This is the announcement of VTWM 5.4.4, an upgrade of the recently released VTWM 5.4. The web page,, has been updated, and the archive may be found via a link there, or directly via FTP at in the /users/hawkeyd/X directory, and in the /contrib/window_managers directory (if and when they move it there from the /incoming directory). The major changes, in a nutshell: - Squashed two big bugs, involving pan distances and monochrome GCs, that would crash VTWM. Many other nuisances exterminated, too. - The border drawing code [finally] renders the top segment of the border when using 3D squeezed titles, and now correctly renders small windows. - Enabled a resource to go easy on colormap allocations. - Added a resource for highlighting icon manager entries, independant of the border highlighting resource. - Simplified parameter enterpretation for SqueezeTitle list entries. - The startup sequence now searches for user and system .vtwmrc files, then user and system .twmrc files, in this order. - Color image (XPM) support for icons. - An up-to-date man page, and support for HTML and Postscript conversions. - Many additions and fixes to improve portability and operability. For those that may not know, VTWM 5.4 is an update of the venerable window manager that features a fully configurable 3D interface, as well as many other bells, whistles, and, of course, bug fixes. D. J. Hawkey Jr. ( January 27, 1998