#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# git-debrebase
# Script helping make fast-forwarding histories while still rebasing
# upstream deltas when working on Debian packaging
# Copyright (C)2017,2018 Ian Jackson
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
END { $? = $Debian::Dgit::ExitStatus::desired // -1; };
use Debian::Dgit::GDR;
use Debian::Dgit::ExitStatus;
use Debian::Dgit::I18n;
use strict;
use Debian::Dgit qw(:DEFAULT :playground);
use Memoize;
use Carp;
use POSIX;
use Locale::gettext;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default gnu_compat bundling);
use Dpkg::Version;
use File::FnMatch qw(:fnmatch);
use File::Copy;
$debugcmd_when_debuglevel = 2;
our ($usage_message) = i_ <<'END';
git-debrebase [] [--|-i ]
git-debrebase [] status
git-debrebase [] prepush [--prose=...]
git-debrebase [] quick|conclude
git-debrebase [] new-upstream []
git-debrebase [] convert-from-* ...
See git-debrebase(1), git-debrebase(5), dgit-maint-debrebase(7) (in dgit).
our ($opt_force, $opt_noop_ok, $opt_merges, @opt_anchors);
our ($opt_defaultcmd_interactive);
our $us = qw(git-debrebase);
our $wrecknoteprefix = 'refs/debrebase/wreckage';
our $merge_cache_ref = 'refs/debrebase/merge-resolutions';
sub badusage ($) {
my ($m) = @_;
print STDERR f_ "%s: bad usage: %s\n", $us, $m;
finish 8;
sub getoptions_main {
my $m = shift;
local $SIG{__WARN__}; # GetOptions calls `warn' to print messages
GetOptions @_ or badusage $m;
sub getoptions {
my $sc = shift;
getoptions_main +(f_ "bad options follow \`git-debrebase %s'", $sc), @_;
sub cfg ($;$) {
my ($k, $optional) = @_;
local $/ = "\0";
my @cmd = qw(git config -z);
push @cmd, qw(--get-all) if wantarray;
push @cmd, $k;
my $out = cmdoutput_errok @cmd;
if (!defined $out) {
fail f_ "missing required git config %s", $k unless $optional;
return ();
my @l = split /\0/, $out;
return wantarray ? @l : $l[0];
sub dd ($) {
my ($v) = @_;
my $dd = new Data::Dumper [ $v ];
Terse $dd 1; Indent $dd 0; Useqq $dd 1;
return Dump $dd;
sub get_commit ($) {
my ($objid) = @_;
my $data = (git_cat_file $objid, 'commit');
$data =~ m/(?<=\n)\n/ or confess "$objid ($data) ?";
return ($`,$');
sub D_UPS () { 0x02; } # upstream files
sub D_PAT_ADD () { 0x04; } # debian/patches/ extra patches at end
sub D_PAT_OTH () { 0x08; } # debian/patches other changes
sub D_DEB_CLOG () { 0x10; } # debian/changelog
sub D_DEB_OTH () { 0x20; } # debian/ (not patches/ or changelog)
sub DS_DEB () { D_DEB_CLOG | D_DEB_OTH; } # debian/ (not patches/)
our $playprefix = 'debrebase';
our $rd;
our $workarea;
our @git = qw(git);
our @dgit = qw(dgit);
sub in_workarea ($) {
my ($sub) = @_;
changedir $workarea;
my $r = eval { $sub->(); };
{ local $@; changedir $maindir; }
die $@ if $@;
sub fresh_workarea (;$) {
my ($subdir) = @_;
$subdir //= 'work';
$workarea = fresh_playground "$playprefix/$subdir";
in_workarea sub { playtree_setup };
sub run_ref_updates_now ($$) {
my ($mrest, $updates) = @_;
# @$updates is a list of lines for git-update-ref, without \ns
my @upd_cmd = (git_update_ref_cmd "debrebase: $mrest", qw(--stdin));
debugcmd '>|', @upd_cmd;
open U, "|-", @upd_cmd or confess "$!";
foreach (@$updates) {
printdebug ">= ", $_, "\n";
print U $_, "\n" or confess "$!";
printdebug ">\$\n";
close U or failedcmd @upd_cmd;
our $snags_forced = 0;
our $snags_tripped = 0;
our $snags_summarised = 0;
our @deferred_updates;
our @deferred_update_messages;
sub merge_wreckage_cleaning ($) {
my ($updates) = @_;
git_for_each_ref("$wrecknoteprefix/*", sub {
my ($objid,$objtype,$fullrefname,$reftail) = @_;
push @$updates, "delete $fullrefname";
sub all_snags_summarised () {
$snags_forced + $snags_tripped == $snags_summarised;
sub run_deferred_updates ($) {
my ($mrest) = @_;
my $m = 'dangerous internal error';
confess $m.' - '.__ $m unless all_snags_summarised();
merge_wreckage_cleaning \@deferred_updates;
run_ref_updates_now $mrest, \@deferred_updates;
print $_, "\n" foreach @deferred_update_messages;
@deferred_updates = ();
@deferred_update_messages = ();
sub get_tree ($;$$) {
# tree object name => ([ $name, $info ], ...)
# where $name is the sort key, ie has / at end for subtrees
# $info is the LHS from git-ls-tree ( )
# without $precheck, will crash if $x does not exist, so don't do that;
# instead pass '' to get ().
my ($x, $precheck, $recurse) = @_;
return () if !length $x;
if ($precheck) {
my ($type, $dummy) = git_cat_file $x, [qw(tree missing)];
return () if $type eq 'missing';
$recurse = !!$recurse;
confess "get_tree needs object not $x ?" unless $x =~ m{^[0-9a-f]+\:};
our (@get_tree_memo, %get_tree_memo);
my $memo = $get_tree_memo{$recurse,$x};
return @$memo if $memo;
local $Debian::Dgit::debugcmd_when_debuglevel = 3;
my @l;
my @cmd = (qw(git ls-tree -z --full-tree));
push @cmd, qw(-r) if $recurse;
push @cmd, qw(--), $x;
my $o = cmdoutput @cmd;
$o =~ s/\0$//s;
my $last = '';
foreach my $l (split /\0/, $o) {
my ($i, $n) = split /\t/, $l, 2;
$n .= '/' if $i =~ m/^\d+ tree /;
push @l, [ $n, $i ];
confess "$x need $last < $n ?" unless $last lt $n;
$get_tree_memo{$recurse,$x} = \@l;
push @get_tree_memo, $x;
if (@get_tree_memo > 10) {
delete $get_tree_memo{ shift @get_tree_memo };
return @l;
sub trees_diff_walk ($$$;$) {
# trees_diff_walk [{..opts...},] $x, $y, sub {... }
# calls sub->($name, $ix, $iy) for each difference
# $x and $y are as for get_tree
# where $name, $ix, $iy are $name and $info from get_tree
# opts are all call even for names same in both
# recurse call even for names same in both
my $opts = shift @_ if @_>=4;
my ($x,$y,$call) = @_;
my $all = $opts->{all};
return if !$all and $x eq $y;
my @x = get_tree $x, 0, $opts->{recurse};
my @y = get_tree $y, 0, $opts->{recurse};
printdebug "trees_diff_walk(..$x,$y..) ".Dumper(\@x,\@y)
if $debuglevel >= 3;
while (@x || @y) {
my $cmp = !@x <=> !@y # eg @y empty? $cmp=-1, use x
|| $x[0][0] cmp $y[0][0]; # eg, x lt y ? $cmp=-1, use x
my ($n, $ix, $iy); # all same? $cmp=0, use both
printdebug "trees_diff_walk $cmp : @{ $x[0]//[] } | @{ $y[0]//[] }\n"
if $debuglevel >= 3;
($n, $ix) = @{ shift @x } if $cmp <= 0;
($n, $iy) = @{ shift @y } if $cmp >= 0;
next if !$all and $ix eq $iy;
printdebug sprintf
"trees_diff_walk(%d,'%s','%s') call('%s','%s','%s')\n",
!!$all,$x,$y, $n,$ix,$iy
if $debuglevel >= 2;
$call->($n, $ix, $iy);
sub get_differs ($$) {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
# This does a similar job to quiltify_trees_differ, in dgit, a bit.
# But we don't care about modes, or dpkg-source-unrepresentable
# changes, and we don't need the plethora of different modes.
# Conversely we need to distinguish different kinds of changes to
# debian/ and debian/patches/.
# Also, here we have, and want to use, trees_diff_walk, because
# we may be calling this an awful lot and we want it to be fast.
my $differs = 0;
my @debian_info;
no warnings qw(exiting);
my $plain = sub { $_[0] =~ m{^(100|0*)644 blob }s; };
trees_diff_walk "$x:", "$y:", sub {
my ($n,$ix,$iy) = @_;
# analyse difference at the toplevel
if ($n ne 'debian/') {
$differs |= D_UPS;
if ($n eq 'debian') {
# one side has a non-tree for ./debian !
$differs |= D_DEB_OTH;
my $xd = $ix && "$x:debian";
my $yd = $iy && "$y:debian";
trees_diff_walk $xd, $yd, sub {
my ($n,$ix,$iy) = @_;
# analyse difference in debian/
if ($n eq 'changelog' && (!$ix || $plain->($ix))
&& $plain->($iy) ) {
$differs |= D_DEB_CLOG;
if ($n ne 'patches/') {
$differs |= D_DEB_OTH;
my $xp = $ix && "$xd/patches";
my $yp = $iy && "$yd/patches";
trees_diff_walk { recurse=>1 }, $xp, $yp, sub {
my ($n,$ix,$iy) = @_;
# analyse difference in debian/patches
my $ok;
if ($n =~ m{/$}s) {
# we are recursing; directories may appear and disappear
$ok = 1;
} elsif ($n !~ m/\.series$/s && !$ix && $plain->($iy)) {
$ok = 1;
} elsif ($n eq 'series' && $plain->($ix) && $plain->($iy)) {
my $x_s = (git_cat_file "$xp/series", 'blob');
my $y_s = (git_cat_file "$yp/series", 'blob');
chomp $x_s; $x_s .= "\n";
$ok = $x_s eq substr($y_s, 0, length $x_s);
} else {
# nope
$differs |= $ok ? D_PAT_ADD : D_PAT_OTH;
printdebug sprintf "get_differs %s %s = %#x\n", $x, $y, $differs;
return $differs;
sub commit_pr_info ($) {
my ($r) = @_;
return Data::Dumper->dump([$r], [qw(commit)]);
sub calculate_committer_authline () {
my $c = cmdoutput @git, qw(commit-tree --no-gpg-sign -m),
'DUMMY COMMIT (git-debrebase)', "HEAD:";
my ($h,$m) = get_commit $c;
$h =~ m/^committer .*$/m or confess "($h) ?";
return $&;
our @snag_force_opts;
sub snag ($$;@) {
my ($tag,$msg) = @_; # ignores extra args, for benefit of keycommits
if (grep { $_ eq $tag } @snag_force_opts) {
print STDERR f_ "%s: snag ignored (-f%s): %s\n", $us, $tag, $msg;
} else {
print STDERR f_ "%s: snag detected (-f%s): %s\n", $us, $tag, $msg;
