about-dialog accel-group -- complete (except some functions which are probably not very useful) accel-label accel-map -- complete (except some functions which are probably not very useful) accessible -- complete adjustment -- done throught introspection alignment -- complete arrow -- done throught introspection aspect-frame -- done throught introspection bin -- complete box -- complete button -- complete button-box -- done throught introspection calendar -- complete cell-layout -- complete check-button -- done throught introspection check-menu-item -- complete color-button -- done throught introspection color-selection -- complete minus palette color-selection-dialog -- complete combo-box -- complete (up to gtk version 2.4) combo-box-entry -- complete container dialog -- complete drawing-area -- done throught introspection editable -- complete entry -- complete entry-completion -- complete event-box -- done throught introspection expander -- done throught introspection file-chooser -- complete file-chooser-button -- done throught introspection (but the dialog property should be readable) file-chooser-dialog -- done throught introspection file-chooser-widget -- done throught introspection file-filter -- complete fixed -- complete frame -- complete font-button -- done throught introspection font-selection -- complete frame -- complete handle-box -- complete h-box -- done throught introspection h-button-box -- done throught introspection h-paned -- done throught introspection h-ruler -- done throught introspection h-scale -- done throught introspection h-scrollbar -- done throught introspection h-separator -- done throught introspection image -- complete image-menu-item -- complete im-context im-context-simple im-multicontext item -- complete label -- complete layout -- complete list-store -- complete menu -- complete menu-bar -- done throught introspection menu-item -- complete menu-shell -- complete menu-tool-button -- complete message-dialog -- done (up to gtk version 2.4) notebook -- complete paned -- complete plug progess-bar -- complete radio-button -- complete radio-menu-item -- complete radio-tool-button -- complete range -- complete ruler -- complete scale -- complete scrollbar -- done throught introspection scrolled-window -- complete separator -- done throught introspection separator-menu-item -- done throught introspection separator-tool-item -- done throught introspection size-group -- complete socket spin-button -- complete statusbar -- complete stock-item -- complete table -- complete tearoff-menu-item -- done throught introspection text-buffer -- complete but the API may change text-iter -- complete text-mark -- complete text-tag -- complete minus text-attributes text-tag-table -- complete text-view -- complete toggle-button -- done throught introspection toggle-tool-button -- complete toolbar -- complete tool-button -- done tool-item -- complete (except initialize-instance) tooltips -- complete tree-store -- complete viewport -- done throught introspection v-box -- done throught introspection v-button-box -- done throught introspection v-paned -- done throught introspection v-ruler -- done throught introspection v-scale -- done throught introspection v-scrollbar -- done throught introspection v-separator -- done throught introspection widget -- complete (more or less) window -- complete window-group -- complete