This package contains Common Lisp bindings to GTK+ v2.0. It currently only works with CMUCL 19a, but ports to other CL implementations may be added later. New versions ------------ The most recent version of this package can be found: in CVS Build instructions ------------------ 1. When building for CMUCL, first obtain a matching binary and source tree (the only source file you will actually need is lisp.h and a couple of other header files). On ELF systems you may also have to rebuild lisp with -rdynamic added to OS_LINK_FLAGS. 2. Set up paths to reflect your system: - Add a logical-pathname-translation to clg in ~/.cmucl-init.lisp or some other startup file. Example: (setf (logical-pathname-translations "clg") '(("**;*.*.*" "/home/espen/src/clg/**/"))) - Set the correct pkg-config search path if your gtk+ installation is in an unusual place, by adding it to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable before starting lisp. - Set *cmucl-include-path* to point to the directory where the lisp.h file resides, if it is not in the default place. Try "locate 'lisp/lisp.h'" if you don't know the location. 3. Compile and load the system: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gtk) Currently it will fail with: Error in function KERNEL::%REDEFINE-DEFSTRUCT: Redefining class PCL::SLOT-INFO incompatibly with the current definition. Just accept the redefinition (restart 1) to continue building or loading. 4. If everything worked, try (load "hello-world") to see a small window pop up, and then run testgtk.lisp in the example directory. Send comments and patches to or