/* * This file is part of secnet. * See LICENCE and this file CREDITS for full list of copyright holders. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * There is NO WARRANTY. */ %token TOK_STRING %token TOK_NUMBER %token TOK_KEY %start input %{ #include #include #include /* Bison stupidly redeclares malloc/free unless they are #defined * (or a bunch of madder conditions) */ #ifndef malloc # define malloc malloc # define free free #endif #include "secnet.h" #include "conffile_internal.h" #include "conffile.yy.h" #include "util.h" #define YYERROR_VERBOSE static struct p_node *node(uint32_t type, struct p_node *l, struct p_node *r); static struct p_node *result; static void yyerror(const char *s); %} %% input: assignments { result = $1; $$=result; } ; assignments: assignments assignment { $$=node(T_ALIST, $2, $1); } | assignment { $$=node(T_ALIST, $1, NULL); } ; searchpath: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '<' list '>' { $$ = $2; } ; dict: searchpath '{' assignments '}' { $$ = node(T_DICT, $3, $1); } | searchpath '{' '}' { $$ = node(T_DICT, NULL, $1); } ; path: '/' pathelements { $$ = node(T_ABSPATH, NULL, $2); } | pathelements { $$ = node(T_RELPATH, NULL, $1); } ; pathelements: pathelements '/' TOK_KEY { $$ = node(T_PATHELEM, $3, $1); } | TOK_KEY { $$ = node(T_PATHELEM, $1, NULL); } ; exec: item '(' list ')' { $$ = node(T_EXEC, $1, $3); } | item '(' ')' { $$ = node(T_EXEC, $1, NULL); } | item dict { $$ = node(T_EXEC, $1, node(T_LISTITEM, $2, NULL)); } ; list: list ',' item { $$ = node(T_LISTITEM, $3, $1); } | item { $$ = node(T_LISTITEM, $1, NULL); } ; assignment: TOK_KEY '=' list ';' { $$ = node(T_ASSIGNMENT, $1, $3); } | TOK_KEY list ';' { $$ = node(T_ASSIGNMENT, $1, $2); } | error ';' { $$ = node(T_ERROR, NULL, NULL); } | error '}' { $$ = node(T_ERROR, NULL, NULL); } | error ')' { $$ = node(T_ERROR, NULL, NULL); } ; item: TOK_STRING | TOK_NUMBER | path | dict | exec ; %% static void yyerror(const char *s) { Message(M_FATAL,"config file %s line %d: %s\n",config_file, config_lineno,s); } struct p_node *parse_conffile(FILE *conffile) { yyin=conffile; if (yyparse()!=0) { fatal("Configuration file parsing failed\n"); } if (yynerrs>0) { fatal("%d error%s encountered in configuration file\n", yynerrs,yynerrs==1?"":"s"); } return result; } static struct p_node *node(uint32_t type, struct p_node *l, struct p_node *r) { struct p_node *rv; NEW(rv); rv->type=type; rv->loc.file=config_file; rv->loc.line=config_lineno; rv->l=l; rv->r=r; return rv; }