#!/usr/bin/perl -w # usage: # .../badcommit-fixup [-- --test # .../badcommit-fixup --real use strict; use POSIX; use IPC::Open2; use Data::Dumper; my $real; foreach my $a (@ARGV) { if ($a eq '--test') { $real = 0; } elsif ($a eq '--real') { $real = 1; } else { die "$a ?"; } } die unless defined $real; my $gcfpid = open2 \*GCFO, \*GCFI, 'git cat-file --batch' or die $!; our %count; no warnings qw(recursion); sub getobj ($$) { my ($obj, $type) = @_; print GCFI $obj, "\n" or die $!; my $x = ; my ($gtype, $gsize) = $x =~ m/^\w+ (\w+) (\d+)\n/ or die "$obj ?"; $gtype eq $type or die "$obj $gtype != $type ?"; my $gdata; (read GCFO, $gdata, $gsize) == $gsize or die "$obj $!"; #print STDERR ">$obj|$x|$gdata|$gsize<\n"; $x = ; $x eq "\n" or die "$obj ($_) $!"; $count{inspected}++; return $gdata; } sub hashobj ($$) { my ($data,$type) = @_; my $gwopid = open2 \*GWO, \*GWI, "git hash-object -w -t $type --stdin" or die $!; print GWI $data or die $!; close GWI or die $!; $_ = ; close GWO or die $!; waitpid $gwopid,0 == $gwopid or die $!; die $? if $?; m/^(\w+)\n/ or die "$_ ?"; $count{"rewritten $type"}++; return $1; } our %memo; sub rewrite_commit ($); sub rewrite_commit ($) { my ($obj) = @_; my $m = \ $memo{$obj}; return $$m if defined $$m; my $olddata = getobj $obj, 'commit'; $olddata =~ m/(?<=\n)(?=\n)/ or die "$obj ?"; my $msg = $'; $_ = $`; s{^(parent )(\w+)$}{ $1 . rewrite_commit($2) }gme; $count{'fix overwrite'} += s{^commiter }{committer }gm; if (!m{^author }m && !m{^committer }m) { m{^parent (\w+)}m or die "$obj ?"; my $parent = getobj $1, 'commit'; $parent =~ m/^(?:.+\n)+(author .*\ncommitter .*\n)/; m/\n$/ or die "$obj ?"; $_ .= $1; $count{'fix import'}++; } my $newdata = $_.$msg; my $newobj; if ($newdata eq $olddata) { $newobj = $obj; $count{unchanged}++; } else { $newobj = hashobj $newdata, 'commit'; } $$m= $newobj; return $newobj; } sub rewrite_tag ($) { my ($obj) = @_; $_ = getobj $obj, 'tag'; m/^type (\w+)\n/m or die "$obj ?"; if ($1 ne 'commit') { $count{"oddtags $1"}++; return $obj; } m/^object (\w+)\n/m or die "$obj ?"; my $oldref = $1; my $newref = rewrite_commit $oldref; if ($oldref eq $newref) { return $obj; } s/^(object )\w+$/ $1.$newref /me or die "$obj ($_) ?"; s/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n.*^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n$//sm; return hashobj $_, 'tag'; } $!=0; $?=0; my $refs=`git for-each-ref`; die "$? $!" if $?; chomp $refs; our @updates; foreach my $rline (split /\n/, $refs) { my ($obj, $type, $refname) = $rline =~ m/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\S.*)/ or die "$_ ?"; my $rewrite; if ($type eq 'commit') { $rewrite = rewrite_commit($obj); } elsif ($type eq 'tag') { $rewrite = rewrite_tag($obj); } else { warn "ref $refname refers to $type\n"; next; } next if $rewrite eq $obj; push @updates, [ $refname, $obj, $rewrite ]; } $!=0; $?=0; my $bare = `git rev-parse --is-bare-repository`; die "$? $!" if $?; open U, "|git update-ref -m 'dgit bad commit fixup' --stdin" or die $!; if ($real) { if ($bare eq 'false') { print "detaching your HEAD\n" or die $!; system 'git checkout --detach' and die "$! $?"; } } for my $up (@updates) { my ($ref, $old, $new) = @$up; my $otherref = $ref; $otherref =~ s{^refs/}{}; if ($real) { print U <