# Important: all mainline code must call snags_maybe_bail after
# any point where snag might be called, but before making changes
# (eg before any call to run_deferred_updates). snags_maybe_bail
# may be called more than once if necessary (but this is not ideal
# because then the messages about number of snags may be confusing).
sub snags_maybe_bail () {
return if all_snags_summarised();
if ($snags_forced) {
print STDERR f_
"%s: snags: %d overriden by individual -f options\n",
$us, $snags_forced;
if ($snags_tripped) {
if ($opt_force) {
print STDERR f_
"%s: snags: %d overriden by global --force\n",
$us, $snags_tripped;
} else {
fail f_
"%s: snags: %d blocker(s) (you could -f, or --force)",
$us, $snags_tripped;
$snags_summarised = $snags_forced + $snags_tripped;
sub snags_maybe_bail_early () {
# useful to bail out early without doing a lot of work;
# not a substitute for snags_maybe_bail.
snags_maybe_bail() if $snags_tripped && !$opt_force;
sub any_snags () {
return $snags_forced || $snags_tripped;
sub ffq_prev_branchinfo () {
my $current = git_get_symref();
return gdr_ffq_prev_branchinfo($current);
sub record_gdrlast ($$;$) {
my ($gdrlast, $newvalue, $oldvalue) = @_;
$oldvalue ||= $git_null_obj;
push @deferred_updates, "update $gdrlast $newvalue $oldvalue";
sub fail_unprocessable ($) {
my ($msg) = @_;
changedir $maindir;
my ($ffqs, $ffqm, $symref, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast) = ffq_prev_branchinfo();
my $mangled = __ <../gbp-pq-err 2>&1', @gbp_cmd;
if ($r) {
{ local ($!,$?); copy('../gbp-pq-err', \*STDERR); }
failedcmd @gbp_cmd;
return 0 unless stat_exists 'debian/patches';
runcmd @git, qw(add -f debian/patches);
return 1;
# MERGE-TODO allow merge resolution separately from laundering, before git merge
# later/rework?
# use git-format-patch?
# our own patch identification algorithm?
# this is an alternative strategy
sub merge_failed ($$;@) {
my ($wrecknotes, $emsg, @xmsgs) = @_;
my @m;
push @m, "Merge resolution failed: $emsg";
push @m, @xmsgs;
changedir $maindir;
my @updates;
merge_wreckage_cleaning \@updates;
run_ref_updates_now "merge failed", \@updates;
@updates = ();
keys %$wrecknotes;
while (my ($k,$v) = each %$wrecknotes) {
push @updates, "create $wrecknoteprefix/$k $v";
run_ref_updates_now "merge failed", \@updates;
push @m, "Wreckage left in $wrecknoteprefix/*.";
push @m, "See git-debrebase(1) section FAILED MERGES for suggestions.";
# use finish rather than fail, in case we are within an eval
# (that can happen inside walk!)
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "$us: $_\n" foreach @m;
finish 15;
sub mwrecknote ($$$) {
my ($wrecknotes, $reftail, $commitish) = @_;
confess unless defined $commitish;
printdebug "mwrecknote $reftail $commitish\n";
$wrecknotes->{$reftail} = $commitish;
sub merge_attempt_cmd {
my $wrecknotes = shift @_;
debugcmd '+', @_;
$!=0; $?=-1;
if (system @_) {
merge_failed $wrecknotes,
"failed command: @_";
sub merge_series_patchqueue_convert ($$$);
sub merge_series ($$$;@) {
my ($newbase, $wrecknotes, $base_q, @input_qs) = @_;
# $base_q{SeriesBase} $input_qs[]{SeriesBase}
# $base_q{SeriesTip} $input_qs[]{SeriesTip}
# ^ specifies several patch series (currently we only support exactly 2)
# return value is a commit which is the result of
# merging the two versions of the same topic branch
# $input_q[0] and $input_q[1]
# with respect to the old version
# $base_q
# all onto $newbase.
# Creates, in *_q, a key MR for its private use
printdebug "merge_series newbase=$newbase\n";
$input_qs[$_]{MR}{S} = $_ foreach (0..$#input_qs);
$base_q->{MR}{S} = 'base';
my %prereq;
# $prereq{}{} = 1 or absent
# $prereq{}{} exists or not (even later)
my $merged_pq;
my $mwrecknote = sub { &mwrecknote($wrecknotes, @_); };
my $attempt_cmd = sub { &merge_attempt_cmd($wrecknotes, @_); };
local $workarea;
fresh_workarea "merge";
my $seriesfile = "debian/patches/series";
in_workarea sub {
foreach my $q ($base_q, reverse @input_qs) {
my $s = $q->{MR}{S};
my $any = gbp_pq_export "p-$s", $q->{SeriesBase}, $q->{SeriesTip};
my @earlier;
if ($any) {
open S, $seriesfile or confess "$seriesfile $!";
while (my $patch = ) {
chomp $patch or confess "$!";
$prereq{$patch} //= {};
foreach my $earlier (@earlier) {
$prereq{$patch}{$earlier}{$s}++ and confess;
push @earlier, $patch;
stat "debian/patches/$patch" or confess "$patch ?";
S->error and confess "$seriesfile $!";
close S;
read_tree_upstream $newbase, 1;
my $pec = make_commit [ grep { defined } $base_q->{MR}{PEC} ], [
"Convert $s to patch queue for merging",
"[git-debrebase merge-innards patch-queue import:".
" $q->{SeriesTip}]"
printdebug "merge_series pec $pec ";
runcmd @git, qw(rm -q --ignore-unmatch --cached), $seriesfile;
$pec = make_commit [ $pec ], [
"Drop series file from $s to avoid merge trouble",
"[git-debrebase merge-innards patch-queue prep:".
" $q->{SeriesTip}]"
read_tree_debian $newbase;
if (@earlier) {
read_tree_subdir 'debian/patches', "$pec:debian/patches";
} else {
rm_subdir_cached 'debian/patches';
$pec = make_commit [ $pec ], [
"Update debian/ (excluding patches) to final to avoid re-merging",
"debian/ was already merged and we need to just take that.",
"[git-debrebase merge-innards patch-queue packaging:".
" $q->{SeriesTip}]"
printdebug "pec' $pec\n";
runcmd @git, qw(reset -q --hard), $pec;
$q->{MR}{PEC} = $pec;
$mwrecknote->("$q->{LeftRight}-patchqueue", $pec);
# now, because of reverse, we are on $input_q->{MR}{OQC}
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q -b merge);
printdebug "merge_series merging...\n";
my @mergecmd = (@git, qw(merge --quiet --no-edit), "p-1");
printdebug "merge_series merge ok, series...\n";
# We need to construct a new series file
# Firstly, resolve prereq
foreach my $f (sort keys %prereq) {
printdebug "merge_series patch\t$f\t";
if (!stat_exists "debian/patches/$f") {
print DEBUG " drop\n" if $debuglevel;
# git merge deleted it; that's how we tell it's not wanted
delete $prereq{$f};
print DEBUG " keep\n" if $debuglevel;
foreach my $g (sort keys %{ $prereq{$f} }) {
my $gfp = $prereq{$f}{$g};
printdebug "merge_series prereq\t$f\t-> $g\t";
if (!!$gfp->{0} == !!$gfp->{1}
? $gfp->{0}
: !$gfp->{base}) {
print DEBUG "\tkeep\n" if $debuglevel;
} else {
print DEBUG "\tdrop\n" if $debuglevel;
delete $prereq{$f}{$g};
my $unsat = sub {
my ($f) = @_;
return scalar keys %{ $prereq{$f} };
my $nodate = time + 1;
my %authordate;
# $authordate{};
my $authordate = sub {
my ($f) = @_;
$authordate{$f} //= do {
open PF, "<", "debian/patches/$f" or confess "$f $!";
while () {
return $nodate if m/^$/;
last if s{^Date: }{};
return cmdoutput qw(date +%s -d), $_;
open NS, '>', $seriesfile or confess "$!";
while (keys %prereq) {
my $best;
foreach my $try (sort keys %prereq) {
if ($best) {
next if (
$unsat->($try) <=> $unsat->($best) or
$authordate->($try) <=> $authordate->($best) or
$try cmp $best
) >= 0;
$best = $try;
printdebug "merge_series series next $best\n";
print NS "$best\n" or confess "$!";
delete $prereq{$best};
foreach my $gp (values %prereq) {
delete $gp->{$best};
runcmd @git, qw(add), $seriesfile;
runcmd @git, qw(commit --quiet -m), 'Merged patch queue form';
$merged_pq = git_rev_parse 'HEAD';
$mwrecknote->('merged-patchqueue', $merged_pq);
return merge_series_patchqueue_convert
$wrecknotes, $newbase, $merged_pq;
sub merge_series_patchqueue_convert ($$$) {
my ($wrecknotes, $newbase, $merged_pq) = @_;
my $result;
in_workarea sub {
printdebug "merge_series series gbp pq import\n";
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q -b mergec), $merged_pq;
merge_attempt_cmd($wrecknotes, qw(gbp pq import));
# MERGE-TODO consider git-format-patch etc. instead,
# since gbp pq doesn't always round-trip :-/
# OK now we are on patch-queue/merge, and we need to rebase
# onto the intended parent and drop the patches from each one
printdebug "merge_series series ok, building...\n";
my $build = $newbase;
my @lcmd = (@git, qw(rev-list --reverse mergec..patch-queue/mergec));
foreach my $c (grep /./, split /\n/, cmdoutput @lcmd) {
my $commit = git_cat_file $c, 'commit';
printdebug "merge_series series ok, building $c\n";
read_tree_upstream $c, 0, $newbase;
my $tree = cmdoutput @git, qw(write-tree);
$commit =~ s{^parent (\S+)$}{parent $build}m or confess;
$commit =~ s{^tree (\S+)$}{tree $tree}m or confess;
open C, ">", "../mcommit" or confess "$!";
print C $commit or confess "$!";
close C or confess "$!";
$build = hash_commit '../mcommit';
$result = $build;
mwrecknote($wrecknotes, 'merged-result', $result);
runcmd @git, qw(update-ref refs/heads/result), $result;
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q -b debug);
runcmd @git, qw(commit --allow-empty -q -m M-INDEX);
runcmd @git, qw(add .);
runcmd @git, qw(commit --allow-empty -q -m M-WORKTREE);
my $mdebug = git_rev_parse 'HEAD';
printdebug sprintf "merge_series done debug=%s\n", $mdebug;
mwrecknote($wrecknotes, 'merged-debug', $mdebug);
printdebug "merge_series returns $result\n";
return $result;
