#!/bin/sh check_make_ok() { if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Make Failed..." echo "Please check the messages and fix any problems. If you're still stuck," echo "then please email all the output and as many details as you can to" echo " projects@drogon.net" echo "" exit 1 fi } if [ x$1 = "xclean" ]; then cd wiringPi echo -n "wiringPi: " ; make clean cd ../devLib echo -n "DevLib: " ; make clean cd ../gpio echo -n "gpio: " ; make clean cd ../examples echo -n "Examples: " ; make clean cd Gertboard echo -n "Gertboard: " ; make clean cd ../PiFace echo -n "PiFace: " ; make clean cd ../q2w echo -n "Quick2Wire: " ; make clean cd ../PiGlow echo -n "PiGlow: " ; make clean exit fi if [ x$1 = "xuninstall" ]; then cd wiringPi echo -n "wiringPi: " ; sudo make uninstall cd ../devLib echo -n "DevLib: " ; sudo make uninstall cd ../gpio echo -n "gpio: " ; sudo make uninstall exit fi echo "wiringPi Build script" echo "=====================" echo echo echo "WiringPi Library" cd wiringPi sudo make uninstall make check_make_ok sudo make install check_make_ok echo echo "WiringPi Devices Library" cd ../devLib sudo make uninstall make check_make_ok sudo make install check_make_ok echo echo "GPIO Utility" cd ../gpio make check_make_ok sudo make install check_make_ok # echo # echo "Examples" # cd ../examples # make # cd .. echo echo All Done. echo "" echo "NOTE: This is wiringPi v2, and if you need to use the lcd, Piface," echo " Gertboard, MaxDetext, etc. routines then you must change your" echo " compile scripts to add -lwiringPiDev" echo ""