) {
chomp or die;
printdebug "| $_\n";
m/^(\w+) (\S+)$/ or die "$_ ?";
push @out, { sha256sum => $1, filename => $2 };
close FIA or die failedcmd @cmd;
return \@out;
#---------- `madison' archive query method ----------
sub archive_query_madison {
return archive_query_prepend_mirror
map { [ @$_[0..1] ] } madison_get_parse(@_);
sub madison_get_parse {
my ($proto,$data) = @_;
die unless $proto eq 'madison';
if (!length $data) {
$data= access_cfg('madison-distro','RETURN-UNDEF');
$data //= access_basedistro();
$rmad{$proto,$data,$package} ||= cmdoutput
qw(rmadison -asource),"-s$isuite","-u$data",$package;
my $rmad = $rmad{$proto,$data,$package};
my @out;
foreach my $l (split /\n/, $rmad) {
$l =~ m{^ \s*( [^ \t|]+ )\s* \|
\s*( [^ \t|]+ )\s* \|
\s*( [^ \t|/]+ )(?:/([^ \t|/]+))? \s* \|
\s*( [^ \t|]+ )\s* }x or die "$rmad ?";
$1 eq $package or die "$rmad $package ?";
my $vsn = $2;
my $newsuite = $3;
my $component;
if (defined $4) {
$component = $4;
} else {
$component = access_cfg('archive-query-default-component');
$5 eq 'source' or die "$rmad ?";
push @out, [$vsn,pool_dsc_subpath($vsn,$component),$newsuite];
return sort { -version_compare($a->[0],$b->[0]); } @out;
sub canonicalise_suite_madison {
# madison canonicalises for us
my @r = madison_get_parse(@_);
@r or fail
"unable to canonicalise suite using package $package".
" which does not appear to exist in suite $isuite;".
" --existing-package may help";
return $r[0][2];
sub file_in_archive_madison { return undef; }
#---------- `sshpsql' archive query method ----------
sub sshpsql ($$$) {
my ($data,$runeinfo,$sql) = @_;
if (!length $data) {
$data= access_someuserhost('sshpsql').':'.
$data =~ m/:/ or badcfg "invalid sshpsql method string \`$data'";
my ($userhost,$dbname) = ($`,$'); #';
my @rows;
my @cmd = (access_cfg_ssh, $userhost,
access_runeinfo("ssh-psql $runeinfo").
" export LC_MESSAGES=C; export LC_CTYPE=C;".
" ".shellquote qw(psql -A), $dbname, qw(-c), $sql);
debugcmd "|",@cmd;
open P, "-|", @cmd or die $!;
while () {
chomp or die;
push @rows, $_;
$!=0; $?=0; close P or failedcmd @cmd;
@rows or die;
my $nrows = pop @rows;
$nrows =~ s/^\((\d+) rows?\)$/$1/ or die "$nrows ?";
@rows == $nrows+1 or die "$nrows ".(scalar @rows)." ?";
@rows = map { [ split /\|/, $_ ] } @rows;
my $ncols = scalar @{ shift @rows };
die if grep { scalar @$_ != $ncols } @rows;
return @rows;
sub sql_injection_check {
foreach (@_) { die "$_ $& ?" if m{[^-+=:_.,/0-9a-zA-Z]}; }
sub archive_query_sshpsql ($$) {
my ($proto,$data) = @_;
sql_injection_check $isuite, $package;
my @rows = sshpsql($data, "archive-query $isuite $package", <[0],$b->[0]) } @rows;
my $digester = Digest::SHA->new(256);
@rows = map {
my ($vsn,$component,$filename,$sha256sum) = @$_;
[ $vsn, "/pool/$component/$filename",$digester,$sha256sum ];
} @rows;
return archive_query_prepend_mirror @rows;
sub canonicalise_suite_sshpsql ($$) {
my ($proto,$data) = @_;
sql_injection_check $isuite;
my @rows = sshpsql($data, "canonicalise-suite $isuite", <[0] } @rows;
fail "unknown suite $isuite" unless @rows;
die "ambiguous $isuite: @rows ?" if @rows>1;
return $rows[0];
sub file_in_archive_sshpsql ($$$) { return undef; }
#---------- `dummycat' archive query method ----------
sub canonicalise_suite_dummycat ($$) {
my ($proto,$data) = @_;
my $dpath = "$data/suite.$isuite";
if (!open C, "<", $dpath) {
$!==ENOENT or die "$dpath: $!";
printdebug "dummycat canonicalise_suite $isuite $dpath ENOENT\n";
return $isuite;
$!=0; $_ = ;
chomp or die "$dpath: $!";
close C;
printdebug "dummycat canonicalise_suite $isuite $dpath = $_\n";
return $_;
sub archive_query_dummycat ($$) {
my ($proto,$data) = @_;
my $dpath = "$data/package.$csuite.$package";
if (!open C, "<", $dpath) {
$!==ENOENT or die "$dpath: $!";
printdebug "dummycat query $csuite $package $dpath ENOENT\n";
return ();
my @rows;
while () {
next if m/^\#/;
next unless m/\S/;
die unless chomp;
printdebug "dummycat query $csuite $package $dpath | $_\n";
my @row = split /\s+/, $_;
@row==2 or die "$dpath: $_ ?";
push @rows, \@row;
C->error and die "$dpath: $!";
close C;
return archive_query_prepend_mirror
sort { -version_compare($a->[0],$b->[0]); } @rows;
sub file_in_archive_dummycat () { return undef; }
#---------- tag format handling ----------
sub access_cfg_tagformats () {
split /\,/, access_cfg('dgit-tag-format');
sub access_cfg_tagformats_can_splitbrain () {
my %y = map { $_ => 1 } access_cfg_tagformats;
foreach my $needtf (qw(new maint)) {
next if $y{$needtf};
return 0;
return 1;
sub need_tagformat ($$) {
my ($fmt, $why) = @_;
fail "need to use tag format $fmt ($why) but also need".
" to use tag format $tagformat_want->[0] ($tagformat_want->[1])".
" - no way to proceed"
if $tagformat_want && $tagformat_want->[0] ne $fmt;
$tagformat_want = [$fmt, $why, $tagformat_want->[2] // 0];
sub select_tagformat () {
# sets $tagformatfn
return if $tagformatfn && !$tagformat_want;
die 'bug' if $tagformatfn && $tagformat_want;
# ... $tagformat_want assigned after previous select_tagformat
my (@supported) = grep { $_ =~ m/^(?:old|new)$/ } access_cfg_tagformats();
printdebug "select_tagformat supported @supported\n";
$tagformat_want //= [ $supported[0], "distro access configuration", 0 ];
printdebug "select_tagformat specified @$tagformat_want\n";
my ($fmt,$why,$override) = @$tagformat_want;
fail "target distro supports tag formats @supported".
" but have to use $fmt ($why)"
unless $override
or grep { $_ eq $fmt } @supported;
$tagformat_want = undef;
$tagformat = $fmt;
$tagformatfn = ${*::}{"debiantag_$fmt"};
fail "trying to use unknown tag format \`$fmt' ($why) !"
unless $tagformatfn;
#---------- archive query entrypoints and rest of program ----------
sub canonicalise_suite () {
return if defined $csuite;
fail "cannot operate on $isuite suite" if $isuite eq 'UNRELEASED';
$csuite = archive_query('canonicalise_suite');
if ($isuite ne $csuite) {
progress "canonical suite name for $isuite is $csuite";
} else {
progress "canonical suite name is $csuite";
sub get_archive_dsc () {
my @vsns = archive_query('archive_query');
foreach my $vinfo (@vsns) {
my ($vsn,$vsn_dscurl,$digester,$digest) = @$vinfo;
$dscurl = $vsn_dscurl;
$dscdata = url_get($dscurl);
if (!$dscdata) {
$skew_warning_vsn = $vsn if !defined $skew_warning_vsn;
if ($digester) {
my $got = $digester->hexdigest();
$got eq $digest or
fail "$dscurl has hash $got but".
" archive told us to expect $digest";
my $fmt = getfield $dsc, 'Format';
$format_ok{$fmt} or forceable_fail [qw(unsupported-source-format)],
"unsupported source format $fmt, sorry";
$dsc_checked = !!$digester;
printdebug "get_archive_dsc: Version ".(getfield $dsc, 'Version')."\n";
$dsc = undef;
printdebug "get_archive_dsc: nothing in archive, returning undef\n";
sub check_for_git ();
sub check_for_git () {
# returns 0 or 1
my $how = access_cfg('git-check');
if ($how eq 'ssh-cmd') {
my @cmd =
(access_cfg_ssh, access_gituserhost(),
access_runeinfo("git-check $package").
" set -e; cd ".access_cfg('git-path').";".
" if test -d $package.git; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi");
my $r= cmdoutput @cmd;
if (defined $r and $r =~ m/^divert (\w+)$/) {
my $divert=$1;
my ($usedistro,) = access_distros();
# NB that if we are pushing, $usedistro will be $distro/push
$instead_distro= cfg("dgit-distro.$usedistro.diverts.$divert");
$instead_distro =~ s{^/}{ access_basedistro()."/" }e;
progress "diverting to $divert (using config for $instead_distro)";
return check_for_git();
failedcmd @cmd unless defined $r and $r =~ m/^[01]$/;
return $r+0;
} elsif ($how eq 'url') {
my $prefix = access_cfg('git-check-url','git-url');
my $suffix = access_cfg('git-check-suffix','git-suffix',
'RETURN-UNDEF') // '.git';
my $url = "$prefix/$package$suffix";
my @cmd = (@curl, qw(-sS -I), $url);
my $result = cmdoutput @cmd;
$result =~ s/^\S+ 200 .*\n\r?\n//;
# curl -sS -I with https_proxy prints
# HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
$result =~ m/^\S+ (404|200) /s or
fail "unexpected results from git check query - ".
Dumper($prefix, $result);
my $code = $1;
if ($code eq '404') {
return 0;
} elsif ($code eq '200') {
return 1;
} else {
} elsif ($how eq 'true') {
return 1;
} elsif ($how eq 'false') {
return 0;
} else {
badcfg "unknown git-check \`$how'";
sub create_remote_git_repo () {
my $how = access_cfg('git-create');
if ($how eq 'ssh-cmd') {
(access_cfg_ssh, access_gituserhost(),
access_runeinfo("git-create $package").
"set -e; cd ".access_cfg('git-path').";".
" cp -a _template $package.git");
} elsif ($how eq 'true') {
# nothing to do
} else {
badcfg "unknown git-create \`$how'";
our ($dsc_hash,$lastpush_mergeinput);
our ($dsc_distro, $dsc_hint_tag, $dsc_hint_url);
our $ud = '.git/dgit/unpack';
sub prep_ud (;$) {
my ($d) = @_;
$d //= $ud;
mkpath '.git/dgit';
mkdir $d or die $!;
sub mktree_in_ud_here () {
runcmd qw(git init -q);
runcmd qw(git config gc.auto 0);
symlink '../../../../objects','.git/objects' or die $!;
sub git_write_tree () {
my $tree = cmdoutput @git, qw(write-tree);
$tree =~ m/^\w+$/ or die "$tree ?";
return $tree;
sub git_add_write_tree () {
runcmd @git, qw(add -Af .);
return git_write_tree();
sub remove_stray_gits ($) {
my ($what) = @_;
my @gitscmd = qw(find -name .git -prune -print0);
debugcmd "|",@gitscmd;
open GITS, "-|", @gitscmd or die $!;
local $/="\0";
while () {
chomp or die;
print STDERR "$us: warning: removing from $what: ",
(messagequote $_), "\n";
rmtree $_;
$!=0; $?=0; close GITS or failedcmd @gitscmd;
sub mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir ($;$) {
my ($what,$raw) = @_;
# changes into the subdir
my (@dirs) = <*/.>;
die "expected one subdir but found @dirs ?" unless @dirs==1;
$dirs[0] =~ m#^([^/]+)/\.$# or die;
my $dir = $1;
changedir $dir;
if (!$raw) {
my ($format, $fopts) = get_source_format();
if (madformat($format)) {
rmtree '.pc';
my $tree=git_add_write_tree();
return ($tree,$dir);
our @files_csum_info_fields =
(['Checksums-Sha256','Digest::SHA', 'new(256)', 'sha256sum'],
['Checksums-Sha1', 'Digest::SHA', 'new(1)', 'sha1sum'],
['Files', 'Digest::MD5', 'new()', 'md5sum']);
sub dsc_files_info () {
foreach my $csumi (@files_csum_info_fields) {
my ($fname, $module, $method) = @$csumi;
my $field = $dsc->{$fname};
next unless defined $field;
eval "use $module; 1;" or die $@;
my @out;
foreach (split /\n/, $field) {
next unless m/\S/;
m/^(\w+) (\d+) (\S+)$/ or
fail "could not parse .dsc $fname line \`$_'";
my $digester = eval "$module"."->$method;" or die $@;
push @out, {
Hash => $1,
Bytes => $2,
Filename => $3,
Digester => $digester,
return @out;
fail "missing any supported Checksums-* or Files field in ".
sub dsc_files () {
map { $_->{Filename} } dsc_files_info();
sub files_compare_inputs (@) {
my $inputs = \@_;
my %record;
my %fchecked;
my $showinputs = sub {
return join "; ", map { $_->get_option('name') } @$inputs;
foreach my $in (@$inputs) {
my $expected_files;
my $in_name = $in->get_option('name');
printdebug "files_compare_inputs $in_name\n";
foreach my $csumi (@files_csum_info_fields) {
my ($fname) = @$csumi;
printdebug "files_compare_inputs $in_name $fname\n";
my $field = $in->{$fname};
next unless defined $field;
my @files;
foreach (split /\n/, $field) {
next unless m/\S/;
my ($info, $f) = m/^(\w+ \d+) (?:\S+ \S+ )?(\S+)$/ or
fail "could not parse $in_name $fname line \`$_'";
printdebug "files_compare_inputs $in_name $fname $f\n";
push @files, $f;
my $re = \ $record{$f}{$fname};
if (defined $$re) {
$fchecked{$f}{$in_name} = 1;
$$re eq $info or
fail "hash or size of $f varies in $fname fields".
" (between: ".$showinputs->().")";
} else {
$$re = $info;
@files = sort @files;
$expected_files //= \@files;
"@$expected_files" eq "@files" or
fail "file list in $in_name varies between hash fields!";
$expected_files or
fail "$in_name has no files list field(s)";
printdebug "files_compare_inputs ".Dumper(\%fchecked, \%record)
if $debuglevel>=2;
grep { keys %$_ == @$inputs-1 } values %fchecked
or fail "no file appears in all file lists".
" (looked in: ".$showinputs->().")";
sub is_orig_file_in_dsc ($$) {
my ($f, $dsc_files_info) = @_;
return 0 if @$dsc_files_info <= 1;
# One file means no origs, and the filename doesn't have a "what
# part of dsc" component. (Consider versions ending `.orig'.)
return 0 unless $f =~ m/\.$orig_f_tail_re$/o;
return 1;
sub is_orig_file_of_vsn ($$) {
my ($f, $upstreamvsn) = @_;
my $base = srcfn $upstreamvsn, '';
return 0 unless $f =~ m/^\Q$base\E\.$orig_f_tail_re$/;
return 1;
sub changes_update_origs_from_dsc ($$$$) {
my ($dsc, $changes, $upstreamvsn, $changesfile) = @_;
my %changes_f;
printdebug "checking origs needed ($upstreamvsn)...\n";
$_ = getfield $changes, 'Files';
m/^\w+ \d+ (\S+ \S+) \S+$/m or
fail "cannot find section/priority from .changes Files field";
my $placementinfo = $1;
my %changed;
printdebug "checking origs needed placement '$placementinfo'...\n";
foreach my $l (split /\n/, getfield $dsc, 'Files') {
$l =~ m/\S+$/ or next;
my $file = $&;
printdebug "origs $file | $l\n";
next unless is_orig_file_of_vsn $file, $upstreamvsn;
printdebug "origs $file is_orig\n";
my $have = archive_query('file_in_archive', $file);
if (!defined $have) {
print STDERR <{$archivefield};
$_ = $dsc->{$fname};
next unless defined;
m/^(\w+) .* \Q$file\E$/m or
fail ".dsc $fname missing entry for $file";
if ($h->{$archivefield} eq $1) {
} else {
push @differ,
"$archivefield: $h->{$archivefield} (archive) != $1 (local .dsc)";
die "$file ".Dumper($h)." ?!" if $same && @differ;
if $same;
push @found_differ, "archive $h->{filename}: ".join "; ", @differ
if @differ;
printdebug "origs $file f.same=$found_same".