# classify returns an info hash like this
# CommitId => $objid
# Hdr => # commit headers, including 1 final newline
# Msg => # commit message (so one newline is dropped)
# Tree => $treeobjid
# Type => (see below)
# Parents = [ {
# Ix => $index # ie 0, 1, 2, ...
# CommitId
# Differs => return value from get_differs
# IsOrigin
# IsDggitImport => 'orig' 'tarball' 'unpatched' 'package' (as from dgit)
# } ...]
# NewMsg => # commit message, but with any [dgit import ...] edited
# # to say "[was: ...]"
# Types:
# Packaging
# Changelog
# Upstream
# AddPatches
# Mixed
# Pseudomerge
# has additional entres in classification result
# Overwritten = [ subset of Parents ]
# Contributor = $the_remaining_Parent
# DgitImportUnpatched
# has additional entry in classification result
# OrigParents = [ subset of Parents ]
# Anchor
# has additional entry in classification result
# OrigParents = [ subset of Parents ] # singleton list
# TreatAsAnchor
# BreakwaterStart
# Unknown
# has additional entry in classification result
# Why => "prose"
sub parsecommit ($;$) {
my ($objid, $p_ref) = @_;
# => hash with CommitId Hdr Msg Tree Parents
# Parents entries have only Ix CommitId
# $p_ref, if provided, must be [] and is used as a base for Parents
$p_ref //= [];
confess if @$p_ref;
my ($h,$m) = get_commit $objid;
my ($t) = $h =~ m/^tree (\w+)$/m or confess $objid;
my (@ph) = $h =~ m/^parent (\w+)$/mg;
my $r = {
CommitId => $objid,
Hdr => $h,
Msg => $m,
Tree => $t,
Parents => $p_ref,
foreach my $ph (@ph) {
push @$p_ref, {
Ix => scalar @$p_ref,
CommitId => $ph,
return $r;
sub classify ($) {
my ($objid) = @_;
my @p;
my $r = parsecommit($objid, \@p);
my $t = $r->{Tree};
foreach my $p (@p) {
$p->{Differs} = (get_differs $p->{CommitId}, $t),
printdebug "classify $objid \$t=$t \@p",
(map { sprintf " %s/%#x", $_->{CommitId}, $_->{Differs} } @p),
my $classify = sub {
my ($type, @rest) = @_;
$r = { %$r, Type => $type, @rest };
if ($debuglevel) {
printdebug " = $type ".(dd $r)."\n";
return $r;
my $unknown = sub {
my ($why) = @_;
$r = { %$r, Type => qw(Unknown), Why => $why };
printdebug " ** Unknown\n";
return $r;
if (grep { $_ eq $objid } @opt_anchors) {
return $classify->('TreatAsAnchor');
my @identical = grep { !$_->{Differs} } @p;
my ($stype, $series) = git_cat_file "$t:debian/patches/series";
my $haspatches = $stype ne 'missing' && $series =~ m/^\s*[^#\n\t ]/m;
if ($r->{Msg} =~ m{^\[git-debrebase anchor.*\]$}m) {
# multi-orig upstreams are represented with an anchor merge
# from a single upstream commit which combines the orig tarballs
# Every anchor tagged this way must be a merge.
# We are relying on the
# [git-debrebase anchor: ...]
# commit message annotation in "declare" anchor merges (which
# do not have any upstream changes), to distinguish those
# anchor merges from ordinary pseudomerges (which we might
# just try to strip).
# However, the user is going to be doing git-rebase a lot. We
# really don't want them to rewrite an anchor commit.
# git-rebase trips up on merges, so that is a useful safety
# catch.
# BreakwaterStart commits are also anchors in the terminology
# of git-debrebase(5), but they are untagged (and always
# manually generated).
# We cannot not tolerate any tagged linear commit (ie,
# BreakwaterStart commits tagged `[anchor:') because such a
# thing could result from an erroneous linearising raw git
# rebase of a merge anchor. That would represent a corruption
# of the branch. and we want to detect and reject the results
# of such corruption before it makes it out anywhere. If we
# reject it here then we avoid making the pseudomerge which
# would be needed to push it.
my $badanchor = sub {
$unknown->(f_ "git-debrebase \`anchor' but %s", "@_");
@p == 2 or return $badanchor->(__ "has other than two parents");
$haspatches and return $badanchor->(__ "contains debian/patches");
# How to decide about l/r ordering of anchors ? git
# --topo-order prefers to expand 2nd parent first. There's
# already an easy rune to look for debian/ history anyway (git log
# debian/) so debian breakwater branch should be 1st parent; that
# way also there's also an easy rune to look for the upstream
# patches (--topo-order).
# Also this makes --first-parent be slightly more likely to
# be useful - it makes it provide a linearised breakwater history.
# Of course one can say somthing like
# gitk -- ':/' ':!/debian'
# to get _just_ the commits touching upstream files, and by
# the TREESAME logic in git-rev-list this will leave the
# breakwater into upstream at the first anchor. But that
# doesn't report debian/ changes at all.
# Other observations about gitk: by default, gitk seems to
# produce output in a different order to git-rev-list. I
# can't seem to find this documented anywhere. gitk
# --date-order DTRT. But, gitk always seems to put the
# parents from left to right, in order, so it's easy to see
# which way round a pseudomerge is.
$p[0]{IsOrigin} and $badanchor->(__ "is an origin commit");
$p[1]{Differs} & ~DS_DEB and
$badanchor->(__ "upstream files differ from left parent");
$p[0]{Differs} & ~D_UPS and
$badanchor->(__ "debian/ differs from right parent");
return $classify->(qw(Anchor),
OrigParents => [ $p[1] ]);
if (@p == 1) {
my $d = $r->{Parents}[0]{Differs};
if ($d == D_PAT_ADD) {
return $classify->(qw(AddPatches));
} elsif ($d & (D_PAT_ADD|D_PAT_OTH)) {
return $unknown->(__ "edits debian/patches");
} elsif ($d & DS_DEB and !($d & ~DS_DEB)) {
my ($ty,$dummy) = git_cat_file "$p[0]{CommitId}:debian";
if ($ty eq 'tree') {
if ($d == D_DEB_CLOG) {
return $classify->(qw(Changelog));
} else {
return $classify->(qw(Packaging));
} elsif ($ty eq 'missing') {
return $classify->(qw(BreakwaterStart));
} else {
return $unknown->(__ "parent's debian is not a directory");
} elsif ($d == D_UPS) {
return $classify->(qw(Upstream));
} elsif ($d & DS_DEB and $d & D_UPS and !($d & ~(DS_DEB|D_UPS))) {
return $classify->(qw(Mixed));
} elsif ($d == 0) {
return $unknown->(__ "no changes");
} else {
confess "internal error $objid ?";
if (!@p) {
return $unknown->(__ "origin commit");
if (@p == 2 && @identical == 1) {
my @overwritten = grep { $_->{Differs} } @p;
confess "internal error $objid ?" unless @overwritten==1;
return $classify->(qw(Pseudomerge),
Overwritten => [ $overwritten[0] ],
Contributor => $identical[0]);
if (@p == 2 && @identical == 2) {
my $get_t = sub {
my ($ph,$pm) = get_commit $_[0]{CommitId};
$ph =~ m/^committer .* (\d+) [-+]\d+$/m
or confess "$_->{CommitId} ?";
my @bytime = @p;
my $order = $get_t->($bytime[0]) <=> $get_t->($bytime[1]);
if ($order > 0) { # newer first
} elsif ($order < 0) {
@bytime = reverse @bytime;
} else {
# same age, default to order made by -s ours
# that is, commit was made by someone who preferred L
return $classify->(qw(Pseudomerge),
SubType => qw(Ambiguous),
Contributor => $bytime[0],
Overwritten => [ $bytime[1] ]);
foreach my $p (@p) {
my ($p_h, $p_m) = get_commit $p->{CommitId};
$p->{IsOrigin} = $p_h !~ m/^parent \w+$/m;
($p->{IsDgitImport},) = $p_m =~ m/^\[dgit import ([0-9a-z]+) .*\]$/m;
my @orig_ps = grep { ($_->{IsDgitImport}//'X') eq 'orig' } @p;
my $m2 = $r->{Msg};
if (!(grep { !$_->{IsOrigin} } @p) and
(@orig_ps >= @p - 1) and
$m2 =~ s{^\[(dgit import unpatched .*)\]$}{[was: $1]}m) {
$r->{NewMsg} = $m2;
return $classify->(qw(DgitImportUnpatched),
OrigParents => \@orig_ps);
if (@p == 2 and
$r->{Msg} =~ m{^\[git-debrebase merged-breakwater.*\]$}m) {
return $classify->("MergedBreakwaters");
if ($r->{Msg} =~ m{^\[(git-debrebase|dgit)[: ].*\]$}m) {
return $unknown->(f_ "unknown kind of merge from %s", $1);
if (@p > 2) {
return $unknown->(__ "octopus merge");
if (!$opt_merges) {
return $unknown->(__ "general two-parent merge");
return $classify->("VanillaMerge");
sub keycommits ($;$$$$$);
sub mergedbreakwaters_anchor ($) {
my ($cl) = @_;
my $best_anchor;
foreach my $p (@{ $cl->{Parents} }) {
my ($panchor, $pbw) = keycommits $p->{CommitId},
undef,undef,undef,undef, 1;
$best_anchor = $panchor
if !defined $best_anchor
or is_fast_fwd $best_anchor, $panchor;
fail f_ "inconsistent anchors in merged-breakwaters %s",
unless is_fast_fwd $panchor, $best_anchor;
return $best_anchor;
sub keycommits ($;$$$$$) {
my ($head, $furniture, $unclean, $trouble, $fatal, $claimed_bw) = @_;
