;; Common Lisp bindings for Cairo ;; Copyright 2005 Espen S. Johnsen ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ;; the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ;; IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;; CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ;; TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ;; SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;; $Id: cairo.lisp,v 1.1 2005-11-10 08:50:45 espen Exp $ (in-package "CAIRO") (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (define-enum-type surface-format :argb32 :rgb24 :a8 :a1) (define-enum-type status :success :no-memory :invalid-restore :invalid-pop-group :no-current-point :invalid-matrix :invalid-status :null-pointer :invalid-string :invalid-path-data :read-error :write-error :surface-finished :surface-type-mismatch :pattern-type-mismatch :invalid-content :invalid-format :invalid-visual :file-not-found :invalid-dash) (define-enum-type fill-rule :winding :even-odd) (define-enum-type line-cap :butt :round :square) (define-enum-type line-join :miter :round :bevel) (define-enum-type font-slant :normal :itaic :oblique) (define-enum-type font-weight :normal :bold) (define-enum-type operator :clear :source :over :in :out :atop :dest :dest-over :dest-in :dest-out :dest-atop :xor :add :saturate) (define-enum-type antialias :default :none :gray :subpixel) (define-enum-type extend :none :repeat :reflect) (define-enum-type filter :fast :good :best :nearest :bilinear :gaussian) (define-enum-type subpixel-order :default :rgb :bgr :vrgb :vbgr) (define-enum-type hint-style :default :none :slight :medium :full) (define-enum-type hint-metrics :default :off :on) (defclass glyph (proxy) ((index :allocation :alien :initarg :index :accessor glyph-index :type unsigned-long) (x :allocation :alien :initarg :x :accessor glyph-x :type double-float) (y :allocation :alien :initarg :y :accessor glyph-y :type double-float)) (:metaclass struct-class)) (defclass font-face (proxy) () (:metaclass proxy-class)) (defclass font-options (proxy) ((antialias :allocation :virtual :getter "font_options_get_antialias" :setter "font_options_set_antialias" :accessor font-options-antialias :type antialias) (subpixel-order :allocation :virtual :getter "font_options_get_subpixel_order" :setter "font_options_set_subpixel_order" :accessor font-options-subpixel-order :type subpixel-order) (hint-style :allocation :virtual :getter "font_options_get_hint_style" :setter "font_options_set_hint_style" :accessor font-options-hint-style :type hint-style) (hint-metrics :allocation :virtual :getter "font_options_get_hint_metrics" :setter "font_options_set_hint_metrics" :accessor font-options-hint-metrics :type hint-metrics)) (:metaclass proxy-class)) (defclass scaled-font (proxy) () (:metaclass proxy-class)) (defclass matrix (struct) ((xx :allocation :alien :initarg :xx :initform 1.0 :accessor matrix-xx :type double-float) (yx :allocation :alien :initarg :yx :initform 0.0 :accessor matrix-yx :type double-float) (xy :allocation :alien :initarg :xy :initform 1.0 :accessor matrix-xy :type double-float) (yy :allocation :alien :initarg :yy :initform 0.0 :accessor matrix-yy :type double-float) (x0 :allocation :alien :initarg :x0 :initform 0.0 :accessor matrix-x0 :type double-float) (y0 :allocation :alien :initarg :y0 :initform 0.0 :accessor matrix-y0 :type double-float)) (:metaclass struct-class)) (defclass text-extents (struct) ((x-bearing :allocation :alien :reader text-extents-x-bearing :type double-float) (y-bearing :allocation :alien :reader text-extents-y-bearing :type double-float) (width :allocation :alien :reader text-extents-width :type double-float) (height :allocation :alien :reader text-extents-height :type double-float) (x-advance :allocation :alien :reader text-extents-x-advance :type double-float) (y-advance :allocation :alien :reader text-extents-y-advance :type double-float)) (:metaclass struct-class)) (defclass pattern (proxy) ((extend :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_pattern_get_extend" :setter "cairo_pattern_set_extend" :accessor pattern-extend :type extend) (filter :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_pattern_get_filter" :setter "cairo_pattern_set_filter" :accessor pattern-filter :type filter) (matrix :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_pattern_get_matrix" :setter "cairo_pattern_set_matrix" :accessor pattern-matrix :type matrix)) (:metaclass proxy-class)) (defclass context (proxy) ((target :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_target" :reader target :type surface) (source :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_source" :setter "cairo_set_source" :accessor source :type pattern) (antialias :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_antialias" :setter "cairo_set_antialias" :accessor antialias :type antialias) (tolerance :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_tolerance" :setter "cairo_set_tolerance" :accessor tolerance :type double-float) (fill-rule :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_fill_rule" :setter "cairo_set_fill_rule" :accessor fill-rule :type fill-rule) (line-width :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_line_width" :setter "cairo_set_line_width" :accessor line-width :type double-float) (line-cap :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_line_cap" :setter "cairo_set_line_cap" :accessor line-cap :type line-cap) (line-join :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_line_join" :setter "cairo_set_line_join" :accessor line-join :type line-join) (miter-limit :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_miter_limit" :setter "cairo_set_miter_limit" :accessor miter-limit :type double-float) (font-matrix :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_font_matrix" :setter "cairo_set_font_matrix" :accessor font-matrix :type matrix) (font-options :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_font_options" :setter "cairo_set_font_options" :accessor font-options :type font-options) (font-face :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_font_face" :setter "cairo_set_font_face" :accessor font-face :type font-face) (operator :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_get_operator" :setter "cairo_set_operator" :accessor operator :type operator) (matrix :allocation :virtual :getter matrix :setter "cairo_set_matrix" :writer (setf matrix) :type matrix) ) (:metaclass proxy-class)) (defclass surface (proxy) () (:metaclass proxy-class)) (defclass image-surface (surface) ((width :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_image_surface_get_width" :reader surface-width :type int) (height :allocation :virtual :getter "cairo_image_surface_get_height" :reader surface-height :type int)) (:metaclass proxy-class)) ;; (defclass path (proxy) ;; () ;; (:metaclass proxy-class)) ) ;;; Cairo context (defbinding %reference () nil (location pointer)) (defbinding %destroy () nil (location pointer)) (defmethod reference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'context))) location) (%reference location)) (defmethod unreference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'context))) location) (%destroy location)) (defbinding (save-context "cairo_save") () nil (cr context)) (defbinding (restore-context "cairo_restore") () nil (cr context)) (defmacro with-context ((cr) &body body) (let ((context (make-symbol "CONTEXT"))) `(let ((,context ,cr)) (save-context ,context) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (restore-context ,context))))) (defbinding status () status (cr context)) (defbinding (set-source-color "cairo_set_source_rgba") (cr red green blue &optional (alpha 1.0)) nil (cr context) (red double-float) (green double-float) (blue double-float) (alpha double-float)) (defbinding set-source-surface () nil (cr context) (surface surface) (x double-float) (y double-float)) (defbinding set-dash (cr dashes &optional (offset 0.0)) nil (cr context) (dashes (vector double-float)) ((length dashes) int) (offset double-float)) (defbinding (paint "cairo_paint_with_alpha") (cr &optional (alpha 1.0)) nil (cr context) (alpha double-float)) (defbinding mask () nil (cr context) (pattern pattern)) (defbinding mask-surface () nil (cr context) (surface surface) (surface-x double-float) (surface-y double-float)) (defmacro defoperator (name &optional clip-p) (let ((iname (intern (format nil "%~A" name))) (pname (intern (format nil "%~A-PRESERVE" name)))) `(progn (defbinding ,iname () nil (cr context)) (defbinding ,pname () nil (cr context)) (defun ,name (cr &optional preserve) (if preserve (,pname cr) (,iname cr))) ,(unless clip-p (let ((tname (intern (format nil "IN~A-P" name))) (ename (intern (format nil "~A-EXTENTS" name)))) `(progn (defbinding ,tname () boolean (cr context) (x double-float) (y double-float)) (defbinding ,ename () boolean (cr context) (x1 double-float :out) (y1 double-float :out) (x2 double-float :out) (y2 double-float :out)))))))) (defoperator clip t) (defoperator stroke) (defoperator fill) (defbinding reset-clip () nil (cr context)) (defbinding copy-page () nil (cr context)) (defbinding show-page () nil (cr context)) ;;; Paths (defbinding get-current-point () nil (cr context) (x double-float :out) (y double-float :out)) (defbinding new-path () nil (cr context)) (defbinding close-path () nil (cr context)) (defbinding arc () nil (cr context) (xc double-float) (yc double-float) (radius double-float) (angle1 double-float) (angle2 double-float)) (defbinding