" #f._differ=$#found_differ\n";
if (@found_differ && !$found_same) {
fail join "\n",
"archive contains $file with different checksum",
# Now we edit the changes file to add or remove it
foreach my $csumi (@files_csum_info_fields) {
my ($fname, $module, $method, $archivefield) = @$csumi;
next unless defined $changes->{$fname};
if ($found_same) {
# in archive, delete from .changes if it's there
$changed{$file} = "removed" if
$changes->{$fname} =~ s/^.* \Q$file\E$(?:)\n//m;
} elsif ($changes->{$fname} =~ m/^.* \Q$file\E$(?:)\n/m) {
# not in archive, but it's here in the .changes
} else {
my $dsc_data = getfield $dsc, $fname;
$dsc_data =~ m/^(.* \Q$file\E$)\n/m or die "$dsc_data $file ?";
my $extra = $1;
$extra =~ s/ \d+ /$&$placementinfo /
or die "$fname $extra >$dsc_data< ?"
if $fname eq 'Files';
$changes->{$fname} .= "\n". $extra;
$changed{$file} = "added";
if (%changed) {
foreach my $file (keys %changed) {
progress sprintf
"edited .changes for archive .orig contents: %s %s",
$changed{$file}, $file;
my $chtmp = "$changesfile.tmp";
if (act_local()) {
rename $chtmp,$changesfile or die "$changesfile $!";
} else {
progress "[new .changes left in $changesfile]";
} else {
progress "$changesfile already has appropriate .orig(s) (if any)";
sub make_commit ($) {
my ($file) = @_;
return cmdoutput @git, qw(hash-object -w -t commit), $file;
sub make_commit_text ($) {
my ($text) = @_;
my ($out, $in);
my @cmd = (@git, qw(hash-object -w -t commit --stdin));
debugcmd "|",@cmd;
print Dumper($text) if $debuglevel > 1;
my $child = open2($out, $in, @cmd) or die $!;
my $h;
eval {
print $in $text or die $!;
close $in or die $!;
$h = <$out>;
$h =~ m/^\w+$/ or die;
$h = $&;
printdebug "=> $h\n";
close $out;
waitpid $child, 0 == $child or die "$child $!";
$? and failedcmd @cmd;
return $h;
sub clogp_authline ($) {
my ($clogp) = @_;
my $author = getfield $clogp, 'Maintainer';
$author =~ s#,.*##ms;
my $date = cmdoutput qw(date), '+%s %z', qw(-d), getfield($clogp,'Date');
my $authline = "$author $date";
$authline =~ m/$git_authline_re/o or
fail "unexpected commit author line format \`$authline'".
" (was generated from changelog Maintainer field)";
return ($1,$2,$3) if wantarray;
return $authline;
sub vendor_patches_distro ($$) {
my ($checkdistro, $what) = @_;
return unless defined $checkdistro;
my $series = "debian/patches/\L$checkdistro\E.series";
printdebug "checking for vendor-specific $series ($what)\n";
if (!open SERIES, "<", $series) {
die "$series $!" unless $!==ENOENT;
while () {
next unless m/\S/;
next if m/^\s+\#/;
print STDERR <error;
close SERIES;
sub check_for_vendor_patches () {
# This dpkg-source feature doesn't seem to be documented anywhere!
# But it can be found in the changelog (reformatted):
# commit 4fa01b70df1dc4458daee306cfa1f987b69da58c
# Author: Raphael Hertzog
# Date: Sun Oct 3 09:36:48 2010 +0200
# dpkg-source: correctly create .pc/.quilt_series with alternate
# series files
# If you have debian/patches/ubuntu.series and you were
# unpacking the source package on ubuntu, quilt was still
# directed to debian/patches/series instead of
# debian/patches/ubuntu.series.
# debian/changelog | 3 +++
# scripts/Dpkg/Source/Package/V3/quilt.pm | 4 +++-
# 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
use Dpkg::Vendor;
vendor_patches_distro($ENV{DEB_VENDOR}, "DEB_VENDOR");
"Dpkg::Vendor \`current vendor'");
"(base) distro being accessed");
"(nominal) distro being accessed");
sub generate_commits_from_dsc () {
# See big comment in fetch_from_archive, below.
# See also README.dsc-import.
changedir $ud;
my @dfi = dsc_files_info();
foreach my $fi (@dfi) {
my $f = $fi->{Filename};
die "$f ?" if $f =~ m#/|^\.|\.dsc$|\.tmp$#;
my $upper_f = "../../../../$f";
printdebug "considering reusing $f: ";
if (link_ltarget "$upper_f,fetch", $f) {
printdebug "linked (using ...,fetch).\n";
} elsif ((printdebug "($!) "),
$! != ENOENT) {
fail "accessing ../$f,fetch: $!";
} elsif (link_ltarget $upper_f, $f) {
printdebug "linked.\n";
} elsif ((printdebug "($!) "),
$! != ENOENT) {
fail "accessing ../$f: $!";
} else {
printdebug "absent.\n";
my $refetched;
complete_file_from_dsc('.', $fi, \$refetched)
or next;
printdebug "considering saving $f: ";
if (link $f, $upper_f) {
printdebug "linked.\n";
} elsif ((printdebug "($!) "),
$! != EEXIST) {
fail "saving ../$f: $!";
} elsif (!$refetched) {
printdebug "no need.\n";
} elsif (link $f, "$upper_f,fetch") {
printdebug "linked (using ...,fetch).\n";
} elsif ((printdebug "($!) "),
$! != EEXIST) {
fail "saving ../$f,fetch: $!";
} else {
printdebug "cannot.\n";
# We unpack and record the orig tarballs first, so that we only
# need disk space for one private copy of the unpacked source.
# But we can't make them into commits until we have the metadata
# from the debian/changelog, so we record the tree objects now and
# make them into commits later.
my @tartrees;
my $upstreamv = upstreamversion $dsc->{version};
my $orig_f_base = srcfn $upstreamv, '';
foreach my $fi (@dfi) {
# We actually import, and record as a commit, every tarball
# (unless there is only one file, in which case there seems
# little point.
my $f = $fi->{Filename};
printdebug "import considering $f ";
(printdebug "only one dfi\n"), next if @dfi == 1;
(printdebug "not tar\n"), next unless $f =~ m/\.tar(\.\w+)?$/;
(printdebug "signature\n"), next if $f =~ m/$orig_f_sig_re$/o;
my $compr_ext = $1;
my ($orig_f_part) =
$f =~ m/^\Q$orig_f_base\E\.([^._]+)?\.tar(?:\.\w+)?$/;
printdebug "Y ", (join ' ', map { $_//"(none)" }
$compr_ext, $orig_f_part
), "\n";
my $input = new IO::File $f, '<' or die "$f $!";
my $compr_pid;
my @compr_cmd;
if (defined $compr_ext) {
my $cname =
Dpkg::Compression::compression_guess_from_filename $f;
fail "Dpkg::Compression cannot handle file $f in source package"
if defined $compr_ext && !defined $cname;
my $compr_proc =
new Dpkg::Compression::Process compression => $cname;
my @compr_cmd = $compr_proc->get_uncompress_cmdline();
my $compr_fh = new IO::Handle;
my $compr_pid = open $compr_fh, "-|" // die $!;
if (!$compr_pid) {
open STDIN, "<&", $input or die $!;
exec @compr_cmd;
die "dgit (child): exec $compr_cmd[0]: $!\n";
$input = $compr_fh;
rmtree "_unpack-tar";
mkdir "_unpack-tar" or die $!;
my @tarcmd = qw(tar -x -f -
--no-same-owner --no-same-permissions
--no-acls --no-xattrs --no-selinux);
my $tar_pid = fork // die $!;
if (!$tar_pid) {
chdir "_unpack-tar" or die $!;
open STDIN, "<&", $input or die $!;
exec @tarcmd;
die "dgit (child): exec $tarcmd[0]: $!";
$!=0; (waitpid $tar_pid, 0) == $tar_pid or die $!;
!$? or failedcmd @tarcmd;
close $input or
(@compr_cmd ? failedcmd @compr_cmd
: die $!);
# finally, we have the results in "tarball", but maybe
# with the wrong permissions
runcmd qw(chmod -R +rwX _unpack-tar);
changedir "_unpack-tar";
my ($tree) = git_add_write_tree();
my $tentries = cmdoutput @git, qw(ls-tree -z), $tree;
if ($tentries =~ m/^\d+ tree (\w+)\t[^\000]+\000$/s) {
$tree = $1;
printdebug "one subtree $1\n";
} else {
printdebug "multiple subtrees\n";
changedir "..";
rmtree "_unpack-tar";
my $ent = [ $f, $tree ];
push @tartrees, {
Orig => !!$orig_f_part,
Sort => (!$orig_f_part ? 2 :
$orig_f_part =~ m/-/g ? 1 :
F => $f,
Tree => $tree,
@tartrees = sort {
# put any without "_" first (spec is not clear whether files
# are always in the usual order). Tarballs without "_" are
# the main orig or the debian tarball.
$a->{Sort} <=> $b->{Sort} or
$a->{F} cmp $b->{F}
} @tartrees;
my $any_orig = grep { $_->{Orig} } @tartrees;
my $dscfn = "$package.dsc";
my $treeimporthow = 'package';
open D, ">", $dscfn or die "$dscfn: $!";
print D $dscdata or die "$dscfn: $!";
close D or die "$dscfn: $!";
my @cmd = qw(dpkg-source);
push @cmd, '--no-check' if $dsc_checked;
if (madformat $dsc->{format}) {
push @cmd, '--skip-patches';
$treeimporthow = 'unpatched';
push @cmd, qw(-x --), $dscfn;
runcmd @cmd;
my ($tree,$dir) = mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir("source package");
if (madformat $dsc->{format}) {
my $dappliedtree;
if (madformat $dsc->{format}) {
my @pcmd = qw(dpkg-source --before-build .);
runcmd shell_cmd 'exec >/dev/null', @pcmd;
rmtree '.pc';
$dappliedtree = git_add_write_tree();
my @clogcmd = qw(dpkg-parsechangelog --format rfc822 --all);
debugcmd "|",@clogcmd;
open CLOGS, "-|", @clogcmd or die $!;
my $clogp;
my $r1clogp;
printdebug "import clog search...\n";
for (;;) {
my $stanzatext = do { local $/=""; ; };
printdebug "import clogp ".Dumper($stanzatext) if $debuglevel>1;
last if !defined $stanzatext;
my $desc = "package changelog, entry no.$.";
open my $stanzafh, "<", \$stanzatext or die;
my $thisstanza = parsecontrolfh $stanzafh, $desc, 1;
$clogp //= $thisstanza;
printdebug "import clog $thisstanza->{version} $desc...\n";
last if !$any_orig; # we don't need $r1clogp
# We look for the first (most recent) changelog entry whose
# version number is lower than the upstream version of this
# package. Then the last (least recent) previous changelog
# entry is treated as the one which introduced this upstream
# version and used for the synthetic commits for the upstream
# tarballs.
# One might think that a more sophisticated algorithm would be
# necessary. But: we do not want to scan the whole changelog
# file. Stopping when we see an earlier version, which
# necessarily then is an earlier upstream version, is the only
# realistic way to do that. Then, either the earliest
# changelog entry we have seen so far is indeed the earliest
# upload of this upstream version; or there are only changelog
# entries relating to later upstream versions (which is not
# possible unless the changelog and .dsc disagree about the
# version). Then it remains to choose between the physically
# last entry in the file, and the one with the lowest version
# number. If these are not the same, we guess that the
# versions were created in a non-monotic order rather than
# that the changelog entries have been misordered.
printdebug "import clog $thisstanza->{version} vs $upstreamv...\n";
last if version_compare($thisstanza->{version}, $upstreamv) < 0;
$r1clogp = $thisstanza;
printdebug "import clog $r1clogp->{version} becomes r1\n";
die $! if CLOGS->error;
close CLOGS or $?==SIGPIPE or failedcmd @clogcmd;
$clogp or fail "package changelog has no entries!";
my $authline = clogp_authline $clogp;
my $changes = getfield $clogp, 'Changes';
my $cversion = getfield $clogp, 'Version';
if (@tartrees) {
$r1clogp //= $clogp; # maybe there's only one entry;
my $r1authline = clogp_authline $r1clogp;
# Strictly, r1authline might now be wrong if it's going to be
# unused because !$any_orig. Whatever.
printdebug "import tartrees authline $authline\n";
printdebug "import tartrees r1authline $r1authline\n";
foreach my $tt (@tartrees) {
printdebug "import tartree $tt->{F} $tt->{Tree}\n";
$tt->{Commit} = make_commit_text($tt->{Orig} ? <{Tree}
author $r1authline
committer $r1authline
Import $tt->{F}
[dgit import orig $tt->{F}]
tree $tt->{Tree}
author $authline
committer $authline
Import $tt->{F}
[dgit import tarball $package $cversion $tt->{F}]
printdebug "import main commit\n";
open C, ">../commit.tmp" or die $!;
print C <{Commit}
print C <{format}) {
printdebug "import apply patches...\n";
# regularise the state of the working tree so that
# the checkout of $rawimport_hash works nicely.
my $dappliedcommit = make_commit_text(</dev/null 2>>../../gbp-pq-output', @showcmd;
debugcmd "+",@realcmd;
if (system @realcmd) {
die +(shellquote @showcmd).
" failed: ".
my $gapplied = git_rev_parse('HEAD');
my $gappliedtree = cmdoutput @git, qw(rev-parse HEAD:);
$gappliedtree eq $dappliedtree or
fail < $rawimport_hash,
Info => "Import of source package",
my @output = ($rawimport_mergeinput);
if ($lastpush_mergeinput) {
my $oldclogp = mergeinfo_getclogp($lastpush_mergeinput);
my $oversion = getfield $oldclogp, 'Version';
my $vcmp =
version_compare($oversion, $cversion);
if ($vcmp < 0) {
@output = ($rawimport_mergeinput, $lastpush_mergeinput,
{ Message => < 1 });
Record $package ($cversion) in archive suite $csuite
} elsif ($vcmp > 0) {
print STDERR <{Filename}"
# and will set $$refetched=1 if it did so (or tried to).
my $f = $fi->{Filename};
my $tf = "$dstdir/$f";
my $downloaded = 0;
my $got;
my $checkhash = sub {
open F, "<", "$tf" or die "$tf: $!";
F->error and die $!;
my $got = $fi->{Digester}->hexdigest();
return $got eq $fi->{Hash};
if (stat_exists $tf) {
if ($checkhash->()) {
progress "using existing $f";
return 1;
if (!$refetched) {
fail "file $f has hash $got but .dsc".
" demands hash $fi->{Hash} ".
"(perhaps you should delete this file?)";
progress "need to fetch correct version of $f";
unlink $tf or die "$tf $!";
$$refetched = 1;
} else {
printdebug "$tf does not exist, need to fetch\n";
my $furl = $dscurl;
$furl =~ s{/[^/]+$}{};
$furl .= "/$f";
die "$f ?" unless $f =~ m/^\Q${package}\E_/;
die "$f ?" if $f =~ m#/#;
runcmd_ordryrun_local @curl,qw(-f -o),$tf,'--',"$furl";
return 0 if !act_local();
$checkhash->() or
fail "file $f has hash $got but .dsc".
