#!/usr/bin/perl -w # dgit # Integration between git and Debian-style archives # # Copyright (C)2013 Ian Jackson # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use IO::Handle; use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; use Dpkg::Control::Hash; use File::Path; use POSIX; open DEBUG, ">&STDERR" or die $!; our $mirror = 'http://mirror.relativity.greenend.org.uk/mirror/debian-ftp/'; our $suite = 'sid'; our $package; our $aliothname = 'iwj@git.debian.org'; our $aliothpath = '/git/dgit-test'; our $alioth_git = "git+ssh://$aliothname/$aliothpath"; our $alioth_sshtestbodge = [$aliothname,$aliothpath]; our (@dget_opts) = qw(-u); our (@git_tag_opts); our $remotename = 'dgit'; our $ourdscfield = 'Vcs-git-master'; sub uploadbranch () { return "dgit/$suite"; } sub lref ($) { return "refs/heads/$_[0]"; } sub rref ($) { return "refs/remotes/$remotename/$_[0]"; } sub debiantag ($) { return "debian/$_[0]"; } our $ua; sub url_get { if (!$ua) { $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->env_proxy; } print DEBUG "fetching @_...\n"; my $r = $ua->get(@_) or die $!; die "$_[0]: ".$r->status_line."; failed.\n" unless $r->is_success; return $r->decoded_content(); } our ($dscdata,$dscurl,$dsc); sub runcmd { $!=0; $?=0; die "@_ $! $?" if system @_; } sub cmdoutput { open P, "-|", @_ or die $!; my $d; $!=0; $?=0; { local $/ = undef; $d =

; } die if P->error; close P or die "@_ $? $!"; chomp $d; return $d; } sub parsecontrol { my $c = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new(); $c->load(@_) or return undef; return $c; } sub parsechangelog { my $c = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new(); my $p = new IO::File '-|', qw(dpkg-parsechangelog) or die $!; $c->parse($p); $?=0; $!=0; close $p or die "$! $?"; return $c; } sub get_archive_dsc () { my $rmad = cmdoutput qw(rmadison -asource),"-s$suite",$package; $rmad =~ m/^ \s*( [^ \t|]+ )\s* \| \s*( [^ \t|]+ )\s* \| \s*( [^ \t|]+ )\s* \| \s*( [^ \t|]+ )\s* /x or die "$rmad $?"; $1 eq $package or die "$rmad $package ?"; my $vsn = $2; $3 eq $suite or die "$rmad $suite ?"; $4 eq 'source' or die "$rmad ?"; # fixme it does not show us the component ? my $prefix = substr($package, 0, $package =~ m/^l/ ? 4 : 1); $dscurl = "$mirror/pool/main/$prefix/$package/${package}_$vsn.dsc"; #print DEBUG Dumper($pdodata, $&, $dscurl); $dscdata = url_get($dscurl); my $dscfh = new IO::File \$dscdata, '<' or die $!; #print DEBUG Dumper($dscdata, $dscfh); $dsc = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new(allow_pgp=>1); $dsc->parse($dscfh, 'dsc') or die "parsing of $dscurl failed\n"; #print DEBUG Dumper($dsc); my $fmt = $dsc->{Format}; die "unsupported format $fmt, sorry\n" unless $fmt eq '1.0'; } sub check_for_git () { # returns 0 or 1 my $cmd= "ssh $alioth_sshtestbodge->[0] '". " set -e; cd /git/dgit-test;". " if test -d $package.git; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi". "'"; #print DEBUG "$cmd\n"; open P, "$cmd |" or die $!; $!=0; $?=0; my $r =