# => ($anchor, $breakwater)
# $furniture->("unclean-$tagsfx", $msg, $cl)
# $unclean->("unclean-$tagsfx", $msg, $cl)
# is callled for each situation or commit that
# wouldn't be found in a laundered branch
# $furniture is for furniture commits such as might be found on an
# interchange branch (pseudomerge, d/patches, changelog)
# $trouble is for things whnich prevent the return of
# anchor and breakwater information; if that is ignored,
# then keycommits returns (undef, undef) instead.
# $fatal is for unprocessable commits, and should normally cause
# a failure. If ignored, agaion, (undef, undef) is returned.
# If $claimed_bw, this is supposed to be a breakwater commit.
# If a callback is undef, fail is called instead.
# If a callback is defined but false, the situation is ignored.
# Callbacks may say:
# no warnings qw(exiting); last;
# if the answer is no longer wanted.
my ($anchor, $breakwater);
$breakwater = $head if $claimed_bw;
my $clogonly;
my $cl;
my $found_pm;
$fatal //= sub { fail_unprocessable $_[1]; };
my $x = sub {
my ($cb, $tagsfx, $mainwhy, $xwhy) = @_;
my $why = $mainwhy.$xwhy;
my $m = f_ "branch needs laundering (run git-debrebase): %s", $why;
fail $m unless defined $cb;
return unless $cb;
$cb->("unclean-$tagsfx", $why, $cl, $mainwhy);
my $found_anchor = sub {
($anchor) = @_;
$breakwater //= $clogonly;
$breakwater //= $head;
no warnings qw(exiting);
for (;;) {
$cl = classify $head;
my $ty = $cl->{Type};
if ($ty eq 'Packaging') {
$breakwater //= $clogonly;
$breakwater //= $head;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Changelog') {
# this is going to count as the tip of the breakwater
# only if it has no upstream stuff before it
$clogonly //= $head;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Anchor' or
$ty eq 'TreatAsAnchor' or
$ty eq 'BreakwaterStart') {
} elsif ($ty eq 'Upstream') {
$x->($unclean, 'ordering',
(f_ "packaging change (%s) follows upstream change", $breakwater),
(f_ " (eg %s)", $head))
if defined $breakwater;
$clogonly = undef;
$breakwater = undef;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Mixed') {
$x->($unclean, 'mixed',
(__ "found mixed upstream/packaging commit"),
(f_ " (%s)", $head));
$clogonly = undef;
$breakwater = undef;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Pseudomerge' or
$ty eq 'AddPatches') {
my $found_pm = 1;
$x->($furniture, (lc $ty),
(f_ "found interchange bureaucracy commit (%s)", $ty),
(f_ " (%s)", $head));
} elsif ($ty eq 'DgitImportUnpatched') {
if ($found_pm) {
$x->($trouble, 'dgitimport',
(__ "found dgit dsc import"),
(f_ " (%s)", $head));
return (undef,undef);
} else {
$x->($fatal, 'unprocessable',
(__ "found bare dgit dsc import with no prior history"),
(f_ " (%s)", $head));
return (undef,undef);
} elsif ($ty eq 'VanillaMerge') {
$x->($trouble, 'vanillamerge',
(__ "found vanilla merge"),
(f_ " (%s)", $head));
return (undef,undef);
} elsif ($ty eq 'MergedBreakwaters') {
$found_anchor->(mergedbreakwaters_anchor $cl);
} else {
$x->($fatal, 'unprocessable',
(f_ "found unprocessable commit, cannot cope: %s",
(f_ " (%s)", $head));
return (undef,undef);
$head = $cl->{Parents}[0]{CommitId};
return ($anchor, $breakwater);
sub walk ($;$$$);
sub walk ($;$$$) {
my ($input,
$nogenerate,$report, $report_lprefix) = @_;
# => ($tip, $breakwater_tip, $last_anchor)
# (or nothing, if $nogenerate)
printdebug "*** WALK $input ".($nogenerate//0)." ".($report//'-')."\n";
$report_lprefix //= '';
# go through commits backwards
# we generate two lists of commits to apply:
# breakwater branch and upstream patches
my (@brw_cl, @upp_cl, @processed);
my %found;
my $upp_limit;
my @pseudomerges;
my $cl;
my $xmsg = sub {
my ($prose, $info) = @_;
# We deliberately do not translate $prose, since this mostly
# appears in commits in Debian and they should be in English.
my $ms = $cl->{Msg};
chomp $ms;
confess unless defined $info;
$ms .= "\n\n[git-debrebase $info: $prose]\n";
return (Msg => $ms);
my $rewrite_from_here = sub {
my ($cl) = @_;
my $sp_cl = { SpecialMethod => 'StartRewrite' };
push @$cl, $sp_cl;
push @processed, $sp_cl;
my $cur = $input;
my $prdelim = "";
my $prprdelim = sub { print $report $prdelim if $report; $prdelim=""; };
my $prline = sub {
return unless $report;
print $report $prdelim, $report_lprefix, @_;
$prdelim = "\n";
my $bomb = sub { # usage: return $bomb->();
print $report " Unprocessable" if $report;
print $report " ($cl->{Why})" if $report && defined $cl->{Why};
if ($nogenerate) {
return (undef,undef);
my $d =
join ' ',
map { sprintf "%#x", $_->{Differs} }
@{ $cl->{Parents} };
fail_unprocessable f_ +(defined $cl->{Why}
? i_ 'found unprocessable commit, cannot cope; %3$s: (commit %1$s) (d.%2$s)'
: i_ 'found unprocessable commit, cannot cope: (commit %1$s) (d.%2$s)'),
$cur, $d, $cl->{Why};
my $build;
my $breakwater;
my $build_start = sub {
my ($msg, $parent) = @_;
$prline->(" $msg");
$build = $parent;
no warnings qw(exiting); last;
my $nomerge = sub {
my ($emsg) = @_;
merge_failed $cl->{MergeWreckNotes}, $emsg;
my $mwrecknote = sub { &mwrecknote($cl->{MergeWreckNotes}, @_); };
my $last_anchor;
for (;;) {
$cl = classify $cur;
$cl->{MergeWreckNotes} //= {};
my $ty = $cl->{Type};
my $st = $cl->{SubType};
$prline->("$cl->{CommitId} $cl->{Type}");
$found{$ty. ( defined($st) ? "-$st" : '' )}++;
push @processed, $cl;
my $p0 = @{ $cl->{Parents} }==1 ? $cl->{Parents}[0]{CommitId} : undef;
if ($ty eq 'AddPatches') {
$cur = $p0;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Packaging' or $ty eq 'Changelog') {
push @brw_cl, $cl;
$cur = $p0;
} elsif ($ty eq 'BreakwaterStart') {
$last_anchor = $cur;
$build_start->('FirstPackaging', $cur);
} elsif ($ty eq 'Upstream') {
push @upp_cl, $cl;
$cur = $p0;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Mixed') {
my $queue = sub {
my ($q, $wh) = @_;
my $cls = { %$cl, $xmsg->("mixed commit: $wh part",'split') };
push @$q, $cls;
$queue->(\@brw_cl, "debian");
$queue->(\@upp_cl, "upstream");
$cur = $p0;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Pseudomerge') {
my $contrib = $cl->{Contributor}{CommitId};
print $report " Contributor=$contrib" if $report;
push @pseudomerges, $cl;
$cur = $contrib;
} elsif ($ty eq 'Anchor' or $ty eq 'TreatAsAnchor') {
$last_anchor = $cur;
$build_start->("Anchor", $cur);
} elsif ($ty eq 'DgitImportUnpatched') {
my $pm = $pseudomerges[-1];
if (defined $pm) {
# To an extent, this is heuristic. Imports don't have
# a useful history of the debian/ branch. We assume
# that the first pseudomerge after an import has a
# useful history of debian/, and ignore the histories
# from later pseudomerges. Often the first pseudomerge
# will be the dgit import of the upload to the actual
# suite intended by the non-dgit NMUer, and later
# pseudomerges may represent in-archive copies.
my $ovwrs = $pm->{Overwritten};
printf $report " PM=%s \@Overwr:%d",
$pm->{CommitId}, (scalar @$ovwrs)
if $report;
if (@$ovwrs != 1) {
printdebug "*** WALK BOMB DgitImportUnpatched\n";
return $bomb->();
my $ovwr = $ovwrs->[0]{CommitId};
printf $report " Overwr=%s", $ovwr if $report;
# This import has a tree which is just like a
# breakwater tree, but it has the wrong history. It
# ought to have the previous breakwater (which the
# pseudomerge overwrote) as an ancestor. That will
# make the history of the debian/ files correct. As
# for the upstream version: either it's the same as
# was ovewritten (ie, same as the previous
# breakwater), in which case that history is precisely
# right; or, otherwise, it was a non-gitish upload of a
# new upstream version. We can tell these apart by
# looking at the tree of the supposed upstream.
push @brw_cl, {
SpecialMethod => 'DgitImportDebianUpdate',
$xmsg->("debian changes", 'convert dgit import')
}, {
SpecialMethod => 'DgitImportUpstreamUpdate',
$xmsg->("convert dgit import: upstream update",
$prline->(" Import");
$upp_limit //= $#upp_cl; # further, deeper, patches discarded
$cur = $ovwr;
} else {
# Everything is from this import. This kind of import
# is already nearly in valid breakwater format, with the
# patches as commits. Unfortunately it contains
# debian/patches/.
printdebug "*** WALK BOMB bare dgit import\n";
$cl->{Why} = __ "bare dgit dsc import";
return $bomb->();
confess "$ty ?";
} elsif ($ty eq 'MergedBreakwaters') {
$last_anchor = mergedbreakwaters_anchor $cl;
$build_start->(' MergedBreakwaters', $cur);
} elsif ($ty eq 'VanillaMerge') {
# User may have merged unstitched branch(es). We will
# have now lost what ffq-prev was then (since the later
# pseudomerge may introduce further changes). The effect
# of resolving such a merge is that we may have to go back
# further in history to find a merge base, since the one
# which was reachable via ffq-prev is no longer findable.
# This is suboptimal, but if it all works we'll have done
# the right thing.
# MERGE-TODO we should warn the user in the docs about this
my $ok=1;
my $best_anchor;
# We expect to find a dominating anchor amongst the
# inputs' anchors. That will be the new anchor.
# More complicated is finding a merge base for the
# breakwaters. We need a merge base that is a breakwater
# commit. The ancestors of breakwater commits are more
# breakwater commits and possibly upstream commits and the
# ancestors of those upstream. Upstreams might have
# arbitrary ancestors. But any upstream commit U is
# either included in both anchors, in which case the
# earlier anchor is a better merge base than any of U's
# ancestors; or U is not included in the older anchor, in
# which case U is not an ancestor of the vanilla merge at
# all. So no upstream commit, nor any ancestor thereof,
# is a best merge base. As for non-breakwater Debian
# commits: these are never ancestors of any breakwater.
# So any best merge base as found by git-merge-base
# is a suitable breakwater anchor. Usually there will
# be only one.
printdebug "*** MERGE\n";
my @bwbcmd = (@git, qw(merge-base));
my @ibcmd = (@git, qw(merge-base --all));
my $might_be_in_bw = 1;
my $ps = $cl->{Parents};
$mwrecknote->('vanilla-merge', $cl->{CommitId});
foreach my $p (@$ps) {
$prline->(" VanillaMerge ".$p->{Ix});
my ($ptip, $pbw, $panchor) =
walk $p->{CommitId}, 0, $report,
$report_lprefix.' ';
$p->{Laundered} = $p->{SeriesTip} = $ptip;
$p->{Breakwater} = $p->{SeriesBase} = $pbw;
$p->{Anchor} = $panchor;
my $lr = $p->{LeftRight} = (qw(left right))[$p->{Ix}];
$mwrecknote->("$lr-input", $p->{CommitId});
my $mwrecknote_parent = sub {
my ($which) = @_;
$mwrecknote->("$lr-".(lc $which), $p->{$which});
$best_anchor = $panchor if
!defined $best_anchor or
is_fast_fwd $best_anchor, $panchor;
printdebug " MERGE BA best=".($best_anchor//'-').