" demands hash $fi->{Hash} ".
"(got wrong file from archive!)";
return 1;
sub ensure_we_have_orig () {
my @dfi = dsc_files_info();
foreach my $fi (@dfi) {
my $f = $fi->{Filename};
next unless is_orig_file_in_dsc($f, \@dfi);
complete_file_from_dsc('..', $fi)
or next;
#---------- git fetch ----------
sub lrfetchrefs () { return "refs/dgit-fetch/".access_basedistro(); }
sub lrfetchref () { return lrfetchrefs.'/'.server_branch($csuite); }
# We fetch some parts of lrfetchrefs/*. Ideally we delete these
# locally fetched refs because they have unhelpful names and clutter
# up gitk etc. So we track whether we have "used up" head ref (ie,
# whether we have made another local ref which refers to this object).
# (If we deleted them unconditionally, then we might end up
# re-fetching the same git objects each time dgit fetch was run.)
# So, each use of lrfetchrefs needs to be accompanied by arrangements
# in git_fetch_us to fetch the refs in question, and possibly a call
# to lrfetchref_used.
our (%lrfetchrefs_f, %lrfetchrefs_d);
# $lrfetchrefs_X{lrfetchrefs."/heads/whatever"} = $objid
sub lrfetchref_used ($) {
my ($fullrefname) = @_;
my $objid = $lrfetchrefs_f{$fullrefname};
$lrfetchrefs_d{$fullrefname} = $objid if defined $objid;
sub git_lrfetch_sane {
my ($url, $supplementary, @specs) = @_;
# Make a 'refs/'.lrfetchrefs.'/*' be just like on server,
# at least as regards @specs. Also leave the results in
# %lrfetchrefs_f, and arrange for lrfetchref_used to be
# able to clean these up.
# With $supplementary==1, @specs must not contain wildcards
# and we add to our previous fetches (non-atomically).
# This is rather miserable:
# When git fetch --prune is passed a fetchspec ending with a *,
# it does a plausible thing. If there is no * then:
# - it matches subpaths too, even if the supplied refspec
# starts refs, and behaves completely madly if the source
# has refs/refs/something. (See, for example, Debian #NNNN.)
# - if there is no matching remote ref, it bombs out the whole
# fetch.
# We want to fetch a fixed ref, and we don't know in advance
# if it exists, so this is not suitable.
# Our workaround is to use git ls-remote. git ls-remote has its
# own qairks. Notably, it has the absurd multi-tail-matching
# behaviour: git ls-remote R refs/foo can report refs/foo AND
# refs/refs/foo etc.
# Also, we want an idempotent snapshot, but we have to make two
# calls to the remote: one to git ls-remote and to git fetch. The
# solution is use git ls-remote to obtain a target state, and
# git fetch to try to generate it. If we don't manage to generate
# the target state, we try again.
printdebug "git_lrfetch_sane suppl=$supplementary specs @specs\n";
my $specre = join '|', map {
my $x = $_;
$x =~ s/\W/\\$&/g;
my $wildcard = $x =~ s/\\\*$/.*/;
die if $wildcard && $supplementary;
} @specs;
printdebug "git_lrfetch_sane specre=$specre\n";
my $wanted_rref = sub {
local ($_) = @_;
return m/^(?:$specre)$/;
my $fetch_iteration = 0;
for (;;) {
printdebug "git_lrfetch_sane iteration $fetch_iteration\n";
if (++$fetch_iteration > 10) {
fail "too many iterations trying to get sane fetch!";
my @look = map { "refs/$_" } @specs;
my @lcmd = (@git, qw(ls-remote -q --refs), $url, @look);
debugcmd "|",@lcmd;
my %wantr;
open GITLS, "-|", @lcmd or die $!;
while () {
printdebug "=> ", $_;
m/^(\w+)\s+(\S+)\n/ or die "ls-remote $_ ?";
my ($objid,$rrefname) = ($1,$2);
if (!$wanted_rref->($rrefname)) {
print STDERR <($rrefname)) {
printdebug <';
my $want = $wantr{$rrefname};
next if $got eq $want;
if (!defined $objgot{$want}) {
print STDERR <('*',access_nomdistro) }
\&debiantag_new, \&debiantag_maintview)
: debiantags('*',access_nomdistro));
push @specs, server_branch($csuite);
push @specs, $rewritemap;
push @specs, qw(heads/*) if deliberately_not_fast_forward;
my $url = access_giturl();
git_lrfetch_sane $url, 0, @specs;
my %here;
my @tagpats = debiantags('*',access_nomdistro);
git_for_each_ref([map { "refs/tags/$_" } @tagpats], sub {
my ($objid,$objtype,$fullrefname,$reftail) = @_;
printdebug "currently $fullrefname=$objid\n";
$here{$fullrefname} = $objid;
git_for_each_ref([map { lrfetchrefs."/tags/".$_ } @tagpats], sub {
my ($objid,$objtype,$fullrefname,$reftail) = @_;
my $lref = "refs".substr($fullrefname, length(lrfetchrefs));
printdebug "offered $lref=$objid\n";
if (!defined $here{$lref}) {
my @upd = (@git, qw(update-ref), $lref, $objid, '');
runcmd_ordryrun_local @upd;
lrfetchref_used $fullrefname;
} elsif ($here{$lref} eq $objid) {
lrfetchref_used $fullrefname;
} else {
print STDERR
"Not updating $lref from $here{$lref} to $objid.\n";
#---------- dsc and archive handling ----------
sub mergeinfo_getclogp ($) {
# Ensures thit $mi->{Clogp} exists and returns it
my ($mi) = @_;
$mi->{Clogp} = commit_getclogp($mi->{Commit});
sub mergeinfo_version ($) {
return getfield( (mergeinfo_getclogp $_[0]), 'Version' );
sub fetch_from_archive_record_1 ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
runcmd @git, qw(update-ref -m), "dgit fetch $csuite",
'DGIT_ARCHIVE', $hash;
cmdoutput @git, qw(log -n2), $hash;
# ... gives git a chance to complain if our commit is malformed
sub fetch_from_archive_record_2 ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my @upd_cmd = (@git, qw(update-ref -m), 'dgit fetch', lrref(), $hash);
if (act_local()) {
cmdoutput @upd_cmd;
} else {
dryrun_report @upd_cmd;
sub parse_dsc_field_def_dsc_distro () {
$dsc_distro //= cfg qw(dgit.default.old-dsc-distro
sub parse_dsc_field ($$) {
my ($dsc, $what) = @_;
my $f;
foreach my $field (@ourdscfield) {
$f = $dsc->{$field};
last if defined $f;
if (!defined $f) {
progress "$what: NO git hash";
} elsif (($dsc_hash, $dsc_distro, $dsc_hint_tag, $dsc_hint_url)
= $f =~ m/^(\w+)\s+($distro_re)\s+($versiontag_re)\s+(\S+)(?:\s|$)/) {
progress "$what: specified git info ($dsc_distro)";
$dsc_hint_tag = [ $dsc_hint_tag ];
} elsif ($f =~ m/^\w+\s*$/) {
$dsc_hash = $&;
$dsc_hint_tag = [ debiantags +(getfield $dsc, 'Version'),
$dsc_distro ];
progress "$what: specified git hash";
} else {
fail "$what: invalid Dgit info";
sub resolve_dsc_field_commit ($$) {
my ($already_distro, $already_mapref) = @_;
return unless defined $dsc_hash;
my $mapref =
defined $already_mapref &&
($already_distro eq $dsc_distro || !$chase_dsc_distro)
? $already_mapref : undef;
my $do_fetch;
$do_fetch = sub {
my ($what, @fetch) = @_;
local $idistro = $dsc_distro;
my $lrf = lrfetchrefs;
if (!$chase_dsc_distro) {
"not chasing .dsc distro $dsc_distro: not fetching $what";
return 0;
".dsc names distro $dsc_distro: fetching $what";
my $url = access_giturl();
if (!defined $url) {
defined $dsc_hint_url or fail <("rewrite map", $rewritemap) or return;
$mapref = $lrf.'/'.$rewritemap;
my $rewritemapdata = git_cat_file $mapref.':map';
if (defined $rewritemapdata
&& $rewritemapdata =~ m/^$dsc_hash(?:[ \t](\w+))/m) {
"server's git history rewrite map contains a relevant entry!";
$dsc_hash = $1;
if (defined $dsc_hash) {
progress "using rewritten git hash in place of .dsc value";
} else {
progress "server data says .dsc hash is to be disregarded";
if (!defined git_cat_file $dsc_hash) {
my @tags = map { "tags/".$_ } @$dsc_hint_tag;
my $lrf = $do_fetch->("additional commits", @tags) &&
defined git_cat_file $dsc_hash
or fail < $lastpush_hash,
Info => "dgit suite branch on dgit git server",
my $lastfetch_hash = git_get_ref(lrref());
printdebug "fetch_from_archive: lastfetch=$lastfetch_hash\n";
my $lastfetch_mergeinput = $lastfetch_hash && {
Commit => $lastfetch_hash,
Info => "dgit client's archive history view",
my $dsc_mergeinput = $dsc_hash && {
Commit => $dsc_hash,
Info => "Dgit field in .dsc from archive",
my $cwd = getcwd();
my $del_lrfetchrefs = sub {
changedir $cwd;
my $gur;
printdebug "del_lrfetchrefs...\n";
foreach my $fullrefname (sort keys %lrfetchrefs_d) {
my $objid = $lrfetchrefs_d{$fullrefname};
printdebug "del_lrfetchrefs: $objid $fullrefname\n";
if (!$gur) {
$gur ||= new IO::Handle;
open $gur, "|-", qw(git update-ref --stdin) or die $!;
printf $gur "delete %s %s\n", $fullrefname, $objid;
if ($gur) {
close $gur or failedcmd "git update-ref delete lrfetchrefs";
if (defined $dsc_hash) {
if (!$lastpush_hash || $dsc_hash eq $lastpush_hash) {
@mergeinputs = $dsc_mergeinput
} elsif (is_fast_fwd($dsc_hash,$lastpush_hash)) {
print STDERR <{Commit};
$h and is_fast_fwd($lastfetch_hash, $h);
# If true, one of the existing parents of this commit
# is a descendant of the $lastfetch_hash, so we'll
# be ff from that automatically.
} @mergeinputs
) {
# Otherwise:
push @mergeinputs, $lastfetch_mergeinput;
printdebug "fetch mergeinfos:\n";
foreach my $mi (@mergeinputs) {
if ($mi->{Info}) {
printdebug " commit $mi->{Commit} $mi->{Info}\n";
} else {
printdebug sprintf " ReverseParents=%d Message=%s",
$mi->{ReverseParents}, $mi->{Message};
my $compat_info= pop @mergeinputs
if $mergeinputs[$#mergeinputs]{Message};
@mergeinputs = grep { defined $_->{Commit} } @mergeinputs;
my $hash;
if (@mergeinputs > 1) {
# here we go, then:
my $tree_commit = $mergeinputs[0]{Commit};
my $tree = cmdoutput @git, qw(cat-file commit), $tree_commit;
$tree =~ m/\n\n/; $tree = $`;
$tree =~ m/^tree (\w+)$/m or die "$dsc_hash tree ?";
$tree = $1;
# We use the changelog author of the package in question the
# author of this pseudo-merge. This is (roughly) correct if
# this commit is simply representing aa non-dgit upload.
# (Roughly because it does not record sponsorship - but we
# don't have sponsorship info because that's in the .changes,
# which isn't in the archivw.)
# But, it might be that we are representing archive history
# updates (including in-archive copies). These are not really
# the responsibility of the person who created the .dsc, but
# there is no-one whose name we should better use. (The
# author of the .dsc-named commit is clearly worse.)
my $useclogp = mergeinfo_getclogp $mergeinputs[0];
my $author = clogp_authline $useclogp;
my $cversion = getfield $useclogp, 'Version';
my $mcf = ".git/dgit/mergecommit";
open MC, ">", $mcf or die "$mcf $!";
print MC <{Commit} } @mergeinputs;
@parents = reverse @parents if $compat_info->{ReverseParents};
print MC <{Commit}
print MC <{Message}) {
print MC $compat_info->{Message} or die $!;
} else {
print MC <{Info}
or die $!;
print MC <($_) foreach @mergeinputs[1..$#mergeinputs];
close MC or die $!;
$hash = make_commit $mcf;
} else {
$hash = $mergeinputs[0]{Commit};
printdebug "fetch hash=$hash\n";
my $chkff = sub {
my ($lasth, $what) = @_;
return unless $lasth;
die "$lasth $hash $what ?" unless is_fast_fwd($lasth, $hash);
$chkff->($lastpush_hash, 'dgit repo server tip (last push)')
if $lastpush_hash;
$chkff->($lastfetch_hash, 'local tracking tip (last fetch)');
if (defined $skew_warning_vsn) {
mkpath '.git/dgit';
printdebug "SKEW CHECK WANT $skew_warning_vsn\n";
my $gotclogp = commit_getclogp($hash);
my $got_vsn = getfield $gotclogp, 'Version';
printdebug "SKEW CHECK GOT $got_vsn\n";
if (version_compare($got_vsn, $skew_warning_vsn) < 0) {
print STDERR <", "$attrs.new" or die "$attrs.new $!";
if (!open ATTRS, "<", $attrs) {
$!==ENOENT or die "$attrs: $!";
} else {
while () {
next if m{^debian/changelog\s};
print NATTRS $_, "\n" or die $!;
ATTRS->error and die $!;
close ATTRS;
print NATTRS "debian/changelog merge=$driver\n" or die $!;
close NATTRS;
set_local_git_config "$cb.name", 'debian/changelog merge driver';
set_local_git_config "$cb.driver", 'dpkg-mergechangelogs -m %O %A %B %A';
rename "$attrs.new", "$attrs" or die "$attrs: $!";
sub setup_useremail (;$) {
my ($always) = @_;
return unless $always || access_cfg_bool(1, 'setup-useremail');
my $setup = sub {
my ($k, $envvar) = @_;
my $v = access_cfg("user-$k", 'RETURN-UNDEF') // $ENV{$envvar};
return unless defined $v;
set_local_git_config "user.$k", $v;
$setup->('email', 'DEBEMAIL');
$setup->('name', 'DEBFULLNAME');
sub ensure_setup_existing_tree () {
my $k = "remote.$remotename.skipdefaultupdate";
my $c = git_get_config $k;
return if defined $c;
set_local_git_config $k, 'true';
sub open_gitattrs () {
my $gai = new IO::File ".git/info/attributes"
or $!==ENOENT
or die "open .git/info/attributes: $!";
return $gai;
sub is_gitattrs_setup () {
my $gai = open_gitattrs();
return 0 unless $gai;
while (<$gai>) {
return 1 if m{^\[attr\]dgit-defuse-attrs\s};
$gai->error and die $!;
return 0;
sub setup_gitattrs (;$) {
my ($always) = @_;
return unless $always || access_cfg_bool(1, 'setup-gitattributes');
if (is_gitattrs_setup()) {
progress < $af.new" or die $!;
print GAO <) {
print GAO $_, "\n" or die $!;
$gai->error and die $!;
close GAO or die $!;
rename "$af.new", "$af" or die "install $af: $!";
sub setup_new_tree () {
sub check_gitattrs ($$) {
my ($treeish, $what) = @_;
return if is_gitattrs_setup;
local $/="\0";
my @cmd = (@git, qw(ls-tree -lrz --), "${treeish}:");
debugcmd "|",@cmd;
my $gafl = new IO::File;
open $gafl, "-|", @cmd or die $!;
while (<$gafl>) {
chomp or die;
s/^\d+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+(\d+)\t// or die;
next if $1 == 0;
next unless m{(?:^|/)\.gitattributes$};
# oh dear, found one
print STDERR <(), and returns undef
# in parent, returns canonical suite name for $tsuite
my $canonsuitefh = IO::File::new_tmpfile;
my $pid = fork // die $!;
if (!$pid) {
$isuite = $tsuite;
$us .= " [$isuite]";
$debugprefix .= " ";
progress "fetching $tsuite...";
print $canonsuitefh $csuite, "\n" or die $!;
close $canonsuitefh or die $!;
return undef;
waitpid $pid,0 == $pid or die $!;
fail "failed to obtain $tsuite: ".waitstatusmsg() if $? && $?!=256*4;
seek $canonsuitefh,0,0 or die $!;
local $csuite = <$canonsuitefh>;
die $! unless defined $csuite && chomp $csuite;
if ($? == 256*4) {
printdebug "multisuite $tsuite missing\n";
return $csuite;
printdebug "multisuite $tsuite ok (canon=$csuite)\n";
push @$merginputs, {
Ref => lrref,
Info => $csuite,
return $csuite;
sub fork_for_multisuite ($) {
my ($before_fetch_merge) = @_;
# if nothing unusual, just returns ''
# if multisuite:
# returns 0 to caller in child, to do first of the specified suites
# in child, $csuite is not yet set
# returns 1 to caller in parent, to finish up anything needed after
# in parent, $csuite is set to canonicalised portmanteau
my $org_isuite = $isuite;
my @suites = split /\,/, $isuite;
return '' unless @suites > 1;
printdebug "fork_for_multisuite: @suites\n";
my @mergeinputs;
my $cbasesuite = multisuite_suite_child($suites[0], \@mergeinputs,
sub { });
return 0 unless defined $cbasesuite;
fail "package $package missing in (base suite) $cbasesuite"
unless @mergeinputs;
my @csuites = ($cbasesuite);
foreach my $tsuite (@suites[1..$#suites]) {
my $csubsuite = multisuite_suite_child($tsuite, \@mergeinputs,
sub {
@end = ();
exit 0;
# xxx collecte the ref here
$csubsuite =~ s/^\Q$cbasesuite\E-/-/;
push @csuites, $csubsuite;
foreach my $mi (@mergeinputs) {
my $ref = git_get_ref $mi->{Ref};
die "$mi->{Ref} ?" unless length $ref;
$mi->{Commit} = $ref;
$csuite = join ",", @csuites;
my $previous = git_get_ref lrref;
if ($previous) {
unshift @mergeinputs, {
Commit => $previous,
Info => "local combined tracking branch",
Warning =>
"archive seems to have rewound: local tracking branch is ahead!",
foreach my $ix (0..$#mergeinputs) {
$mergeinputs[$ix]{Index} = $ix;
@mergeinputs = sort {
-version_compare(mergeinfo_version $a,
mergeinfo_version $b) # highest version first
$a->{Index} <=> $b->{Index}; # earliest in spec first
} @mergeinputs;
my @needed;
foreach my $mi (@mergeinputs) {
printdebug "multisuite merge check $mi->{Info}\n";
foreach my $previous (@needed) {
next unless is_fast_fwd $mi->{Commit}, $previous->{Commit};
printdebug "multisuite merge un-needed $previous->{Info}\n";
next NEEDED;
push @needed, $mi;
printdebug "multisuite merge this-needed\n";
$mi->{Character} = '+';
$needed[0]{Character} = '*';
my $output = $needed[0]{Commit};
if (@needed > 1) {
printdebug "multisuite merge nontrivial\n";
my $tree = cmdoutput qw(git rev-parse), $needed[0]{Commit}.':';
my $commit = "tree $tree\n";
my $msg = "Combine archive branches $csuite [dgit]\n\n".
