=== TC RESOLUTION STARTS === 1. The Debian Technical Committee hereby exercises its power in 4.2(1) of the Debian Constitution to propose a General Resolution, and according to A.1(1) the TC also proposes an amendment. The proposed texts of the two resulting options for the General Resolution are as follows: ----- GENERAL RESOLUTION STARTS, COMMON INTRODUCTORY TEXT ----- Advice to the TC on overruling maintainers In the past the Technical Committee have been slow and reluctant to overrule a maintainer unless all the members are absolutely convinced that the maintainer's decision was wrong. The TC has sought the views of the Developers. Accordingly, the Developers advise, in their (non-binding) opinion, that: ----- GENERAL RESOLUTION OPTION A ----- The Technical Committee's approach so far has been correct. ----- GENERAL RESOLUTION OPTION B ----- Technical Committee members should be willing to vote to overrule if they feel that the maintainer's decision was wrong; the supermajority requirement is sufficient to guard against overruling in questionable cases. ----- GENERAL RESOLUTION ENDS -----