;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-;; $Id: proxy.lisp,v 1.8 2004-10-27 14:59:00 espen Exp $
+;; $Id: proxy.lisp,v 1.19 2005-02-03 23:09:04 espen Exp $
(in-package "GLIB")
- pcl::compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs
- pcl::compute-slot-accessor-info
- pcl::reader-function pcl::writer-function pcl::boundp-function))
;;;; Superclass for all metaclasses implementing some sort of virtual slots
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defclass virtual-slot-class (standard-class)
+ (defclass virtual-slots-class (standard-class)
(defclass direct-virtual-slot-definition (standard-direct-slot-definition)
((setter :reader slot-definition-setter :initarg :setter)
(getter :reader slot-definition-getter :initarg :getter)
+ (unbound :reader slot-definition-unbound :initarg :unbound)
(boundp :reader slot-definition-boundp :initarg :boundp)))
(defclass effective-virtual-slot-definition (standard-effective-slot-definition)
((setter :reader slot-definition-setter :initarg :setter)
(getter :reader slot-definition-getter :initarg :getter)
- (boundp :reader slot-definition-boundp :initarg :boundp)))
+ (unbound :reader slot-definition-unbound :initarg :unbound)
+ (boundp :reader slot-definition-boundp :initarg :boundp))))
+ (defvar *unbound-marker* (gensym "UNBOUND-MARKER-"))
- (defun most-specific-slot-value (instances slot &optional default)
+ (defun most-specific-slot-value (instances slot &optional
+ (default *unbound-marker*))
(let ((object (find-if
#'(lambda (ob)
(and (slot-exists-p ob slot) (slot-boundp ob slot)))
(if object
(slot-value object slot)
- default)))
+ default)));)
-(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class virtual-slot-class) &rest initargs)
+(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class virtual-slots-class) &rest initargs)
(if (eq (getf initargs :allocation) :virtual)
(find-class 'direct-virtual-slot-definition)
-(defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class virtual-slot-class) &rest initargs)
+(defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class virtual-slots-class) &rest initargs)
(if (eq (getf initargs :allocation) :virtual)
(find-class 'effective-virtual-slot-definition)
(defmethod initialize-internal-slot-functions ((slotd effective-virtual-slot-definition))
- (with-slots (getter setter boundp) slotd
- (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'reader-function)
- (setf
+ (if (not (slot-boundp slotd 'getter))
+ (setf
(slot-value slotd 'reader-function)
- (etypecase getter
- (function getter)
- (null #'(lambda (object)
- (declare (ignore object))
- (error "Can't read slot: ~A" (slot-definition-name slotd))))
- (symbol #'(lambda (object)
- (funcall getter object))))))
- (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'writer-function)
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (error "Can't read slot: ~A" (slot-definition-name slotd)))
+ (slot-value slotd 'boundp-function)
+ #'(lambda (object) (declare (ignore object)) nil))
+ (let ((getter-function
+ (let ((getter (slot-value slotd 'getter)))
+ (etypecase getter
+ (function getter)
+ (symbol
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (funcall getter object)))
+ (string
+ (let ((reader nil))
+ (setf (slot-value slotd 'reader-function)
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (unless reader
+ (setq reader
+ (mkbinding getter
+ (slot-definition-type slotd) 'pointer)))
+ (funcall reader (proxy-location object))))))))))
- (slot-value slotd 'writer-function)
+ (slot-value slotd 'boundp-function)
+ (cond
+ ((slot-boundp slotd 'unbound)
+ (let ((unbound-value (slot-value slotd 'unbound)))
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (not (eq (funcall getter-function object) unbound-value)))))
+ ((slot-boundp slotd 'boundp)
+ (let ((boundp (slot-value slotd 'boundp)))
+ (etypecase boundp
+ (function boundp)
+ (symbol #'(lambda (object)
+ (funcall boundp object)))
+ (string (let ((reader ()))
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (unless reader
+ (setq reader
+ (mkbinding boundp
+ (slot-definition-type slotd) 'pointer)))
+ (funcall reader (proxy-location object))))))))