"Input branches:\n";
foreach my $mi (sort { $a->{Index} <=> $b->{Index} } @mergeinputs) {
printdebug "multisuite merge include $mi->{Info}\n";
$mi->{Character} //= ' ';
$commit .= "parent $mi->{Commit}\n";
$msg .= sprintf " %s %-25s %s\n",
(mergeinfo_version $mi),
my $authline = clogp_authline mergeinfo_getclogp $needed[0];
$msg .= "\nKey\n".
" * marks the highest version branch, which choose to use\n".
" + marks each branch which was not already an ancestor\n\n".
"[dgit multi-suite $csuite]\n";
$commit .=
"author $authline\n".
"committer $authline\n\n";
$output = make_commit_text $commit.$msg;
printdebug "multisuite merge generated $output\n";
progress "calculated combined tracking suite $csuite";
return 1;
sub clone_set_head () {
open H, "> .git/HEAD" or die $!;
print H "ref: ".lref()."\n" or die $!;
close H or die $!;
sub clone_finish ($) {
my ($dstdir) = @_;
runcmd @git, qw(reset --hard), lrref();
runcmd qw(bash -ec), <<'END';
set -o pipefail
git ls-tree -r --name-only -z HEAD | \
xargs -0r touch -h -r . --
printdone "ready for work in $dstdir";
sub clone ($) {
my ($dstdir) = @_;
badusage "dry run makes no sense with clone" unless act_local();
my $multi_fetched = fork_for_multisuite(sub {
printdebug "multi clone before fetch merge\n";
changedir $dstdir;
if ($multi_fetched) {
printdebug "multi clone after fetch merge\n";
exit 0;
printdebug "clone main body\n";
my $hasgit = check_for_git();
mkdir $dstdir or fail "create \`$dstdir': $!";
changedir $dstdir;
runcmd @git, qw(init -q);
my $giturl = access_giturl(1);
if (defined $giturl) {
runcmd @git, qw(remote add), 'origin', $giturl;
if ($hasgit) {
progress "fetching existing git history";
runcmd_ordryrun_local @git, qw(fetch origin);
} else {
progress "starting new git history";
fetch_from_archive() or no_such_package;
my $vcsgiturl = $dsc->{'Vcs-Git'};
if (length $vcsgiturl) {
$vcsgiturl =~ s/\s+-b\s+\S+//g;
runcmd @git, qw(remote add vcs-git), $vcsgiturl;
sub fetch () {
if (check_for_git()) {
fetch_from_archive() or no_such_package();
printdone "fetched into ".lrref();
sub pull () {
my $multi_fetched = fork_for_multisuite(sub { });
fetch() unless $multi_fetched; # parent
return if $multi_fetched eq '0'; # child
runcmd_ordryrun_local @git, qw(merge -m),"Merge from $csuite [dgit]",
printdone "fetched to ".lrref()." and merged into HEAD";
sub check_not_dirty () {
foreach my $f (qw(local-options local-patch-header)) {
if (stat_exists "debian/source/$f") {
fail "git tree contains debian/source/$f";
return if $ignoredirty;
my @cmd = (@git, qw(diff --quiet HEAD));
debugcmd "+",@cmd;
$!=0; $?=-1; system @cmd;
return if !$?;
if ($?==256) {
fail "working tree is dirty (does not match HEAD)";
} else {
failedcmd @cmd;
sub commit_admin ($) {
my ($m) = @_;
progress "$m";
runcmd_ordryrun_local @git, qw(commit -m), $m;
sub commit_quilty_patch () {
my $output = cmdoutput @git, qw(status --porcelain);
my %adds;
foreach my $l (split /\n/, $output) {
next unless $l =~ m/\S/;
if ($l =~ m{^(?:\?\?| M) (.pc|debian/patches)}) {
delete $adds{'.pc'}; # if there wasn't one before, don't add it
if (!%adds) {
progress "nothing quilty to commit, ok.";
my @adds = map { s/[][*?\\]/\\$&/g; $_; } sort keys %adds;
runcmd_ordryrun_local @git, qw(add -f), @adds;
commit_admin <) {
next if m/^\s*\#/;
next unless m/\S/;
s/\s+$//; # ignore missing final newline
if (m/\s*\#\s*/) {
my ($k, $v) = ($`, $'); #');
$v =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$options{$k} = $v;
} else {
$options{$_} = 1;
F->error and die $!;
close F;
} else {
die $! unless $!==&ENOENT;
if (!open F, "debian/source/format") {
die $! unless $!==&ENOENT;
return '';
$_ = ;
F->error and die $!;
return ($_, \%options);
sub madformat_wantfixup ($) {
my ($format) = @_;
return 0 unless $format eq '3.0 (quilt)';
our $quilt_mode_warned;
if ($quilt_mode eq 'nocheck') {
progress "Not doing any fixup of \`$format' due to".
" ----no-quilt-fixup or --quilt=nocheck"
unless $quilt_mode_warned++;
return 0;
progress "Format \`$format', need to check/update patch stack"
unless $quilt_mode_warned++;
return 1;
sub maybe_split_brain_save ($$$) {
my ($headref, $dgitview, $msg) = @_;
# => message fragment "$saved" describing disposition of $dgitview
return "commit id $dgitview" unless defined $split_brain_save;
my @cmd = (shell_cmd "cd ../../../..",
@git, qw(update-ref -m),
"dgit --dgit-view-save $msg HEAD=$headref",
$split_brain_save, $dgitview);
runcmd @cmd;
return "and left in $split_brain_save";
# An "infopair" is a tuple [ $thing, $what ]
# (often $thing is a commit hash; $what is a description)
sub infopair_cond_equal ($$) {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
$x->[0] eq $y->[0] or fail <[1] ($x->[0]) not equal to $y->[1] ($y->[0])
sub infopair_lrf_tag_lookup ($$) {
my ($tagnames, $what) = @_;
# $tagname may be an array ref
my @tagnames = ref $tagnames ? @$tagnames : ($tagnames);
printdebug "infopair_lrfetchref_tag_lookup $what @tagnames\n";
foreach my $tagname (@tagnames) {
my $lrefname = lrfetchrefs."/tags/$tagname";
my $tagobj = $lrfetchrefs_f{$lrefname};
next unless defined $tagobj;
printdebug "infopair_lrfetchref_tag_lookup $tagobj $tagname $what\n";
return [ git_rev_parse($tagobj), $what ];
fail @tagnames==1 ? <[0], $desc->[0]) or fail <[1] ($anc->[0]) .. $desc->[1] ($desc->[0]) is not fast forward
sub pseudomerge_version_check ($$) {
my ($clogp, $archive_hash) = @_;
my $arch_clogp = commit_getclogp $archive_hash;
my $i_arch_v = [ (getfield $arch_clogp, 'Version'),
'version currently in archive' ];
if (defined $overwrite_version) {
if (length $overwrite_version) {
infopair_cond_equal([ $overwrite_version,
'--overwrite= version' ],
} else {
my $v = $i_arch_v->[0];
progress "Checking package changelog for archive version $v ...";
eval {
my @xa = ("-f$v", "-t$v");
my $vclogp = parsechangelog @xa;
my $cv = [ (getfield $vclogp, 'Version'),
"Version field from dpkg-parsechangelog @xa" ];
infopair_cond_equal($i_arch_v, $cv);
if ($@) {
$@ =~ s/^dgit: //gm;
fail "$@".
"Perhaps debian/changelog does not mention $v ?";
printdebug "pseudomerge_version_check i_arch_v @$i_arch_v\n";
return $i_arch_v;
sub pseudomerge_make_commit ($$$$ $$) {
my ($clogp, $dgitview, $archive_hash, $i_arch_v,
$msg_cmd, $msg_msg) = @_;
progress "Declaring that HEAD inciudes all changes in $i_arch_v->[0]...";
my $tree = cmdoutput qw(git rev-parse), "${dgitview}:";
my $authline = clogp_authline $clogp;
chomp $msg_msg;
$msg_cmd .=
!defined $overwrite_version ? ""
: !length $overwrite_version ? " --overwrite"
: " --overwrite=".$overwrite_version;
mkpath '.git/dgit';
my $pmf = ".git/dgit/pseudomerge";
open MC, ">", $pmf or die "$pmf $!";
print MC < $merged_dgitview
printdebug "splitbrain_pseudomerge...\n";
# We: debian/PREVIOUS HEAD($maintview)
# expect: o ----------------- o
# \ \
# o o
# a/d/PREVIOUS $dgitview
# $archive_hash \
# If so, \ \
# we do: `------------------ o
# this: $dgitview'
return $dgitview unless defined $archive_hash;
printdebug "splitbrain_pseudomerge...\n";
my $i_arch_v = pseudomerge_version_check($clogp, $archive_hash);
if (!defined $overwrite_version) {
progress "Checking that HEAD inciudes all changes in archive...";
return $dgitview if is_fast_fwd $archive_hash, $dgitview;
if (defined $overwrite_version) {
} elsif (!eval {
my $t_dep14 = debiantag_maintview $i_arch_v->[0], access_nomdistro;
my $i_dep14 = infopair_lrf_tag_lookup($t_dep14, "maintainer view tag");
my $t_dgit = debiantag_new $i_arch_v->[0], access_nomdistro;
my $i_dgit = infopair_lrf_tag_lookup($t_dgit, "dgit view tag");
my $i_archive = [ $archive_hash, "current archive contents" ];
printdebug "splitbrain_pseudomerge i_archive @$i_archive\n";
infopair_cond_equal($i_dgit, $i_archive);
infopair_cond_ff($i_dep14, $i_dgit);
infopair_cond_ff($i_dep14, [ $maintview, 'HEAD' ]);
}) {
print STDERR <[0]
Make fast forward from $i_arch_v->[0]
maybe_split_brain_save $maintview, $r, "pseudomerge";
progress "Made pseudo-merge of $i_arch_v->[0] into dgit view.";
return $r;
sub plain_overwrite_pseudomerge ($$$) {
my ($clogp, $head, $archive_hash) = @_;
printdebug "plain_overwrite_pseudomerge...";
my $i_arch_v = pseudomerge_version_check($clogp, $archive_hash);
return $head if is_fast_fwd $archive_hash, $head;
my $m = "Declare fast forward from $i_arch_v->[0]";
my $r = pseudomerge_make_commit
$clogp, $head, $archive_hash, $i_arch_v,
"dgit", $m;
runcmd @git, qw(update-ref -m), $m, 'HEAD', $r, $head;
progress "Make pseudo-merge of $i_arch_v->[0] into your HEAD.";
return $r;
sub push_parse_changelog ($) {
my ($clogpfn) = @_;
my $clogp = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new();
$clogp->load($clogpfn) or die;
my $clogpackage = getfield $clogp, 'Source';
$package //= $clogpackage;
fail "-p specified $package but changelog specified $clogpackage"
unless $package eq $clogpackage;
my $cversion = getfield $clogp, 'Version';
if (!$we_are_initiator) {
# rpush initiator can't do this because it doesn't have $isuite yet
my $tag = debiantag($cversion, access_nomdistro);
runcmd @git, qw(check-ref-format), $tag;
my $dscfn = dscfn($cversion);
return ($clogp, $cversion, $dscfn);
sub push_parse_dsc ($$$) {
my ($dscfn,$dscfnwhat, $cversion) = @_;
$dsc = parsecontrol($dscfn,$dscfnwhat);
my $dversion = getfield $dsc, 'Version';
my $dscpackage = getfield $dsc, 'Source';
($dscpackage eq $package && $dversion eq $cversion) or
fail "$dscfn is for $dscpackage $dversion".