" p=$panchor\n";
$mwrecknote->('result-anchor', $best_anchor);
foreach my $p (@$ps) {
$prline->(" VanillaMerge ".$p->{Ix});
if (!is_fast_fwd $p->{Anchor}, $best_anchor) {
$nomerge->('divergent anchors');
} elsif ($p->{Anchor} eq $best_anchor) {
print $report " SameAnchor" if $report;
} else {
print $report " SupersededAnchor" if $report;
if ($p->{Breakwater} eq $p->{CommitId}) {
# this parent commit was its own breakwater,
# ie it is part of the breakwater
print $report " Breakwater" if $report;
} else {
$might_be_in_bw = 0;
push @bwbcmd, $p->{Breakwater};
push @ibcmd, $p->{CommitId};
if ($ok && $might_be_in_bw) {
# We could rewrite this to contaion the metadata
# declaring it to be MergedBreakwaters, but
# unnecessarily rewriting a merge seems unhelpful.
$prline->(" VanillaMerge MergedBreakwaters");
$last_anchor = $best_anchor;
$build_start->('MergedBreakwaters', $cur);
my $bwb = cmdoutput @bwbcmd;
# OK, now we have a breakwater base, but we need the merge
# base for the interchange branch because we need the delta
# queue.
# This a the best merge base of our inputs which has the
# breakwater merge base as an ancestor.
my @ibs =
grep /./,
split /\n/,
cmdoutput @ibcmd;
@ibs or confess 'internal error, expected anchor at least ?';
my $ib;
my $ibleaf;
foreach my $tibix (0..$#ibs) {
my $tib = $ibs[$tibix];
my $ff = is_fast_fwd $bwb, $tib;
my $ok = !$ff ? 'rej' : $ib ? 'extra' : 'ok';
my $tibleaf = "interchange-mbcand-$ok-$tibix";
$mwrecknote->($tibleaf, $tib);
next unless $ff;
next if $ib;
$ib = $tib;
$ibleaf = $tibleaf;
$ib or $nomerge->("no suitable interchange merge base");
$prline->(" VanillaMerge Base");
my ($btip, $bbw, $banchor) = eval {
walk $ib, 0, $report, $report_lprefix.' ';
$nomerge->("walking interchange branch merge base ($ibleaf):\n".
if length $@;
$mwrecknote->("mergebase-laundered", $btip);
$mwrecknote->("mergebase-breakwater", $bbw);
$mwrecknote->("mergebase-anchor", $banchor);
my $ibinfo = { SeriesTip => $btip,
SeriesBase => $bbw,
Anchor => $banchor,
LeftRight => 'mergebase' };
$bbw eq $bwb
or $nomerge->("interchange merge-base ($ib)'s".
" breakwater ($bbw)".
" != breakwaters' merge-base ($bwb)");
grep { $_->{Anchor} eq $ibinfo->{Anchor} } @$ps
or $nomerge->("interchange merge-base ($ib)'s".
" anchor ($ibinfo->{SeriesBase})".
" != any merge input's anchor (".
(join ' ', map { $_->{Anchor} } @$ps).
$cl->{MergeInterchangeBaseInfo} = $ibinfo;
$cl->{MergeBestAnchor} = $best_anchor;
push @brw_cl, {
SpecialMethod => 'MergeCreateMergedBreakwaters',
$xmsg->('constructed from vanilla merge',
push @upp_cl, {
SpecialMethod => 'MergeMergeSeries',
$build_start->('MergeBreakwaters', $cur);
} else {
printdebug "*** WALK BOMB unrecognised\n";
return $bomb->();
printdebug "*** WALK prep done cur=$cur".
" brw $#brw_cl upp $#upp_cl proc $#processed pm $#pseudomerges\n";
return if $nogenerate;
# Now we build it back up again
my $rewriting = 0;
$#upp_cl = $upp_limit if defined $upp_limit;
my $committer_authline = calculate_committer_authline();
printdebug "WALK REBUILD $build ".(scalar @processed)."\n";
confess __ "internal error" unless $build eq (pop @processed)->{CommitId};
in_workarea sub {
mkdir $rd or $!==EEXIST or confess "$!";
my $current_method;
my $want_debian = $build;
my $want_upstream = $build;
my $read_tree_upstream = sub { ($want_upstream) = @_; };
my $read_tree_debian = sub { ($want_debian) = @_; };
foreach my $cl (qw(Debian), (reverse @brw_cl),
{ SpecialMethod => 'RecordBreakwaterTip' },
qw(Upstream), (reverse @upp_cl)) {
if (!ref $cl) {
$current_method = $cl;
my $method = $cl->{SpecialMethod} // $current_method;
my @parents = ($build);
my $cltree = $cl->{CommitId};
printdebug "WALK BUILD ".($cltree//'undef').
" $method (rewriting=$rewriting)\n";
if ($method eq 'Debian') {
} elsif ($method eq 'Upstream') {
} elsif ($method eq 'StartRewrite') {
$rewriting = 1;
} elsif ($method eq 'RecordBreakwaterTip') {
$breakwater = $build;
} elsif ($method eq 'DgitImportDebianUpdate') {
} elsif ($method eq 'DgitImportUpstreamUpdate') {
confess unless $rewriting;
my $differs = (get_differs $build, $cltree);
next unless $differs & D_UPS;
push @parents, map { $_->{CommitId} } @{ $cl->{OrigParents} };
} elsif ($method eq 'MergeCreateMergedBreakwaters') {
print "Found a general merge, will try to tidy it up.\n";
$rewriting = 1;
@parents = map { $_->{Breakwater} } @{ $cl->{Parents} };
} elsif ($method eq 'MergeMergeSeries') {
my $cachehit = reflog_cache_lookup
$merge_cache_ref, "vanilla-merge $cl->{CommitId}";
if ($cachehit) {
print "Using supplied resolution for $cl->{CommitId}...\n";
$build = $cachehit;
$mwrecknote->('cached-resolution', $build);
} else {
print "Running merge resolution for $cl->{CommitId}...\n";
$mwrecknote->('new-base', $build);
$build = merge_series
$build, $cl->{MergeWreckNotes},
@{ $cl->{Parents} };
$last_anchor = $cl->{MergeBestAnchor};
# Check for mismerges:
my $check = sub {
my ($against, $allow, $what) = @_;
my $differs = get_differs $build, $against;
"merge misresolved: %s are not the same (%s %s d.%#x)",
$what, $against, $build, $differs)
if $differs & ~($allow | D_PAT_ADD);
# Breakwater changes which were in each side of the
# merge will have been incorporated into the
# MergeCreateMergedBreakwaters output. Because the
# upstream series was rebased onto the new breakwater,
# so should all of the packaging changes which were in
# the input.
$check->($input, D_UPS, 'debian files');
# Upstream files are merge_series, which ought to
# have been identical to the original merge.
$check->($cl->{CommitId}, DS_DEB, 'upstream files');
print "Merge resolution successful.\n";
} else {
confess "$method ?";
if (!$rewriting) {
my $procd = (pop @processed) // 'UNDEF';
if ($cl ne $procd) {
$rewriting = 1;
printdebug "WALK REWRITING NOW cl=$cl procd=$procd\n";
if ($rewriting) {
read_tree_upstream $want_upstream, 0, $want_debian;
my $newtree = cmdoutput @git, qw(write-tree);
my $ch = $cl->{Hdr};
$ch =~ s{^tree .*}{tree $newtree}m or confess "$ch ?";
$ch =~ s{^parent .*\n}{}mg;
$ch =~ s{(?=^author)}{
join '', map { "parent $_\n" } @parents
}me or confess "$ch ?";
if ($rewriting) {
$ch =~ s{^committer .*$}{$committer_authline}m
or confess "$ch ?";
my $cf = "$rd/m$rewriting";
open CD, ">", $cf or confess "$!";
print CD $ch, "\n", $cl->{Msg} or confess "$!";
close CD or confess "$!";
my @cmd = (@git, qw(hash-object));
push @cmd, qw(-w) if $rewriting;
push @cmd, qw(-t commit), $cf;
my $newcommit = cmdoutput @cmd;
confess "$ch ?" unless $rewriting
or $newcommit eq $cl->{CommitId};
$build = $newcommit;
} else {
$build = $cl->{CommitId};
trees_diff_walk "$want_upstream:", "$build:", sub {
my ($n) = @_;
no warnings qw(exiting);
next if $n eq 'debian/';
confess f_ "mismatch %s ?", "@_";
trees_diff_walk "$want_debian:debian", "$build:debian", sub {
confess f_ "mismatch %s ?", "@_";
my @old_parents = map { $_->{CommitId} } @{ $cl->{Parents} };
confess f_ "mismatch %s != %s ?", "@parents", "@old_parents"
unless "@parents" eq "@old_parents";
if (grep { $method eq $_ } qw(DgitImportUpstreamUpdate)) {
$last_anchor = $cur;
my $final_check = get_differs $build, $input;
confess f_ "internal error %#x %s %s", $final_check, $input, $build
if $final_check & ~D_PAT_ADD;
my @r = ($build, $breakwater, $last_anchor);
printdebug "*** WALK RETURN @r\n";
return @r
sub get_head () {
return git_rev_parse qw(HEAD);
sub update_head ($$$) {
my ($old, $new, $mrest) = @_;
push @deferred_updates, "update HEAD $new $old";
run_deferred_updates $mrest;
sub update_head_checkout ($$$) {
my ($old, $new, $mrest) = @_;
update_head $old, $new, $mrest;
runcmd @git, qw(reset --hard);
sub update_head_postlaunder ($$$) {
my ($old, $tip, $reflogmsg) = @_;
return if $tip eq $old && !@deferred_updates;
print f_ "%s: laundered (head was %s)\n", $us, $old;
update_head $old, $tip, $reflogmsg;
# no tree changes except debian/patches
runcmd @git, qw(rm --quiet --ignore-unmatch -rf debian/patches);
sub currently_rebasing() {
foreach (qw(rebase-merge rebase-apply)) {
return 1 if stat_exists "$maindir_gitdir/$_";
return 0;
sub bail_if_rebasing() {
fail __ "you are in the middle of a git-rebase already"
if currently_rebasing();
sub do_launder_head ($) {
my ($reflogmsg) = @_;
my $old = get_head();
my ($tip,$breakwater) = walk $old;
update_head_postlaunder $old, $tip, $reflogmsg;
return ($tip,$breakwater);
sub cmd_launder_v0 () {
badusage "no arguments to launder-v0 allowed" if @ARGV;
my $old = get_head();
my ($tip,$breakwater,$last_anchor) = walk $old;
update_head_postlaunder $old, $tip, 'launder';
printf "# breakwater tip\n%s\n", $breakwater;
printf "# working tip\n%s\n", $tip;
printf "# last anchor\n%s\n", $last_anchor;
sub defaultcmd_rebase () {
push @ARGV, @{ $opt_defaultcmd_interactive // [] };
my ($tip,$breakwater) = do_launder_head __ 'launder for rebase';
runcmd @git, qw(rebase), @ARGV, $breakwater if @ARGV;
sub cmd_analyse () {
badusage __ "analyse does not support any options"
if @ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/;
badusage __ "too many arguments to analyse" if @ARGV>1;
my ($old) = @ARGV;
if (defined $old) {
$old = git_rev_parse $old;
} else {
$old = git_rev_parse 'HEAD';
my ($dummy,$breakwater) = walk $old, 1,*STDOUT;
STDOUT->error and confess "$!";
sub ffq_check ($;$$) {