+ ((multiple-value-bind (unbound-p unbound-value)
+ (unbound-value (slot-definition-type slotd))
+ (when unbound-p
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (not (eq (funcall getter-function object) unbound-value))))))
+ (#'(lambda (object) (declare (ignore object)) t))))
+ (setf
+ (slot-value slotd 'reader-function)
+ (cond
+ ((slot-boundp slotd 'unbound)
+ (let ((unbound (slot-value slotd 'unbound))
+ (slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)))
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (let ((value (funcall getter-function object)))
+ (if (eq value unbound)
+ (slot-unbound (class-of object) object slot-name)
+ value)))))
+ ((slot-boundp slotd 'boundp)
+ (let ((boundp-function (slot-value slotd 'boundp-function)))
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (and
+ (funcall boundp-function object)
+ (funcall getter-function object)))))
+ ((multiple-value-bind (unbound-p unbound-value)
+ (unbound-value (slot-definition-type slotd))
+ (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)))
+ (when unbound-p
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (let ((value (funcall getter-function object)))
+ (if (eq value unbound-value)
+ (slot-unbound (class-of object) object slot-name)
+ value)))))))
+ (getter-function)))))
+ (setf
+ (slot-value slotd 'writer-function)
+ (if (not (slot-boundp slotd 'setter))
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ (error "Can't set slot: ~A" (slot-definition-name slotd)))
+ (with-slots (setter) slotd
(etypecase setter
(function setter)
- (null #'(lambda (object)
- (declare (ignore object))
- (error "Can't set slot: ~A" (slot-definition-name slotd))))
- ((or symbol cons) #'(lambda (value object)
- (funcall (fdefinition setter) value object))))))
+ ((or symbol cons)
+ #'(lambda (value object)
+ (funcall (fdefinition setter) value object)))
+ (string
+ (let ((writer ()))
+ (setf
+ (slot-value slotd 'writer-function)
+ #'(lambda (value object)
+ (unless writer
+ (setq writer
+ (mkbinding setter 'nil 'pointer
+ (slot-definition-type slotd))))
+ (funcall writer (proxy-location object) value)))))))))
- (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'boundp-function)
- (setf
- (slot-value slotd 'boundp-function)
- (etypecase boundp
- (function boundp)
- (null #'(lambda (object)
- (declare (ignore object))
- t))
- (symbol #'(lambda (object)
- (funcall boundp object)))))))
(initialize-internal-slot-gfs (slot-definition-name slotd)))
-(defmethod compute-slot-accessor-info ((slotd effective-virtual-slot-definition)
- type gf)
+(defmethod compute-slot-accessor-info ((slotd effective-virtual-slot-definition) type gf)
-(defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs ((class virtual-slot-class) direct-slotds)
- (if (eq (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'allocation) :virtual)
- (nconc
- (list :getter (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'getter)
- :setter (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'setter)
- :boundp (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'boundp))
- (call-next-method))
+(defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs ((class virtual-slots-class) direct-slotds)
+ (if (typep (first direct-slotds) 'direct-virtual-slot-definition)
+ (let ((initargs ()))
+ (let ((getter (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'getter)))
+ (unless (eq getter *unbound-marker*)
+ (setf (getf initargs :getter) getter)))
+ (let ((setter (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'setter)))
+ (unless (eq setter *unbound-marker*)
+ (setf (getf initargs :setter) setter)))
+ (let ((unbound (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'unbound)))
+ (unless (eq unbound *unbound-marker*)
+ (setf (getf initargs :unbound) unbound)))
+ (let ((boundp (most-specific-slot-value direct-slotds 'boundp)))
+ (unless (eq boundp *unbound-marker*)
+ (setf (getf initargs :boundp) boundp)))
+ (nconc initargs (call-next-method)))
(defmethod slot-value-using-class
- ((class virtual-slot-class) (object standard-object)
+ ((class virtual-slots-class) (object standard-object)
(slotd effective-virtual-slot-definition))
(if (funcall (slot-value slotd 'boundp-function) object)
