (progress-bar-orientation pbar) :left-to-right))) + ("Right-Left" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (progress-bar-orientation pbar) :right-to-left))) + ("Bottom-Top" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (progress-bar-orientation pbar) :bottom-to-top))) + ("Top-Bottom" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (progress-bar-orientation pbar) :top-to-bottom)))) + 0) + t t 0) + (table-attach table hbox 1 2 0 1 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (let* ((button (check-button-new "Show text")) + (entry (entry-new)) + (x-align-adj (adjustment-new 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.0)) + (x-align-spin (spin-button-new x-align-adj 0 1)) + (y-align-adj (adjustment-new 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.0)) + (y-align-spin (spin-button-new y-align-adj 0 1))) + + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((state (toggle-button-active-p button))) + (setf (progress-show-text-p pbar) state) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p entry) state) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p x-align-spin) state) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p y-align-spin) state)))) + (table-attach table button 0 1 1 2 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5) + + (signal-connect + entry 'changed + #'(lambda () + (setf + (progress-format-string pbar) + (entry-text entry)))) + (setf (entry-text entry) "%v from [%l,%u] (=%p%%)") + (setf (widget-width entry) 100) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p entry) nil) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Format : ") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox entry t t 0) + (table-attach table hbox 1 2 1 2 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (let ((label (label-new "Text align :"))) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0.0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (table-attach table label 0 1 2 3 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (flet ((adjust-align () + (setf + (progress-text-xalign pbar) + (spin-button-value x-align-spin)) + (setf + (progress-text-yalign pbar) + (spin-button-value y-align-spin)))) + (signal-connect x-align-adj 'value-changed #'adjust-align) + (signal-connect y-align-adj 'value-changed #'adjust-align)) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p x-align-spin) nil) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p y-align-spin) nil) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "x :") nil t 5) + (box-pack-start hbox x-align-spin nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "y :") nil t 5) + (box-pack-start hbox y-align-spin nil t 0) + (table-attach table hbox 1 2 2 3 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5))) + + (let ((label (label-new "Bar Style :"))) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0.0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (table-attach table label 0 1 3 4 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (let* ((block-adj (adjustment-new 10 2 20 1 5 0)) + (block-spin (spin-button-new block-adj 0 0))) + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start + hbox + (build-option-menu + `(("Continuous" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (progress-bar-style pbar) :continuous) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p block-spin) nil))) + ("Discrete" + ,#'(lambda () + (setf (progress-bar-style pbar) :discrete) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p block-spin) t)))) + 0) + t t 0) + (table-attach table hbox 1 2 3 4 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (let ((label (label-new "Block count :"))) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0.0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (table-attach table label 0 1 4 5 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (signal-connect + block-adj 'value-changed + #'(lambda () + (setf (progress-percentage pbar) 0) + (setf + (progress-bar-discrete-blocks pbar) + (spin-button-value-as-int block-spin)))) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p block-spin) nil) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox block-spin nil t 0) + (table-attach table hbox 1 2 4 5 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5))) + + (let* ((step-size-adj (adjustment-new 3 1 20 1 5 0)) + (step-size-spin (spin-button-new step-size-adj 0 0)) + (block-adj (adjustment-new 5 2 10 1 5 00)) + (block-spin (spin-button-new block-adj 0 0))) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Activity mode"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((state (toggle-button-active-p button))) + (setf (progress-activity-mode-p pbar) state) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p step-size-spin) state) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p block-spin) state)))) + (table-attach table button 0 1 5 6 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (signal-connect + step-size-adj 'value-changed + #'(lambda () + (setf + (progress-bar-activity-step pbar) + (spin-button-value-as-int step-size-spin)))) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p step-size-spin) nil) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Step size : ") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox step-size-spin nil t 0) + (table-attach table hbox 1 2 5 6 