// -*- C -*- dxf_off = [ -40, -85 ]; torch_lit_dia = 37.5; torch_big_dia = 56.5; torch_tot_len = 256; torch_big_len = 60; torch_clear = 30; torch_clear_below = 10; stem_width = 20; stem_thick = 8; torch_recess = 11; arm_width = 10; block_thick = 15; torch_out_more = 10; brace = [ 40, 20, 20 ]; hole_dia = 4 + 0.5; hole_slot = 5; slop = 2; // total, not each side torch_min_xcoord_fig_cm = -2.7; // coordinates of bottom left of curve torch_min_ycoord_fig_cm = -5.9; // & big part in fig file. mid top is origin torch_smm_xcoord_fig_cm = -1.9; // x coord of lhs of narrow part miniature = 2; // can adjust this to get commitid size right and rescale *Print $fa=5; // calculated include torch_dxf_scale = [ (torch_big_dia - torch_lit_dia) / (-(torch_min_xcoord_fig_cm - torch_smm_xcoord_fig_cm) * 10 * 2), torch_big_len / (-torch_min_ycoord_fig_cm * 10) ]; echo(torch_dxf_scale); above = torch_big_len + torch_clear + torch_clear_below; holes = [ 172, 265 ]; stem_below = stem_width/2; stem_len = holes[1] - above + stem_below; torch_out = stem_thick + torch_big_dia/2 + torch_out_more; block_width = arm_width*2 + torch_big_dia; block_out = torch_out + torch_big_dia/2/sqrt(2); module TorchOrig(){ mirror([0,0,1]){ hull(){ rotate_extrude() translate([-torch_lit_dia/2, 0]) scale(torch_dxf_scale) translate(dxf_off) translate([-torch_smm_xcoord_fig_cm * 10, 0]) import(file="maglite-holder-torch-curve.dxf", convexity=10, center=true); } translate([0,0, -1]) cylinder(r=torch_lit_dia/2, h= torch_tot_len - torch_big_len + 1); } } module Torch(){ scale(slop/torch_lit_dia + 1.0) TorchOrig(); } module ScrewHole(y, rot) { translate([0,0, above -y]){ rotate([0,rot,0]){ hull(){ for (d= [-1,+1] * hole_slot/2) { translate([d,0,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) translate([0,0,-stem_thick*2]) cylinder(r= hole_dia/2, h= stem_thick*4); } } } } } module TorchMovement(){ translate([0, -torch_out, 0]) { translate([0, 0, -torch_recess]) Torch(); rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(height= block_out) projection() rotate([-90,0,0]) Torch(); } } module Bracket(){ ////toplevel cid_w = stem_width * .75; hole_near = hole_slot + hole_dia; difference(){ mirror([0,1,0]) { translate([-stem_width/2, 0, -stem_len]) cube([stem_width, stem_thick, stem_len]); translate([0,0, -block_thick]) hull(){ translate([-stem_width/2, 0, -brace[2]]) cube([stem_width, stem_thick, 1]); translate([-brace[0]/2, 0, 0]) cube([brace[0], brace[1], 1]); } } ScrewHole(holes[0], 90); ScrewHole(holes[1], 0); translate([-cid_w/2, 0, above - holes[0] - hole_near]) rotate([-90,0,0]) scale([miniature, miniature, 1]) Commitid_BestCount([cid_w, holes[1]-holes[0] - hole_near*2] / miniature); } difference(){ mirror([0,1,0]) translate([-block_width/2, 0, -block_thick]) cube([block_width, block_out, block_thick]); TorchMovement(); } } module BracketPrint(){ ////toplevel scale(1/miniature) rotate([-90,0,0]) Bracket(); } module TestTorchPrint(){ ////toplevel scale(1/miniature) intersection(){ translate([0,0, torch_lit_dia / 2 / sqrt(2)]) rotate([-90,0,0]) Torch(); translate([-100, -torch_tot_len*2, 0]) cube([200, torch_tot_len*4, 200]); } } module Demo(){ ////toplevel color("red") translate([0, -torch_out, 0]) TorchOrig(); color("blue") translate([0, -torch_out, above]) cylinder(r=torch_big_dia/2, h=1); Bracket(); } //Demo(); //BracketPrint(); //TestTorchPrint();