@@@comment: Web page template. Edit this if you feel like it, @@@comment: but take care or the results may be strange. @@@comment: @@@comment: Written by Ian Jackson , 1999. @@@comment: I hereby place this file in the public domain. @@@comment: NB: do not add more copyright restrictions to this file, @@@comment: or running the scripts will cause copyright violation ! @@@whose@@@ G-RIN - @@@if:intro@@@ BCP5 (RFC1918) Registry @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:picked@@@ @@@net@@@ picked @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:passwordsent@@@ password sent for @@@name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|fulldetails@@@ details of @@@name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justcreated@@@ registered @@@name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justupdated@@@ updated @@@name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:deleted@@@ deleted @@@name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingall@@@ entire database @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:picked@@@ @@@if:listingarea@@@ subset for @@@listarea@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingoverlap@@@ overlapping with @@@listoverlap@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error@@@ @@@if:error_notfound@@@ entry not found @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:error_notfound@@@ error @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@

@@@whose@@@ G-RIN @@@if:intro@@@ (Geeks' Registry of Internet Numbers)
BCP5 (RFC1918) network numbers registry @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:intro@@@
@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:picked@@@ Random network picked: @@@net@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|fulldetails@@@ Database entry details: @@@name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justcreated@@@ @@@name@@@ registered in database @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justupdated@@@ Database entry updated: @@@name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:passwordsent@@@ Password sent @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:deleted@@@ Database entry deleted @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingall@@@ Entire database listing @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:picked@@@ @@@if:listingarea@@@ Database subset listing for @@@listarea@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingoverlap@@@ Database search, entries overlapping with @@@listoverlap@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error@@@ @@@if:error_notfound@@@ Database entry not found @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:error_notfound@@@ An error has occurred @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@



BCP5 (currently RFC1918, `Address Allocation for Private Internets') describes circumstances where it can be useful to have non-globally-unique IP addresses, and specifies three IPv4 address ranges which may be used for this purpose. RFC1918 recommends that, to minimise the risk of clashes when private internets need to be merged, address ranges should be chosen at random.

This web page and database exist to help people choose ranges at random, and to help them choose ranges which are not currently in use by anyone else. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error@@@ @@@if:error_badnet@@@ You entered a syntactically invalid CIDR-format network number.

IPv4 network numbers should be expressed as a dotted quad followed by a prefix length. Each of the numbers in the dotted quad must be between 0 and 255. The prefix length is separated from the dotted quad by a slash, and must be between 0 and 32. None of the bits in the dotted quad beyond the prefix length must be set. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_badsize@@@ You entered an invalid size for your prefix or subnet. You must enter a number between 0 and 32. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_wrongsize@@@ The subnet size you requested (@@@specsize@@@-bit prefix) is larger (contains more addresses) than the size of the private-use range you selected (@@@net@@@). @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_wrongnet@@@ The network number you specified does not lie wholly within the BCP5-allocated private-use address ranges. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_notfound@@@ Sorry, the database entry cannot be found. Perhaps the entry has been deleted or expired.

If you believe that this has happened to you in error, contact the registry administrator, @@@adminemail@@@, quoting identifier @@@id@@@. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_noemail@@@ You must provide an email address. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_nocontact@@@ You must provide a contact name. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_nopassword@@@ You must supply the password. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_badpassword@@@ The password you supplied was not correct. Please supply the correct password. If you do not know the password, ask to have it mailed to you.

The passwords expire after a while; if you were not relying on a fresh notification of your password, you should request a current password. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_nonet@@@ You must provide a network number ! @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_noname@@@ You must provide a network name for the database. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:error_badchar@@@ The name, contact or email address you specified contains illegal character(s). @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:pick@@@ @@@ifnot:picked@@@

Pick a random subnet

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:picked@@@

Pick another random subnet

Choose network size:
28 bit prefix (4 bit subnet, up to 14 hosts)
24 bit prefix (8 bit subnet, up to 254 hosts)
bit prefix.
bit subnet.

From which private-use range ? @@@foreach:area@@@
@@@area@@@ @@@if:area_recommended@@@ - recommended @@@endif:@@@ @@@endforeach:@@@

@@@ifnot:picked@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:picked@@@ @@@endif:@@@

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:registernew@@@

Register a network range you are using

You may register an existing network range you are using in our database. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:picked@@@

Random network range chosen - register it ?