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5)) + + (signal-connect + block-adj 'value-changed + #'(lambda () + (setf + (progress-bar-activity-blocks pbar) + (spin-button-value-as-int block-spin)))) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p block-spin) nil) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox (label-new "Blocks : ") nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox block-spin nil t 0) + (table-attach table hbox 1 2 6 7 :x-padding 5 :y-padding 5))))))) + + + +;;; Radio buttons + +(define-standard-dialog create-radio-buttons "Radio buttons" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 10) + (let* ((button1 (radio-button-new nil :label "button1")) + (button2 (radio-button-new + (radio-button-group button1) :label "button2")) + (button3 (radio-button-new + (radio-button-group button2) :label "button3"))) + (box-pack-start main-box button1 t t 0) + (box-pack-start main-box button2 t t 0) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p button2) t) + (box-pack-start main-box button3 t t 0))) + + + +;;; Rangle controls + +(define-standard-dialog create-range-controls "Range controls" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 10) + (let ((adjustment (adjustment-new 0.0 0.0 101.0 0.1 1.0 1.0))) + + (let ((scale (hscale-new adjustment))) + (setf (widget-width scale) 150) + (setf (widget-height scale) 30) + (setf (range-update-policy scale) :delayed) + (setf (scale-digits scale) 1) + (setf (scale-draw-value-p scale) t) + (box-pack-start main-box scale t t 0)) + + (let ((scrollbar (hscrollbar-new adjustment))) + (setf (range-update-policy scrollbar) :continuous) + (box-pack-start main-box scrollbar t t 0)))) + + + +;;; Reparent test + +(define-standard-dialog create-reparent "reparent" + (let ((box2 (hbox-new nil 5)) + (label (label-new "Hellow World"))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box box2 t t 0) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Frame 1")) + (box3 (vbox-new nil 5)) + (button (button-new "switch"))) + (box-pack-start box2 frame t t 0) + + (setf (container-border-width box3) 5) + (container-add frame box3) + + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (widget-reparent label box3))) + (box-pack-start box3 button nil t 0) + + (box-pack-start box3 label nil t 0) + (signal-connect + label 'parent-set + #'(lambda (old-parent) + (declare (ignore old-parent))))) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Frame 2")) + (box3 (vbox-new nil 5)) + (button (button-new "switch"))) + (box-pack-start box2 frame t t 0) + + (setf (container-border-width box3) 5) + (container-add frame box3) + + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (widget-reparent label box3))) + (box-pack-start box3 button nil t 0)))) + + + +;;; Rulers + +(define-test-window create-rulers "rulers" + (setf (widget-width window) 300) + (setf (widget-height window) 300) + (setf (widget-events window) '(:pointer-motion :pointer-motion-hint)) + + (let ((table (table-new 2 2 nil))) + (container-add window table) + (widget-show table) + + (let ((ruler (hruler-new))) + (setf (ruler-metric ruler) :centimeters) + (ruler-set-range ruler 100 0 0 20) + (signal-connect + window 'motion-notify-event + #'(lambda (event) (widget-event ruler event))) + (table-attach table ruler 1 2 0 1 :y-options '(:fill)) + (widget-show ruler)) + + (let ((ruler (vruler-new))) + (ruler-set-range ruler 5 15 0 20) + (signal-connect + window 'motion-notify-event + #'(lambda (event) (widget-event ruler event))) + (table-attach table ruler 0 1 1 2 :x-options '(:fill)) + (widget-show ruler)))) + + + +;;; Scrolled window + +(define-standard-dialog create-scrolled-windows "Scrolled windows" + (let ((scrolled-window (scrolled-window-new nil nil))) + (setf (container-border-width scrolled-window) 10) + (setf (scrolled-window-scrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :automatic) + (box-pack-start main-box scrolled-window t t 0) + + (let ((table (table-new 20 20 nil))) + (setf (table-row-spacings table) 10) + (setf (table-column-spacings table) 10) + (scrolled-window-add-with-viewport scrolled-window table) + (setf + (container-focus-vadjustment table) + (scrolled-window-vadjustment scrolled-window)) + (setf + (container-focus-hadjustment table) + (scrolled-window-hadjustment scrolled-window)) + + (dotimes (i 20) + (dotimes (j 20) + (let ((button + (toggle-button-new (format nil "button (~D,~D)~%" i j)))) + (table-attach table button i (1+ i) j (1+ j))))))) + + (let ((button (button-new "remove"))) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'(lambda ())) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area button t t 0) + (widget-grab-default button)) + + (setf (window-default-height window) 300) + (setf (window-default-width window) 300)) + + + +;;; Shapes + +(defun shape-create-icon (xpm-file x y px py window-type root-window) + (let ((window (window-new window-type)) + (fixed (fixed-new))) + (setf (widget-width fixed) 100) + (setf (widget-height fixed) 100) + (container-add window fixed) + (widget-show fixed) + + (setf + (widget-events window) + (append + (widget-events window) + '(:button-motion :pointer-motion-hint :button-press))) + (widget-realize window) + + (multiple-value-bind (gdk-pixmap gdk-pixmap-mask) + (gdk:pixmap-create xpm-file) + (let ((pixmap (pixmap-new (list gdk-pixmap gdk-pixmap-mask))) + (x-offset 0) + (y-offset 0)) + (declare (fixnum x-offset y-offset)) + (fixed-put fixed pixmap px py) + (widget-show pixmap) + (widget-shape-combine-mask window gdk-pixmap-mask px py) + (signal-connect + window 'button-press-event + #'(lambda (event) + (when (eq (gdk:event-type event) :button-press) + (setq x-offset (truncate (gdk:event-x event))) + (setq y-offset (truncate (gdk:event-y event))) + (grab-add window) + (gdk:pointer-grab + (widget-window window) t + '(:button-release :button-motion :pointer-motion-hint) + nil nil 0)) + t)) + + (signal-connect + window 'button-release-event + #'(lambda (event) + (declare (ignore event)) + (grab-remove window) + (gdk:pointer-ungrab 0) + t)) + + (signal-connect + window 'motion-notify-event + #'(lambda (event) + (declare (ignore event)) + (multiple-value-bind (win xp yp mask) + (gdk:window-get-pointer root-window) + (declare (ignore mask win) (fixnum xp yp)) + (widget-set-uposition + window :x (- xp x-offset) :y (- yp y-offset))) + t)))) + + (widget-set-uposition window :x x :y y) + (widget-show window) + window)) + + +(let ((modeller nil) + (sheets nil) + (rings nil)) + (defun create-shapes () + (let ((root-window (gdk:get-root-window))) + (if (not modeller) + (progn + (setq + modeller + (shape-create-icon + "cl-gtk:src;Modeller.xpm" + 440 140 0 0 :popup root-window)) + (signal-connect + modeller 'destroy + #'(lambda () (widget-destroyed modeller)))) + (widget-destroy modeller)) + + (if (not sheets) + (progn + (setq + sheets + (shape-create-icon + "cl-gtk:src;FilesQueue.xpm" + 580 170 0 0 :popup root-window)) + (signal-connect + sheets 'destroy + #'(lambda () (widget-destroyed sheets)))) + (widget-destroy sheets)) + + (if (not rings) + (progn + (setq + rings + (shape-create-icon + "cl-gtk:src;3DRings.xpm" + 460 270 25 25 :toplevel root-window)) + (signal-connect + rings 'destroy + #'(lambda () (widget-destroyed rings)))) + (widget-destroy rings))))) + + + +;;; Spin buttons + +(define-test-window create-spins "Spin buttons" + (let ((main-vbox (vbox-new nil 5))) + (setf (container-border-width main-vbox) 10) + (container-add window main-vbox) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Not accelerated")) + (vbox (vbox-new nil 0)) + (hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start main-vbox frame t t 0) + (setf (container-border-width vbox) 5) + (container-add frame vbox) + (box-pack-start vbox hbox t t 5) + + (let* ((vbox2 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (label (label-new "Day :")) + (spinner (spin-button-new + (adjustment-new 1 1 31 1 5 0) 0 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox vbox2 t t 5) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack-start vbox2 label nil t 0) + (setf (spin-button-wrap-p spinner) t) + (setf (spin-button-shadow-type spinner) :out) + (box-pack-start vbox2 spinner nil t 0)) + + (let* ((vbox2 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (label (label-new "Month :")) + (spinner (spin-button-new + (adjustment-new 1 1 12 1 5 0) 0 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox vbox2 t t 5) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack-start vbox2 label nil t 0) + (setf (spin-button-wrap-p spinner) t) + (setf (spin-button-shadow-type spinner) :etched-in) + (box-pack-start vbox2 spinner nil t 0)) + + (let* ((vbox2 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (label (label-new "Year :")) + (spinner (spin-button-new + (adjustment-new 1998 0 2100 1 100 0) 0 0))) + (box-pack-start hbox vbox2 t t 5) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack-start vbox2 label nil t 0) + (setf (spin-button-wrap-p spinner) t) + (setf (spin-button-shadow-type spinner) :in) + (box-pack-start vbox2 spinner nil t 0))) + + (let* ((frame (frame-new "Accelerated")) + (vbox (vbox-new nil 0)) + (hbox (hbox-new nil 0)) + (spinner1 (spin-button-new + (adjustment-new 0 -10000 10000 0.5 100 0) 1.0 2)) + (adj (adjustment-new 2 1 5 1 1 0)) + (spinner2 (spin-button-new adj 1.0 0))) + + (box-pack-start main-vbox frame t t 0) + (setf (container-border-width vbox) 5) + (container-add frame vbox) + (box-pack-start vbox hbox nil t 5) + + (let* ((vbox2 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (label (label-new "Value :"))) + (box-pack-start hbox vbox2 t t 5) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack-start vbox2 label nil t 0) + (setf (spin-button-wrap-p spinner1) t) + (setf (widget-width spinner1) 100) + (setf (widget-height spinner1) 0) + (box-pack-start vbox2 spinner1 nil t 0)) + + (let* ((vbox2 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (label (label-new "Digits :"))) + (box-pack-start hbox vbox2 t t 5) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack-start vbox2 label nil t 0) + (setf (spin-button-wrap-p spinner2) t) + (signal-connect adj 'value-changed + #'(lambda () + (setf + (spin-button-digits spinner1) + (floor (spin-button-value spinner2))))) + (box-pack-start vbox2 spinner2 nil t 0)) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Snap to 0.5-ticks"))) + (signal-connect button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf + (spin-button-snap-to-ticks-p spinner1) + (toggle-button-active-p button)))) + (box-pack-start vbox button t t 0) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p button) t)) + + (let ((button (check-button-new "Numeric only input mode"))) + (signal-connect button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf + (spin-button-numeric-p spinner1) + (toggle-button-active-p button)))) + (box-pack-start vbox button t t 0) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p button) t)) + + (let ((val-label (label-new "0")) + (hbox (hbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start vbox hbox nil t 5) + (let ((button (button-new "Value as Int"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf + (label-text val-label) + (format nil "~D" (spin-button-value-as-int spinner1))))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 5)) + + (let ((button (button-new "Value as Float"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf + (label-text val-label) + (format nil + (format nil "~~,~DF" (spin-button-digits spinner1)) + (spin-button-value spinner1))))) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 5)) + + (box-pack-start vbox val-label t t 0))) + + (let ((hbox (hbox-new nil 0)) + (button (button-new "Close"))) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'(lambda () (widget-destroy window))) + (box-pack-start main-vbox hbox nil t 0) + (box-pack-start hbox button t t 5)))) + + + +;;; Statusbar + +(define-test-window create-statusbar "Statusbar" + (let ((box1 (vbox-new nil 0))) + (container-add window box1) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 10)) + (statusbar (statusbar-new)) + (statusbar-counter 0)) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start box1 box2 t t 0) + (box-pack-end box1 statusbar t t 0) + (signal-connect + statusbar 'text-popped + #'(lambda (context-id text) + (declare (ignore context-id)) + (format nil "Popped: ~A~%" text))) + + (make-button + :label "push something" + :visible t + :parent box2 + :signal (list + 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (statusbar-push + statusbar + 1 + (format nil "something ~D" (incf statusbar-counter)))))) + + (make-button + :label "pop" + :visible t + :parent box2 + :signal (list + 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (statusbar-pop statusbar 1)) + :after t)) + + (make-button + :label "steal #4" + :visible t + :parent box2 + :signal (list + 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (statusbar-remove statusbar 1 4)) + :after t)) + + (make-button :label "test contexts" + :visible t + :parent box2 + :signal (list 'clicked #'(lambda ())))) + + (box-pack-start box1 (hseparator-new) nil t 0) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 10))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start box1 box2 nil t 0) + + (let ((button (button-new "close"))) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'(lambda () (widget-destroy window))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (widget-grab-default button))))) + + + +;;; Idle test + +(define-standard-dialog create-idle-test "Idle Test" + (let ((label (label-new "count: 0")) + (idle nil) + (count 0)) + (declare (fixnum count)) + (signal-connect + window 'destroy #'(lambda () (when idle (idle-remove idle)))) + + (setf (misc-xpad label) 10) + (setf (misc-ypad label) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box label t t 0) + + (let* ((container (make-hbox :parent main-box :child label :visible t)) + (frame (make-frame + :border-width 5 + :label "Label Container" + :visible t + :parent main-box)) + (box (make-vbox :visible t :parent frame))) + (make-check-button + :label "Resize-Parent" + :visible t + :parent box + :signal + (list + 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf (container-resize-mode container) :parent)))) + + (make-check-button + :label "Resize-Queue" + :visible t + :parent box + :signal + (list + 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf (container-resize-mode container) :queue)))) + + (make-check-button + :label "Resize-Immediate" + :visible t + :parent box + :signal + (list + 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (setf (container-resize-mode container) :immediate))))) + + (let ((button (button-new "start"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (unless idle + (setq + idle + (idle-add + #'(lambda () + (incf count) + (setf (label-text label) (format nil "count: ~D" count)) + t)))))) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area button t t 0) + (widget-show button)) + + (let ((button (button-new "stop"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (when idle + (idle-remove idle) + (setq idle nil)))) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area button t t 0) + (widget-show button)))) + + + +;;; Timeout test + +(define-standard-dialog create-timeout-test "Timeout Test" + (let ((label (label-new "count: 0")) + (timer nil) + (count 0)) + (declare (fixnum count)) + (signal-connect + window 'destroy #'(lambda () (when timer (timeout-remove timer)))) + + (setf (misc-xpad label) 10) + (setf (misc-ypad label) 10) + (box-pack-start main-box label t t 0) + (widget-show label) + + (let ((button (button-new "start"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (unless timer + (setq + timer + (timeout-add + 100 + #'(lambda () + (incf count) + (setf (label-text label) (format nil "count: ~D" count)) + t)))))) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area button t t 0) + (widget-show button)) + + (let ((button (button-new "stop"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (when timer + (timeout-remove timer) + (setq timer nil)))) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (box-pack-start