(defpackage #:pkg-config (:use #:common-lisp #:clg-utils #+(or cmu clisp) #:ext #+sbcl #:sb-ext) #+sbcl (:import-from #:sb-int #:featurep) (:export #:pkg-cflags #:pkg-libs #:pkg-exists-p #:pkg-version #:pkg-variable) (:export #:featurep #:sbcl>= #:clisp>=)) (in-package #:pkg-config) (defparameter *pkg-config* "/usr/bin/pkg-config") #+(or sbcl cmu) (defun run-pkg-config (package error-p &rest options) (let ((process (run-program *pkg-config* (cons package options) :wait t :output :stream))) (unless process (error "Unable to run ~A" *pkg-config*)) (let ((exit-code (process-exit-code process))) (unless (or (not error-p) (zerop exit-code)) (error (or (format nil "~A: ~{~A~%~}" *pkg-config* (read-lines (process-error process))) (format nil "~A terminated with exit code ~A" *pkg-config* exit-code)))) (let ((output (read-lines (process-output process)))) (process-close process) (values output exit-code))))) #+clisp (defun run-pkg-config (package error-p &rest options) (let ((outfile (format nil "/tmp/clg-pkg-config-~A-output" (os:process-id))) (errfile (format nil "/tmp/clg-pkg-config-~A-error" (os:process-id)))) (unwind-protect (let ((exit-code (run-shell-command (format nil "~A ~A ~{~A ~}2>~A" *pkg-config* package (mapcar #'(lambda (option) (format nil "'~A'" option)) options) errfile) :output outfile :if-output-exists :overwrite))) (cond ((= exit-code 127) (error "Unable to run ~A" *pkg-config*)) ((and error-p (not (zerop exit-code))) (with-open-file (output errfile) (let ((errmsg (read-lines output))) (error (if (not errmsg) (format nil "~A terminated with exit code ~A" *pkg-config* exit-code) (format nil "~A: ~{~A~%~}" *pkg-config* errmsg)))))) (t (values (with-open-file (output outfile) (read-lines output)) exit-code)))) (progn (delete-file outfile) (delete-file errfile))))) (defun pkg-cflags (package) (split-string (first (run-pkg-config package t "--cflags")))) (defun pkg-libs (package) (split-string (first (run-pkg-config package t "--libs")))) (defun pkg-exists-p (package &key version atleast-version max-version error) (let ((version-check (cond (version (format nil "= ~A" version)) (atleast-version (format nil ">= ~A" atleast-version)) (max-version (format nil "<= ~A" max-version)) (t "")))) (if error (progn (run-pkg-config package t "--print-errors" "--exists" version-check) t) (multiple-value-bind (output exit-code) (run-pkg-config package nil "--exists" version-check) (declare (ignore output)) (zerop exit-code))))) (defun pkg-version (package) (first (run-pkg-config package t "--modversion"))) (defun pkg-variable (package variable) (first (run-pkg-config package t "--variable" variable))) (defun |#?-reader| (stream subchar arg) (declare (ignore subchar arg)) (let ((not-p (when (char= (peek-char nil stream) #\-) (read-char stream))) (conditional (read stream t nil t))) (cond (*read-suppress* (read stream t nil t)) ((not *read-eval*) (error 'reader-error :format-control "Attempt to read #? while *READ-EVAL* is bound to NIL." :format-arguments nil :stream stream)) ((if not-p (eval conditional) (not (eval conditional))) (let ((*read-suppress* t)) (read stream t nil t))))) (values)) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\? #'|#?-reader|) #+sbcl (progn (defun sbcl-version () (let* ((dot1 (position #\. (lisp-implementation-version))) (dot2 (position #\. (lisp-implementation-version) :start (1+ dot1)))) (values (parse-integer (lisp-implementation-version) :end dot1) (parse-integer (lisp-implementation-version) :start (1+ dot1) :end dot2) (if dot2 (parse-integer (lisp-implementation-version) :start (1+ dot2) :junk-allowed t) 0)))) (defun sbcl>= (req-major req-minor req-micro) (multiple-value-bind (major minor micro) (sbcl-version) (or (> major req-major) (and (= major req-major) (> minor req-minor)) (and (= major req-major) (= minor req-minor) (>= micro req-micro)))))) #-sbcl (defun sbcl>= (req-major req-minor req-micro) (declare (ignore req-major req-minor req-micro)) nil) #+clisp (progn (defun clisp-version () (let* ((dot (position #\. (lisp-implementation-version)))) (values (parse-integer (lisp-implementation-version) :end dot) (parse-integer (lisp-implementation-version) :start (1+ dot) :junk-allowed t)))) (defun clisp>= (req-major req-minor) (multiple-value-bind (major minor) (clisp-version) (or (> major req-major) (and (= major req-major) (> minor req-minor)))))) #-clisp (defun clisp>= (req-major req-minor) (declare (ignore req-major req-minor)) nil)