# calls $ff and/or $notff zero or more times
# then returns either (status,message) where status is
# exists
# detached
# weird-symref
# notbranch
# or (undef,undef, $ffq_prev,$gdrlast)
# $ff and $notff are called like this:
# $ff->("message for stdout\n");
# $notff->('snag-name', $message);
# normally $currentval should be HEAD
my ($currentval, $ff, $notff) =@_;
$ff //= sub { print $_[0] or confess "$!"; };
$notff //= \&snag;
my ($status, $message, $current, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast)
= ffq_prev_branchinfo();
return ($status, $message) unless $status eq 'branch';
my $exists = git_get_ref $ffq_prev;
return ('exists', f_ "%s already exists", $ffq_prev) if $exists;
return ('not-branch', __ 'HEAD symref is not to refs/heads/')
unless $current =~ m{^refs/heads/};
my $branch = $';
my @check_specs = split /\;/, (cfg "branch.$branch.ffq-ffrefs",1) // '*';
my %checked;
printdebug "ffq check_specs @check_specs\n";
my $check = sub {
my ($lrref, $desc) = @_;
printdebug "ffq might check $lrref ($desc)\n";
my $invert;
for my $chk (@check_specs) {
my $glob = $chk;
$invert = $glob =~ s{^[!^]}{};
last if fnmatch $glob, $lrref;
return if $invert;
my $lrval = git_get_ref $lrref;
return unless length $lrval;
if (is_fast_fwd $lrval, $currentval) {
$ff->(f_ "OK, you are ahead of %s\n", $lrref);
$checked{$lrref} = 1;
} elsif (is_fast_fwd $currentval, $lrval) {
$checked{$lrref} = -1;
$notff->('behind', f_ "you are behind %s, divergence risk",
} else {
$checked{$lrref} = -1;
$notff->('diverged', f_ "you have diverged from %s", $lrref);
my $merge = cfg "branch.$branch.merge",1;
if (defined $merge and $merge =~ m{^refs/heads/}) {
my $rhs = $';
printdebug "ffq merge $rhs\n";
my $check_remote = sub {
my ($remote, $desc) = @_;
printdebug "ffq check_remote ".($remote//'undef')." $desc\n";
return unless defined $remote;
$check->("refs/remotes/$remote/$rhs", $desc);
$check_remote->((scalar cfg "branch.$branch.remote",1),
'remote fetch/merge branch');
$check_remote->((scalar cfg "branch.$branch.pushRemote",1) //
(scalar cfg "branch.$branch.pushDefault",1),
'remote push branch');
if ($branch =~ m{^dgit/}) {
__ 'remote dgit branch');
} elsif ($branch =~ m{^master$}) {
__ 'remote dgit branch for sid');
return (undef, undef, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast);
sub record_ffq_prev_deferred () {
# => ('status', "message")
# 'status' may be
# deferred message is undef
# exists
# detached
# weird-symref
# notbranch
# if not ff from some branch we should be ff from, is an snag
# if "deferred", will have added something about that to
# @deferred_update_messages, and also maybe printed (already)
# some messages about ff checks
my $currentval = get_head();
my ($status,$message, $ffq_prev,$gdrlast) = ffq_check $currentval;
return ($status,$message) if defined $status;
push @deferred_updates, "update $ffq_prev $currentval $git_null_obj";
push @deferred_updates, "delete $gdrlast";
push @deferred_update_messages,
__ "Recorded previous head for preservation";
return ('deferred', undef);
sub record_ffq_auto () {
my ($status, $message) = record_ffq_prev_deferred();
if ($status eq 'deferred' || $status eq 'exists') {
} else {
snag $status, f_ "could not record ffq-prev: %s", $message;
sub ffq_prev_info () {
# => ($ffq_prev, $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish)
my ($status, $message, $current, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast)
= ffq_prev_branchinfo();
if ($status ne 'branch') {
snag $status, f_ "could not check ffq-prev: %s", $message;
my $ffq_prev_commitish = $ffq_prev && git_get_ref $ffq_prev;
return ($ffq_prev, $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish);
sub stitch ($$$$$) {
my ($old_head, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish, $prose) = @_;
push @deferred_updates, "delete $ffq_prev $ffq_prev_commitish";
if (is_fast_fwd $old_head, $ffq_prev_commitish) {
my $differs = get_differs $old_head, $ffq_prev_commitish;
unless ($differs & ~D_PAT_ADD) {
# ffq-prev is ahead of us, and the only tree changes it has
# are possibly addition of things in debian/patches/.
# Just wind forwards rather than making a pointless pseudomerge.
record_gdrlast $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish;
update_head_checkout $old_head, $ffq_prev_commitish,
sprintf "stitch (%s)", __ 'fast forward';
# We make pseudomerges with L as the contributing parent.
# This makes git rev-list --first-parent work properly.
my $new_head = make_commit [ $old_head, $ffq_prev ], [
# we translate this against the time when this same code is
# used outside Debian, for downstreams and users
(__ 'Declare fast forward / record previous work'),
"[git-debrebase pseudomerge: $prose]",
record_gdrlast $gdrlast, $new_head;
update_head $old_head, $new_head, "stitch: $prose";
sub do_stitch ($;$) {
my ($prose, $unclean) = @_;
my ($ffq_prev, $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish) = ffq_prev_info();
if (!$ffq_prev_commitish) {
fail __ "No ffq-prev to stitch." unless $opt_noop_ok;
my $dangling_head = get_head();
keycommits $dangling_head, $unclean,$unclean,$unclean;
stitch($dangling_head, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish, $prose);
sub cmd_new_upstream () {
# automatically and unconditionally launders before rebasing
# if rebase --abort is used, laundering has still been done
my %pieces;
badusage __ "need NEW-VERSION [UPS-COMMITTISH]" unless @ARGV >= 1;
# parse args - low commitment
my $spec_version = shift @ARGV;
my $new_version = (new Dpkg::Version $spec_version, check => 1);
fail f_ "bad version number \`%s'", $spec_version
unless defined $new_version;
if ($new_version->is_native()) {
$new_version = (new Dpkg::Version "$spec_version-1", check => 1);
my $new_upstream = shift @ARGV;
my $new_upstream_version = upstreamversion $new_version;
my $new_upstream_used;
($new_upstream, $new_upstream_used) =
resolve_upstream_version $new_upstream, $new_upstream_version;
my $piece = sub {
my ($n, @x) = @_; # may be ''
my $pc = $pieces{$n} //= {
Name => $n,
Desc => ($n ? (f_ "upstream piece \`%s'", $n)
: (__ "upstream (main piece")),
while (my $k = shift @x) { $pc->{$k} = shift @x; }
my @newpieces;
my $newpiece = sub {
my ($n, @x) = @_; # may be ''
my $pc = $piece->($n, @x, NewIx => (scalar @newpieces));
push @newpieces, $pc;
OldIx => 0,
New => $new_upstream,
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ m{^-}) {
my $n = shift @ARGV;
badusage __ "for each EXTRA-UPS-NAME need EXTRA-UPS-COMMITISH"
unless @ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ m{^-};
my $c = git_rev_parse shift @ARGV;
confess unless $n =~ m/^$extra_orig_namepart_re$/;
$newpiece->($n, New => $c);
# now we need to investigate the branch this generates the
# laundered version but we don't switch to it yet
my $old_head = get_head();
my ($old_laundered_tip,$old_bw,$old_anchor) = walk $old_head;
my $old_bw_cl = classify $old_bw;
my $old_anchor_cl = classify $old_anchor;
my $old_upstream;
if (!$old_anchor_cl->{OrigParents}) {
snag 'anchor-treated',
__ 'old anchor is recognised due to --anchor, cannot check upstream';
} else {
$old_upstream = parsecommit
$piece->('', Old => $old_upstream->{CommitId});
if ($old_upstream && $old_upstream->{Msg} =~ m{^\[git-debrebase }m) {
if ($old_upstream->{Msg} =~
m{^\[git-debrebase upstream-combine (\.(?: $extra_orig_namepart_re)+)\:.*\]$}m
) {
my @oldpieces = (split / /, $1);
my $old_n_parents = scalar @{ $old_upstream->{Parents} };
if ($old_n_parents != @oldpieces &&
$old_n_parents != @oldpieces + 1) {
snag 'upstream-confusing', f_
"previous upstream combine %s".
" mentions %d pieces (each implying one parent)".
" but has %d parents".
" (one per piece plus maybe a previous combine)",
(scalar @oldpieces),
} elsif ($oldpieces[0] ne '.') {
snag 'upstream-confusing', f_
"previous upstream combine %s".
" first piece is not \`.'",
} else {
$oldpieces[0] = '';
foreach my $i (0..$#oldpieces) {
my $n = $oldpieces[$i];
my $hat = 1 + $i + ($old_n_parents - @oldpieces);
$piece->($n, Old => $old_upstream->{CommitId}.'^'.$hat);
} else {
snag 'upstream-confusing', f_
"previous upstream %s is from".
" git-debrebase but not an \`upstream-combine' commit",
foreach my $pc (values %pieces) {
if (!$old_upstream) {
# we have complained already
} elsif (!$pc->{Old}) {
snag 'upstream-new-piece',
f_ "introducing upstream piece \`%s'", $pc->{Name};
} elsif (!$pc->{New}) {
snag 'upstream-rm-piece',
f_ "dropping upstream piece \`%s'", $pc->{Name};
} elsif (!is_fast_fwd $pc->{Old}, $pc->{New}) {
snag 'upstream-not-ff',
f_ "not fast forward: %s %s",
$pc->{Name}, "$pc->{Old}..$pc->{New}";
printdebug "%pieces = ", (dd \%pieces), "\n";
printdebug "\@newpieces = ", (dd \@newpieces), "\n";
my $new_bw;
in_workarea sub {
my @upstream_merge_parents;
if (!any_snags()) {
push @upstream_merge_parents, $old_upstream->{CommitId};
foreach my $pc (@newpieces) { # always has '' first
if ($pc->{Name}) {
read_tree_subdir $pc->{Name}, $pc->{New};
} else {
runcmd @git, qw(read-tree), $pc->{New};
push @upstream_merge_parents, $pc->{New};
# index now contains the new upstream
if (@newpieces > 1) {
# need to make the upstream subtree merge commit
$new_upstream = make_commit \@upstream_merge_parents,
[ "Combine upstreams for $new_upstream_version",
("[git-debrebase upstream-combine . ".
