To print: * Turn on printer and connect computer. * Start pronterface cd /home/reprap/reprappro-software.git/ ./ * Select "connect", wait for printer to connect * Turn on the hotend and bed heaters * "Load file", select the .stl file. It will be sliced. * "Load file", select the _export.gcode file. It will show up on the RHS. * "SD" / "Upload", accept the suggested filename (but remember it) and when it is done, turn on the hotend and bed heaters again * Home all * Pick ooze off nozzle with fine-nosed pliers * Wait for bed (and hotend) to get up to temperature * Pick ooze off nozzle with fine-nosed pliers * "SD" / "Print", select the file you uploaded earlier * While waiting for it to start (~1min?) pick ooze off nozzle with fine-nosed pliers * Watch while it starts and make sure that the skirt sticks to printbed and nothing gets tangled * Check that filament feed path from feedstock coil looks good. ------------------------------------------------------------ openscad - use wheezy Slic3r - is from slic3r-linux-x86-0-8-4.tar.gz ------------------------------------------------------------ firmware upgrade: firmware is in marlin.git#iwj and works with make various other firmwares for comparison only sprinter-reprappro.git sprinter.git produces Marlin.hex depends on stuff in arduino-0022 (doesn't work with other arduino versions, incompatible) program with avrdude -b 38400 -v -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -p atmega644P -c arduino -U flash:w:Marlin.hex needs the reset jumper (which is right next to the mcu) fitted