" but debian/changelog is for $package $cversion";
sub push_tagwants ($$$$) {
my ($cversion, $dgithead, $maintviewhead, $tfbase) = @_;
my @tagwants;
push @tagwants, {
TagFn => \&debiantag,
Objid => $dgithead,
TfSuffix => '',
View => 'dgit',
if (defined $maintviewhead) {
push @tagwants, {
TagFn => \&debiantag_maintview,
Objid => $maintviewhead,
TfSuffix => '-maintview',
View => 'maint',
} elsif ($dodep14tag eq 'no' ? 0
: $dodep14tag eq 'want' ? access_cfg_tagformats_can_splitbrain
: $dodep14tag eq 'always'
? (access_cfg_tagformats_can_splitbrain or fail < \&debiantag_maintview,
Objid => $dgithead,
TfSuffix => '-dgit',
View => 'dgit',
foreach my $tw (@tagwants) {
$tw->{Tag} = $tw->{TagFn}($cversion, access_nomdistro);
$tw->{Tfn} = sub { $tfbase.$tw->{TfSuffix}.$_[0]; };
printdebug 'push_tagwants: ', Dumper(\@_, \@tagwants);
return @tagwants;
sub push_mktags ($$ $$ $) {
my ($clogp,$dscfn,
$tagwants) = @_;
die unless $tagwants->[0]{View} eq 'dgit';
my $declaredistro = access_nomdistro();
my $reader_giturl = do { local $access_forpush=0; access_giturl(); };
$dsc->{$ourdscfield[0]} = join " ",
$tagwants->[0]{Objid}, $declaredistro, $tagwants->[0]{Tag},
$dsc->save("$dscfn.tmp") or die $!;
my $changes = parsecontrol($changesfile,$changesfilewhat);
foreach my $field (qw(Source Distribution Version)) {
$changes->{$field} eq $clogp->{$field} or
fail "changes field $field \`$changes->{$field}'".
" does not match changelog \`$clogp->{$field}'";
my $cversion = getfield $clogp, 'Version';
my $clogsuite = getfield $clogp, 'Distribution';
# We make the git tag by hand because (a) that makes it easier
# to control the "tagger" (b) we can do remote signing
my $authline = clogp_authline $clogp;
my $delibs = join(" ", "",@deliberatelies);
my $mktag = sub {
my ($tw) = @_;
my $tfn = $tw->{Tfn};
my $head = $tw->{Objid};
my $tag = $tw->{Tag};
open TO, '>', $tfn->('.tmp') or die $!;
print TO <{View} eq 'dgit') {
print TO <{View} eq 'maint') {
print TO <('.tmp');
if ($sign) {
if (!defined $keyid) {
$keyid = access_cfg('keyid','RETURN-UNDEF');
if (!defined $keyid) {
$keyid = getfield $clogp, 'Maintainer';
unlink $tfn->('.tmp.asc') or $!==&ENOENT or die $!;
my @sign_cmd = (@gpg, qw(--detach-sign --armor));
push @sign_cmd, qw(-u),$keyid if defined $keyid;
push @sign_cmd, $tfn->('.tmp');
runcmd_ordryrun @sign_cmd;
if (act_scary()) {
$tagobjfn = $tfn->('.signed.tmp');
runcmd shell_cmd "exec >$tagobjfn", qw(cat --),
$tfn->('.tmp'), $tfn->('.tmp.asc');
return $tagobjfn;
my @r = map { $mktag->($_); } @$tagwants;
return @r;
sub sign_changes ($) {
my ($changesfile) = @_;
if ($sign) {
my @debsign_cmd = @debsign;
push @debsign_cmd, "-k$keyid" if defined $keyid;
push @debsign_cmd, "-p$gpg[0]" if $gpg[0] ne 'gpg';
push @debsign_cmd, $changesfile;
runcmd_ordryrun @debsign_cmd;
sub dopush () {
printdebug "actually entering push\n";
Push failed, while checking state of the archive.
You can retry the push, after fixing the problem, if you like.
if (check_for_git()) {
my $archive_hash = fetch_from_archive();
if (!$archive_hash) {
$new_package or
fail "package appears to be new in this suite;".
" if this is intentional, use --new";
Push failed, while preparing your push.
You can retry the push, after fixing the problem, if you like.
need_tagformat 'new', "quilt mode $quilt_mode"
if quiltmode_splitbrain;
access_giturl(); # check that success is vaguely likely
rpush_handle_protovsn_bothends() if $we_are_initiator;
my $clogpfn = ".git/dgit/changelog.822.tmp";
runcmd shell_cmd "exec >$clogpfn", qw(dpkg-parsechangelog);
responder_send_file('parsed-changelog', $clogpfn);
my ($clogp, $cversion, $dscfn) =
my $dscpath = "$buildproductsdir/$dscfn";
stat_exists $dscpath or
fail "looked for .dsc $dscpath, but $!;".
" maybe you forgot to build";
responder_send_file('dsc', $dscpath);
push_parse_dsc($dscpath, $dscfn, $cversion);
my $format = getfield $dsc, 'Format';
printdebug "format $format\n";
my $actualhead = git_rev_parse('HEAD');
my $dgithead = $actualhead;
my $maintviewhead = undef;
my $upstreamversion = upstreamversion $clogp->{Version};
if (madformat_wantfixup($format)) {
# user might have not used dgit build, so maybe do this now:
if (quiltmode_splitbrain()) {
changedir $ud;
my $cachekey;
($dgithead, $cachekey) =
quilt_check_splitbrain_cache($actualhead, $upstreamversion);
$dgithead or fail
"--quilt=$quilt_mode but no cached dgit view:
perhaps tree changed since dgit build[-source] ?";
$split_brain = 1;
$dgithead = splitbrain_pseudomerge($clogp,
$actualhead, $dgithead,
$maintviewhead = $actualhead;
changedir '../../../..';
prep_ud(); # so _only_subdir() works, below
} else {
if (defined $overwrite_version && !defined $maintviewhead) {
$dgithead = plain_overwrite_pseudomerge($clogp,
my $forceflag = '';
if ($archive_hash) {
if (is_fast_fwd($archive_hash, $dgithead)) {
# ok
} elsif (deliberately_not_fast_forward) {
$forceflag = '+';
} else {
fail "dgit push: HEAD is not a descendant".
" of the archive's version.\n".
"To overwrite the archive's contents,".
" pass --overwrite[=VERSION].\n".
"To rewind history, if permitted by the archive,".
" use --deliberately-not-fast-forward.";
changedir $ud;
progress "checking that $dscfn corresponds to HEAD";
runcmd qw(dpkg-source -x --),
$dscpath =~ m#^/# ? $dscpath : "../../../$dscpath";
my ($tree,$dir) = mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir("source package");
check_for_vendor_patches() if madformat($dsc->{format});
changedir '../../../..';
my @diffcmd = (@git, qw(diff --quiet), $tree, $dgithead);
debugcmd "+",@diffcmd;
$!=0; $?=-1;
my $r = system @diffcmd;
if ($r) {
if ($r==256) {
my $diffs = cmdoutput @git, qw(diff --stat), $tree, $dgithead;
fail <= 4;
responder_send_command("param maint-view $maintviewhead");
if (deliberately_not_fast_forward) {
git_for_each_ref(lrfetchrefs, sub {
my ($objid,$objtype,$lrfetchrefname,$reftail) = @_;
my $rrefname= substr($lrfetchrefname, length(lrfetchrefs) + 1);
responder_send_command("previously $rrefname=$objid");
$previously{$rrefname} = $objid;
my @tagwants = push_tagwants($cversion, $dgithead, $maintviewhead,
my @tagobjfns;
Push failed, while signing the tag.
You can retry the push, after fixing the problem, if you like.
# If we manage to sign but fail to record it anywhere, it's fine.
if ($we_are_responder) {
@tagobjfns = map { $_->{Tfn}('.signed-tmp') } @tagwants;
responder_receive_files('signed-tag', @tagobjfns);
} else {
@tagobjfns = push_mktags($clogp,$dscpath,
Push failed, *after* signing the tag.
If you want to try again, you should use a new version number.
pairwise { $a->{TagObjFn} = $b } @tagwants, @tagobjfns;
foreach my $tw (@tagwants) {
my $tag = $tw->{Tag};
my $tagobjfn = $tw->{TagObjFn};
my $tag_obj_hash =
cmdoutput @git, qw(hash-object -w -t tag), $tagobjfn;
runcmd_ordryrun @git, qw(verify-tag), $tag_obj_hash;
@git, qw(update-ref), "refs/tags/$tag", $tag_obj_hash;
Push failed, while updating the remote git repository - see messages above.
If you want to try again, you should use a new version number.
if (!check_for_git()) {
my @pushrefs = $forceflag.$dgithead.":".rrref();
foreach my $tw (@tagwants) {
push @pushrefs, $forceflag."refs/tags/$tw->{Tag}";
runcmd_ordryrun @git,
qw(-c push.followTags=false push), access_giturl(), @pushrefs;
runcmd_ordryrun @git, qw(update-ref -m), 'dgit push', lrref(), $dgithead;
Push failed, while obtaining signatures on the .changes and .dsc.
If it was just that the signature failed, you may try again by using
debsign by hand to sign the changes
and then dput to complete the upload.
If you need to change the package, you must use a new version number.
if ($we_are_responder) {
my $dryrunsuffix = act_local() ? "" : ".tmp";
} else {
if (act_local()) {
rename "$dscpath.tmp",$dscpath or die "$dscfn $!";
} else {
progress "[new .dsc left in $dscpath.tmp]";
sign_changes $changesfile;
supplementary_message(<&STDOUT" or die $!;
autoflush PO 1;
open STDOUT, ">&STDERR" or die $!;
autoflush STDOUT 1;
$vsnwant //= 1;
($protovsn) = grep {
$vsnwant =~ m{^(?:.*,)?$_(?:,.*)?$}
} @rpushprotovsn_support;
fail "build host has dgit rpush protocol versions ".
(join ",", @rpushprotovsn_support).
" but invocation host has $vsnwant"
unless defined $protovsn;
responder_send_command("dgit-remote-push-ready $protovsn");
changedir $dir;
sub cmd_remote_push_responder { cmd_remote_push_build_host(); }
# ... for compatibility with proto vsn.1 dgit (just so that user gets
# a good error message)
sub rpush_handle_protovsn_bothends () {
if ($protovsn < 4) {
need_tagformat 'old', "rpush negotiated protocol $protovsn";
our $i_tmp;
sub i_cleanup {
local ($@, $?);
my $report = i_child_report();
if (defined $report) {
printdebug "($report)\n";
} elsif ($i_child_pid) {
printdebug "(killing build host child $i_child_pid)\n";
kill 15, $i_child_pid;
if (defined $i_tmp && !defined $initiator_tempdir) {
changedir "/";
eval { rmtree $i_tmp; };
return unless forkcheck_mainprocess();
sub i_method {
my ($base,$selector,@args) = @_;
$selector =~ s/\-/_/g;
{ no strict qw(refs); &{"${base}_${selector}"}(@args); }
sub cmd_rpush {
my $host = nextarg;
my $dir;
if ($host =~ m/^((?:[^][]|\[[^][]*\])*)\:/) {
$host = $1;
$dir = $'; #';
} else {
$dir = nextarg;
$dir =~ s{^-}{./-};
my @rargs = ($dir);
push @rargs, join ",", @rpushprotovsn_support;
my @rdgit;
push @rdgit, @dgit;
push @rdgit, @ropts;
push @rdgit, qw(remote-push-build-host), (scalar @rargs), @rargs;
push @rdgit, @ARGV;
my @cmd = (@ssh, $host, shellquote @rdgit);
debugcmd "+",@cmd;
if (defined $initiator_tempdir) {
rmtree $initiator_tempdir;
mkdir $initiator_tempdir, 0700 or die "$initiator_tempdir: $!";
$i_tmp = $initiator_tempdir;
} else {
$i_tmp = tempdir();
$i_child_pid = open2(\*RO, \*RI, @cmd);
changedir $i_tmp;
($protovsn) = initiator_expect { m/^dgit-remote-push-ready (\S+)/ };
die "$protovsn ?" unless grep { $_ eq $protovsn } @rpushprotovsn_support;
$supplementary_message = '' unless $protovsn >= 3;
for (;;) {
my ($icmd,$iargs) = initiator_expect {
m/^(\S+)(?: (.*))?$/;
i_method "i_resp", $icmd, $iargs;
sub i_resp_progress ($) {
my ($rhs) = @_;
my $msg = protocol_read_bytes \*RO, $rhs;
progress $msg;
sub i_resp_supplementary_message ($) {
my ($rhs) = @_;
$supplementary_message = protocol_read_bytes \*RO, $rhs;
sub i_resp_complete {
my $pid = $i_child_pid;
$i_child_pid = undef; # prevents killing some other process with same pid
printdebug "waiting for build host child $pid...\n";
my $got = waitpid $pid, 0;
die $! unless $got == $pid;
die "build host child failed $?" if $?;
printdebug "all done\n";
exit 0;
sub i_resp_file ($) {
my ($keyword) = @_;
my $localname = i_method "i_localname", $keyword;
my $localpath = "$i_tmp/$localname";
stat_exists $localpath and
badproto \*RO, "file $keyword ($localpath) twice";
protocol_receive_file \*RO, $localpath;
i_method "i_file", $keyword;
our %i_param;
sub i_resp_param ($) {
$_[0] =~ m/^(\S+) (.*)$/ or badproto \*RO, "bad param spec";
$i_param{$1} = $2;
sub i_resp_previously ($) {
$_[0] =~ m#^(refs/tags/\S+)=(\w+)$#
or badproto \*RO, "bad previously spec";
my $r = system qw(git check-ref-format), $1;
die "bad previously ref spec ($r)" if $r;
$previously{$1} = $2;
our %i_wanted;
sub i_resp_want ($) {
my ($keyword) = @_;
die "$keyword ?" if $i_wanted{$keyword}++;
defined $i_param{'csuite'} or badproto \*RO, "premature desire, no csuite";
$isuite = $i_param{'isuite'} // $i_param{'csuite'};
die unless $isuite =~ m/^$suite_re$/;
fail "rpush negotiated protocol version $protovsn".
