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[irc.git] / flirts
2024-06-12 Matthew VernonNew trout/flirt from Diziet
2022-04-20 Matthew Vernonremove {black,white}list trout/flirt
2021-05-19 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2020-09-01 Matthew Vernonnew trout/flirt from rjk (George 3, in Hamilton)
2020-05-01 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs (in the time of COVID-19)
2020-03-27 Matthew Vernonremove objected-to flirt
2019-10-03 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2019-05-14 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from Emperor (apropos remarks made about...
2019-02-27 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2018-11-14 Matthew VernonCorrect tyop in flirt from rjk
2018-11-09 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from Diziet
2018-08-28 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from Emperor (SatW board game)
2018-06-11 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2018-02-28 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from jtn
2018-02-08 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2017-11-30 Matthew VernonNew flirt from jtn (after fivemack)
2017-01-15 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from fivemack
2017-01-10 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2016-11-14 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2016-11-05 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk [ref Better off Dead]
2016-10-17 Matthew VernonNew flirt from rejs
2016-07-18 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2016-07-04 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from fivemack
2016-07-04 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from ceb
2016-04-21 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2016-04-20 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2015-12-24 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2015-12-01 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from jtn []
2015-11-22 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2015-07-29 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2015-05-21 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from adam
2015-05-15 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from jtn
2015-05-11 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2015-02-19 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2015-02-19 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs (alleged to work on alligators)
2015-02-19 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs (alleged to work on Capuchin monkeys)
2015-02-09 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from jtn
2015-01-19 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from jtn
2014-12-18 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from adam
2014-12-01 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2014-11-24 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2014-11-03 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2014-07-29 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2014-07-10 Matthew Vernoncorrect typo in flirt (from rejs)
2014-06-05 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2014-06-02 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2014-04-08 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk [ref: gogol bordello]
2014-04-08 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from jtn
2014-03-18 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from jtn
2014-01-19 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2013-12-02 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2013-10-29 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2013-10-10 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2013-08-19 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2013-07-23 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2013-07-20 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2013-07-02 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2013-03-27 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2013-02-18 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2013-02-13 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2013-01-29 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2013-01-17 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rjk
2013-01-06 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-12-11 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2012-12-08 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from Emperor
2012-11-13 Matthew Vernonnew flirts froms rejs
2012-10-02 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2012-08-17 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rejs
2012-08-13 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-08-03 Matthew Vernonnew trout and flirt from rjk
2012-07-22 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-07-03 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-06-29 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-06-25 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-06-18 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-06-10 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-06-08 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rjk
2012-05-29 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-05-01 Matthew Vernonnew trout and flirt from rjk
2012-04-01 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-03-17 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-02-27 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-02-24 Matthew Vernonnew flirts and slash from rjk
2012-02-09 Matthew Vernonnew trouts and flirt from rjk
2012-02-07 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slash from rejs
2012-02-06 Matthew Vernonmove rjk's flirt from the trouts to the flirts list...
2012-02-01 Matthew Vernoncorrect typo in rjk's flirt from 20-12-2011 (error...
2012-01-31 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-01-29 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from ceb
2012-01-27 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from anon
2012-01-27 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from ceb
2012-01-27 Matthew Vernonnew flirts from rjk
2012-01-27 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs
2012-01-27 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-01-24 Matthew Vernonnew flirts and slash from rjk
2012-01-23 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-01-15 Matthew Vernonnew trouts, flirts, and slashes from rejs
2012-01-11 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rjk
2012-01-06 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs (modified by Emperor)
2012-01-06 Matthew Vernonnew flirt from rejs