Quacks of Quedlinburg - Books of Pumpkins, etc.

Books of Pumpkins

A friend was disappointed on playing books II-IV that, unlike in book 1, pumpkins are completely inert. With some help and playtesting, I developed the Books of Pumpkins.

They're quite fun. You probably want to mix these in sparingly, by choosing randomly. A completely pumkinated game is quite odd.

House rules and clarifications

We have some house rules which improve turn-taking, adjust the balance of certain chips, and clarify some points.

FTR, we no longer play on the test tube side of the boards. In our experience this significantly overpowers blacks. We have not yet found a good way to debuff them by about the right amount.

The Books of Pumpkins, etc. are extensions to Quacks of Quedlinburg, and are Free Culture. See the git repository for source code.

Copyright 2020-2021 Ian Jackson; Copyright 2018 Lorc (Thomas Tamblyn); Copyright 2014 OSeven. These materials are made available unde GPL-3.0-or-later or CC-BY-SA-4.0, at your option. There is NO WARRANTY. These materials distributed without permission from, and are not endorsed by, the authors and publishers of official Quacks. See LICENCE.txt for full legal details.