#!/usr/bin/perl -w our $usage1 = <<'END'; usage: ../fyvzl [OPTIONS DATABASE-FILE ACTION ARG options -lLENGTH (for create) -mMAXPERUSER -dDOM -qQUALDOM -C (show comments in output) -h (display help) END our $usage2 = <<'END'; actions create [REDIRECT] [#COMMENT] (default for REDIRECT is your username) update LOCAL-PART [REDIRECT] [#COMMENT] show LOCAL-PART list list-actions empty value for REDIRECT means reject END our $usage3 = <<'END'; privileged actions list-user USER insert-exact LOCAL-PART USER REDIRECT COMMENT donate LOCAL-PART USER enable-user|disable-user USER END use strict; use DBI; use POSIX; our $randlength = 6; our $maxperuser = 10000; our $qualdom; our $dbh; our $dom; our $user; our $priv; our $showcomment; sub nextarg () { die "too few arguments\n" unless @ARGV; my $v = shift @ARGV; die "option too late on command line\n" if $v =~ m/^-/; return $v; } sub nomoreargs () { die "too many arguments\n" if @ARGV; } sub isdisabled ($) { my ($u) = @_; our $dis_q; $dis_q ||= $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM disabled_users WHERE user=?"); $dis_q->execute($u); my $row = $dis_q->fetchrow_arrayref(); return !!$row; } sub prow ($) { my ($row) = @_; my $u = $row->{'user'}; our $last_u; if (!defined $last_u or $last_u ne $u) { print "# user $u ".(isdisabled($u) ? 'disabled' : 'enabled')."\n"; $last_u = $u; } my $pa = $row->{'localpart'}; $pa .= '@'.$dom if defined $dom; if (length $row->{'redirect'}) { print "$pa: $row->{'redirect'}" or die $!; } else { print "# reject $pa" or die $!; } if ($showcomment || !$priv) { print " #$row->{'comment'}" or die $!; } print "\n" or die $!; } sub goodrand ($) { my ($lim) = @_; for (;;) { my $ch; read(R, $ch, 1) == 1 or die $!; my $o = ord $ch; my $v = $o % $lim; next unless $o-$v+$lim < 256; # print STDERR "goodrand($lim)=$v\n"; return $v; } } sub qualify (\$) { my ($ref) = @_; if (defined $$ref && $$ref =~ m/[^\041-\177]/) { die "bad characters in redirection target\n"; } if (defined $$ref && length $$ref && $$ref !~ m/\@/) { die "unqualified redirection target\n" unless defined $qualdom; $$ref .= '@'.$qualdom; } } sub insertrow ($) { my ($row) = @_; my $stmt = "INSERT INTO addrs (". (join ",", sort keys %$row). ") VALUES (". (join ",", map { "?" } sort keys %$row). ") "; $dbh->do($stmt, {}, map { $row->{$_} } sort keys %$row); } sub rhsargs ($) { my ($defrow) = @_; my $row = { }; while (@ARGV) { $_ = shift @ARGV; my $f = (s/^\#// ? 'comment' : 'redirect'); die "$f supplied twice\n" if exists $row->{$f}; $row->{$f} = $_; } foreach my $f (keys %$defrow) { next if defined $row->{$f}; $row->{$f} = $defrow->{$f}; } qualify $row->{'redirect'}; return $row; } sub action_create { my $newrow = rhsargs({'redirect'=>$user, 'comment'=>''}); open R, "/dev/urandom" or die $!; binmode R; my $countq = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM addrs WHERE user=?"); $countq->execute($user); my ($count) = $countq->fetchrow_array(); die unless defined $count; die "too many aliases for this user\n" if $count >= $maxperuser; my $q = $dbh->prepare("SELECT localpart FROM addrs WHERE localpart=?"); my $s; for (;;) { $s = chr(ord('a')+goodrand(26)); while (length $s < $randlength) { my $v = goodrand(36); $s .= chr($v < 26 ? ord('a')+($v) : ord('0')+($v-26)); } # print STDERR "$s\n"; $q->execute($s); my $row = $q->fetchrow_arrayref(); last if !