;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-;; $Id: gboxed.lisp,v 1.8 2002-01-20 14:52:04 espen Exp $
+;; $Id: gboxed.lisp,v 1.13 2004-11-09 10:10:59 espen Exp $
(in-package "GLIB")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (init-types-in-library "libgobject-1.3.so")
- (defclass boxed (proxy)
- ()
- (:metaclass proxy-class)
- (:copy %boxed-copy)
- (:free %boxed-free)))
-(defbinding %boxed-copy (type location) pointer
- ((find-type-number type) type-number)
- (location pointer))
+ (init-types-in-library #.(concatenate 'string
+ (pkg-config:pkg-variable "glib-2.0" "libdir")
+ "/libgobject-2.0.so")))
-(defbinding %boxed-free (type location) nil
- ((find-type-number type) type-number)
- (location pointer))
+(defclass boxed (struct)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass struct-class))
+(defmethod instance-finalizer ((instance boxed))
+ (let ((location (proxy-location instance))
+ (type-number (type-number-of instance)))
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (remove-cached-instance location)
+ (%boxed-free type-number location))))
;;;; Metaclass for boxed classes
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defclass boxed-class (proxy-class))
+ (defclass boxed-class (struct-class)
+ ())
+ (defmethod validate-superclass ((class boxed-class) (super standard-class))
+ (subtypep (class-name super) 'boxed)))
- (defmethod shared-initialize ((class boxed-class) names
- &rest initargs &key name alien-name)
- (declare (ignore initargs names))
- (call-next-method)
- (let* ((class-name (or name (class-name class)))
- (type-number
- (find-type-number
- (or (first alien-name) (default-alien-type-name class-name)))))
- (register-type class-name type-number)))
+(defmethod shared-initialize ((class boxed-class) names
+ &rest initargs &key name alien-name)
+ (declare (ignore initargs names))
+ (call-next-method)
+ (let* ((class-name (or name (class-name class)))
+ (type-number
+ (find-type-number
+ (or (first alien-name) (default-alien-type-name class-name)))))
+ (register-type class-name type-number)))
- (defmethod validate-superclass
- ((class boxed-class) (super pcl::standard-class))
- (subtypep (class-name super) 'boxed)))
+(defbinding %boxed-copy () pointer
+ (type-number type-number)
+ (location pointer))
+(defbinding %boxed-free () nil
+ (type-number type-number)
+ (location pointer))
+(defmethod reference-foreign ((class boxed-class) location)
+ (%boxed-copy (find-type-number class) location))
+(defmethod unreference-foreign ((class boxed-class) location)
+ (%boxed-free (find-type-number class) location))
;;;; Special boxed types
-(defclass gstring (boxed)
- ()
- (:metaclass boxed-class)
- (:alien-name "GString"))
-(deftype-method translate-from-alien
- gstring (type-spec location &optional weak-ref)
- `(let ((location ,location))
- (unless (null-pointer-p location)
- (prog1
- (c-call::%naturalize-c-string location)
- ,(unless weak-ref
- (unreference-alien type-spec location))))))
-(deftype-method translate-to-alien
- gstring (type-spec string &optional weak-ref)
- (declare (ignore weak-ref))
- `(let ((string ,string))
- ;; Always copy strings to prevent seg fault due to GC
- (funcall
- ',(proxy-class-copy (find-class type-spec))
- ',type-spec
- (make-pointer (1+ (kernel:get-lisp-obj-address string))))))
-(deftype-method cleanup-alien gstring (type-spec c-string &optional weak-ref)
- (when weak-ref
- (unreference-alien type-spec c-string)))
+;; (defclass gstring (boxed)
+;; ()
+;; (:metaclass boxed-class)
+;; (:alien-name "GString"))
+;; (deftype-method translate-from-alien
+;; gstring (type-spec location &optional weak-ref)
+;; `(let ((location ,location))
+;; (unless (null-pointer-p location)
+;; (prog1
+;; (c-call::%naturalize-c-string location)
+;; ,(unless weak-ref
+;; (unreference-alien type-spec location))))))
+;; (deftype-method translate-to-alien
+;; gstring (type-spec string &optional weak-ref)
+;; (declare (ignore weak-ref))
+;; `(let ((string ,string))
+;; ;; Always copy strings to prevent seg fault due to GC
+;; (funcall
+;; ',(proxy-class-copy (find-class type-spec))
+;; ',type-spec
+;; (make-pointer (1+ (kernel:get-lisp-obj-address string))))))
+;; (deftype-method cleanup-alien gstring (type-spec c-string &optional weak-ref)
+;; (when weak-ref
+;; (unreference-alien type-spec c-string)))