// -*- C -*- psu_sz_nom = [ 21.59, 35.56 ]; //// toplevels-from: include psu_baffle_cnr_y = 7.45; // from connector end psu_baffle_th = [ 0.8, 3.5 ]; psu_usbend_led_x = 4.5; psu_innerend_led_depth = 10; // ----- calculated ----- psu_usbend_led_depth = psu_baffle_cnr_y*2 - psu_usbend_led_x; module PsuLedBafflePlan(){ baffle_tr = [0, psu_baffle_cnr_y] + 0.5 * [psu_baffle_th[1], psu_baffle_th[0]]; translate([0, -psu_sz[1]/2]) { mirror([1,0,0]) { rectfromto([-psu_baffle_th[1]/2, 0], baffle_tr); rectfromto([-psu_sz[0]/2 - psu_board_support_wall *2, baffle_tr[1] - psu_baffle_th[0]], baffle_tr); } } } module PsuLedWindowsPlanCore(){ difference(){ union(){ // Two LEDs incl "Chrg", one side of inlet connector AtPsuMountCorner(1,0) { rectfromto([ -(psu_board_support_wall + 0.1), +psu_usbend_led_x ], [ psu_sz[0]/2, +psu_usbend_led_depth ]); } // One LED, "Low", other side of inlet connector AtPsuMountCorner(0,0) { sz = psu_baffle_cnr_y - psu_board_support_wall - psu_baffle_th[0]; translate([0, psu_baffle_cnr_y]) rectfromto([ -(psu_board_support_wall + 0.1), -sz/2 ], [ psu_sz[0]/2, +sz/2 ]); } // One LED, PWR, near outlet USB pads AtPsuMountCorner(0,1){ rectfromto([0,0], [psu_sz[0]/2 - psu_hole_pos[1] - psu_hole_dia/2, psu_innerend_led_depth]); } } translate([0, -psu_sz[1]/2]) square(center=true, [psu_baffle_th[1], psu_sz[1]]);; } }