This package contains Common Lisp bindings to GTK+ v2.x. It currently only works with CMUCL 19a and SBCL (0.8.21), but ports to other CL implementations may be added later. New versions ------------ The most recent version of this package can be downloaded from Build instructions ------------------ 1. When building for SBCL you first need to add callback support, since SBCL does not yet has a native callback facility. The following instructions are borrowed from the Common Music installation guide: 1. Download Thomas Burdick's Alien Function package¹ and restore it to a directory on your machine. 2. Compile the Alien Function package and save a new sbcl.core image: $ cd sbcl-af $ sbcl --load "system" * (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "/tmp/sbcl.core") $ cd /usr/local/lib/sbcl $ cp sbcl.core sbcl.core.orig $ mv /tmp/sbcl.core . ¹ A slightly modified version which works with SBCL 0.8.21 or newer could be found at 2. Set up paths to match your system: - Add a logical-pathname-translation to the clg root directory in ~/.cmucl-init.lisp, ~/.sbclrc or some other startup file, like this: (setf (logical-pathname-translations "clg") '(("**;*.*.*" "/home/espen/src/clg/**/"))) - Set the correct pkg-config search path if your Gtk+ installation is in an unusual place, by adding it to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable before starting lisp. - Make sure ASDF finds the system definition files: (push #+sbcl(truename #p"clg:systems") #+cmu(concatenate 'string (unix-namestring #p"clg:systems") "/") asdf:*central-registry*) When checking out of CVS also do the following: $ cd $ mkdir systems && cd systems $ find .. -name '*.asd' -exec ln -s {} . \; 3. Compile and load the system: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gtk) In CMUCL 19a this will fail with: Error in function KERNEL::%REDEFINE-DEFSTRUCT: Redefining class PCL::SLOT-INFO incompatibly with the current definition. Just accept the redefinition (restart 1) to continue building or loading. To avoid doing this every time clg is loaded, compile and load glib/pcl.lisp in newly started CMUCL process and save a new core image. If you are running SBCL with Slime you need to put the following in ~/.swank.lisp to prevent Slime from spawning multiple threads, since GTK+ is not really thread safe: #+sbcl(setq swank:*communication-style* :fd-handler) 4. If everything worked, try (load "hello-world") to see a small window pop up, and then run testgtk.lisp in the example directory. Guidelines for using the GTK+ API documentation ----------------------------------------------- Here are some brief guidelines for using the GTK+ API documentation. A lot of (both intentional and unintentional) inconsistencies exists, so it is also wise to check the source code. - library prefixes are stripped from all symbols - the get/set part are removed from regular accessors, but retained in functions which set or retrieve multiple values - predicate functions follow the normal convention of ending with '-P' - if there are multiple similar named functions which only differ in the type of argument they accept, only one function accepting any kind of valid argument types is provided - there are no gtk_*_new functions, use MAKE-INSTANCE to create widgets - all object properties are available as virtual slots. A lot of "missing" properties are manually defined as slots - use CHILD-PROPERTY-VALUE or automatically defined accessors to access child properties - use STYLE-PROPERTY-VALUE to access style properties - the only function used to connect signals is SIGNAL-CONNECT Send comments and patches to or