I have picked the random network numbering range @@@net@@@ for you. You can see its relationship to other entries in the database of networks people are using - it is shown below, in amongst the registered database entries.

If you are happy with it, you are of course free to use it straight away without telling anyone. However, it may be to your advantage to register it in our database. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:registernew|picked@@@

You must enter an email address to `own' the database entry. This email address will be mailed a reminder asking you to confirm/renew your entry periodically, and will also be used to authorise changes to the entry. It will be published on these pages unless you select to hide it; apart from that we will only use it to contact you about your database entry. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:deleted@@@

Deleted entry

The following entry has been deleted. If this was a mistake, you may re-register it now. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|fulldetails@@@

Entry details

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:passwordsent@@@ The password for this database entry has been mailed to the recorded contact email address.

Entry details

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justcreated@@@

Entry created

The database entry has been created, but will only persist for a short time unless you confirm it. You have beeen sent an email with your password, requesting confirmation. When you have received the email you may use `confirm/update', below, to confirm your database entry. If you do not confirm it it will expire in a few days. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justupdated@@@

Entry updated/confirmed

The database entry below has been updated/confirmed/renewed. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:registernew|details|fulldetails|justcreated|justupdated|picked|passwordsent|deleted@@@

Network range:
Network name:
Contact name:
@@@if:displayemail@@@ Email address: @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:displayemail@@@ Email address hidden. New address: @@@endif:@@@
Hide email address from public database.
@@@if:registernew|picked@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:deleted@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|fulldetails|justcreated|justupdated|passwordsent@@@

Entry created: @@@datecreated@@@
@@@if:changed@@@ Last update/confirm: @@@datechanged@@@
@@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:changed@@@ Not yet confirmed. @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details@@@

Password request

Use this to obtain your password, if you do not have it or it doesn't seem to work. The passwords expire after a while; if you do not have a recent notification of your password, you should request a current password:

(The password will be sent to the registered email address for the entry.) @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|fulldetails|justcreated|justupdated|passwordsent@@@

Modify or manage this entry

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|justcreated|passwordsent@@@ Using your password, you can update the details above (if you have changed them) and confirm or renew your entry (to stop it expiring). @@@ifnot:displayemail@@@ You can also view the full details, including the hidden email address. @@@endif:@@@

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|justcreated|passwordsent@@@ Password:
@@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:displayemail@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:details|fulldetails|justcreated|justupdated|passwordsent@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:fulldetails|justupdated@@@
Password: supplied. @@@endif:@@@

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:list@@@

View database

@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingall|listingarea|listingoverlap|listingviewoverlap@@@


@@@if:listingall@@@ Entire database @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingoverlap@@@ Entries which overlap with @@@listoverlap@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingviewoverlap@@@ Entries which overlap with this one @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingarea@@@ Database for entries allocated from @@@listarea@@@ @@@endif:@@@

@@@if:picked@@@ The range picked for you has been emphasized below. Any existing registrations that overlap with it are also emphasized, and marked with an asterisk *. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingviewoverlap@@@ This registration is emphasized, and marked with an asterisk *. @@@endif:@@@

@@@ifnot:listingnonefound@@@ @@@if:listingviewoverlap@@@ You can get details about another, overlapping entry by selecting it from this list; this can also be used to modify the other entry. @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:listingviewoverlap@@@ You can get details about an existing entry by selecting it from this list; this can also be used to modify it. @@@endif:@@@ @@@foreach:db@@@


Range Name Contact Email
@@@db_net@@@ network randomly picked as requested @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:db_picked@@@
@@@if:db_pickedoverlap|db_viewing@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:db_viewing@@@ @@@db_net@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:db_viewing@@@ @@@db_net@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:db_pickedoverlap|db_viewing@@@ * @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:db_pickedoverlap|db_viewing@@@ @@@db_name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:db_pickedoverlap|db_viewing@@@ @@@db_name@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@db_contact@@@ @@@ifnot:db_hiddenemail@@@ @@@db_email@@@ @@@ifnot:db_confirmed@@@ (unconfirmed) @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:db_hiddenemail@@@ @@@if:db_confirmed@@@ hidden @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:db_confirmed@@@ hidden, unconfirmed @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@
@@@endif:@@@ @@@if:listingnonefound@@@ There are no matching entries in the database. @@@endif:@@@ @@@endif:@@@

@@@whose@@@ G-RIN
Queries or problems ? Contact the administrator, @@@adminname@@@.