// -*- C -*- // brk_*: "bracket", the Topeak MTX bracket // rack_*: the Tortec rack // adapt_*: the adapter, ie this file include // strength factor, set to 1 for real prints //$strf = 0.33; $strf = 1; brk_recess_actual = 5.20; rack_rail_dia = 10.40 + 0.30; rack_width_inner = 115.86 - 1.0; // between insides of rails rear_elevation_nominal = 10.04; // ^ top of rack to bottom of bracket, at rack cross rail (fam) rear_to_front_distance = 230; // rack cross rail (fam) to very front end rear_to_cross_rail = 43.05; // bolt centre to rail centre, rail to rear rear_bolt_to_front_bolt = 155.4; front_elevation_nominal = 3; cross_rail_distance = 232.09; general_gap_y = 1.0; strap_w = 8.0 + 1.0; strap_th = 2.5; strap_barrel_dia = 14; strap_guide_sz = 1; brk_block_xw = 68.5; brk_block_z = 14.55 - 0.00; brk_bolt_dia = 5.0 + 0.5; brk_nearbolt_recess_dia = 8.86 + 1.5; brk_nearbolt_recess_depth = 1.09 + 0.25; brk_bolt_eff_len = 11.78; // inside of recess, to end of bolt brk_bolt_len_slop = 0.5; brk_bolt_nut_th = 3.89; brk_bolt_nut_across_flats = 7.86 + 0.50; brk_overall_w = 90.07; fit_slope_len = 5; // "foreaftmaint" aka "fam" is the hook-like part that stops // the adapter sliding forwards/backwards along the rails foreaftmaint_r_slop = 0.0; foreaftmaint_y_slop = -0.25; foreaftmaint_top_block_zs = [34.0, 39.0]; // rearwards from bolt hole main_sz_y = $strf * 12; grasp_sz = $strf * 6; grasp_thin_sz = $strf * 0.5; beside_strap_sz = $strf * 8; main_sz_core_z = $strf * 12; // "length" in for-aft direction of interaction with rack rail min_on_rail_sz_z = $strf * 18; // when printer produces support support_around = 1.7; // how far does the support extend around (in XY) support_remnant = 0.75; // how much frass remains attached (Z height) $fa=10; $fs=1; // calculated bolt_z = -brk_block_z/2; front_to_rear_elevation_change = rear_elevation_nominal - front_elevation_nominal; main_sz_rhs_z = max(min_on_rail_sz_z, beside_strap_sz*2 + strap_w); main_sz_lhs_z = min_on_rail_sz_z; main_sz_x_fam = main_sz_y; brk_bottom_y = -brk_recess_actual; adapt_main_top_y = brk_bottom_y - general_gap_y; // on LHS, so -ve rack_rail_x = -(rack_width_inner/2 + rack_rail_dia/2); rack_rail_outer_x = -(rack_width_inner/2 + rack_rail_dia); grasp_large_r = (rack_rail_dia + grasp_sz)/2; grasp_small_r = (rack_rail_dia + grasp_thin_sz)/2; grasp_large_x = rack_rail_outer_x + grasp_large_r; grasp_small_x = rack_rail_outer_x + grasp_small_r; block_x = grasp_large_x + grasp_large_r; block_y_min = adapt_main_top_y - main_sz_y; strap_barrel_x = rack_width_inner/2 + strap_barrel_dia/2; rack_shear_ratio = - front_to_rear_elevation_change / rear_to_front_distance; front_to_cross_rail = cross_rail_distance * sqrt(1 - rack_shear_ratio * rack_shear_ratio) - rear_bolt_to_front_bolt - rear_to_cross_rail; brk_bolt_nut_top_y = -brk_nearbolt_recess_depth - brk_bolt_eff_len + brk_bolt_nut_th + brk_bolt_len_slop; brk_bolt_nut_r = brk_bolt_nut_across_flats/2 / cos(360/12); function elevation_of_bolt_for(z) = rear_elevation_nominal + front_elevation_nominal + (z - brk_block_z/2) * rack_shear_ratio; function rack_rail_y_of_elevation(elevation_nominal) = brk_bottom_y - elevation_nominal - general_gap_y - rack_rail_dia/2; echo(rack_shear_ratio); module GraspElevation(){ hull(){ translate([ grasp_large_x, adapt_main_top_y - grasp_large_r ]) circle(grasp_large_r); translate([ grasp_small_x, $rack_rail_y - rack_rail_dia/2 ]) circle(grasp_small_r); translate([ rack_rail_x + grasp_large_r/2, $rack_rail_y - rack_rail_dia/2 ]) circle(grasp_small_r); translate([ grasp_large_x, $rack_rail_y + rack_rail_dia/2 ]) circle(grasp_large_r); translate([ grasp_large_x + grasp_large_r/2, $rack_rail_y + rack_rail_dia/2 ]) circle(grasp_large_r); } } module BlockElevation(){ hull(){ rectfromto([ +block_x, adapt_main_top_y ], [ -block_x, block_y_min ]); rectfromto([ -grasp_large_x, adapt_main_top_y ], [ +grasp_large_x, adapt_main_top_y - 0.1 ]); } hull(){ rectfromto([ +block_x, adapt_main_top_y ], [ -block_x, block_y_min ]); rectfromto([ grasp_large_x, block_y_min ], [ 0, block_y_min + 0.1 ]); } } module MainExtrude(z){ linextr(0, z) children(); } module RackShear(){ s = rack_shear_ratio * $reverse_sign; multmatrix([ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, s , 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]) children(); } module GraspFixingElevation(){ intersection(){ union(){ hull(){ mirror([1,0]) { GraspElevation(); } translate([ -block_x, block_y_min ] + [0,0.1]*1 ) circle(0.1); } translate([ strap_barrel_x, $strap_barrel_y ]) circle(strap_barrel_dia/2 + strap_guide_sz); } union(){ rectfromto([0, $rack_rail_y], [rack_width_inner, 50]); intersection(){ translate([ rack_rail_x, $rack_rail_y ]) circle(r = rack_width_inner/2 - rack_rail_x); polygon([ [ -block_x-0.1, 0 ], [ rack_width_inner/2, 0 ], $rail_fixing_fit_corner, $rail_fixing_fit_corner + [-1,-1] * fit_slope_len, [ -grasp_large_x - grasp_large_r*2, block_y_min ], [ -block_x-0.1 -2, block_y_min +2 ]]); } } } } module StrapBarrelElevation(){ translate([ strap_barrel_x, $strap_barrel_y ]) circle(strap_barrel_dia/2); } // Bracket support block, goes up inside bracket // Z origin is bolt hole module BrkBlock(){ difference(){ linextr( -brk_block_z/2, +brk_block_z/2 ) { rectfromto([ -brk_block_xw/2, adapt_main_top_y - 0.1 ], [ +brk_block_xw/2, 0 ]); } linextr_y_xz( -50, 10 ) { translate([ 0, brk_block_z + bolt_z ]) square(center=true, [ main_sz_x_fam + support_around*2, support_remnant *2 ]); } } } // Z origin is bolt hole module BoltHole(){ linextr_y_xz( -100, 10 ) circle(brk_bolt_dia/2); linextr_y_xz( -brk_nearbolt_recess_depth, 10) circle(brk_nearbolt_recess_dia/2); linextr_y_xz( -100, brk_bolt_nut_top_y ) { circle( r= brk_bolt_nut_r, $fn = 6 ); translate([ 0, brk_bolt_nut_across_flats/2 ]) circle( r=brk_bolt_nut_r/2, $fn = 4); } } module IfFam(){ if ($foreaftmaint_dz) { children(); } } module FamLinextr(){ IfFam() linextr_x_yz(-main_sz_x_fam/2, +main_sz_x_fam/2) rotate(-90) children(); } module FamGraspElevation(){ hull(){ ybot = $rack_rail_y - rack_rail_dia/2 + grasp_large_r - fit_slope_len * 0.5; for (y = [ ybot, adapt_main_top_y - grasp_large_r ]) for (dx= [/*-1,*/ +1] * rack_rail_dia/2) translate([ -$foreaftmaint_rail_z + dx, y ]) circle(r= grasp_large_r); } } module FamStemElevation(){ hull(){ rectfromto([ -$foreaftmaint_rail_z, adapt_main_top_y ], [ 0, block_y_min]); translate([ -$foreaftmaint_rail_z, $rack_rail_y + rack_shear_ratio * $foreaftmaint_rail_z * $reverse_sign, ]) square([0.1, rack_rail_dia * 0.5], center=true); } } module Principal(){ // calculated $rack_rail_y = rack_rail_y_of_elevation($elevation_nominal); $strap_barrel_y = $rack_rail_y + rack_rail_dia/2 + strap_barrel_dia/2; $rail_fixing_fit_corner = [ rack_width_inner/2, $rack_rail_y - rack_rail_dia/2 ]; $foreaftmaint_rail_z = brk_block_z/2 + $foreaftmaint_dz - foreaftmaint_y_slop; translate([0,0,brk_block_z/2]) mirror([0,0, $reverse_sign > 0 ? 