This package contains Common Lisp bindings to GTK+ v2.x. It currently works with CMUCL 19, SBCL 0.9 and CLISP. Ports to other CL implementations may be added later. New versions ------------ The most recent version of this package can be downloaded from Build instructions ------------------ 1. If you are using a version of SBCL without native callback support you need to upgrade or add third party callback code. The following instructions of how to add callback support, are borrowed from the Common Music installation guide: 1. Download Thomas Burdick's Alien Function package¹ and restore it to a directory on your machine. 2. Compile the Alien Function package and save a new sbcl.core image: $ cd sbcl-af $ sbcl --load "system" * (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "/tmp/sbcl.core") $ cd /usr/local/lib/sbcl $ cp sbcl.core sbcl.core.orig $ mv /tmp/sbcl.core . ¹ A slightly modified version which works with SBCL 0.8.21 or newer could be found at 2. Set up paths to match your system: - Add a logical-pathname-translation to the clg root directory in ~/.cmucl-init.lisp, ~/.sbclrc or some other startup file, like this: (setf (logical-pathname-translations "clg") '(("**;*.*.*" "/home/espen/src/clg/**/"))) - Set the correct pkg-config search path if your Gtk+ installation is in an unusual place, by adding it to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable before starting lisp. - Make sure ASDF finds the system definition files: (push (translate-logical-pathname "clg:systems;") asdf:*central-registry*) When checking out of CVS also do the following: $ cd $ mkdir systems && cd systems $ find .. -name '*.asd' -exec ln -s {} . \; 3. Compile and load the system: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gtk) In CMUCL 19a this will fail with: Error in function KERNEL::%REDEFINE-DEFSTRUCT: Redefining class PCL::SLOT-INFO incompatibly with the current definition. Just accept the redefinition (restart 1) to continue building or loading. To avoid doing this every time clg is loaded, compile and load glib/pcl.lisp in newly started CMUCL process and save a new core image. If you are running SBCL with Slime you need to put the following in ~/.swank.lisp to prevent Slime from spawning multiple threads, since GTK+ is not really thread safe: #+sbcl(setq swank:*communication-style* :fd-handler) CLISP needs to be started with the option '-ansi' for clg to compile and load. 4. If everything worked, try (load "hello-world") to see a small window pop up, and then run testgtk.lisp in the example directory. Guidelines for using the GTK+ API documentation ----------------------------------------------- Here are some brief guidelines for using the GTK+ API documentation. A lot of (both intentional and unintentional) inconsistencies exists, so it is also wise to check the source code. - library prefixes are stripped from all symbols - object properties should be available as virtual slots. A lot of "missing" properties are manually defined as slots. Slots may be read only or write only, but there later type are generally only defined automatically through introspection - the get/set part are removed from regular accessors, but retained in functions which set or retrieve multiple values - predicate functions follow the normal convention of ending with '-P' - if there are multiple similar named functions which only differ in the type of argument they accept, only one function accepting any kind of valid argument types is provided - there are no gtk_*_new functions, use MAKE-INSTANCE to create widgets - use CHILD-PROPERTY-VALUE or automatically defined accessors to access child properties - use STYLE-PROPERTY-VALUE to access style properties - the only function used to connect signals is SIGNAL-CONNECT - some additional initargs to make-instance: - gtk:container child -- adds a child to a container widget. This argument could be a widget or a list who's first element is a widget and the rest child properties. Multiple :child initargs may be specified children -- list of children to be added child-args -- default child properties used when adding children (during construction only) show-children -- automatically make children (and grandchildren) visible. May be overridden in a child by explicit specifying :visible or another :show-children - gtk:button stock -- equivalent to ":label stock :use-stock t :use-underline t" - gtk:dialog button -- button specification applied to dialog-add-button. Multiple :button initargs may be specified buttons -- list of button specifications Send comments and patches to or