(funcall (slot-value slotd 'reader-function) object)
(slot-unbound class object (slot-definition-name slotd))))
(defmethod slot-boundp-using-class
- ((class virtual-slot-class) (object standard-object)
+ ((class virtual-slots-class) (object standard-object)
(slotd effective-virtual-slot-definition))
(funcall (slot-value slotd 'boundp-function) object))
(defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class)
- (value (class virtual-slot-class) (object standard-object)
+ (value (class virtual-slots-class) (object standard-object)
(slotd effective-virtual-slot-definition))
(funcall (slot-value slotd 'writer-function) value object))
(defmethod validate-superclass
- ((class virtual-slot-class) (super standard-class))
+ ((class virtual-slots-class) (super standard-class))
(defun cache-instance (instance)
- (gethash (system:sap-int (proxy-location instance)) *instance-cache*)
- (ext:make-weak-pointer instance)))
+ (gethash (sap-int (proxy-location instance)) *instance-cache*)
+ (make-weak-pointer instance)))
(defun find-cached-instance (location)
- (let ((ref (gethash (system:sap-int location) *instance-cache*)))
+ (let ((ref (gethash (sap-int location) *instance-cache*)))
(when ref
- (ext:weak-pointer-value ref))))
+ (weak-pointer-value ref))))
+(defun instance-cached-p (location)
+ (gethash (sap-int location) *instance-cache*))
(defun remove-cached-instance (location)
- (remhash (system:sap-int location) *instance-cache*))
+ (remhash (sap-int location) *instance-cache*))
+;; For debuging
+(defun cached-instances ()
+ (let ((instances ()))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (location ref)
+ (declare (ignore location))
+ (push (weak-pointer-value ref) instances))
+ *instance-cache*)
+ instances))
;;;; Proxy for alien instances
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defclass proxy ()
- ((location :reader proxy-location :type system-area-pointer)))
+(defclass proxy ()
+ ((location :reader proxy-location :type system-area-pointer)))
- (defgeneric initialize-proxy (object &rest initargs))
- (defgeneric instance-finalizer (object)))
+(defgeneric initialize-proxy (object &rest initargs))
+(defgeneric instance-finalizer (object))
+(defgeneric reference-foreign (class location))
+(defgeneric unreference-foreign (class location))
+(defmethod reference-foreign ((name symbol) location)
+ (reference-foreign (find-class name) location))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance proxy)
- &rest initargs &key)
- (declare (ignore initargs))
- (cache-instance instance)
- (ext:finalize instance (instance-finalizer instance)))
+(defmethod unreference-foreign ((name symbol) location)
+ (unreference-foreign (find-class name) location))
-(defmethod initialize-proxy ((instance proxy)
- &rest initargs &key location weak-ref)
- (declare (ignore initargs))
- (setf
- (slot-value instance 'location)
- (if weak-ref
- (funcall
- (proxy-class-copy (class-of instance))
- (type-of instance) location)
- location))
+(defmethod unreference-foreign :around ((class class) location)
+ (unless (null-pointer-p location)
+;; (format t "Unreferencing ~A at ~A" (class-name class) location)
+;; (finish-output *standard-output*)
+ (call-next-method)
+;; (write-line " done")
+;; (finish-output *standard-output*)
+ ))
+(defmethod print-object ((instance proxy) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity nil)
+ (when (slot-boundp instance 'location)
+ (format stream "at 0x~X" (sap-int (proxy-location instance))))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((instance proxy) &key location)
+ (if location
+ (setf (slot-value instance 'location) location)
+ (call-next-method))
(cache-instance instance)
- (ext:finalize instance (instance-finalizer instance)))
+ (finalize instance (instance-finalizer instance))
+ instance)
(defmethod instance-finalizer ((instance proxy))
- (let ((class (class-of instance))
- (type (type-of instance))
- (location (proxy-location instance)))
- (declare (type symbol type) (type system-area-pointer location))
- (let ((free (proxy-class-free class)))
- #'(lambda ()
- (funcall free type location)
- (remove-cached-instance location)))))
-(deftype-method translate-type-spec proxy (type-spec)