0 : 1]) translate([0,0,-brk_block_z/2]) difference(){ union(){ MainExtrude(main_sz_lhs_z){ GraspElevation(); } RackShear() MainExtrude(main_sz_rhs_z){ StrapBarrelElevation(); } translate([ 0,0, brk_block_z/2]) { BrkBlock(); } difference(){ union(){ MainExtrude(main_sz_core_z){ BlockElevation(); } if ($strf<1) { MainExtrude(max(brk_block_z, main_sz_rhs_z)){ rectfromto([-8, adapt_main_top_y + 0.1], [+8, block_y_min]); rectfromto([-block_x -5, adapt_main_top_y], [-grasp_large_x, block_y_min]); } } RackShear() MainExtrude(main_sz_rhs_z){ GraspFixingElevation(); } } translate([0,0, main_sz_rhs_z/2]) linextr(-strap_w/2, +strap_w/2) { translate([ rack_width_inner/2 - strap_th, 0 ]) rectfromto([ 0, -50 ], [ 50, 50 ]); } } FamLinextr(){ rectfromto([ -foreaftmaint_top_block_zs[0] + bolt_z, 0 ], [ -foreaftmaint_top_block_zs[1] + bolt_z, block_y_min] ); FamGraspElevation(); } intersection(){ union(){ RackShear() FamLinextr() FamGraspElevation(); FamLinextr() FamStemElevation(); } translate([ 0, adapt_main_top_y - 50, $foreaftmaint_rail_z ]) cube(center=true, 100); } } RackShear() linextr(-10, main_sz_lhs_z+main_sz_rhs_z) { for (mx=[0,1]) { mirror([mx,0]) { translate([ rack_rail_x, $rack_rail_y ]){ hull(){ for (dx = [-rack_rail_dia, 0]) translate([dx, 0]) circle(r= rack_rail_dia/2); } } } } } RackShear() IfFam(){ // Distance from bolt hole, in backwards direction cr = rack_rail_dia/2 + foreaftmaint_r_slop; translate([ 0, $rack_rail_y, $foreaftmaint_rail_z ]) linextr_x_yz(+rack_rail_x, -rack_rail_x) { hull(){ for (dy=[0,50]) { translate([-dy,0]) circle(r= cr); } } hull(){ for (dd=[[0,0], [-1,-1], [-1,+1]]) { translate( [-1, 0] * (rack_rail_dia - fit_slope_len) + 20 * dd ) circle(r= cr); } } } } translate([ 0,0, brk_block_z/2]) BoltHole(); } } module ForRackForDemo(){ elevation = elevation_of_bolt_for(rear_to_cross_rail); rack_rail_y = rack_rail_y_of_elevation(elevation); rotate([atan( front_to_rear_elevation_change / cross_rail_distance ), 0,0]) translate([0, rack_rail_y, brk_block_z/2 + rack_rail_y*rack_shear_ratio]) children(); } module RackForDemoRails(){ ForRackForDemo() { for (m=[0]) mirror([m,0,0]) { linextr(-(50 + cross_rail_distance), 50 + rear_to_cross_rail) translate([rack_rail_x, 0]) circle(r= rack_rail_dia/2); } } } module RackForDemoCrosses(){ ForRackForDemo() { for (z = [ rear_to_cross_rail, rear_to_cross_rail - cross_rail_distance, ]) { translate([0,0,z]) linextr_x_yz(rack_rail_x, -rack_rail_x) circle(r= rack_rail_dia/2, $fn=6); } } } module Front(){ ////toplevel // xxx elevation is wrong Principal($reverse_sign = -1, $elevation_nominal= elevation_of_bolt_for(rear_to_cross_rail + rear_bolt_to_front_bolt), $foreaftmaint_dz= front_to_cross_rail); } module Rear(){ ////toplevel Principal($reverse_sign = +1, $elevation_nominal= elevation_of_bolt_for(rear_to_cross_rail), $foreaftmaint_dz= rear_to_cross_rail); } module SomeDemo(){ rotate([90, 0, 0]){ children(); color("blue") translate([ 0, -2, -4 ]) square(center=true, [ brk_overall_w, 1 ]); color("red") translate([ 0, -brk_nearbolt_recess_depth, -4 ]) linextr_y_xz(-brk_bolt_eff_len, 0) circle(r = brk_bolt_dia/2); } } module FrontDemo(){ ////toplevel SomeDemo() Front(); } module RearDemo(){ ////toplevel SomeDemo() Rear(); } module RearRackDemo(){ ////toplevel rotate([atan(rack_shear_ratio),0,0]) SomeDemo() { Rear(); translate([0, 0, -rear_bolt_to_front_bolt]) Front(); %RackForDemoRails(); color("blue") RackForDemoCrosses(); } }