; close P; #print STDERR ">$r<\n"; die "$r $! $?" unless $r =~ m/^[01]$/; return $r+0; } our ($dsc_hash,$upload_hash); our $ud = '.git/dgit/unpack'; sub prep_ud () { rmtree($ud); mkpath '.git/dgit'; mkdir $ud or die $!; } sub mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir () { # changes into the subdir my (@dirs) = <*/.>; die unless @dirs==1; $dirs[0] =~ m#^([^/]+)/\.$# or die; my $dir = $1; chdir $dir or die "$dir $!"; die if stat '.git'; die $! unless $!==&ENOENT; runcmd qw(git init -q); rmtree('.git/objects'); symlink '../../../../objects','.git/objects' or die $!; runcmd qw(git add -Af); my $tree = cmdoutput qw(git write-tree); chomp $tree; $tree =~ m/^\w+$/ or die "$tree ?"; return ($tree,$dir); } sub generate_commit_from_dsc () { prep_ud(); chdir $ud or die $!; my @files; foreach (split /\n/, ($dsc->{'Checksums-Sha256'} || $dsc->{Files})) { next unless m/\S/; m/^\w+ \d+ (\S+)$/ or die "$_ ?"; my $f = $1; die if $f =~ m#/|^\.|\.dsc$|\.tmp$#; push @files, $f; link "../../../$f", $f or $!==&ENOENT or die "$f $!"; } runcmd qw(dget), @dget_opts, qw(--), $dscurl; foreach my $f (grep { m/\.tar\.gz$/ } @files) { link $f, "../../../$f" or $!==&EEXIST or die "$f $!"; } my ($tree,$dir) = mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir(); runcmd qw(sh -ec), 'dpkg-parsechangelog >../changelog.tmp'; my $clogp = parsecontrol('../changelog.tmp','changelog') or die; my $date = cmdoutput qw(date), '+%s %z', qw(-d),$clogp->{Date}; my $author = $clogp->{Maintainer}; $author =~ s#,.*##ms; my $authline = "$author $date"; $authline =~ m/^[^<>]+ \<\S+\> \d+ [-+]\d+$/ or die $authline; open C, ">../commit.tmp" or die $!; print C "tree $tree\n" or die $!; print C "parent $upload_hash\n" or die $! if defined $upload_hash; print C <{Changes} # imported by dgit from the archive END close C or die $!; print "synthesised git commit from .dsc $clogp->{Version}\n"; my $commithash = cmdoutput qw(git hash-object -w -t commit ../commit.tmp); chdir '../../../..' or die $!; cmdoutput qw(git update-ref -m),"dgit synthesise $clogp->{Version}", 'DGIT_ARCHIVE', $commithash; cmdoutput qw(git log -n2), $commithash; # ... gives git a chance to complain if our commit is malformed my $outputhash = $commithash; if (defined $upload_hash) { chdir "$ud/$dir" or die $!; runcmd qw(git reset --hard), $upload_hash; runcmd qw(sh -ec), 'dpkg-parsechangelog >>../changelogold.tmp'; my $oldclogp = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new(); $oldclogp->parse('../changelogold.tmp','previous changelog') or die; my $vcmp = version_compare_string($oldclogp->{Version}, $clogp->{Version}); if ($vcmp < 0) { # git upload/ is earlier vsn than archive, use archive } elsif ($vcmp >= 0) { print STDERR <{Version} (older) Last allegedly pushed/uploaded: $oldclogp->{Version} (newer or same) Perhaps the upload is stuck in incoming. Using the version from git. END } else { die "version in archive is same as version in git". " to-be-uploaded (upload/) branch but archive". " version hash no commit hash?!\n"; } chdir '../../../..' or die $!; } rmtree($ud); return $outputhash; } sub rev_parse ($) { return cmdoutput qw(git rev-parse --), "$_[0]~0"; } sub is_fast_fwd ($$) { my ($ancestor,$child) = @_; my $mb = cmdoutput qw(git merge-base), $dsc_hash, $upload_hash; return rev_parse($mb) eq rev_parse($ancestor); } sub fetch_from_archive () { # ensures that rref(uploadbranch()) is what is actually in the archive, # one way or another my $upload_ref = rref(uploadbranch()); $!=0; $upload_hash = `git show-ref --heads $upload_ref`; die $! if $!; die $? unless ($?==0 && chomp $upload_hash) or ($?