" which does not support quilt mode $quilt_mode"
if quiltmode_splitbrain;
my @localpaths = i_method "i_want", $keyword;
printdebug "[[ $keyword @localpaths\n";
foreach my $localpath (@localpaths) {
protocol_send_file \*RI, $localpath;
print RI "files-end\n" or die $!;
our ($i_clogp, $i_version, $i_dscfn, $i_changesfn);
sub i_localname_parsed_changelog {
return "remote-changelog.822";
sub i_file_parsed_changelog {
($i_clogp, $i_version, $i_dscfn) =
push_parse_changelog "$i_tmp/remote-changelog.822";
die if $i_dscfn =~ m#/|^\W#;
sub i_localname_dsc {
defined $i_dscfn or badproto \*RO, "dsc (before parsed-changelog)";
return $i_dscfn;
sub i_file_dsc { }
sub i_localname_changes {
defined $i_dscfn or badproto \*RO, "dsc (before parsed-changelog)";
$i_changesfn = $i_dscfn;
$i_changesfn =~ s/\.dsc$/_dgit.changes/ or die;
return $i_changesfn;
sub i_file_changes { }
sub i_want_signed_tag {
printdebug Dumper(\%i_param, $i_dscfn);
defined $i_param{'head'} && defined $i_dscfn && defined $i_clogp
&& defined $i_param{'csuite'}
or badproto \*RO, "premature desire for signed-tag";
my $head = $i_param{'head'};
die if $head =~ m/[^0-9a-f]/ || $head !~ m/^../;
my $maintview = $i_param{'maint-view'};
die if defined $maintview && $maintview =~ m/[^0-9a-f]/;
if ($protovsn >= 4) {
my $p = $i_param{'tagformat'} // '';
$p eq $tagformat
or badproto \*RO, "tag format mismatch: $p vs. $tagformat";
die unless $i_param{'csuite'} =~ m/^$suite_re$/;
$csuite = $&;
push_parse_dsc $i_dscfn, 'remote dsc', $i_version;
my @tagwants = push_tagwants $i_version, $head, $maintview, "tag";
push_mktags $i_clogp, $i_dscfn,
$i_changesfn, 'remote changes',
sub i_want_signed_dsc_changes {
rename "$i_dscfn.tmp","$i_dscfn" or die "$i_dscfn $!";
sign_changes $i_changesfn;
return ($i_dscfn, $i_changesfn);
#---------- building etc. ----------
our $version;
our $sourcechanges;
our $dscfn;
#----- `3.0 (quilt)' handling -----
our $fakeeditorenv = 'DGIT_FAKE_EDITOR_QUILT';
sub quiltify_dpkg_commit ($$$;$) {
my ($patchname,$author,$msg, $xinfo) = @_;
$xinfo //= '';
mkpath '.git/dgit';
my $descfn = ".git/dgit/quilt-description.tmp";
open O, '>', $descfn or die "$descfn: $!";
$msg =~ s/\n+/\n\n/;
print O <{$fn}
# is set for each modified .gitignore filename $fn
# if $unrepres is defined, array ref to which is appeneded
# a list of unrepresentable changes (removals of upstream files
# (as messages)
local $/=undef;
my @cmd = (@git, qw(diff-tree -z));
push @cmd, qw(--name-only) unless $unrepres;
push @cmd, qw(-r) if $finegrained || $unrepres;
push @cmd, $x, $y;
my $diffs= cmdoutput @cmd;
my $r = 0;
my @lmodes;
foreach my $f (split /\0/, $diffs) {
if ($unrepres && !@lmodes) {
@lmodes = $f =~ m/^\:(\w+) (\w+) \w+ \w+ / or die "$_ ?";
my ($oldmode,$newmode) = @lmodes;
@lmodes = ();
next if $f =~ m#^debian(?:/.*)?$#s;
if ($unrepres) {
eval {
die "not a plain file\n"
unless $newmode =~ m/^10\d{4}$/ ||
$oldmode =~ m/^10\d{4}$/;
if ($oldmode =~ m/[^0]/ &&
$newmode =~ m/[^0]/) {
die "mode changed\n" if $oldmode ne $newmode;
} else {
die "non-default mode\n"
unless $newmode =~ m/^100644$/ ||
$oldmode =~ m/^100644$/;
if ($@) {
local $/="\n"; chomp $@;
push @$unrepres, [ $f, "$@ ($oldmode->$newmode)" ];
my $isignore = $f =~ m#^(?:.*/)?.gitignore$#s;
$r |= $isignore ? 02 : 01;
$ignorenamesr->{$f}=1 if $ignorenamesr && $isignore;
printdebug "quiltify_trees_differ $x $y => $r\n";
return $r;
sub quiltify_tree_sentinelfiles ($) {
# lists the `sentinel' files present in the tree
my ($x) = @_;
my $r = cmdoutput @git, qw(ls-tree --name-only), $x,
qw(-- debian/rules debian/control);
$r =~ s/\n/,/g;
return $r;
sub quiltify_splitbrain_needed () {
if (!$split_brain) {
progress "dgit view: changes are required...";
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q -b dgit-view);
$split_brain = 1;
sub quiltify_splitbrain ($$$$$$) {
my ($clogp, $unapplied, $headref, $diffbits,
$editedignores, $cachekey) = @_;
if ($quilt_mode !~ m/gbp|dpm/) {
# treat .gitignore just like any other upstream file
$diffbits = { %$diffbits };
$_ = !!$_ foreach values %$diffbits;
# We would like any commits we generate to be reproducible
my @authline = clogp_authline($clogp);
local $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = $authline[0];
local $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = $authline[1];
local $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $authline[2];
local $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $authline[0];
local $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $authline[1];
local $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $authline[2];
if ($quilt_mode =~ m/gbp|unapplied/ &&
($diffbits->{O2H} & 01)) {
my $msg =
"--quilt=$quilt_mode specified, implying patches-unapplied git tree\n".
" but git tree differs from orig in upstream files.";
if (!stat_exists "debian/patches") {
$msg .=
"\n ... debian/patches is missing; perhaps this is a patch queue branch?";
fail $msg;
if ($quilt_mode =~ m/dpm/ &&
($diffbits->{H2A} & 01)) {
fail <{O2A} & 01)) { # some patches
progress "dgit view: creating patches-applied version using gbp pq";
runcmd shell_cmd 'exec >/dev/null', gbp_pq, qw(import);
# gbp pq import creates a fresh branch; push back to dgit-view
runcmd @git, qw(update-ref refs/heads/dgit-view HEAD);
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q dgit-view);
if ($quilt_mode =~ m/gbp|dpm/ &&
($diffbits->{O2A} & 02)) {
fail <{O2H} & 02) && # user has modified .gitignore
!($diffbits->{O2A} & 02)) { # patches do not change .gitignore
progress "dgit view: creating patch to represent .gitignore changes";
ensuredir "debian/patches";
my $gipatch = "debian/patches/auto-gitignore";
open GIPATCH, ">>", "$gipatch" or die "$gipatch: $!";
stat GIPATCH or die "$gipatch: $!";
fail "$gipatch already exists; but want to create it".
" to record .gitignore changes" if (stat _)[7];
print GIPATCH <>$gipatch", @git, qw(diff),
$unapplied, $headref, "--", sort keys %$editedignores;
open SERIES, "+>>", "debian/patches/series" or die $!;
defined seek SERIES, -1, 2 or $!==EINVAL or die $!;
my $newline;
defined read SERIES, $newline, 1 or die $!;
print SERIES "\n" or die $! unless $newline eq "\n";
print SERIES "auto-gitignore\n" or die $!;
close SERIES or die $!;
runcmd @git, qw(add -- debian/patches/series), $gipatch;
commit_admin <>'
or die $!;
my $oldcache = git_get_ref "refs/$splitbraincache";
if ($oldcache eq $dgitview) {
my $tree = cmdoutput qw(git rev-parse), "$dgitview:";
# git update-ref doesn't always update, in this case. *sigh*
my $dummy = make_commit_text < 1000000000 +0000
committer Dgit 1000000000 +0000
Dummy commit - do not use
runcmd @git, qw(update-ref -m), "dgit $our_version - dummy",
"refs/$splitbraincache", $dummy;
runcmd @git, qw(update-ref -m), $cachekey, "refs/$splitbraincache",
changedir '.git/dgit/unpack/work';
my $saved = maybe_split_brain_save $headref, $dgitview, "converted";
progress "dgit view: created ($saved)";
sub quiltify ($$$$) {
my ($clogp,$target,$oldtiptree,$failsuggestion) = @_;
# Quilt patchification algorithm
# We search backwards through the history of the main tree's HEAD
# (T) looking for a start commit S whose tree object is identical
# to to the patch tip tree (ie the tree corresponding to the
# current dpkg-committed patch series). For these purposes
# `identical' disregards anything in debian/ - this wrinkle is
# necessary because dpkg-source treates debian/ specially.
# We can only traverse edges where at most one of the ancestors'
# trees differs (in changes outside in debian/). And we cannot
# handle edges which change .pc/ or debian/patches. To avoid
# going down a rathole we avoid traversing edges which introduce
# debian/rules or debian/control. And we set a limit on the
# number of edges we are willing to look at.
# If we succeed, we walk forwards again. For each traversed edge
# PC (with P parent, C child) (starting with P=S and ending with
# C=T) to we do this:
# - git checkout C
# - dpkg-source --commit with a patch name and message derived from C
# After traversing PT, we git commit the changes which
# should be contained within debian/patches.
# The search for the path S..T is breadth-first. We maintain a
# todo list containing search nodes. A search node identifies a
# commit, and looks something like this:
# $p = {
# Commit => $git_commit_id,
# Child => $c, # or undef if P=T
# Whynot => $reason_edge_PC_unsuitable, # in @nots only
# Nontrivial => true iff $p..$c has relevant changes
# };
my @todo;
my @nots;
my $sref_S;
my $max_work=100;
my %considered; # saves being exponential on some weird graphs
my $t_sentinels = quiltify_tree_sentinelfiles $target;
my $not = sub {
my ($search,$whynot) = @_;
printdebug " search NOT $search->{Commit} $whynot\n";
$search->{Whynot} = $whynot;
push @nots, $search;
no warnings qw(exiting);
push @todo, {
Commit => $target,
while (@todo) {
my $c = shift @todo;
next if $considered{$c->{Commit}}++;
$not->($c, "maximum search space exceeded") if --$max_work <= 0;
printdebug "quiltify investigate $c->{Commit}\n";
# are we done?
if (!quiltify_trees_differ $c->{Commit}, $oldtiptree) {
printdebug " search finished hooray!\n";
$sref_S = $c;
if ($quilt_mode eq 'nofix') {
fail "quilt fixup required but quilt mode is \`nofix'\n".
"HEAD commit $c->{Commit} differs from tree implied by ".
" debian/patches (tree object $oldtiptree)";
if ($quilt_mode eq 'smash') {
printdebug " search quitting smash\n";
my $c_sentinels = quiltify_tree_sentinelfiles $c->{Commit};
$not->($c, "has $c_sentinels not $t_sentinels")
if $c_sentinels ne $t_sentinels;
my $commitdata = cmdoutput @git, qw(cat-file commit), $c->{Commit};
$commitdata =~ m/\n\n/;
$commitdata =~ $`;
my @parents = ($commitdata =~ m/^parent (\w+)$/gm);
@parents = map { { Commit => $_, Child => $c } } @parents;
$not->($c, "root commit") if !@parents;
foreach my $p (@parents) {
$p->{Nontrivial}= quiltify_trees_differ $p->{Commit},$c->{Commit};
my $ndiffers = grep { $_->{Nontrivial} } @parents;
$not->($c, "merge ($ndiffers nontrivial parents)") if $ndiffers > 1;
foreach my $p (@parents) {
printdebug "considering C=$c->{Commit} P=$p->{Commit}\n";
my @cmd= (@git, qw(diff-tree -r --name-only),
$p->{Commit},$c->{Commit}, qw(-- debian/patches .pc));
my $patchstackchange = cmdoutput @cmd;
if (length $patchstackchange) {
$patchstackchange =~ s/\n/,/g;
$not->($p, "changed $patchstackchange");
printdebug " search queue P=$p->{Commit} ",
($p->{Nontrivial} ? "NT" : "triv"),"\n";
push @todo, $p;
if (!$sref_S) {
printdebug "quiltify want to smash\n";
my $abbrev = sub {
my $x = $_[0]{Commit};
$x =~ s/(.*?[0-9a-z]{8})[0-9a-z]*$/$1/;
return $x;
my $reportnot = sub {
my ($notp) = @_;
my $s = $abbrev->($notp);
my $c = $notp->{Child};
$s .= "..".$abbrev->($c) if $c;
$s .= ": ".$notp->{Whynot};
return $s;
if ($quilt_mode eq 'linear') {
print STDERR "$us: quilt fixup cannot be linear. Stopped at:\n";
foreach my $notp (@nots) {
print STDERR "$us: ", $reportnot->($notp), "\n";
print STDERR "$us: $_\n" foreach @$failsuggestion;
fail "quilt fixup naive history linearisation failed.\n".
"Use dpkg-source --commit by hand; or, --quilt=smash for one ugly patch";
} elsif ($quilt_mode eq 'smash') {
} elsif ($quilt_mode eq 'auto') {
progress "quilt fixup cannot be linear, smashing...";
} else {
die "$quilt_mode ?";
my $time = $ENV{'GIT_COMMITTER_DATE'} || time;
$time =~ s/\s.*//; # trim timezone from GIT_COMMITTER_DATE
my $ncommits = 3;
my $msg = cmdoutput @git, qw(log), "-n$ncommits";
quiltify_dpkg_commit "auto-$version-$target-$time",
(getfield $clogp, 'Maintainer'),
"Automatically generated patch ($clogp->{Version})\n".
"Last (up to) $ncommits git changes, FYI:\n\n". $msg;
progress "quiltify linearisation planning successful, executing...";
for (my $p = $sref_S;
my $c = $p->{Child};
$p = $p->{Child}) {
printdebug "quiltify traverse $p->{Commit}..$c->{Commit}\n";
next unless $p->{Nontrivial};
my $cc = $c->{Commit};
my $commitdata = cmdoutput @git, qw(cat-file commit), $cc;
$commitdata =~ m/\n\n/ or die "$c ?";
$commitdata = $`;
my $msg = $'; #';
$commitdata =~ m/^author (.*) \d+ [-+0-9]+$/m or die "$cc ?";
my $author = $1;
my $commitdate = cmdoutput
@git, qw(log -n1 --pretty=format:%aD), $cc;
$msg =~ s/^(.*)\n*/$1\n/ or die "$cc $msg ?";
my $strip_nls = sub { $msg =~ s/\n+$//; $msg .= "\n"; };
my $title = $1;
my $patchname;
my $patchdir;
my $gbp_check_suitable = sub {
$_ = shift;
my ($what) = @_;
eval {
die "contains unexpected slashes\n" if m{//} || m{/$};
die "contains leading punctuation\n" if m{^\W} || m{/\W};
die "contains bad character(s)\n" if m{[^-a-z0-9_.+=~/]}i;
die "too long" if length > 200;
return $_ unless $@;
print STDERR "quiltifying commit $cc:".
" ignoring/dropping Gbp-Pq $what: $@";
return undef;
if ($msg =~ s/^ (?: gbp(?:-pq)? : \s* name \s+ |
gbp-pq-name: \s* )
(\S+) \s* \n //ixm) {
$patchname = $gbp_check_suitable->($1, 'Name');
if ($msg =~ s/^ (?: gbp(?:-pq)? : \s* topic \s+ |
gbp-pq-topic: \s* )
(\S+) \s* \n //ixm) {
$patchdir = $gbp_check_suitable->($1, 'Topic');
if (!defined $patchname) {
$patchname = $title;
$patchname =~ s/[.:]$//;
use Text::Iconv;
eval {
my $converter = new Text::Iconv qw(UTF-8 ASCII//TRANSLIT);
my $translitname = $converter->convert($patchname);
die unless defined $translitname;
$patchname = $translitname;
print STDERR
"dgit: patch title transliteration error: $@"
if $@;
$patchname =~ y/ A-Z/-a-z/;
$patchname =~ y/-a-z0-9_.+=~//cd;
$patchname =~ s/^\W/x-$&/;
$patchname = substr($patchname,0,40);
if (!defined $patchdir) {
$patchdir = '';
if (length $patchdir) {
$patchname = "$patchdir/$patchname";
if ($patchname =~ m{^(.*)/}) {
mkpath "debian/patches/$1";
my $index;
for ($index='';
stat "debian/patches/$patchname$index";
$index++) { }
$!==ENOENT or die "$patchname$index $!";
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q), $cc;
# We use the tip's changelog so that dpkg-source doesn't
# produce complaining messages from dpkg-parsechangelog. None
# of the information dpkg-source gets from the changelog is
# actually relevant - it gets put into the original message
# which dpkg-source provides our stunt editor, and then
# overwritten.
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q), $target, qw(debian/changelog);
quiltify_dpkg_commit "$patchname$index", $author, $msg,
"Date: $commitdate\n".
