3 // properties of the knives
5 widths = [15.5, 15.8, 19.0];
7 handlelendelta = [-15, 0, 10];
8 locations = [-35, 0, 40];
12 templatescale = 27.2 / 19.6;
14 coverlonglen = 120; // xxx
15 covershortlen = 70; // xxx
26 screwbackdepth = 6.0 - 1.0;
28 screwcsinkdia = 9.8 + 1.0;
33 coverside = coverthick;
36 covertopwingbase = 20;
40 side = minsidein + screwcsinkdia + minsideout;
41 totaldepth = front + maxhandledepth + back;
43 minkx = locations[0] - widths[0] /2;
44 maxkx = locations[nknives-1] + widths[nknives-1]/2;
49 module ImportTemplate(w,k,t) {
50 fn = str("knifeblock-knives-t",k,t,".dxf");
52 translate([0,0, -w/2])
53 linear_extrude(height=w)
54 scale(templatescale) import(file=fn, convexity=100);
58 ImportTemplate(bladew, k,"bl");
60 ImportTemplate(widths[k], k,"hl");
62 ImportTemplate(widths[k], k,"hl");
67 translate([locations[k],0,0]){
69 translate([-(handlelenbase + handlelendelta[k]),0,0])
82 cylinder(r=screwdia/2, h=150, $fn=40);
83 translate([0, totaldepth-front - screwbackdepth, 0])
85 cylinder(r=screwcsinkdia/2 / (sqrt(3)/2), h=100, $fn=6);
89 sidemidx = minsideout + screwcsinkdia/2;
92 hull() mirror([0,0,1]) {
93 translate([minx, 0, 0])
94 cube([maxx-minx, totaldepth-front, height]);
95 for (x=[minx + front/2, maxx - front/2])
96 translate([x, -front/2, 0])
97 cylinder(r=front/2, h=height, $fn=30);
99 for (x=[minx + sidemidx, maxx - sidemidx]) {
100 translate([x, 0, -screwabove])
104 translate([0, yshift * frontbackslop, 0])
109 module BlockPrint(){ ////toplevel
114 module CoverTemplate(){
115 linear_extrude(height=coverthick)
118 [maxx, coverlonglen],
119 [maxx - coverside, coverlonglen],
120 [minx, covershortlen]]);
123 module CoverSide(xpos, len){
124 translate([xpos, 0 ,0]) {
126 linear_extrude(height=coverside)
129 [covertopwing, totaldepth],
130 [covertopwingbase, coverside + coverthick],
131 [len - covertopwingbase, coverside + coverthick],
132 [len - covertopwing, totaldepth],
140 CoverSide(minx, covershortlen);
141 CoverSide(maxx-coverside, coverlonglen);
144 module CoverAligned(){
145 translate([0,-front,-height])
150 module Demo(){ ////toplevel
153 color([0,0,1]) CoverAligned();