- (declare (ignore type-spec))
- (translate-type-spec 'pointer))
-(deftype-method size-of proxy (type-spec)
- (declare (ignore type-spec))
- (size-of 'pointer))
+ (let ((location (proxy-location instance))
+ (class (class-of instance)))
+;; (unless (find-method #'unreference-foreign nil (list (class-of class) t) nil)
+;; (error "No matching method for UNREFERENCE-INSTANCE when called with class ~A" class))
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (remove-cached-instance location)
+ (unreference-foreign class location))))
-(deftype-method translate-from-alien
- proxy (type-spec location &optional weak-ref)
- `(let ((location ,location))
- (unless (null-pointer-p location)
- (ensure-proxy-instance ',type-spec location ,weak-ref))))
-(deftype-method translate-to-alien
- proxy (type-spec instance &optional weak-ref)
- (if weak-ref
- `(proxy-location ,instance)
- (let ((copy (proxy-class-copy (find-class type-spec))))
- (if (symbolp copy)
- `(,copy ',type-spec (proxy-location ,instance))
- `(funcall ',copy ',type-spec (proxy-location ,instance))))))
-(deftype-method unreference-alien proxy (type-spec location)
- (let ((free (proxy-class-free (find-class type-spec))))
- (if (symbolp free)
- `(,free ',type-spec ,location)
- `(funcall ',free ',type-spec ,location))))
-;; (defun proxy-instance-size (proxy)
-;; (proxy-class-size (class-of proxy)))
;;;; Metaclass used for subclasses of proxy
+(defgeneric most-specific-proxy-superclass (class))
+(defgeneric direct-proxy-superclass (class))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defclass proxy-class (virtual-slot-class)
- ((size :reader proxy-class-size)
- (copy :reader proxy-class-copy)
- (free :reader proxy-class-free)))
+ (defclass proxy-class (virtual-slots-class)
+ ((size :reader proxy-instance-size)))
(defclass direct-alien-slot-definition (direct-virtual-slot-definition)
((allocation :initform :alien)
(defclass effective-alien-slot-definition (effective-virtual-slot-definition)
((offset :reader slot-definition-offset :initarg :offset)))
- (defclass effective-virtual-alien-slot-definition (effective-virtual-slot-definition)
- ())
(defmethod most-specific-proxy-superclass ((class proxy-class))
#'(lambda (class)
(subtypep (class-name class) 'proxy))
(cdr (compute-class-precedence-list class))))
(defmethod direct-proxy-superclass ((class proxy-class))
#'(lambda (class)
(subtypep (class-name class) 'proxy))
(class-direct-superclasses class)))
- (defmethod shared-initialize ((class proxy-class) names
- &rest initargs &key size copy free)
- (declare (ignore initargs))
+ (defmethod shared-initialize ((class proxy-class) names &key size)
(size (setf (slot-value class 'size) (first size)))
- ((slot-boundp class 'size) (slot-makunbound class 'size)))
- (cond
- (copy (setf (slot-value class 'copy) (first copy)))
- ((slot-boundp class 'copy) (slot-makunbound class 'copy)))
- (cond
- (free (setf (slot-value class 'free) (first free)))
- ((slot-boundp class 'free) (slot-makunbound class 'free))))
-;; (defmethod finalize-inheritance ((class proxy-class))
-;; (call-next-method)
- (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((class proxy-class) names &rest initargs)
- (let ((super (most-specific-proxy-superclass class)))
- (unless (or (not super) (eq super (find-class 'proxy)))
- (unless (or (slot-boundp class 'copy) (not (slot-boundp super 'copy)))
- (setf (slot-value class 'copy) (proxy-class-copy super)))
- (unless (or (slot-boundp class 'free) (not (slot-boundp super 'free)))
- (setf (slot-value class 'free) (proxy-class-free super))))))
+ ((slot-boundp class 'size) (slot-makunbound class 'size))))
(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class proxy-class) &rest initargs)
(case (getf initargs :allocation)
(defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class proxy-class) &rest initargs)
(case (getf initargs :allocation)
(:alien (find-class 'effective-alien-slot-definition))
- (:virtual (find-class 'effective-virtual-alien-slot-definition))
(t (call-next-method))))
(defmethod initialize-internal-slot-functions ((slotd effective-alien-slot-definition))
(with-slots (offset) slotd
- (let* ((type (slot-definition-type slotd))
