#! /usr/bin/tclsh # This file is part of secnet. # See LICENCE and this file CREDITS for full list of copyright holders. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # There is NO WARRANTY. source stest/common.tcl # `non-negotiating' ends: set privkey(inside) {load-private rsa1 test-example/inside.key} set privkey(outside) {load-private rsa1 test-example/outside.key} # So old, old; ie -oo # There is no -no because the sites file tells a new inside to expect # a different key. proc sitesconf_hook {l} { global builddir # Use `make-public' verb, so we have a test case for it if {[regexp {^(.* key )rsa-public\("(\d+)","(\d+)"\)(;.*)$} \ $l dummy lhs rsa_e rsa_n rhs]} { set b91 [exec $builddir/base91s/base91s -w0 << "42 $rsa_e $rsa_n"] set l "${lhs}make-public(\"rsa1\",\"$b91\")${rhs}" } return $l } test-kex