@@@comment: Email notification template. Edit this if you feel like it, @@@comment: but take care or the results may be strange. @@@comment: @@@comment: Written by Ian Jackson , 1999. @@@comment: I hereby place this file in the public domain. @@@comment: NB: do not add more copyright restrictions to this file, @@@comment: or running the scripts will cause copyright violation ! From: "@@@adminname@@@" (@@@whose@@@ G-RIN administrator) <@@@adminemail@@@> To: "@@@contact@@@" <@@@alwaysemail@@@> @@@if:justcreated@@@ Subject: G-RIN entry @@@net@@@ created, please confirm @@@ The following new database entry has been created for or by you at the @@@whose@@@ G-RIN (Geeks' Internet Registry): @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:passwordsent@@@ Subject: G-RIN entry @@@net@@@ password @@@ You (or someone acting on your behalf) asked for the password to be mailed out for the following entry in the @@@whose@@@ G-RIN: @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:needrenew@@@ Subject: G-RIN entry @@@net@@@ renewal @@@ The following database entry in the @@@whose@@@ G-RIN is now due for renewal. It will be discarded from the database shortly if you do not confirm it before then. @@@endif:@@@ @@@ Network: @@@net@@@ Name: @@@name@@@ Contact: @@@contact@@@ Email: @@@alwaysemail@@@ @@@if:hiddenemail@@@ Email address hidden from public database @@@endif:@@@ @@@ifnot:hiddenemail@@@ Email address visible in public database @@@endif:@@@ @@@ The password for this entry is: @@@password@@@ @@@ @@@if:justcreated@@@ Currently this is only a temporary entry. It must be confirmed if it is to persist in the database. You may confirm it by using the G-RIN web page that was used to register it (and supplying the password), or you may simply visit the following URL for instant confirmation: @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:needrenew@@@ You can renew it by using the G-RIN web page or you may simply visit the following URL for instant renewal: @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justcreated|needrenew@@@ @@@ @@@cgi@@@?id=@@@id@@@&pw=@@@password@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:passwordsent@@@ You can modify this entry via the G-RIN web pages, or you may go directly to the view/update page for this entry: @@@ @@@cgi@@@?view=1&id=@@@id@@@&pw=@@@password@@@ @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:passwordsent@@@ @@@ If you do not know why you received this email it is likely that someone silly (or a silly computer) is playing tricks, by (for example), pressing `send password' for your entry on the G-RIN web page. If so you can safely ignore this message. If you wish to try to trace the perpetrator the G-RIN administrator may have some more information. @@@endif:@@@ @@@if:justcreated@@@ @@@ If you do not know why you received this email it is possible that someone is playing tricks on you, by (for example), entering your email address instead of their own, at the G-RIN web page. If so you can safely ignore this message; the database entry will expire in a few days and you will not be bothered any more. If you wish to try to trace the perpetrator the G-RIN administrator may have some more information. @@@endif:@@@ @@@ Thank you for your use of the @@@whose@@@ G-RIN. Please contact me if you have any problems. @@@ @@@adminname@@@ <@@@adminemail@@@> administrator, @@@whose@@@ G-RIN @@@home@@@ (Geeks' Registry of Internet Numbers - BCP5 (RFC1918) registry) @@@eof:@@@