action-area button t t 0) + (widget-show button)))) + + + +;;; Text + +(define-test-window create-text "Text" + (setf (widget-name window) "text window") + (setf (widget-width window) 500) + (setf (widget-height window) 500) + (setf (window-allow-grow-p window) t) + (setf (window-allow-shrink-p window) t) + (setf (window-auto-shrink-p window) nil) + (let ((box1 (vbox-new nil 0))) + (container-add window box1) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 10))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start box1 box2 t t 0) + + (let ((scrolled-window (scrolled-window-new)) + (text (text-new))) + (box-pack-start box2 scrolled-window t t 0) + (setf (scrolled-window-hscrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :never) + (setf (scrolled-window-vscrollbar-policy scrolled-window) :always) + (setf (editable-editable-p text) t) + (container-add scrolled-window text) + (widget-grab-focus text) + + (text-freeze text) + (let ((font + (gdk:font-load + "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")) + (colors + (map 'list + #'(lambda (definition) + (cons + (gdk:color-new-from-vector (first definition)) + (second definition))) + '((#(#x0000 #x0000 #x0000) "black") + (#(#xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF) "white") + (#(#xFFFF #x0000 #x0000) "red") + (#(#x0000 #xFFFF #x0000) "green") + (#(#x0000 #x0000 #xFFFF) "blue") + (#(#x0000 #xFFFF #xFFFF) "cyan") + (#(#xFFFF #x0000 #xFFFF) "magneta") + (#(#xFFFF #xFFFF #x0000) "yellow"))))) + (dolist (color1 colors) + (text-insert text (format nil "~A~,7T" (cdr color1)) :font font) + (dolist (color2 colors) + (text-insert + text "XYZ" :font font + :foreground (car color2) :background (car color1))) + (text-insert text (format nil "~%"))) + (dolist (color colors) + (gdk:color-destroy (car color))) + (gdk:font-unref font)) + + (with-open-file (file "cl-gtk:src;testgtk.lisp") + (labels ((read-file () + (let ((line (read-line file nil nil))) + (when line + (text-insert text (format nil "~A~%" line)) + (read-file))))) + (read-file))) + + (text-thaw text) + + (let ((hbox (hbutton-box-new))) + (box-pack-start box2 hbox nil nil 0) + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Editable"))) + (box-pack-start hbox check-button nil nil 0) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (setf + (editable-editable-p text) + (toggle-button-active-p check-button)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) t)) + + (let ((check-button (check-button-new "Wrap Words"))) + (box-pack-start hbox check-button nil t 0) + (signal-connect + check-button 'toggled + #'(lambda () + (setf + (text-word-wrap-p text) + (toggle-button-active-p check-button)))) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p check-button) nil))))) + + (box-pack-start box1 (hseparator-new) nil t 0) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 10))) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 10) + (box-pack-start box1 box2 nil t 0) + + (let ((button (button-new "insert random"))) + (signal-connect button 'clicked #'(lambda () nil)) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0)) + + (let ((button (button-new "close"))) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (widget-destroy window) + (setq window nil))) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (setf (widget-can-default-p button) t) + (widget-grab-default button))))) + + + +;;; Toggle buttons + +(define-standard-dialog create-toggle-buttons "Toggle Button" + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 10) + (box-pack main-box (toggle-button-new "button1")) + (box-pack main-box (toggle-button-new "button2")) + (box-pack main-box (toggle-button-new "button3"))) + + + +;;; Toolbar test + +(define-test-window create-toolbar "Toolbar test" + (setf (window-allow-grow-p window) nil) + (setf (window-allow-shrink-p window) t) + (setf (window-auto-shrink-p window) t) + (widget-realize window) + + + (let ((toolbar (toolbar-new :horizontal :both))) + (setf (toolbar-relief toolbar) :none) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Horizontal" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Horizontal toolbar layout" + :tooltip-private-text "Toolbar/Horizontal" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-orientation toolbar) :horizontal))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Vertical" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Vertical toolbar layout" + :tooltip-private-text "Toolbar/Vertical" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-orientation toolbar) :vertical))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Icons" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Only show toolbar icons" + :tooltip-private-text "Toolbar/IconsOnly" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-style toolbar) :icons))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Text" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Only show toolbar text" + :tooltip-private-text "Toolbar/TextOnly" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-style toolbar) :text))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Both" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Show toolbar icons and text" + :tooltip-private-text "Toolbar/Both" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-style toolbar) :both))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-widget + toolbar (entry-new) + :tooltip-text "This is an unusable GtkEntry ;)" + :tooltip-private-text "Hey don't click me!") + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Small" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Use small spaces" + :tooltip-private-text "Toolbar/Small" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-space-size toolbar) 5))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Big" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Use big spaces" + :tooltip-private-text "Toolbar/Big" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-space-size toolbar) 10))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Enable" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Enable tooltips" + :callback #'(lambda () (toolbar-enable-tooltips toolbar))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Disable" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Disable tooltips" + :callback #'(lambda () (toolbar-disable-tooltips toolbar))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Borders" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Show borders" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-relief toolbar) :normal))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar + "Borderless" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Hide borders" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-relief toolbar) :none))) + + (toolbar-append-space toolbar) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Empty" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Empty spaces" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-space-style toolbar) :empty))) + + (toolbar-append-item + toolbar "Lines" (pixmap-new "cl-gtk:src;test.xpm") + :tooltip-text "Lines in spaces" + :callback #'(lambda () (setf (toolbar-space-style toolbar) :line))) + + (container-add window toolbar))) + + + +;;; Tooltips test + +(define-standard-dialog create-tooltips "Tooltips" + (setf (window-allow-grow-p window) t) + (setf (window-allow-shrink-p window) nil) + (setf (window-auto-shrink-p window) t) + (setf (widget-width window) 200) + (setf (container-border-width main-box) 10) + (setf (box-spacing main-box) 10) + + (let ((tooltips (tooltips-new))) + + (let ((button (toggle-button-new "button1"))) + (box-pack-start main-box button t t 0) + (tooltips-set-tip + tooltips button "This is button 1" "ContextHelp/button/1")) + + (let ((button (toggle-button-new "button2"))) + (box-pack-start main-box button t t 0) + (tooltips-set-tip + tooltips button "This is button 2. This is also a really long tooltip which probably won't fit on a single line and will therefore need to be wrapped. Hopefully the wrapping will work correctly." + "ContextHelp/button/2")) + + (let ((toggle (toggle-button-new "Override TipSQuery Label"))) + (box-pack-start main-box toggle t t 0) + (tooltips-set-tip + tooltips toggle "Toggle TipsQuery view" "Hi msw! ;)") + + (let* ((box3 (make-vbox + :homogeneous nil + :spacing 5 + :border-width 5 + :visible t)) + (tips-query (make-tips-query + :visible t + :parent box3)) + (button (make-button + :label "[?]" + :visible t + :parent box3 + :signal (list + 'clicked #'tips-query-start-query + :object tips-query)))) + + (box-set-child-packing box3 button nil nil 0 :start) + (tooltips-set-tip + tooltips button "Start the Tooltip Inspector" "ContextHelp/buttons/?") + (setf (tips-query-caller tips-query) button) + + (signal-connect + tips-query 'widget-entered + #'(lambda (widget tip-text tip-private) + (declare (ignore widget tip-private)) + (when (toggle-button-active-p toggle) + (setf + (label-text tips-query) + (if tip-text + "There is a Tip!" + "There is no Tip!")) + (signal-emit-stop tips-query 'widget-entered)))) + + (signal-connect + tips-query 'widget-selected + #'(lambda (widget tip-text tip-private event) + (declare (ignore tip-text event)) + (when widget + (format + t "Help ~S requested for ~S~%" + (or tip-private "None") (type-of widget))) + t)) + + (let ((frame (make-frame + :label "ToolTips Inspector" + :label-xalign 0.5 + :border-width 0 + :visible t + :parent main-box + :child box3))) + (box-set-child-packing main-box frame t t 0 :start)) + + (tooltips-set-tip + tooltips close-button "Push this button to close window" + "ContextHelp/buttons/Close"))))) + + + +;;; Tree + +(defconstant +default-number-of-items+ 3) +(defconstant +default-recursion-level+ 3) + +(defun create-subtree (item level nb-item-max recursion-level-max) + (unless (and level (= level recursion-level-max)) + (multiple-value-bind (level item-subtree no-root-item) + (if (not level) + (values 0 item t) + (values level (tree-new) nil)) + + (dotimes (nb-item nb-item-max) + (let ((new-item + (tree-item-new (format nil "item ~D-~D" level nb-item)))) + (tree-append item-subtree new-item) + (create-subtree + new-item (1+ level) nb-item-max recursion-level-max) + (widget-show new-item))) + + (unless no-root-item + (setf (tree-item-subtree item) item-subtree))))) + + +(defun create-tree-sample (selection-mode draw-line view-line no-root-item + nb-item-max recursion-level-max) + (let ((window (window-new :toplevel))) + (setf (window-title window) "Tree Sample") + (signal-connect window 'destroy #'(lambda ())) + + (let ((box1 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (root-tree (tree-new)) + (add-button (button-new "Add Item")) + (remove-button (button-new "Remove Item(s)")) + (subtree-button (button-new "Remove Subtree"))) + (container-add window box1) + (widget-show box1) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (scrolled-win (scrolled-window-new nil nil))) + (box-pack box1 box2) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + (widget-show box2) + (setf (scrolled-window-scrollbar-policy scrolled-win) :automatic) + (box-pack box2 scrolled-win) + (setf (widget-width scrolled-win) 200) + (setf (widget-height scrolled-win) 200) + (widget-show scrolled-win) + (signal-connect + root-tree 'selection-changed + #'(lambda () + (format t "Selection: ~A~%" (tree-selection root-tree)) + (let ((nb-selected (length (tree-selection root-tree)))) + (if (zerop nb-selected) + (progn + (if (container-children root-tree) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p add-button) t) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p add-button) nil)) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p remove-button) nil) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p subtree-button) nil)) + (progn + (setf (widget-sensitive-p remove-button) t) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p add-button) (= 1 nb-selected)) + (setf + (widget-sensitive-p subtree-button) (= 1 nb-selected))))))) + (scrolled-window-add-with-viewport scrolled-win root-tree) + (setf (tree-selection-mode root-tree) selection-mode) + (setf (tree-view-lines-p root-tree) draw-line) + (setf (tree-view-mode root-tree) (if view-line :line :item)) + (widget-show root-tree) + + (let ((root-item + (if no-root-item + root-tree + (let ((root-item (tree-item-new "root item"))) + (tree-append root-tree root-item) + (widget-show root-item) + root-item)))) + (create-subtree + root-item (if no-root-item nil 0) nb-item-max recursion-level-max))) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack-start box1 box2 nil nil 0) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + (widget-show box2) + + (setf (widget-sensitive-p add-button) nil) + (let ((nb-item-add 0)) + (signal-connect + add-button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let* ((selected-list (tree-selection root-tree)) + (subtree (if (not selected-list) + root-tree + (let ((selected-item (first selected-list))) + (or + (tree-item-subtree selected-item) + (let ((subtree (tree-new))) + (setf + (tree-item-subtree selected-item) + subtree) + subtree))))) + (new-item + (tree-item-new (format nil "item add ~D" nb-item-add)))) + (tree-append subtree new-item) + (widget-show new-item) + (incf nb-item-add))))) + (box-pack-start box2 add-button t t 0) + (widget-show add-button) + + (setf (widget-sensitive-p remove-button) nil) + (signal-connect + remove-button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (format t "Remove: ~A~%" (tree-selection root-tree)) + (tree-remove-items root-tree (tree-selection root-tree)))) + (box-pack-start box2 remove-button t t 0) + (widget-show remove-button) + + (setf (widget-sensitive-p subtree-button) nil) + (signal-connect + subtree-button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((selected-list (tree-selection root-tree))) + (when selected-list + (let ((item (first selected-list))) + (when item + (setf (tree-item-subtree item) nil))))))) + (box-pack-start box2 subtree-button t t 0) + (widget-show subtree-button)) + + (let ((separator (hseparator-new))) + (box-pack-start box1 separator nil nil 0) + (widget-show separator)) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 0)) + (button (button-new "Close"))) + (box-pack-start box1 box2 nil nil 0) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + (widget-show box2) + (box-pack-start box2 button t t 0) + (signal-connect button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (widget-destroy window))) + (widget-show button))) + + (widget-show window))) + + +(define-test-window create-tree "Set Tree Parameters" + (let ((box1 (vbox-new nil 0))) + (container-add window box1) + + (let ((box2 (vbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack box1 box2) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + + (let ((box3 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack box2 box3) + + (let* ((single-button (radio-button-new nil :label "SIGNLE")) + (browse-button + (radio-button-new + (radio-button-group single-button) :label "BROWSE")) + (multiple-button + (radio-button-new + (radio-button-group single-button) :label "MULTIPLE")) + (draw-line-button (check-button-new "Draw line")) + (view-line-button (check-button-new "View Line mode")) + (no-root-item-button (check-button-new "Without Root item")) + (num-of-items-spinner + (spin-button-new + (adjustment-new + +default-number-of-items+ 1 255 1 5 0) + 0 0)) + (depth-spinner + (spin-button-new + (adjustment-new + +default-recursion-level+ 0 255 1 5 0) + 5 0))) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Selection Mode")) + (box4 (vbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack box3 frame) + (container-add frame box4) + (setf (container-border-width box4) 5) + (box-pack box4 single-button) + (box-pack box4 browse-button) + (box-pack box4 multiple-button)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Options")) + (box4 (vbox-new nil 0))) + (box-pack box3 frame) + (container-add frame box4) + (setf (container-border-width box4) 5) + (box-pack box4 draw-line-button) + (box-pack box4 view-line-button) + (box-pack