"X-Dgit-Generated: $clogp->{Version} $cc\n";
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q), $cc, qw(debian/changelog);
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q master);
sub build_maybe_quilt_fixup () {
my ($format,$fopts) = get_source_format;
return unless madformat_wantfixup $format;
# sigh
if (quiltmode_splitbrain) {
fail <{'single-debian-patch'}) {
quilt_fixup_singlepatch($clogp, $headref, $upstreamversion);
} else {
quilt_fixup_multipatch($clogp, $headref, $upstreamversion);
die 'bug' if $split_brain && !$need_split_build_invocation;
changedir '../../../..';
@git, qw(pull --ff-only -q .git/dgit/unpack/work master);
sub quilt_fixup_mkwork ($) {
my ($headref) = @_;
mkdir "work" or die $!;
changedir "work";
runcmd @git, qw(reset -q --hard), $headref;
sub quilt_fixup_linkorigs ($$) {
my ($upstreamversion, $fn) = @_;
# calls $fn->($leafname);
foreach my $f (<../../../../*>) { #/){
my $b=$f; $b =~ s{.*/}{};
local ($debuglevel) = $debuglevel-1;
printdebug "QF linkorigs $b, $f ?\n";
next unless is_orig_file_of_vsn $b, $upstreamversion;
printdebug "QF linkorigs $b, $f Y\n";
link_ltarget $f, $b or die "$b $!";
sub quilt_fixup_delete_pc () {
runcmd @git, qw(rm -rqf .pc);
commit_admin <' or die $!;
print $fakedsc <addfile($fh);
print $fakedsc " ".$md->hexdigest." $size $b\n" or die $!;
quilt_fixup_linkorigs($upstreamversion, $dscaddfile);
my @files=qw(debian/source/format debian/rules
debian/control debian/changelog);
foreach my $maybe (qw(debian/patches debian/source/options
debian/tests/control)) {
next unless stat_exists "../../../$maybe";
push @files, $maybe;
my $debtar= srcfn $fakeversion,'.debian.tar.gz';
runcmd qw(env GZIP=-1n tar -zcf), "./$debtar", qw(-C ../../..), @files;
close $fakedsc or die $!;
sub quilt_check_splitbrain_cache ($$) {
my ($headref, $upstreamversion) = @_;
# Called only if we are in (potentially) split brain mode.
# Called in $ud.
# Computes the cache key and looks in the cache.
# Returns ($dgit_view_commitid, $cachekey) or (undef, $cachekey)
my $splitbrain_cachekey;
"dgit: split brain (separate dgit view) may be needed (--quilt=$quilt_mode).";
# we look in the reflog of dgit-intern/quilt-cache
# we look for an entry whose message is the key for the cache lookup
my @cachekey = (qw(dgit), $our_version);
push @cachekey, $upstreamversion;
push @cachekey, $quilt_mode;
push @cachekey, $headref;
push @cachekey, hashfile('fake.dsc');
my $srcshash = Digest::SHA->new(256);
my %sfs = ( %INC, '$0(dgit)' => $0 );
foreach my $sfk (sort keys %sfs) {
next unless $sfk =~ m/^\$0\b/ || $sfk =~ m{^Debian/Dgit\b};
$srcshash->add($sfk," ");
push @cachekey, $srcshash->hexdigest();
$splitbrain_cachekey = "@cachekey";
my @cmd = (@git, qw(log -g), '--pretty=format:%H %gs',
printdebug "splitbrain cachekey $splitbrain_cachekey\n";
debugcmd "|(probably)",@cmd;
my $child = open GC, "-|"; defined $child or die $!;
if (!$child) {
chdir '../../..' or die $!;
if (!stat ".git/logs/refs/$splitbraincache") {
$! == ENOENT or die $!;
printdebug ">(no reflog)\n";
exit 0;
exec @cmd; die $!;
while () {
printdebug ">| ", $_, "\n" if $debuglevel > 1;
next unless m/^(\w+) (\S.*\S)$/ && $2 eq $splitbrain_cachekey;
my $cachehit = $1;
my $saved = maybe_split_brain_save $headref, $cachehit, "cache-hit";
if ($cachehit ne $headref) {
progress "dgit view: found cached ($saved)";
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -q -b dgit-view), $cachehit;
$split_brain = 1;
return ($cachehit, $splitbrain_cachekey);
progress "dgit view: found cached, no changes required";
return ($headref, $splitbrain_cachekey);
die $! if GC->error;
failedcmd unless close GC;
printdebug "splitbrain cache miss\n";
return (undef, $splitbrain_cachekey);
sub quilt_fixup_multipatch ($$$) {
my ($clogp, $headref, $upstreamversion) = @_;
progress "examining quilt state (multiple patches, $quilt_mode mode)";
# Our objective is:
# - honour any existing .pc in case it has any strangeness
# - determine the git commit corresponding to the tip of
# the patch stack (if there is one)
# - if there is such a git commit, convert each subsequent
# git commit into a quilt patch with dpkg-source --commit
# - otherwise convert all the differences in the tree into
# a single git commit
# To do this we:
# Our git tree doesn't necessarily contain .pc. (Some versions of
# dgit would include the .pc in the git tree.) If there isn't
# one, we need to generate one by unpacking the patches that we
# have.
# We first look for a .pc in the git tree. If there is one, we
# will use it. (This is not the normal case.)
# Otherwise need to regenerate .pc so that dpkg-source --commit
# can work. We do this as follows:
# 1. Collect all relevant .orig from parent directory
# 2. Generate a debian.tar.gz out of
# debian/{patches,rules,source/format,source/options}
# 3. Generate a fake .dsc containing just these fields:
# Format Source Version Files
# 4. Extract the fake .dsc
# Now the fake .dsc has a .pc directory.
# (In fact we do this in every case, because in future we will
# want to search for a good base commit for generating patches.)
# Then we can actually do the dpkg-source --commit
# 1. Make a new working tree with the same object
# store as our main tree and check out the main
# tree's HEAD.
# 2. Copy .pc from the fake's extraction, if necessary
# 3. Run dpkg-source --commit
# 4. If the result has changes to debian/, then
# - git add them them
# - git add .pc if we had a .pc in-tree
# - git commit
# 5. If we had a .pc in-tree, delete it, and git commit
# 6. Back in the main tree, fast forward to the new HEAD
# Another situation we may have to cope with is gbp-style
# patches-unapplied trees.
# We would want to detect these, so we know to escape into
# quilt_fixup_gbp. However, this is in general not possible.
# Consider a package with a one patch which the dgit user reverts
# (with git revert or the moral equivalent).
# That is indistinguishable in contents from a patches-unapplied
# tree. And looking at the history to distinguish them is not
# useful because the user might have made a confusing-looking git
# history structure (which ought to produce an error if dgit can't
# cope, not a silent reintroduction of an unwanted patch).
# So gbp users will have to pass an option. But we can usually
# detect their failure to do so: if the tree is not a clean
# patches-applied tree, quilt linearisation fails, but the tree
# _is_ a clean patches-unapplied tree, we can suggest that maybe
# they want --quilt=unapplied.
# To help detect this, when we are extracting the fake dsc, we
# first extract it with --skip-patches, and then apply the patches
# afterwards with dpkg-source --before-build. That lets us save a
# tree object corresponding to .origs.
my $splitbrain_cachekey;
if (quiltmode_splitbrain()) {
my $cachehit;
($cachehit, $splitbrain_cachekey) =
quilt_check_splitbrain_cache($headref, $upstreamversion);
return if $cachehit;
runcmd qw(sh -ec),
'exec dpkg-source --no-check --skip-patches -x fake.dsc >/dev/null';
my $fakexdir= $package.'-'.(stripepoch $upstreamversion);
rename $fakexdir, "fake" or die "$fakexdir $!";
changedir 'fake';
remove_stray_gits("source package");
rmtree '.pc';
runcmd @git, qw(checkout -f), $headref, qw(-- debian);
my $unapplied=git_add_write_tree();
printdebug "fake orig tree object $unapplied\n";
ensuredir '.pc';
my @bbcmd = (qw(sh -ec), 'exec dpkg-source --before-build . >/dev/null');
$!=0; $?=-1;
if (system @bbcmd) {
failedcmd @bbcmd if $? < 0;
fail < quiltify_trees_differ($unapplied,$headref, 1,
\%editedignores, \@unrepres),
H2A => quiltify_trees_differ($headref, $oldtiptree,1),
O2A => quiltify_trees_differ($unapplied,$oldtiptree,1),
my @dl;
foreach my $b (qw(01 02)) {
foreach my $v (qw(O2H O2A H2A)) {
push @dl, ($diffbits->{$v} & $b) ? '##' : '==';
printdebug "differences \@dl @dl.\n";
progress sprintf
"$us: base trees orig=%.20s o+d/p=%.20s",
$unapplied, $oldtiptree;
progress sprintf
"$us: quilt differences: src: %s orig %s gitignores: %s orig %s\n".
"$us: quilt differences: HEAD %s o+d/p HEAD %s o+d/p",
$dl[0], $dl[1], $dl[3], $dl[4],
$dl[2], $dl[5];
if (@unrepres) {
print STDERR "dgit: cannot represent change: $_->[1]: $_->[0]\n"
foreach @unrepres;
forceable_fail [qw(unrepresentable)], <{O2H} & $diffbits->{O2A})) {
push @failsuggestion, "This might be a patches-unapplied branch.";
} elsif (!($diffbits->{H2A} & $diffbits->{O2A})) {
push @failsuggestion, "This might be a patches-applied branch.";
push @failsuggestion, "Maybe you need to specify one of".
" --[quilt=]gbp --[quilt=]dpm --quilt=unapplied ?";
if (quiltmode_splitbrain()) {
quiltify_splitbrain($clogp, $unapplied, $headref,
$diffbits, \%editedignores,
progress "starting quiltify (multiple patches, $quilt_mode mode)";
if (!open P, '>>', ".pc/applied-patches") {
$!==&ENOENT or die $!;
} else {
close P;
if ($mustdeletepc) {
sub quilt_fixup_editor () {
my $descfn = $ENV{$fakeeditorenv};
my $editing = $ARGV[$#ARGV];
open I1, '<', $descfn or die "$descfn: $!";
open I2, '<', $editing or die "$editing: $!";
unlink $editing or die "$editing: $!";
open O, '>', $editing or die "$editing: $!";
while () { print O or die $!; } I1->error and die $!;
my $copying = 0;
while () {
$copying ||= m/^\-\-\- /;
next unless $copying;
print O or die $!;
I2->error and die $!;
close O or die $1;
exit 0;
sub maybe_apply_patches_dirtily () {
return unless $quilt_mode =~ m/gbp|unapplied/;
print STDERR <[0] } @vsns;
@vsns = sort { -version_compare($a, $b) } @vsns;
$changes_since_version = $vsns[0];
progress "changelog will contain changes since $vsns[0]";
} else {
$changes_since_version = '_';
progress "package seems new, not specifying -v";
if ($changes_since_version ne '_') {
return ("-v$changes_since_version");
} else {
return ();
sub changesopts () {
return (changesopts_initial(), changesopts_version());
sub massage_dbp_args ($;$) {
my ($cmd,$xargs) = @_;
# We need to:
# - if we're going to split the source build out so we can
# do strange things to it, massage the arguments to dpkg-buildpackage
# so that the main build doessn't build source (or add an argument
# to stop it building source by default).
# - add -nc to stop dpkg-source cleaning the source tree,
# unless we're not doing a split build and want dpkg-source
# as cleanmode, in which case we can do nothing
# return values:
# 0 - source will NOT need to be built separately by caller
# +1 - source will need to be built separately by caller
# +2 - source will need to be built separately by caller AND
# dpkg-buildpackage should not in fact be run at all!
debugcmd '#massaging#', @$cmd if $debuglevel>1;
#print STDERR "MASS0 ",Dumper($cmd, $xargs, $need_split_build_invocation);
if ($cleanmode eq 'dpkg-source' && !$need_split_build_invocation) {
$clean_using_builder = 1;
return 0;
# -nc has the side effect of specifying -b if nothing else specified
# and some combinations of -S, -b, et al, are errors, rather than
# later simply overriding earlie. So we need to:
# - search the command line for these options
# - pick the last one
# - perhaps add our own as a default
# - perhaps adjust it to the corresponding non-source-building version
my $dmode = '-F';
foreach my $l ($cmd, $xargs) {
next unless $l;
@$l = grep { !(m/^-[SgGFABb]$/s and $dmode=$_) } @$l;
push @$cmd, '-nc';
#print STDERR "MASS1 ",Dumper($cmd, $xargs, $dmode);
my $r = 0;
if ($need_split_build_invocation) {
printdebug "massage split $dmode.\n";
$r = $dmode =~ m/[S]/ ? +2 :
$dmode =~ y/gGF/ABb/ ? +1 :
$dmode =~ m/[ABb]/ ? 0 :
die "$dmode ?";
printdebug "massage done $r $dmode.\n";
push @$cmd, $dmode;
#print STDERR "MASS2 ",Dumper($cmd, $xargs, $r);
return $r;
sub in_parent (&) {
my ($fn) = @_;
my $wasdir = must_getcwd();
changedir "..";
changedir $wasdir;
sub postbuild_mergechanges ($) { # must run with CWD=.. (eg in in_parent)
my ($msg_if_onlyone) = @_;
# If there is only one .changes file, fail with $msg_if_onlyone,
# or if that is undef, be a no-op.
# Returns the changes file to report to the user.
my $pat = changespat $version;
my @changesfiles = glob $pat;
@changesfiles = sort {
($b =~ m/_source\.changes$/ <=> $a =~ m/_source\.changes$/)
or $a cmp $b
} @changesfiles;
my $result;
if (@changesfiles==1) {
fail < 0) {
midbuild_checkchanges_vanilla $wantsrc;
} else {
if ($wantsrc < 2) {
push @dbp, changesopts_version();
runcmd_ordryrun_local @dbp;
postbuild_mergechanges_vanilla $wantsrc;
sub pre_gbp_build {
$quilt_mode //= 'gbp';
sub cmd_gbp_build {
# gbp can make .origs out of thin air. In my tests it does this
# even for a 1.0 format package, with no origs present. So I
# guess it keys off just the version number. We don't know
# exactly what .origs ought to exist, but let's assume that we
# should run gbp if: the version has an upstream part and the main
# orig is absent.
my $upstreamversion = upstreamversion $version;
my $origfnpat = srcfn $upstreamversion, '.orig.tar.*';
my $gbp_make_orig = $version =~ m/-/ && !(() = glob "../$origfnpat");
if ($gbp_make_orig) {
$cleanmode = 'none'; # don't do it again
$need_split_build_invocation = 1;
my @dbp = @dpkgbuildpackage;
my $wantsrc = massage_dbp_args \@dbp, \@ARGV;
if (!length $gbp_build[0]) {
if (length executable_on_path('git-buildpackage')) {
$gbp_build[0] = qw(git-buildpackage);
} else {
$gbp_build[0] = 'gbp buildpackage';
my @cmd = opts_opt_multi_cmd @gbp_build;
push @cmd, (qw(-us -uc --git-no-sign-tags), "--git-builder=@dbp");
if ($gbp_make_orig) {
ensuredir '.git/dgit';
my $ok = '.git/dgit/origs-gen-ok';
unlink $ok or $!==&ENOENT or die $!;
my @origs_cmd = @cmd;
push @origs_cmd, qw(--git-cleaner=true);
push @origs_cmd, "--git-prebuild=touch $ok .git/dgit/no-such-dir/ok";
push @origs_cmd, @ARGV;
if (act_local()) {
debugcmd @origs_cmd;
system @origs_cmd;
do { local $!; stat_exists $ok; }
or failedcmd @origs_cmd;
} else {
dryrun_report @origs_cmd;
if ($wantsrc > 0) {
midbuild_checkchanges_vanilla $wantsrc;
} else {
if (!$clean_using_builder) {
push @cmd, '--git-cleaner=true';
if ($wantsrc < 2) {
push @cmd, changesopts();
runcmd_ordryrun_local @cmd, @ARGV;
postbuild_mergechanges_vanilla $wantsrc;
sub cmd_git_build { cmd_gbp_build(); } # compatibility with <= 1.0
sub build_source {
my $our_cleanmode = $cleanmode;