(join " ", map { $_->{Name} } @newpieces[1..$#newpieces]).
": new upstream]"),
# $new_upstream is either the single upstream commit, or the
# combined commit we just made. Either way it will be the
# "upstream" parent of the anchor merge.
read_tree_subdir 'debian', "$old_bw:debian";
# index now contains the anchor merge contents
$new_bw = make_commit [ $old_bw, $new_upstream ],
[ "Update to upstream $new_upstream_version",
"[git-debrebase anchor: new upstream $new_upstream_version, merge]",
# Now we have to add a changelog stanza so the Debian version
# is right. We use debchange to do this. Invoking debchange
# here is a bit fiddly because it has a lot of optional
# exciting behaviours, some of which will break stuff, and
# some of which won't work in a playtree.
# Make debchange use git's idea of the user's identity.
# That way, if the user never uses debchange et al, configuring
# git is enough.
my $usetup = sub {
my ($e, $k) = @_;
my $v = cfg $k, 1;
defined $v or return;
$ENV{$e} = $v;
$usetup->('DEBEMAIL', 'user.email');
$usetup->('DEBFULLNAME', 'user.name');
my @dch = (qw(debchange
--allow-lower-version .*
--changelog debian/changelog
--check-dirname-level 0
-v), $new_version,
"Update to new upstream version $new_upstream_version.");
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q debian/changelog);
runcmd @dch;
runcmd @git, qw(update-index --add --replace), 'debian/changelog';
# Now we have the final new breakwater branch in the index
$new_bw = make_commit [ $new_bw ],
[ "Update changelog for new upstream $new_upstream_version",
"[git-debrebase changelog: new upstream $new_upstream_version]",
# we have constructed the new breakwater. we now need to commit to
# the laundering output, because git-rebase can't easily be made
# to make a replay list which is based on some other branch
update_head_postlaunder $old_head, $old_laundered_tip,
'launder for new upstream';
my @cmd = (@git, qw(rebase --onto), $new_bw, $old_bw, @ARGV);
local $ENV{GIT_REFLOG_ACTION} = git_reflog_action_msg
"debrebase new-upstream $new_version: rebase";
runcmd @cmd;
# now it's for the user to sort out
sub cmd_record_ffq_prev () {
badusage "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
my ($status, $msg) = record_ffq_prev_deferred();
if ($status eq 'exists' && $opt_noop_ok) {
print __ "Previous head already recorded\n" or confess "$!";
} elsif ($status eq 'deferred') {
run_deferred_updates 'record-ffq-prev';
} else {
fail f_ "Could not preserve: %s", $msg;
sub cmd_anchor () {
badusage __ "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
my ($anchor, $bw) = keycommits +(git_rev_parse 'HEAD'), 0,0;
print "$anchor\n" or confess "$!";
sub cmd_breakwater () {
badusage __ "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
my ($anchor, $bw) = keycommits +(git_rev_parse 'HEAD'), 0,0;
print "$bw\n" or confess "$!";
sub cmd_status () {
badusage __ "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
# todo: gdr status should print divergence info
# todo: gdr status should print upstream component(s) info
# todo: gdr should leave/maintain some refs with this kind of info ?
my $oldest = { Badness => 0 };
my $newest;
my $note = sub {
my ($badness, $ourmsg, $snagname, $dummy, $cl, $kcmsg) = @_;
if ($oldest->{Badness} < $badness) {
$oldest = $newest = undef;
$oldest = {
Badness => $badness,
CommitId => $cl->{CommitId},
OurMsg => $ourmsg,
KcMsg => $kcmsg,
$newest //= $oldest;
my ($anchor, $bw) = keycommits +(git_rev_parse 'HEAD'),
sub { $note->(1, __ 'branch contains furniture (not laundered)',@_); },
sub { $note->(2, __ 'branch is unlaundered', @_); },
sub { $note->(3, __ 'branch needs laundering', @_); },
sub { $note->(4, __ 'branch not in git-debrebase form', @_); };
my $prcommitinfo = sub {
my ($cid) = @_;
flush STDOUT or confess "$!";
runcmd @git, qw(--no-pager log -n1),
'--pretty=format: %h %s%n',
print __ "current branch contents, in git-debrebase terms:\n";
if (!$oldest->{Badness}) {
print __ " branch is laundered\n";
} else {
print " $oldest->{OurMsg}\n";
my $printed = '';
foreach my $info ($oldest, $newest) {
my $cid = $info->{CommitId};
next if $cid eq $printed;
$printed = $cid;
print " $info->{KcMsg}\n";
my $prab = sub {
my ($cid, $what) = @_;
if (!defined $cid) {
print f_ " %s is not well-defined\n", $what;
} else {
print " $what\n";
print __ "key git-debrebase commits:\n";
$prab->($anchor, __ 'anchor');
$prab->($bw, __ 'breakwater');
my ($ffqstatus, $ffq_msg, $current, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast) =
print __ "branch and ref status, in git-debrebase terms:\n";
if ($ffq_msg) {
print " $ffq_msg\n";
} else {
$ffq_prev = git_get_ref $ffq_prev;
$gdrlast = git_get_ref $gdrlast;
if ($ffq_prev) {
print __ " unstitched; previous tip was:\n";
} elsif (!$gdrlast) {
print __ " stitched? (no record of git-debrebase work)\n";
} elsif (is_fast_fwd $gdrlast, 'HEAD') {
print __ " stitched\n";
} else {
print __ " not git-debrebase (diverged since last stitch)\n"
print __ "you are currently rebasing\n" if currently_rebasing();
sub cmd_stitch () {
my $prose = 'stitch';
'prose=s', \$prose);
badusage __ "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
do_stitch $prose, 0;
sub cmd_prepush () {
$opt_noop_ok = 1;
sub cmd_quick () {
badusage __ "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
do_launder_head __ 'launder for git-debrebase quick';
do_stitch 'quick';
sub cmd_conclude () {
my ($ffq_prev, $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish) = ffq_prev_info();
if (!$ffq_prev_commitish) {
fail __ "No ongoing git-debrebase session." unless $opt_noop_ok;
my $dangling_head = get_head();
badusage "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
do_launder_head __ 'launder for git-debrebase quick';
do_stitch 'quick';
sub cmd_scrap () {
if (currently_rebasing()) {
runcmd @git, qw(rebase --abort);
push @deferred_updates, 'verify HEAD HEAD';
# noop, but stops us complaining that scrap was a noop
badusage __ "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
my ($ffq_prev, $gdrlast, $ffq_prev_commitish) = ffq_prev_info();
my $scrapping_head;
if ($ffq_prev_commitish) {
$scrapping_head = get_head();
push @deferred_updates,
"update $gdrlast $ffq_prev_commitish $git_null_obj",
"update $ffq_prev $git_null_obj $ffq_prev_commitish";
if (git_get_ref $merge_cache_ref) {
push @deferred_updates,
"delete $merge_cache_ref";
if (!@deferred_updates) {
fail __ "No ongoing git-debrebase session." unless $opt_noop_ok;
finish 0;
if ($scrapping_head) {
update_head_checkout $scrapping_head, $ffq_prev_commitish, "scrap";
} else {
run_deferred_updates "scrap";
sub make_patches_staged ($) {
my ($head) = @_;
# Produces the patches that would result from $head if it were
# laundered.
my ($secret_head, $secret_bw, $last_anchor) = walk $head;
my $any;
in_workarea sub {
$any = gbp_pq_export 'bw', $secret_bw, $secret_head;
return $any;
sub make_patches ($) {
my ($head) = @_;
keycommits $head, 0, \&snag;
my $any = make_patches_staged $head;
my $out;
in_workarea sub {
my $ptree = !$any ? undef :
cmdoutput @git, qw(write-tree --prefix=debian/patches/);
runcmd @git, qw(read-tree), $head;
if ($ptree) {
read_tree_subdir 'debian/patches', $ptree;
} else {
rm_subdir_cached 'debian/patches';
$out = make_commit [$head], [
(__ 'Commit patch queue (exported by git-debrebase)'),
'[git-debrebase make-patches: export and commit patches]',
return $out;
sub cmd_make_patches () {
my $opt_quiet_would_amend;
'quiet-would-amend!', \$opt_quiet_would_amend);
badusage __ "no arguments allowed" if @ARGV;
my $old_head = get_head();
my $new = make_patches $old_head;
my $d = get_differs $old_head, $new;
if ($d == 0) {
fail __ "No (more) patches to export." unless $opt_noop_ok;
} elsif ($d == D_PAT_ADD) {
update_head_checkout $old_head, $new, 'make-patches';
} else {
print STDERR failmsg f_
"Patch export produced patch amendments".
" (abandoned output commit %s).".
" Try laundering first.",
unless $opt_quiet_would_amend;
finish 7;
sub check_series_has_all_patches ($) {
my ($head) = @_;
my $seriesfn = 'debian/patches/series';
my ($dummy, $series) = git_cat_file "$head:$seriesfn",
[qw(blob missing)];
$series //= '';
my %series;
our $comments_snagged;
foreach my $f (grep /\S/, grep {!m/^\s\#/} split /\n/, $series) {
if ($f =~ m/^\s*\#/) {
snag 'series-comments', f_
"%s contains comments, which will be discarded",
unless $comments_snagged++;
fail f_ "patch %s repeated in %s !", $f, $seriesfn if $series{$f}++;
foreach my $patchfile (get_tree "$head:debian/patches", 1,1) {
my ($f,$i) = @$patchfile;
next if $series{$f};
next if $f eq 'series';
snag 'unused-patches', f_
"Unused patch file %s will be discarded", $f;
sub begin_convert_from () {
my $head = get_head();
my ($ffqs, $ffqm, $symref, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast) = ffq_prev_branchinfo();
fail __ "ffq-prev exists, this is already managed by git-debrebase!"
if $ffq_prev && git_get_ref $ffq_prev;
my $gdrlast_obj = $gdrlast && git_get_ref $gdrlast;
snag 'already-converted', __
"ahead of debrebase-last, this is already managed by git-debrebase!"