==128 && !length $upload_hash); my $hash; if (defined $dsc_hash) { die "missing git history even though dsc has hash" unless length $upload_hash; $hash = $dsc_hash; } else { $hash = generate_commit_from_dsc(); } if (length $upload_hash) { die "not fast forward on last upload branch!". " (archive's version left in DGIT_ARCHIVE)" unless is_fast_fwd($dsc_hash, $upload_hash); } if ($upload_hash ne $hash) { cmdoutput qw(git update-ref -m), 'dgit fetch', $upload_ref, $hash; } } sub clone () { get_archive_dsc(); $dsc_hash = $dsc->{$ourdscfield}; if (defined $dsc_hash) { $dsc_hash =~ m/\w+/ or die "$dsc_hash $?"; $dsc_hash = $&; print "last upload to archive specified git hash\n"; } else { print "last upload to archive has NO git hash\n"; } my $dstdir = "$package"; if (check_for_git()) { print "cloning existing git history\n"; runcmd qw(git clone --origin),$remotename, qw(-b), $suite, '--', $alioth_git, $dstdir; chdir "$dstdir" or die "$dstdir $!"; fetch_from_archive(); runcmd qw(git reset --hard), rref(uploadbranch()); } else { print "starting new git history\n"; mkdir $dstdir or die "$dstdir $!"; chdir "$dstdir" or die "$dstdir $!"; runcmd qw(git init -q); open H, "> .git/HEAD" or die $!; print H "ref: ".lref(uploadbranch())."\n" or die $!; close H or die $!; runcmd qw(git remote add), $remotename, $alioth_git; runcmd "git config branch.$suite.remote $remotename"; runcmd "git config branch.$suite.merge ".lref(uploadbranch()); my $newhash = generate_commit_from_dsc(); runcmd qw(git reset --hard), $newhash; } print "ready for work in $dstdir\n"; } sub fetch () { if (check_for_git()) { runcmd qw(git fetch -p),$remotename, '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'; } fetch_from_archive(); } sub pull () { fetch(); runcmd qw(git merge -m),"Merge from $suite [dgit]",lref(uploadbranch()); } sub dopush () { runcmd qw(git diff --quiet HEAD); my $clogp = parsechangelog(); $package = $clogp->{Source}; my $dscfn = "${package}_$clogp->{Version}.dsc"; stat $dscfn or die "$dscfn $!"; $dsc = parsecontrol("../$dscfn"); prep_ud(); chdir $ud or die $!; print "checking that $dscfn corresponds to HEAD\n"; runcmd qw(dpkg-source -x --), "../../../../$dscfn"; my $tree = mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir(); chdir '../../../..' or die $!; runcmd qw(git diff --exit-code), $tree; #fetch from alioth #do fast forward check and maybe fake merge # if (!is_fast_fwd(mainbranch # runcmd qw(git fetch -p ), $alioth_git, # map { lref($_).":".rref($_) } # (uploadbranch()); $dsc->{$ourdscfield} = rev_parse('HEAD'); $dsc->save("../$dscfn.tmp") or die $!; rename "../$dscfn.tmp","../$dscfn" or die "$dscfn $!"; if ($sign) { runcmd qw(git tag -s),@git_tag_opts,qw(-m), "Release $dsc->{Version} for $suite [dgit]"; unlink "../$dscfn.asc" or $!==&ENOENT or die "$dscfn.asc $!"; runcmd qw(gpg --clearsign),@gpg_opts,"../$dscfn"; rename "../$dscfn.asc","../$dscfn" or die "$dscfn $!"; } if (!$nopush) { runcmd qw(git push),$remotename,"HEAD:".lref(uploadbranch()); runcmd qw(dput),"../$dscfn"; } } sub cmd_clone { if (@ARGV==1) { ($package) = @ARGV; } elsif (@ARGV==2) { ($package,$suite) = @ARGV; } else { die; } clone(); } sub branchsuite () { $branch = `git-symbolic-ref HEAD`; if ($branch =~ m#^refs/heads/dgit/([^/.]+)$#) { return $1; } else { return undef; } } sub cmd_fetch { my $clogp = parsechangelog(); $package = $clogp->{Source}; if (@ARGV==0) { $suite = branchsuite(); $suite ||= $clogp->{Distribution}; print "fetching from suite $suite\n"; } elsif (@ARGV==1) { ($suite) = @ARGV; } else { die; } fetch(); } sub cmd_push { my $clogp = parsechangelog(); $package = $clogp->{Source}; if (@ARGV==0) { $suite = $clogp->{Distribution}; } else { die; } dopush(); } sub parseopts () { die if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^\-/; } parseopts(); die unless @ARGV; my $cmd = shift @ARGV; parseopts(); { no strict qw(refs); &{"cmd_$cmd"}(); }