- (reader (intern-reader-function type))
- (writer (intern-writer-function type))
- (destroy (intern-destroy-function type)))
- (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'reader-function)
- (setf
- (slot-value slotd 'reader-function)
- #'(lambda (object)
- (funcall reader (proxy-location object) offset))))
- (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'writer-function)
- (setf
- (slot-value slotd 'writer-function)
- #'(lambda (value object)
- (let ((location (proxy-location object)))
- (funcall destroy location offset)
- (funcall writer value location offset)))))
- (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'boundp-function)
- (setf
- (slot-value slotd 'boundp-function)
- #'(lambda (object)
- (declare (ignore object))
- t)))))
- (call-next-method))
+ (let ((type (slot-definition-type slotd)))
+ (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'getter)
+ (let ((reader (reader-function type)))
+ (setf
+ (slot-value slotd 'getter)
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (funcall reader (proxy-location object) offset)))))
+ (unless (slot-boundp slotd 'setter)
+ (let ((writer (writer-function type))
+ (destroy (destroy-function type)))
+ (setf
+ (slot-value slotd 'setter)
+ #'(lambda (value object)
+ (let ((location (proxy-location object)))
+ (funcall destroy location offset) ; destroy old value
+ (funcall writer value location offset))))))))
- (defmethod initialize-internal-slot-functions ((slotd effective-virtual-alien-slot-definition))
- (with-slots (getter setter type) slotd
- (when (and (not (slot-boundp slotd 'reader-function)) (stringp getter))
- (let ((reader (mkbinding-late getter type 'pointer)))
- (setf (slot-value slotd 'reader-function)
- #'(lambda (object)
- (funcall reader (proxy-location object))))))
- (when (and (not (slot-boundp slotd 'writer-function)) (stringp setter))
- (let ((writer (mkbinding-late setter 'nil 'pointer type)))
- (setf (slot-value slotd 'writer-function)
- #'(lambda (value object)
- (funcall writer (proxy-location object) value))))))
;; TODO: call some C code to detect this a compile time
(defconstant +struct-alignmen+ 4)
(defmethod compute-slots ((class proxy-class))
- ;; This stuff should really go somewhere else
- with offset = (proxy-class-size (most-specific-proxy-superclass class))
+ with offset = (let ((size-of-super-classes
+ (proxy-instance-size
+ (most-specific-proxy-superclass class))))
+ (+ size-of-super-classes
+ (mod size-of-super-classes +struct-alignmen+)))
with size = offset
for slotd in (class-direct-slots class)
when (eq (slot-definition-allocation slotd) :alien)
(defmethod validate-superclass ((class proxy-class) (super standard-class))
(subtypep (class-name super) 'proxy))
- (defmethod proxy-class-size (class)
+ (defmethod proxy-instance-size (class)
(declare (ignore class))
+ (defmethod proxy-instance-size ((class-name symbol))
+ (proxy-instance-size (find-class class-name)))
-(defgeneric make-proxy-instance (class location weak-ref
- &rest initargs &key));)
-(defmethod make-proxy-instance ((class symbol) location weak-ref
- &rest initargs &key)
- (apply #'make-proxy-instance (find-class class) location weak-ref initargs))
+(defmethod alien-type ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore class args))
+ (alien-type 'pointer))
-(defmethod make-proxy-instance ((class proxy-class) location weak-ref
- &rest initargs &key)
- (let ((instance (allocate-instance class)))
- (apply
- #'initialize-proxy
- instance :location location :weak-ref weak-ref initargs)
- instance))
+(defmethod size-of ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore class args))
+ (size-of 'pointer))
-(defun ensure-proxy-instance (class location weak-ref &rest initargs)
- (or
- (find-cached-instance location)
- (apply #'make-proxy-instance class location weak-ref initargs)))
+(defmethod from-alien-form (location (class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ `(ensure-proxy-instance ',(class-name class) ,location))
+(defmethod from-alien-function ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ #'(lambda (location)
+ (ensure-proxy-instance class location)))