$row; $dbh->abort(); } $newrow->{'user'} = $user; $newrow->{'localpart'} = $s; insertrow($newrow); $dbh->commit(); prow($newrow); } sub selectrow ($) { my ($localpart) = @_; our $row_q ||= $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM addrs WHERE localpart=?"); $row_q->execute($localpart); return $row_q->fetchrow_hashref(); } sub begin_row ($) { my ($localpart) = @_; my $q = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM addrs WHERE localpart=?"); my $row = selectrow $localpart; die "unknown localpart\n" unless defined $row; die "not owned by you\n" unless $priv || $row->{user} eq $user; return $row; } sub action_update { my $localpart = nextarg; my $updrow = rhsargs({}); nomoreargs; begin_row($localpart); foreach my $f (qw(redirect comment)) { my $v = $updrow->{$f}; next unless defined $v; $dbh->do("UPDATE addrs SET $f=? WHERE localpart=?", {}, $v, $localpart); } my $row = selectrow $localpart; $dbh->commit; prow($row); } sub action_show { my $localpart = nextarg; nomoreargs; my $row = begin_row($localpart); prow($row); } sub listq ($) { my ($q) = @_; while (my $row = $q->fetchrow_hashref()) { prow($row); } } sub action_list { nomoreargs; my $q = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM addrs WHERE user=?". " ORDER BY localpart"); $q->execute($user); listq($q); } sub action_list_user { die unless $priv; $user = nextarg; nomoreargs; action_list; } sub action_list_all { die unless $priv; nomoreargs; my $q = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM addrs". " ORDER BY user, localpart"); $q->execute(); listq($q) } sub action_insert_exact { die unless $priv; my $row = { }; $row->{'localpart'} = nextarg; $row->{'user'} = $user = nextarg; $row->{'redirect'} = nextarg; $row->{'comment'} = nextarg; nomoreargs; insertrow($row); $dbh->commit; } sub action_donate { die unless $priv; my $localpart = nextarg; my $newuser = nextarg; nomoreargs; begin_row($localpart); $dbh->do('UPDATE addrs SET user=? WHERE localpart=?', {}, $newuser, $localpart); $dbh->commit; } sub action_enable_user { die unless $priv; $user = nextarg; nomoreargs; $dbh->do('DELETE FROM disabled_users WHERE user=?',{},$user); $dbh->commit; } sub action_disable_user { die unless $priv; $user = nextarg; nomoreargs; $dbh->do('INSERT INTO disabled_users VALUES user (?)',{},$user); $dbh->commit; } sub action_list_actions { print $usage2 or die $!; } while (@ARGV) { last unless $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/; $_ = shift @ARGV; last if m/^--?$/; for (;;) { last unless m/^-./; if (s/^-l(\d+)$//) { $randlength = $1; } elsif (s/^-m(\d+)$//) { $maxperuser = $1; } elsif (s/^-d(\S+)$//) { $dom = $1; } elsif (s/^-q(\S+)$//) { $qualdom = $1; } elsif (s/^-C/-/) { $showcomment = 1; } elsif (s/^-h/-/) { print $usage1.$usage2.$usage3 or die $!; exit 0; } else { die "unknown option \`$_'\n"; } } } my $dbfile = nextarg(); if (defined $ENV{'USERV_USER'}) { $priv=0; $user = $ENV{'USERV_USER'}; } else { $priv=1; $user = ((getpwuid $<)[0]) or die; } $usage2 .= "LOCAL-PART is implicitly qualified with \@$dom\n" if defined $qualdom; $usage2 .= "REDIRECT is implicitly qualified with \@$qualdom if it has no \@\n" if defined $qualdom; $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile","","", { PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1 }) or die "$dbfile $!"; my $action = nextarg(); $action =~ y/-/_/; { no strict qw(refs); &{"action_$action"}(); }