if $gdrlast_obj && is_fast_fwd $gdrlast_obj, $head;
return ($head, { LastRef => $gdrlast, LastObj => $gdrlast_obj });
sub complete_convert_from ($$$$) {
my ($old_head, $new_head, $gi, $mrest) = @_;
ffq_check $new_head;
record_gdrlast $gi->{LastRef}, $new_head, $gi->{LastObj}
if $gi->{LastRef};
update_head_checkout $old_head, $new_head, $mrest;
sub cmd_convert_from_unapplied () { cmd_convert_from_gbp(); }
sub cmd_convert_from_gbp () {
badusage __ "want only 1 optional argument, the upstream git commitish"
unless @ARGV<=1;
my $clogp = parsechangelog();
my $version = $clogp->{'Version'}
// fail __ "missing Version from changelog\n";
my ($upstream_spec) = @ARGV;
my $upstream_version = upstreamversion $version;
my ($upstream, $upstream_used) =
resolve_upstream_version($upstream_spec, $upstream_version);
my ($old_head, $gdrlastinfo) = begin_convert_from();
my $upsdiff = get_differs $upstream, $old_head;
if ($upsdiff & D_UPS) {
runcmd @git, qw(--no-pager diff --stat),
$upstream, $old_head,
qw( -- :!/debian :/);
fail f_ <{Date};
next unless $stz->{Distribution} ne 'UNRELEASED';
$lvsn = $stz->{Version};
$suite = $stz->{Distribution};
die __ "neither of the first two changelog entries are released\n"
unless defined $lvsn;
print "last finished-looking changelog entry: ($lvsn) $suite\n";
my $mtag_pat = debiantag_maintview $lvsn, '*';
my $mtag = cmdoutput @git, qw(describe --always --abbrev=0 --match),
die f_ "could not find suitable maintainer view tag %s\n", $mtag_pat
unless $mtag =~ m{/};
is_fast_fwd $mtag, 'HEAD' or
die f_ "HEAD is not FF from maintainer tag %s!", $mtag;
my $dtag = "archive/$mtag";
git_get_ref "refs/tags/$dtag" or
die f_ "dgit view tag %s not found\n", $dtag;
is_fast_fwd $mtag, $dtag or
die f_ "dgit view tag %s is not FF from maintainer tag %s\n",
$dtag, $mtag;
print f_ "will stitch in dgit view, %s\n", $dtag;
git_rev_parse $dtag;
if (!$previous_dgit_view) {
$@ =~ s/^\n+//;
chomp $@;
print STDERR f_ <1;
my @upstreams;
if (@ARGV) {
my $spec = shift @ARGV;
my $commit = git_rev_parse "$spec^{commit}";
push @upstreams, { Commit => $commit,
Source => (f_ "%s, from command line", $spec),
Only => 1,
my ($head, $gdrlastinfo) = begin_convert_from();
if (!$always) {
my $troubles = 0;
my $trouble = sub { $troubles++; };
keycommits $head, sub{}, sub{}, $trouble, $trouble;
printdebug "troubles=$troubles\n";
if (!$troubles) {
print STDERR f_ <{Version};
print STDERR __
"Considering possible commits corresponding to upstream:\n";
if (!@upstreams) {
if ($do_tags) {
my @tried;
my $ups_tag = upstream_commitish_search $version, \@tried;
if ($ups_tag) {
my $this = f_ "git tag %s", $tried[-1];
push @upstreams, { Commit => $ups_tag,
Source => $this,
} else {
print STDERR f_
" git tag: no suitable tag found (tried %s)\n",
if ($do_origs) {
my $p = $clogp->{'Source'};
# we do a quick check to see if there are plausible origs
my $something=0;
if (!opendir BPD, $bpd) {
die f_ "opendir build-products-dir %s: %s", $bpd, $!
unless $!==ENOENT;
} else {
while ($!=0, my $f = readdir BPD) {
next unless is_orig_file_of_p_v $f, $p, $version;
print STDERR f_
" orig: found what looks like a .orig, %s\n",
confess "read $bpd: $!" if $!;
closedir BPD;
if ($something) {
my $tree = cmdoutput
@dgit, qw(--build-products-dir), $bpd,
in_workarea sub {
runcmd @git, qw(reset --quiet), $tree, qw(-- .);
rm_subdir_cached 'debian';
$tree = cmdoutput @git, qw(write-tree);
my $ups_synth = make_commit [], [ < $ups_synth,
Source => "orig(s) imported via dgit",
} else {
print STDERR f_
" orig: no suitable origs found (looked for %s in %s)\n",
"${p}_".(stripeoch $version)."...", $bpd;
my $some_patches = stat_exists 'debian/patches/series';
print STDERR __
"Evaluating possible commits corresponding to upstream:\n";
my $result;
foreach my $u (@upstreams) {
my $work = $head;
in_workarea sub {
runcmd @git, qw(reset --quiet), $u->{Commit}, qw(-- .);
runcmd @git, qw(checkout), $u->{Commit}, qw(-- .);
runcmd @git, qw(clean -xdff);
runcmd @git, qw(checkout), $head, qw(-- debian);
if ($some_patches) {
rm_subdir_cached 'debian/patches';
$work = make_commit [ $work ], [
'git-debrebase convert-from-dgit-view: drop upstream changes from breakwater',
"Drop upstream changes, and delete debian/patches, as part of converting\n".
"to git-debrebase format. Upstream changes will appear as commits.",
'[git-debrebase convert-from-dgit-view drop-patches]'
$work = make_commit [ $work, $u->{Commit} ], [
'git-debrebase convert-from-dgit-view: declare upstream',
'(Re)constructed breakwater merge.',
'[git-debrebase anchor: declare upstream]'
runcmd @git, qw(checkout --quiet -b mk), $work;
if ($some_patches) {
runcmd @git, qw(checkout), $head, qw(-- debian/patches);
runcmd @git, qw(reset --quiet);
my @gbp_cmd = (qw(gbp pq import));
if (!$diagnose) {
my $gbp_err = "../gbp-pq-err";
@gbp_cmd = shell_cmd "exec >$gbp_err 2>&1", @gbp_cmd;
my $r = system @gbp_cmd;
if ($r) {
print STDERR f_
" %s: couldn't apply patches: gbp pq %s",
$u->{Source}, waitstatusmsg();
my $work = git_rev_parse qw(HEAD);
my $diffout = cmdoutput @git, qw(diff-tree --stat HEAD), $work;
if (length $diffout) {
print STDERR f_
" %s: applying patches gives different tree\n",
print STDERR $diffout if $diagnose;
# OMG!
$u->{Result} = $work;
$result = $u;
last if $result;
if (!$result) {
fail __ <{Source};
complete_convert_from $head, $result->{Result}, $gdrlastinfo,
sub cmd_forget_was_ever_debrebase () {
badusage __ "forget-was-ever-debrebase takes no further arguments"
if @ARGV;
my ($ffqstatus, $ffq_msg, $current, $ffq_prev, $gdrlast) =
fail f_ "Not suitable for recording git-debrebaseness anyway: %s",
if defined $ffq_msg;
push @deferred_updates, "delete $ffq_prev";
push @deferred_updates, "delete $gdrlast";
run_deferred_updates "forget-was-ever-debrebase";
sub cmd_record_resolved_merge () {
badusage "record-resolved-merge takes no further arguments" if @ARGV;
# MERGE-TODO needs documentation
my $new = get_head();
my $method;
print "Checking how you have resolved the merge problem\n";
my $nope = sub { print "Not $method: @_"; 0; };
my $maybe = sub { print "Seems to be $method.\n"; };
my $yes = sub {
my ($key, $ref) = @_;
reflog_cache_insert $merge_cache_ref, $key, $ref;
print "OK. You can switch branches and try git-debrebase again.\n";
fresh_workarea 'merge';
sub {
$method = 'vanilla-merge patchqueue';
my $vanilla = git_get_ref "$wrecknoteprefix/vanilla-merge";
$vanilla or return $nope->("wreckage was not of vanilla-merge");
foreach my $lr (qw(left right)) {
my $n = "$wrecknoteprefix/$lr-patchqueue";
my $lrpq = git_get_ref $n;
$lrpq or return $nope->("wreckage did not contain patchqueues");
is_fast_fwd $lrpq, $new or return $nope->("HEAD not ff of $n");
my $newbase = git_get_ref "$wrecknoteprefix/new-base"
or die "wreckage element $wrecknoteprefix/new-base missing";
my $result = merge_series_patchqueue_convert
{}, $newbase, $new;
$yes->("vanilla-merge $vanilla", $result);
}->() or sub {
fail "No resolved merge method seems applicable.\n";
sub cmd_downstream_rebase_launder_v0 () {
badusage "needs 1 argument, the baseline" unless @ARGV==1;
my ($base) = @ARGV;
$base = git_rev_parse $base;
my $old_head = get_head();
my $current = $old_head;
my $topmost_keep;
for (;;) {
if ($current eq $base) {
$topmost_keep //= $current;
print " $current BASE stop\n";
my $cl = classify $current;
print " $current $cl->{Type}";
my $keep = 0;
my $p0 = $cl->{Parents}[0]{CommitId};
my $next;
if ($cl->{Type} eq 'Pseudomerge') {
print " ^".($cl->{Contributor}{Ix}+1);
$next = $cl->{Contributor}{CommitId};
} elsif ($cl->{Type} eq 'AddPatches' or
$cl->{Type} eq 'Changelog') {
print " strip";
$next = $p0;
} else {
print " keep";
$next = $p0;
$keep = 1;
print "\n";
if ($keep) {
$topmost_keep //= $current;
} else {
die "to-be stripped changes not on top of the branch\n"
if $topmost_keep;
$current = $next;
if ($topmost_keep eq $old_head) {
print "unchanged\n";
} else {
print "updating to $topmost_keep\n";
$old_head, $topmost_keep,
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
(__ "bad options\n",
"D+" => \$debuglevel,
'noop-ok', => \$opt_noop_ok,
'f=s' => \@snag_force_opts,
'anchor=s' => \@opt_anchors,
'--dgit=s' => \($dgit[0]),
'experimental-merge-resolution!', \$opt_merges,
'-i:s' => sub {
my ($opt,$val) = @_;
badusage f_ "%s: no cuddling to -i for git-rebase", $us
if length $val;
confess if $opt_defaultcmd_interactive; # should not happen
$opt_defaultcmd_interactive = [ qw(-i) ];
# This access to @ARGV is excessive familiarity with
# Getopt::Long, but there isn't another sensible
# approach. '-i=s{0,}' does not work with bundling.
push @$opt_defaultcmd_interactive, @ARGV;
'help' => sub { print __ $usage_message or confess "$!"; finish 0; },
initdebug('git-debrebase ');
enabledebug if $debuglevel;
$rd = fresh_playground "$playprefix/misc";
@opt_anchors = map { git_rev_parse $_ } @opt_anchors;
if (!@ARGV || $opt_defaultcmd_interactive || $ARGV[0] =~ m{^-}) {
} else {
my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
my $cmdfn = $cmd;
$cmdfn =~ y/-/_/;
$cmdfn = ${*::}{"cmd_$cmdfn"};
$cmdfn or badusage f_ "unknown git-debrebase sub-operation %s", $cmd;
finish 0;