;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-;; $Id: gtktree.lisp,v 1.2 2004-11-15 19:24:03 espen Exp $
+;; $Id: gtktree.lisp,v 1.3 2004-11-21 17:57:56 espen Exp $
(in-package "GTK")
(column int))
(def-callback-marshal %cell-layout-data-func
- (nil cell-layout cell-renderer tree-model tree-iter))
+ (nil cell-layout cell-renderer tree-model (copy-of tree-iter)))
(defbinding cell-layout-set-cell-data-func (cell-layout cell function) nil
(cell-layout cell-layout)
((length columns) unsigned-int)
(columns (vector gtype)))
-(defbinding list-store-remove () boolean
+(defbinding %list-store-remove () boolean
(list-store list-store)
(tree-iter tree-iter))
+(defun list-store-remove (store row)
+ (etypecase row
+ (tree-iter
+ (%list-store-remove store row))
+ (tree-path
+ (multiple-value-bind (valid iter) (tree-model-get-iter store row)
+ (if valid
+ (%list-store-remove store iter)
+ (error "~A not poiniting to av valid iterator in ~A" row store))))
+ (tree-row-reference
+ (let ((path (tree-row-reference-get-path row)))
+ (if path
+ (list-store-remove store path)
+ (error "~A not valid" row))))))
(defbinding %list-store-insert () nil
(list-store list-store)
(tree-iter tree-iter)
(funcall (writer-function 'pointer) c-vector location (size-of 'int))
-(defun %tree-path-to-vector (location &optional (destroy-p t))
- (prog1
- (map-c-vector 'vector #'identity (%tree-path-get-indices location)
- 'int (%tree-path-get-depth location))
- (when destroy-p
- (%tree-path-free location))))
+(defun %tree-path-to-vector (location)
+ (let ((indices (%tree-path-get-indices location))
+ (depth (%tree-path-get-depth location)))
+ (if (null-pointer-p indices)
+ #()
+ (map-c-vector 'vector #'identity indices 'int depth))))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defmethod alien-type ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
(declare (ignore type args))
`(%make-tree-path ,path))
- (defmethod to-alien-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
- (declare (ignore type args))
- #'%make-tree-path)
(defmethod from-alien-form (location (type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
(declare (ignore type args))
- `(%tree-path-to-vector ,location))
+ `(let ((location ,location))
+ (prog1
+ (%tree-path-to-vector location)
+ (%tree-path-free location))))
- (defmethod from-alien-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
+ (defmethod copy-from-alien-form (location (type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
(declare (ignore type args))
- #'%tree-path-to-vector)
+ `(%tree-path-to-vector ,location))
(defmethod cleanup-form (location (type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
(declare (ignore type args))
- `(%tree-path-free ,location))
+ `(%tree-path-free ,location)))
+(defmethod to-alien-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore type args))
+ #'%make-tree-path)
- (defmethod cleanup-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
- (declare (ignore type args))
- #'%tree-path-free))
+(defmethod from-alien-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore type args))
+ #'(lambda (location)
+ (prog1
+ (%tree-path-to-vector location)
+ (%tree-path-free location))))
+(defmethod copy-from-alien-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore type args))
+ #'%tree-path-to-vector)
+(defmethod cleanup-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore type args))
+ #'%tree-path-free)
+(defmethod writer-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore type args))
+ (let ((writer (writer-function 'pointer)))
+ #'(lambda (path location &optional (offset 0))
+ (funcall writer (%make-tree-path path) location offset))))
+(defmethod reader-function ((type (eql 'tree-path)) &rest args)
+ (declare (ignore type args))
+ (let ((reader (reader-function 'pointer)))
+ #'(lambda (location &optional (offset 0))
+ (%tree-path-to-vector (funcall reader location offset)))))
(defbinding %tree-row-reference-new () pointer
(path tree-path))
(defmethod initialize-instance ((reference tree-row-reference) &key model path)
- (declare (ignore initargs))
(slot-value reference 'location)
(%tree-row-reference-new model path))