arc-negative () nil (cr context) (xc double-float) (yc double-float) (radius double-float) (angle1 double-float) (angle2 double-float)) (defun circle (cr x y radius) (arc cr x y radius 0.0 (* pi 2))) (defmacro defpath (name &rest args) (let ((relname (intern (format nil "REL-~A" name)))) `(progn (defbinding ,name () nil (cr context) ,@args) (defbinding ,relname () nil (cr context) ,@args)))) (defpath curve-to (x1 double-float) (y1 double-float) (x2 double-float) (y2 double-float) (x3 double-float) (y3 double-float)) (defpath line-to (x double-float) (y double-float)) (defpath move-to (x double-float) (y double-float)) (defbinding rectangle () nil (cr context) (x double-float) (y double-float) (width double-float) (height double-float)) (defbinding glyph-path (cr glyphs) nil (cr context) (glyphs (vector glyph)) ((length glyphs) int)) (defbinding text-path () nil (cr context) (text string)) ;;; Patterns (defbinding (pattern-add-color-stop "cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba") (pattern offset red green blue &optional (alpha 1.0)) nil (pattern pattern) (offset double-float) (red double-float) (green double-float) (blue double-float) (alpha double-float)) (defbinding (pattern-create "cairo_pattern_create_rgba") (red green blue &optional (alpha 1.0)) pattern (red double-float) (green double-float) (blue double-float) (alpha double-float)) (defbinding pattern-create-for-surface () pattern (surface surface)) (defbinding pattern-create-linear () pattern (x0 double-float) (y0 double-float) (x1 double-float) (y1 double-float)) (defbinding pattern-create-radial () pattern (cx0 double-float) (cy0 double-float) (radius0 double-float) (cx1 double-float) (cy1 double-float) (radius1 double-float)) (defbinding %pattern-reference () nil (location pointer)) (defbinding %pattern-destroy () nil (location pointer)) (defmethod reference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'pattern))) location) (%pattern-reference location)) (defmethod unreference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'pattern))) location) (%pattern-destroy location)) (defbinding pattern-status () status (pattern pattern)) ;;; Transformations (defbinding translate () nil (cr context) (tx double-float) (ty double-float)) (defbinding scale () nil (cr context) (sx double-float) (sy double-float)) (defbinding rotate () nil (cr context) (angle double-float)) (defbinding transform () nil (cr context) (matrix matrix)) (defbinding (matrix "cairo_get_matrix") () nil (cr context) ((make-instance 'matrix) matrix :return)) (defbinding identity-matrix () nil (cr context)) (defbinding user-to-device () nil (cr context) (x double-float :in-out) (y double-float :in-out)) (defbinding user-to-device-distance () nil (cr context) (dx double-float :in-out) (dy double-float :in-out)) (defbinding device-to-user () nil (cr context) (x double-float :in-out) (y double-float :in-out)) (defbinding device-to-user-distance () nil (cr context) (dx double-float :in-out) (dy double-float :in-out)) ;;; Text (defbinding select-font-face () nil (cr context) (family string) (slant font-slant) (weight font-weight)) (defbinding set-font-size () nil (cr context) (size double-float)) (defbinding show-text () nil (cr context) (text string)) (defbinding show-glyphs () nil (cr context) (glyphs (vector glyph)) ((length glyphs) int)) (defbinding font-extents () boolean (cr context)) (defbinding text-extents (cr text &optional (extents (make-instance 'text-extents))) nil (cr context) (text string) (extents text-extents :return)) (defbinding glyph-extents (cr glyphs &optional (extents (make-instance 'text-extents))) nil (cr context) (glyphs (vector glyph)) ((length glyphs) int) (extents text-extents :return)) ;;; Fonts (defbinding %font-face-reference () nil (location pointer)) (defbinding %font-face-destroy () nil (location pointer)) (defmethod reference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'font-face))) location) (%font-face-reference location)) (defmethod unreference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'font-face))) location) (%font-face-destroy location)) (defbinding font-face-status () status (font-face font-face)) ;;; Scaled Fonts (defbinding %scaled-font-reference () nil (location pointer)) (defbinding %scaled-font-destroy () nil (location pointer)) (defmethod reference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'scaled-font))) location) (%scaled-font-reference location)) (defmethod unreference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'scaled-font))) location) (%scaled-font-destroy location)) (defbinding scaled-font-status () status (scaled-font scaled-font)) (defbinding scaled-font-extents (scaled-font &optional (extents (make-instance 'text-extents))) nil (scaled-font scaled-font) (extents text-extents :return)) (defbinding scaled-font-glyph-extents (scaled-font glyphs &optional (extents (make-instance 'text-extents))) nil (scaled-font scaled-font) (glyphs (vector glyph)) ((length glyphs) int) (extents text-extents :return)) (defbinding %scaled-font-create () pointer (font-face font-face) (font-matrix matrix) (ctm matrix) (options font-options)) (defmethod initialize-instance ((scaled-font scaled-font) &key font-face font-matrix cmt options) (setf (slot-value scaled-font 'location) (%scaled-font-create font-face font-matrix cmt options)) (call-next-method)) ;;; Font Options (defbinding %font-options-copy () nil (location pointer)) (defbinding %font-options-destroy () nil (location pointer)) (defmethod reference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'font-options))) location) (%font-options-reference location)) (defmethod unreference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'font-options))) location) (%font-options-destroy location)) (defbinding font-options-status () status (font-options font-options)) (defbinding %font-options-create () pointer) (defmethod initialize-instance ((font-options font-options) &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (setf (slot-value font-options 'location) (%font-options-create)) (call-next-method)) (defbinding font-options-merge () nil (options1 font-options :return) (options2 font-options)) (defbinding font-options-hash () unsigned-int (options font-options)) (defbinding font-options-equal-p () boolean (options1 font-options) (options2 font-options)) ;;; Surfaces (defbinding %surface-reference () nil (location pointer)) (defbinding %surface-destroy () nil (location pointer)) (defmethod reference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'surface))) location) (%surface-reference location)) (defmethod unreference-foreign ((class (eql (find-class 'surface))) location) (%surface-destroy location)) (defbinding surface-create-similar () surface (other surface) (format surface-format ) (width int) (height int)) (defbinding surface-finish () nil (surface surface)) (defbinding surface-flush () nil (surface surface)) (defbinding surface-get-font-options () nil (surface surface) ((make-instance 'font-options) font-options :return)) (defbinding surface-set-device-offset () nil (surface surface) (x-offset double-float) (y-offset double-float)) (defbinding surface-status () status (surface surface)) (defbinding %surface-mark-dirty () nil (surface surface)) (defbinding %surface-mark-dirty-rectangle () nil (surface surface) (x int) (y int) (width int) (height int)) (defun surface-mark-dirty (surface &optional x y width height) (if x (%surface-mark-dirty-rectangle surface x y width height) (%surface-mark-dirty surface))) ;; Image Surface ;; Should data be automatically freed when the surface is GCed? (defmethod initialize-instance ((surface image-surface) &key width height stride format data) (setf (slot-value surface 'location) (if (not data) (%image-surface-create format width height) (%image-surface-create-for-data data format width height (or stride (let ((element-size (cdr (assoc format '((:argb32 . 4) (:rgb24 . 4) (:a8 . 1) (:a1 1/8)))))) (ceiling (* width element-size))))))) (call-next-method)) (defbinding %image-surface-create () image-surface (format surface-format) (width int) (hegit int)) (defbinding %image-surface-create-for-data () image-surface (data pointer) (format surface-format) (width int) (hegit int) (stride int)) ;;; PNG Surface (defbinding image-surface-create-from-png (filename) image-surface ((truename filename) pathname)) ;;; Matrices (defbinding matrix-init () nil (matrix matrix :return) (xx double-float) (yx double-float) (xy double-float) (yy double-float) (x0 double-float) (y0 double-float)) (defbinding matrix-init-identity () nil (matrix matrix :return)) (defbinding matrix-init-translate () nil (matrix matrix :return) (tx double-float) (ty double-float)) (defbinding matrix-init-scale () nil (matrix matrix :return) (sx double-float) (sy double-float)) (defbinding matrix-init-rotate () nil (matrix matrix :return) (radians double-float)) (defbinding matrix-translate () nil (matrix matrix :return) (tx double-float) (ty double-float)) (defbinding matrix-scale () nil (matrix matrix :return) (sx double-float) (sy double-float)) (defbinding matrix-rotate () nil (matrix matrix :return) (radians double-float)) (defbinding matrix-invert () nil (matrix matrix :return)) (defbinding matrix-multiply () nil (result matrix :out) (a matrix) (b matrix)) (defbinding matrix-transform-distance () nil (matrix matrix :return) (dx double-float) (dy double-float)) (defbinding matrix-transform-point () nil (matrix matrix :return) (x double-float) (y double-float))