box4 no-root-item-button) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p draw-line-button) t) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p view-line-button) t) + (setf (toggle-button-active-p no-root-item-button) nil)) + + (let ((frame (frame-new "Size Parameters")) + (box4 (vbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack box2 frame) + (container-add frame box4) + (setf (container-border-width box4) 5) + + (let ((box5 (hbox-new nil 5))) + (box-pack box4 box5 :expand nil :fill nil) + (let ((label (label-new "Number of items : "))) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack box5 label :expand nil) + (box-pack box5 num-of-items-spinner :expand nil)) + (let ((label (label-new "Depth : "))) + (setf (misc-xalign label) 0) + (setf (misc-yalign label) 0.5) + (box-pack box5 label :expand nil) + (box-pack box5 depth-spinner :expand nil)))) + + (box-pack box1 (hseparator-new) :expand nil :fill nil) + + (let ((box2 (hbox-new t 10))) + (box-pack box1 box2) + (setf (container-border-width box2) 5) + (let ((button (button-new "Create Tree"))) + (box-pack box2 button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked + #'(lambda () + (let ((selection-mode + (cond + ((toggle-button-active-p single-button) :single) + ((toggle-button-active-p browse-button) :browse) + (t :multiple))) + (draw-line + (toggle-button-active-p draw-line-button)) + (view-line + (toggle-button-active-p view-line-button)) + (no-root-item + (toggle-button-active-p no-root-item-button)) + (num-of-items + (spin-button-value-as-int num-of-items-spinner)) + (depth + (spin-button-value-as-int depth-spinner))) + + (if (> (expt num-of-items depth) 10000) + (format t "~D total items? That will take a very long time. Try less~%" (expt num-of-items depth)) + (create-tree-sample + selection-mode draw-line view-line no-root-item + num-of-items depth)))))) + (let ((button (button-new "Close"))) + (box-pack box2 button) + (signal-connect + button 'clicked #'widget-destroy :object window)))))))) + + + +;;; Main window + +(defun create-main-window () + (let* ((buttons + '(("button box" create-button-box) + ("buttons" create-buttons) + ("calendar" create-calendar) + ("check buttons" create-check-buttons) + ("clist" create-clist) + ("color selection" create-color-selection) + ("ctree" create-ctree) + ("cursors" create-cursors) + ("dialog" create-dialog) +; ("dnd") + ("entry" create-entry) + ("event watcher") + ("file selection" create-file-selection) + ("font selection") + ("gamma curve") + ("handle box" create-handle-box) + ("item factory") + ("labels" create-labels) + ("layout" create-layout) + ("list" create-list) + ("menus" create-menus) + ("modal window") + ("notebook" create-notebook) + ("panes" create-panes) + ("pixmap" create-pixmap) + ("preview color") + ("preview gray") + ("progress bar" create-progress-bar) + ("radio buttons" create-radio-buttons) + ("range controls" create-range-controls) + ("rc file") + ("reparent" create-reparent) + ("rulers" create-rulers) + ("saved position") + ("scrolled windows" create-scrolled-windows) + ("shapes" create-shapes) + ("spinbutton" create-spins) + ("statusbar" create-statusbar) + ("test idle" create-idle-test) + ("test mainloop") + ("test scrolling") + ("test selection") + ("test timeout" create-timeout-test) + ("text" create-text) + ("toggle buttons" create-toggle-buttons) + ("toolbar" create-toolbar) + ("tooltips" create-tooltips) + ("tree" create-tree) + ("WM hints"))) + (main-window (make-instance 'window + :type :toplevel :title "testgtk.lisp" + :name "main window" :x 20 :y 20 :width 200 :height 400 + :allow-grow nil :allow-shrink nil :auto-shrink nil)) + (scrolled-window (make-instance 'scrolled-window + :hscrollbar-policy :automatic + :vscrollbar-policy :automatic + :border-width 10)) + (close-button (make-instance 'button + :label "close" + :can-default t ;:has-default t + :signals + (list + (list + 'clicked #'widget-destroy :object main-window))))) + + ;; Main box + (make-instance 'vbox + :parent main-window + :children + (list + (list + (make-instance 'label :label (gtk-version)) + :expand nil :fill nil) + (list + (make-instance 'label :label (format nil "clg CVS version")) + :expand nil :fill nil) + scrolled-window + (list (make-instance 'hseparator) :expand nil) + (list + (make-instance 'vbox + :homogeneous nil :spacing 10 :border-width 10 + :children (list (list close-button :expand t :fill t))) + :expand nil))) + + (let ((button-box + (make-instance 'vbox + :border-width 10 + :focus-vadjustment (scrolled-window-vadjustment scrolled-window) + :children + (map + 'list + #'(lambda (button) + (let ((widget (make-instance 'button :label (first button)))) + (if (second button) + (signal-connect widget 'clicked (second button)) + (setf (widget-sensitive-p widget) nil)) + widget)) + buttons)))) + + (scrolled-window-add-with-viewport scrolled-window button-box)) + + (widget-grab-default close-button) + (widget-show-all main-window) + main-window)) + +;(gdk:rgb-init) +(rc-parse "cl-gtk:src;testgtkrc2") +(rc-parse "cl-gtk:src;testgtkrc") + + +;(create-main-window) + diff --git a/examples/testgtkrc b/examples/testgtkrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ff515d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/testgtkrc @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +# pixmap_path ":::..." +# +# include "rc-file" +# +# style [= ] +# { +#