# Copyright 2020-2021 Ian Jackson and contributors to Otter and Simon Tatham # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-3.0 # There is NO WARRANTY. format=2 [scraper] method = "none" [group.chess-board] scale = 0.38 outline = "Rect" files = """ chess-board - the chessboard """ [group.chess-misc] size = [12] item_prefix = "chess-" outline = "Circle" files = """ b-portal-blue - a blue portal piece belonging to black w-portal-blue - a blue portal piece belonging to white b-portal-orange - an orange portal piece belonging to black w-portal-orange - an orange portal piece belonging to white """ [group.dice] size = [21] outline.shape = "Circle" outline.size = [14] item_prefix = "die-image-" files = """ :xd d6-_c - 6 a ${colour} die image d8-_c - 8 a ${colour} die image """ magic.item_prefix = "die-" magic.substs.text = "black" magic.template = """ image = ${image} type = "Die" labels = ${xd} label.colour = "${text}" desc = "a ${colour} die" occult.label = "?" occult.ilk = "d${xd}-${colour}" """ [group.dice.colours.blue] abbrev = "blue" [group.dice.colours.red] abbrev = "red" substs.text = "white" map = { "#8fc6ff" = "#e64104", "#000000" = "#ffffff", "#ffffff" = "#000000" }