(in-package :asdf) (export 'load-dso) (defun concatenate-strings (strings &optional delimiter) (if (not (rest strings)) (first strings) (concatenate 'string (first strings) (if delimiter (string delimiter) "") (concatenate-strings (rest strings) delimiter)))) ;;; The following code is more or less copied frm sb-bsd-sockets.asd, ;;; but extended to allow flags set in a general way (defclass unix-dso (module) ()) (defun unix-name (pathname) (namestring (typecase pathname (logical-pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname)) (t pathname)))) (defmethod input-files ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (mapcar #'component-pathname (module-components dso))) (defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (let ((dir (component-pathname dso))) (list (make-pathname :type "so" :name (car (last (pathname-directory dir))) :directory (butlast (pathname-directory dir)) :defaults dir)))) (defmethod perform :after ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (let ((dso-name (unix-name (car (output-files operation dso))))) (unless (zerop (run-shell-command "gcc ~A -o ~S ~{~S ~}" (concatenate 'string ;; (sb-ext:posix-getenv "EXTRA_LDFLAGS") ;; " " #+sunos "-shared -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl" #+darwin "-bundle" #-(or darwin sunos) "-shared") dso-name (mapcar #'unix-name (mapcan (lambda (c) (output-files operation c)) (module-components dso))))) (error 'operation-error :operation operation :component dso)))) ;; Taken from foreign.lisp in the CMUCL tree, but modified to delay ;; resolving of symbols until they are used (defun load-dso (file) (system::ensure-lisp-table-opened) ; rtld global: so it can find all the symbols previously loaded ; rtld lazy: that way dlopen will not fail if not all symbols are defined. (let ((filename (namestring file))) (format t ";;; Loading shared library ~A ...~%" filename) (let ((sap (system::dlopen filename (logior system::rtld-lazy system::rtld-global)))) (cond ((zerop (system:sap-int sap)) (let ((err-string (system::dlerror))) ;; For some reason dlerror always seems to return NIL, ;; which isn't very informative. (error "Can't open object ~S: ~S" file err-string))) ((null (assoc sap system::*global-table* :test #'system:sap=)) (setf system::*global-table* (acons sap file system::*global-table*)) t) (t nil))))) (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c unix-dso)) (let ((co (make-instance 'compile-op))) (let ((filename (car (output-files co c)))) (load-dso filename)))) (defclass c-source-file (source-file) ((cflags :initform nil :initarg :cflags) (optimization :initform 2 :initarg :optimization) (definitions :initform nil :initarg :definitions) (include-paths :initform nil :initarg :include-paths))) (defmethod output-files ((op compile-op) (c c-source-file)) (list (make-pathname :type "o" :defaults (component-pathname c)))) (defmethod perform ((op compile-op) (c c-source-file)) (unless (= 0 (run-shell-command "gcc ~A -o ~S -c ~S" (concatenate-strings (append (list "-fPIC") (when (slot-value c 'optimization) (list (format nil "-O~A" (slot-value c 'optimization)))) (loop for symbol in (slot-value c 'definitions) collect (format nil "-D~A" symbol)) (loop for path in (slot-value c 'include-paths) collect (format nil "-I~A" path)) (slot-value c 'cflags)) #\sp) (unix-name (car (output-files op c))) (unix-name (component-pathname c)))) (error 'operation-error :operation op :component c))) (defmethod perform ((operation load-op) (c c-source-file)) t) (defclass library (static-file) ((libdir :initarg :libdir))) (defun relative-pathname (path) (etypecase path (cons path) (string (if (char= #\/ (char path 0)) (subseq path 1) path)))) (defmethod component-pathname ((lib library)) (make-pathname :type "so" :name (component-name lib) :directory (relative-pathname (slot-value lib 'libdir)))) (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c library)) (load-dso (component-pathname c)))