if ($need_split_build_invocation) {
# Pretend that clean is being done some other way. This
# forces us not to try to use dpkg-buildpackage to clean and
# build source all in one go; and instead we run dpkg-source
# (and build_prep() will do the clean since $clean_using_builder
# is false).
$our_cleanmode = 'ELSEWHERE';
if ($our_cleanmode =~ m/^dpkg-source/) {
# dpkg-source invocation (below) will clean, so build_prep shouldn't
$clean_using_builder = 1;
$sourcechanges = changespat $version,'source';
if (act_local()) {
unlink "../$sourcechanges" or $!==ENOENT
or fail "remove $sourcechanges: $!";
$dscfn = dscfn($version);
if ($our_cleanmode eq 'dpkg-source') {
runcmd_ordryrun_local @dpkgbuildpackage, qw(-us -uc -S),
} elsif ($our_cleanmode eq 'dpkg-source-d') {
runcmd_ordryrun_local @dpkgbuildpackage, qw(-us -uc -S -d),
} else {
my @cmd = (@dpkgsource, qw(-b --));
if ($split_brain) {
changedir $ud;
runcmd_ordryrun_local @cmd, "work";
my @udfiles = <${package}_*>;
changedir "../../..";
foreach my $f (@udfiles) {
printdebug "source copy, found $f\n";
next unless
$f eq $dscfn or
($f =~ m/\.debian\.tar(?:\.\w+)$/ &&
$f eq srcfn($version, $&));
printdebug "source copy, found $f - renaming\n";
rename "$ud/$f", "../$f" or $!==ENOENT
or fail "put in place new source file ($f): $!";
} else {
my $pwd = must_getcwd();
my $leafdir = basename $pwd;
changedir "..";
runcmd_ordryrun_local @cmd, $leafdir;
changedir $pwd;
runcmd_ordryrun_local qw(sh -ec),
'exec >$1; shift; exec "$@"','x',
@dpkggenchanges, qw(-S), changesopts();
sub cmd_build_source {
badusage "build-source takes no additional arguments" if @ARGV;
printdone "source built, results in $dscfn and $sourcechanges";
sub cmd_sbuild {
in_parent {
if (act_local()) {
stat_exists $dscfn or fail "$dscfn (in parent directory): $!";
stat_exists $sourcechanges
or fail "$sourcechanges (in parent directory): $!";
runcmd_ordryrun_local @sbuild, qw(-d), $isuite, @ARGV, $dscfn;
in_parent {
postbuild_mergechanges(<; };
D->error and fail "read $dscfn: $!";
close C;
# we don't normally need this so import it here
use Dpkg::Source::Package;
my $dp = new Dpkg::Source::Package filename => $dscfn,
require_valid_signature => $needsig;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
print STDERR $_[0];
return unless $needsig;
fail "import-dsc signature check failed";
if (!$dp->is_signed()) {
warn "$us: warning: importing unsigned .dsc\n";
} else {
my $r = $dp->check_signature();
die "->check_signature => $r" if $needsig && $r;
$package = getfield $dsc, 'Source';
parse_dsc_field($dsc, "Dgit metadata in .dsc")
unless forceing [qw(import-dsc-with-dgit-field)];
$isuite = 'DGIT-IMPORT-DSC';
$idistro //= $dsc_distro;
if (defined $dsc_hash) {
progress "dgit: import-dsc of .dsc with Dgit field, using git hash";
resolve_dsc_field_commit undef, undef;
if (defined $dsc_hash) {
my @cmd = (qw(sh -ec),
"echo $dsc_hash | git cat-file --batch-check");
my $objgot = cmdoutput @cmd;
if ($objgot =~ m#^\w+ missing\b#) {
fail < 0) {
progress "Not fast forward, forced update.";
} else {
fail "Not fast forward to $dsc_hash";
import_dsc_result $dstbranch, $dsc_hash,
"dgit import-dsc (Dgit): $info",
"updated git ref $dstbranch";
return 0;
fail <{Filename};
my $here = "../$f";
next if lstat $here;
fail "stat $here: $!" unless $! == ENOENT;
my $there = $dscfn;
if ($dscfn =~ m#^(?:\./+)?\.\./+#) {
$there = $';
} elsif ($dscfn =~ m#^/#) {
$there = $dscfn;
} else {
fail "cannot import $dscfn which seems to be inside working tree!";
$there =~ s#/+[^/]+$## or
fail "cannot import $dscfn which seems to not have a basename";
$there .= "/$f";
symlink $there, $here or fail "symlink $there to $here: $!";
progress "made symlink $here -> $there";
# print STDERR Dumper($fi);
my @mergeinputs = generate_commits_from_dsc();
die unless @mergeinputs == 1;
my $newhash = $mergeinputs[0]{Commit};
if ($oldhash) {
if ($force > 0) {
progress "Import, forced update - synthetic orphan git history.";
} elsif ($force < 0) {
progress "Import, merging.";
my $tree = cmdoutput @git, qw(rev-parse), "$newhash:";
my $version = getfield $dsc, 'Version';
my $clogp = commit_getclogp $newhash;
my $authline = clogp_authline $clogp;
$newhash = make_commit_text <",@cmd;
exec @cmd or fail "exec curl: $!\n";
sub repos_server_url () {
$package = '_dgit-repos-server';
local $access_forpush = 1;
local $isuite = 'DGIT-REPOS-SERVER';
my $url = access_giturl();
sub cmd_clone_dgit_repos_server {
badusage "need destination argument" unless @ARGV==1;
my ($destdir) = @ARGV;
my $url = repos_server_url();
my @cmd = (@git, qw(clone), $url, $destdir);
debugcmd ">",@cmd;
exec @cmd or fail "exec git clone: $!\n";
sub cmd_print_dgit_repos_server_source_url {
badusage "no arguments allowed to dgit print-dgit-repos-server-source-url"
if @ARGV;
my $url = repos_server_url();
print $url, "\n" or die $!;
sub cmd_setup_mergechangelogs {
badusage "no arguments allowed to dgit setup-mergechangelogs" if @ARGV;
local $isuite = 'DGIT-SETUP-TREE';
sub cmd_setup_useremail {
badusage "no arguments allowed to dgit setup-useremail" if @ARGV;
local $isuite = 'DGIT-SETUP-TREE';
sub cmd_setup_gitattributes {
badusage "no arguments allowed to dgit setup-useremail" if @ARGV;
local $isuite = 'DGIT-SETUP-TREE';
sub cmd_setup_new_tree {
badusage "no arguments allowed to dgit setup-tree" if @ARGV;
local $isuite = 'DGIT-SETUP-TREE';
#---------- argument parsing and main program ----------
sub cmd_version {
print "dgit version $our_version\n" or die $!;
exit 0;
our (%valopts_long, %valopts_short);
our (%funcopts_long);
our @rvalopts;
our (@modeopt_cfgs);
sub defvalopt ($$$$) {
my ($long,$short,$val_re,$how) = @_;
my $oi = { Long => $long, Short => $short, Re => $val_re, How => $how };
$valopts_long{$long} = $oi;
$valopts_short{$short} = $oi;
# $how subref should:
# do whatever assignemnt or thing it likes with $_[0]
# if the option should not be passed on to remote, @rvalopts=()
# or $how can be a scalar ref, meaning simply assign the value
defvalopt '--since-version', '-v', '[^_]+|_', \$changes_since_version;
defvalopt '--distro', '-d', '.+', \$idistro;
defvalopt '', '-k', '.+', \$keyid;
defvalopt '--existing-package','', '.*', \$existing_package;
defvalopt '--build-products-dir','','.*', \$buildproductsdir;
defvalopt '--clean', '', $cleanmode_re, \$cleanmode;
defvalopt '--package', '-p', $package_re, \$package;
defvalopt '--quilt', '', $quilt_modes_re, \$quilt_mode;
defvalopt '', '-C', '.+', sub {
($changesfile) = (@_);
if ($changesfile =~ s#^(.*)/##) {
$buildproductsdir = $1;
defvalopt '--initiator-tempdir','','.*', sub {
($initiator_tempdir) = (@_);
$initiator_tempdir =~ m#^/# or
badusage "--initiator-tempdir must be used specify an".
" absolute, not relative, directory."
sub defoptmodes ($@) {
my ($varref, $cfgkey, $default, %optmap) = @_;
my %permit;
while (my ($opt,$val) = each %optmap) {
$funcopts_long{$opt} = sub { $$varref = $val; };
$permit{$val} = $val;
push @modeopt_cfgs, {
Var => $varref,
Key => $cfgkey,
Default => $default,
Vals => \%permit
defoptmodes \$dodep14tag, qw( dep14tag want
--dep14tag want
--no-dep14tag no
--always-dep14tag always );
sub parseopts () {
my $om;
if (defined $ENV{'DGIT_SSH'}) {
@ssh = string_to_ssh $ENV{'DGIT_SSH'};
} elsif (defined $ENV{'GIT_SSH'}) {
@ssh = ($ENV{'GIT_SSH'});
my $oi;
my $val;
my $valopt = sub {
my ($what) = @_;
@rvalopts = ($_);
if (!defined $val) {
badusage "$what needs a value" unless @ARGV;
$val = shift @ARGV;
push @rvalopts, $val;
badusage "bad value \`$val' for $what" unless
$val =~ m/^$oi->{Re}$(?!\n)/s;
my $how = $oi->{How};
if (ref($how) eq 'SCALAR') {
$$how = $val;
} else {
push @ropts, @rvalopts;
while (@ARGV) {
last unless $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/;
$_ = shift @ARGV;
last if m/^--?$/;
if (m/^--/) {
if (m/^--dry-run$/) {
push @ropts, $_;
} elsif (m/^--damp-run$/) {
push @ropts, $_;
} elsif (m/^--no-sign$/) {
push @ropts, $_;
} elsif (m/^--help$/) {
} elsif (m/^--version$/) {
} elsif (m/^--new$/) {
push @ropts, $_;
} elsif (m/^--([-0-9a-z]+)=(.+)/s &&
($om = $opts_opt_map{$1}) &&
length $om->[0]) {
push @ropts, $_;
$om->[0] = $2;
} elsif (m/^--([-0-9a-z]+):(.*)/s &&
!$opts_opt_cmdonly{$1} &&
($om = $opts_opt_map{$1})) {
push @ropts, $_;
push @$om, $2;
} elsif (m/^--(gbp|dpm)$/s) {
push @ropts, "--quilt=$1";
$quilt_mode = $1;
} elsif (m/^--ignore-dirty$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$ignoredirty = 1;
} elsif (m/^--no-quilt-fixup$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$quilt_mode = 'nocheck';
} elsif (m/^--no-rm-on-error$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$rmonerror = 0;
} elsif (m/^--no-chase-dsc-distro$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$chase_dsc_distro = 0;
} elsif (m/^--overwrite$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$overwrite_version = '';
} elsif (m/^--overwrite=(.+)$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$overwrite_version = $1;
} elsif (m/^--delayed=(\d+)$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
push @dput, $_;
} elsif (m/^--dgit-view-save=(.+)$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$split_brain_save = $1;
$split_brain_save =~ s#^(?!refs/)#refs/heads/#;
} elsif (m/^--(no-)?rm-old-changes$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
$rmchanges = !$1;
} elsif (m/^--deliberately-($deliberately_re)$/s) {
push @ropts, $_;
push @deliberatelies, $&;
} elsif (m/^--force-(.*)/ && defined $forceopts{$1}) {
push @ropts, $&;
$forceopts{$1} = 1;
} elsif (m/^--force-/) {
print STDERR
"$us: warning: ignoring unknown force option $_\n";
} elsif (m/^--dgit-tag-format=(old|new)$/s) {
# undocumented, for testing
push @ropts, $_;
$tagformat_want = [ $1, 'command line', 1 ];
# 1 menas overrides distro configuration
} elsif (m/^--always-split-source-build$/s) {
# undocumented, for testing
push @ropts, $_;
$need_split_build_invocation = 1;
} elsif (m/^--config-lookup-explode=(.+)$/s) {
# undocumented, for testing
push @ropts, $_;
$gitcfgs{cmdline}{$1} = 'CONFIG-LOOKUP-EXPLODE';
# ^ it's supposed to be an array ref
} elsif (m/^(--[-0-9a-z]+)(=|$)/ && ($oi = $valopts_long{$1})) {
$val = $2 ? $' : undef; #';
} elsif ($funcopts_long{$_}) {
push @ropts, $_;
} else {
badusage "unknown long option \`$_'";
} else {
while (m/^-./s) {
if (s/^-n/-/) {
push @ropts, $&;
} elsif (s/^-L/-/) {
push @ropts, $&;
} elsif (s/^-h/-/) {
} elsif (s/^-D/-/) {
push @ropts, $&;
} elsif (s/^-N/-/) {
push @ropts, $&;
} elsif (m/^-m/) {
push @ropts, $&;
push @changesopts, $_;
$_ = '';
} elsif (s/^-wn$//s) {
push @ropts, $&;
$cleanmode = 'none';
} elsif (s/^-wg$//s) {
push @ropts, $&;
$cleanmode = 'git';
} elsif (s/^-wgf$//s) {
push @ropts, $&;
$cleanmode = 'git-ff';
} elsif (s/^-wd$//s) {
push @ropts, $&;
$cleanmode = 'dpkg-source';
} elsif (s/^-wdd$//s) {
push @ropts, $&;
$cleanmode = 'dpkg-source-d';
} elsif (s/^-wc$//s) {
push @ropts, $&;
$cleanmode = 'check';
} elsif (s/^-c([^=]*)\=(.*)$//s) {
push @git, '-c', $&;
$gitcfgs{cmdline}{$1} = [ $2 ];
} elsif (s/^-c([^=]+)$//s) {
push @git, '-c', $&;
$gitcfgs{cmdline}{$1} = [ 'true' ];
} elsif (m/^-[a-zA-Z]/ && ($oi = $valopts_short{$&})) {
$val = $'; #';
$val = undef unless length $val;
$_ = '';
} else {
badusage "unknown short option \`$_'";
sub check_env_sanity () {
my $blocked = new POSIX::SigSet;
sigprocmask SIG_UNBLOCK, $blocked, $blocked or die $!;
eval {
foreach my $name (qw(PIPE CHLD)) {
my $signame = "SIG$name";
my $signum = eval "POSIX::$signame" // die;
($SIG{$name} // 'DEFAULT') eq 'DEFAULT' or
die "$signame is set to something other than SIG_DFL\n";
$blocked->ismember($signum) and
die "$signame is blocked\n";
return unless $@;
chomp $@;
fail <[0];
$om->[0] = $v;
foreach my $c (access_cfg_cfgs("opts-$k")) {
my @vl =
map { $_ ? @$_ : () }
map { $gitcfgs{$_}{$c} }
reverse @gitcfgsources;
printdebug "CL $c ", (join " ", map { shellquote } @vl),
"\n" if $debuglevel >= 4;
next unless @vl;
badcfg "cannot configure options for $k"
if $opts_opt_cmdonly{$k};
my $insertpos = $opts_cfg_insertpos{$k};
@$om = ( @$om[0..$insertpos-1],
@$om[$insertpos..$#$om] );
if (!defined $rmchanges) {
local $access_forpush;
$rmchanges = access_cfg_bool(0, 'rm-old-changes');
if (!defined $quilt_mode) {
local $access_forpush;
$quilt_mode = cfg('dgit.force.quilt-mode', 'RETURN-UNDEF')
// access_cfg('quilt-mode', 'RETURN-UNDEF')
// 'linear';
$quilt_mode =~ m/^($quilt_modes_re)$/
or badcfg "unknown quilt-mode \`$quilt_mode'";
$quilt_mode = $1;
foreach my $moc (@modeopt_cfgs) {
local $access_forpush;
my $vr = $moc->{Var};
next if defined $$vr;
$$vr = access_cfg($moc->{Key}, 'RETURN-UNDEF') // $moc->{Default};
my $v = $moc->{Vals}{$$vr};
badcfg "unknown $moc->{Key} setting \`$$vr'" unless defined $v;
$$vr = $v;
$need_split_build_invocation ||= quiltmode_splitbrain();
if (!defined $cleanmode) {
local $access_forpush;
$cleanmode = access_cfg('clean-mode', 'RETURN-UNDEF');
$cleanmode //= 'dpkg-source';
badcfg "unknown clean-mode \`$cleanmode'" unless
$cleanmode =~ m/^($cleanmode_re)$(?!\n)/s;
if ($ENV{$fakeeditorenv}) {
print STDERR "DRY RUN ONLY\n" if $dryrun_level > 1;
if $dryrun_level == 1;
if (!@ARGV) {
print STDERR $helpmsg or die $!;
exit 8;
my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
$cmd =~ y/-/_/;
my $pre_fn = ${*::}{"pre_$cmd"};
$pre_fn->() if $pre_fn;
my $fn = ${*::}{"cmd_$cmd"};
$fn or badusage "unknown operation $cmd";