(iter tree-iter :return)
(child tree-iter))
-(defbinding tree-model-get-string-from-iter () string
- (tree-model tree-model)
- (iter tree-iter))
(def-callback-marshal %tree-model-foreach-func
- (boolean tree-model tree-path tree-iter))
+ (boolean tree-model (path (copy-of tree-path)) (iter (copy-of tree-iter))))
(defbinding %tree-model-foreach () nil
(tree-model tree-model)
while rest))))
+;;; Tree Selection
+(def-callback-marshal %tree-selection-func (boolean tree-selection tree-model (path (copy-of tree-path)) (path-currently-selected boolean)))
+(defbinding tree-selection-set-select-function (selection function) nil
+ (selection tree-selection)
+ ((callback %tree-selection-func) pointer)
+ ((register-callback-function function) unsigned-int)
+ ((callback %destroy-user-data) pointer))
+(defbinding tree-selection-get-selected
+ (selection &optional (iter (make-instance 'tree-iter))) boolean
+ (selection tree-selection)
+ (nil null)
+ (iter tree-iter :return))
+(def-callback-marshal %tree-selection-foreach-func (nil tree-model (path (copy-of tree-path)) (iter (copy-of tree-iter))))
+(defbinding %tree-selection-selected-foreach () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ ((callback %tree-selection-foreach-func) pointer)
+ (callback-id unsigned-int))
+(defun tree-selection-selected-foreach (selection function)
+ (with-callback-function (id function)
+ (%tree-selection-selected-foreach selection id)))
+(defbinding tree-selection-get-selected-rows () (glist tree-path)
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (nil null))
+(defbinding tree-selection-count-selected-rows () int
+ (tree-selection tree-selection))
+(defbinding %tree-selection-select-path () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (tree-path tree-path))
+(defbinding %tree-selection-unselect-path () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (tree-path tree-path))
+(defbinding %tree-selection-path-is-selected () boolean
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (tree-path tree-path))
+(defbinding %tree-selection-select-iter () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (tree-path tree-path))
+(defbinding %tree-selection-unselect-iter () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (tree-path tree-path))
+(defbinding %tree-selection-iter-is-selected () boolean
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (tree-path tree-path))
+(defun tree-selection-select (selection row)
+ (etypecase row
+ (tree-path (%tree-selection-select-path selection row))
+ (tree-iter (%tree-selection-select-iter selection row))))
+(defun tree-selection-unselect (selection row)
+ (etypecase row
+ (tree-path (%tree-selection-unselect-path selection row))
+ (tree-iter (%tree-selection-unselect-iter selection row))))
+(defun tree-selection-is-selected-p (selection row)
+ (etypecase row
+ (tree-path (%tree-selection-path-is-selected selection row))
+ (tree-iter (%tree-selection-iter-is-selected selection row))))
+(defbinding tree-selection-select-all () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection))
+(defbinding tree-selection-unselect-all () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection))
+(defbinding tree-selection-select-range () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (start tree-path)
+ (end tree-path))
+(defbinding tree-selection-unselect-range () nil
+ (tree-selection tree-selection)
+ (start tree-path)
+ (end tree-path))
;;; Tree Store
(defbinding %tree-store-set-column-types () nil
;;; Tree View
-(defmethod initialize-instance ((tree-view tree-view) &key column)
+(defmethod initialize-instance ((tree-view tree-view) &rest initargs
+ &key column)
(mapc #'(lambda (column)
(tree-view-append-column tree-view column))
(get-all initargs :column)))
-(defbinding tree-view-get-selection () tree-selection
- (tree-view tree-view))
(defbinding tree-view-columns-autosize () nil
(tree-view tree-view))
(tree-view tree-view)
(path tree-path))
-(def-callback-marshal %tree-view-mapping-func (nil tree-view tree-path))
+(def-callback-marshal %tree-view-mapping-func (nil tree-view (path (copy-of tree-path))))
(defbinding %tree-view-map-expanded-rows () nil
(tree-view tree-view)