+(defmethod to-alien-form (instance (class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore class args))
+ `(proxy-location ,instance))
+(defmethod to-alien-function ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore class args))
+ #'proxy-location)
+(defmethod copy-from-alien-form (location (class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (let ((class-name (class-name class)))
+ `(ensure-proxy-instance ',class-name
+ (reference-foreign ',class-name ,location))))
+(defmethod copy-from-alien-function ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ #'(lambda (location)
+ (ensure-proxy-instance class (reference-foreign class location))))
+(defmethod copy-to-alien-form (instance (class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ `(reference-foreign ',(class-name class) (proxy-location ,instance)))
+(defmethod copy-to-alien-function ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ #'(lambda (instance)
+ (reference-foreign class (proxy-location instance))))
+(defmethod writer-function ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ #'(lambda (instance location &optional (offset 0))
+ (assert (null-pointer-p (sap-ref-sap location offset)))
+ (setf
+ (sap-ref-sap location offset)
+ (reference-foreign class (proxy-location instance)))))
+(defmethod reader-function ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ #'(lambda (location &optional (offset 0))
+ (let ((instance (sap-ref-sap location offset)))
+ (unless (null-pointer-p instance)
+ (ensure-proxy-instance class (reference-foreign class instance))))))
+(defmethod destroy-function ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ #'(lambda (location &optional (offset 0))
+ (unreference-foreign class (sap-ref-sap location offset))))
+(defmethod unbound-value ((class proxy-class) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (values t nil))
+(defgeneric ensure-proxy-instance (class location)
+ (:documentation "Returns a proxy object representing the foreign object at the give location."))
+(defmethod ensure-proxy-instance :around (class location)
+ (unless (null-pointer-p location)
+ (or
+ (find-cached-instance location)
+ (call-next-method))))
+(defmethod ensure-proxy-instance ((class symbol) location)
+ (ensure-proxy-instance (find-class class) location))
+(defmethod ensure-proxy-instance ((class proxy-class) location)
+ (make-instance class :location location))
;;;; Superclasses for wrapping of C structures
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defclass struct (proxy)
- ()
- (:metaclass proxy-class)
- (:copy %copy-struct)
- (:free %free-struct)))
+(defclass struct (proxy)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass proxy-class))
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((structure struct) &rest initargs)
+(defmethod initialize-instance ((struct struct) &rest initargs)
(declare (ignore initargs))
- (setf
- (slot-value structure 'location)
- (allocate-memory (proxy-class-size (class-of structure))))
+ (unless (slot-boundp struct 'location)
+ (let ((size (proxy-instance-size (class-of struct))))
+ (if (zerop size)
+ (error "~A has zero size" (class-of struct))
+ (setf (slot-value struct 'location) (allocate-memory size)))))
-(defun %copy-struct (type location)
- (copy-memory location (proxy-class-size (find-class type))))
+;;;; Metaclasses used for subclasses of struct
+(defclass struct-class (proxy-class)
+ ())
+(defmethod reference-foreign ((class struct-class) location)
+ (copy-memory location (proxy-instance-size class)))
-(defun %free-struct (type location)
- (declare (ignore type))
+(defmethod unreference-foreign ((class struct-class) location)
(deallocate-memory location))
-;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defclass static (struct)
- ()
- (:metaclass proxy-class)
- (:copy %copy-static)
- (:free %free-static));)
+(defclass static-struct-class (struct-class)
+ ())
-(defun %copy-static (type location)
- (declare (ignore type))
+(defmethod reference-foreign ((class static-struct-class) location)
+ (declare (ignore class))
-(defun %free-static (type location)
- (declare (ignore type location))
+(defmethod unreference-foreign ((class static-struct-class) location)
+ (declare (ignore class location))